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  • US Bank NA Plaintiff vs. Nora Duncan, et al Defendant Real Prop Homestead Res Fore =/>$250,000 document preview
  • US Bank NA Plaintiff vs. Nora Duncan, et al Defendant Real Prop Homestead Res Fore =/>$250,000 document preview
  • US Bank NA Plaintiff vs. Nora Duncan, et al Defendant Real Prop Homestead Res Fore =/>$250,000 document preview
  • US Bank NA Plaintiff vs. Nora Duncan, et al Defendant Real Prop Homestead Res Fore =/>$250,000 document preview
  • US Bank NA Plaintiff vs. Nora Duncan, et al Defendant Real Prop Homestead Res Fore =/>$250,000 document preview
  • US Bank NA Plaintiff vs. Nora Duncan, et al Defendant Real Prop Homestead Res Fore =/>$250,000 document preview
  • US Bank NA Plaintiff vs. Nora Duncan, et al Defendant Real Prop Homestead Res Fore =/>$250,000 document preview
  • US Bank NA Plaintiff vs. Nora Duncan, et al Defendant Real Prop Homestead Res Fore =/>$250,000 document preview


Filing # 78660868 E-Filed 10/01/2018 01:28:10 PM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SEVENTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA U.S. BANK, N.A., SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE CASE NO.: CACE18002037 TO LASALLE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDERS OF BEAR STEARNS ASSET BACKED SECURITIES I TRUST 2006- HE10, ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES SERIES 2006-HE10, Plaintiff, NORA DUNCAN AKA NORA JEAN DUNCAN, ET AL., Defendants. / PLAINTIFF’S REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE Plaintiff, by and through the undersigned counsel, and pursuant to Sections 90.202(11), 90.202(12) and 90.902(4), Florida Statutes, hereby respectfully requests this Court to take judicial notice of the following matters: PRELIMINARY STATEMENT LASALLE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION merged into BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Subsequent to the merger, U.S. BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION acquired BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION’S | trust administration business. SPECIFIC FACTS TO BE JUDICIALLY NOTICED Plaintiff requests the Court to take judicial notice of the following facts regarding the acquisition and merger of the banks at issue in this matter: 1237237.1 *** FILED: BROWARD COUNTY, FL BRENDA D. FORMAN, CLERK 10/1/2018 1:28:09 PM.****1. LaSalle Bank, National Association was acquired by Bank of America, National Association on October 17, 2008.' The foregoing fact regarding the acquisition history of LaSalle Bank, National Association is set forth on the United States Federal Reserve System, National Information Center, Federal Financial Institutions website at http://www. flice.gow/nicpubweb/nicweb/InstitutionHistory.aspx?parID_ RSSD—-455534&parDT_EN D=99991231? 2. Subsequently, U.S. Bank, National Association acquired Bank of America, National Association’s trust administration business, formerly held by LaSalle Bank, National Association. Specifically, on December 30, 2010, Bank of America, National Association and U.S. Bank National Association executed an Assignment and Assumption Agreement* which includes the subject loan. 3. To give notice of the acquisition of Bank of America, National Association’s trust administration business, U.S. Bank, National Association issued a press release.* APPLICABLE LAW 4. A court may take judicial notice of “[f]acts that are not subject to dispute because they are capable of accurate and ready determination by resort to sources whose accuracy cannot be questioned.” Fla. Stat. 90.202(12); see also Williams v. Davis, 974 So. 2d 1052, 1064 n.13 (Fla. 2007) (Cantero, J., concurring) (referring to a government website in making a factual determination regarding the importance of canopy roads in Florida). 5. A copy of an official public record, report, or entry, or of a document authorized by law to be recorded or filed and actually recorded or filed in a public office, including data compilations in any form, certified as correct by the custodian or other person authorized to make the ' See Exhibit A. ? See Exhibit B. $ See Composite Exhibit C. 4 See Exhibit D. 1237237.1certificate complying with subsection (1), subsection (2), or subsection (3) or complying with any act of the Legislature or rule adopted by the Supreme Court. Fla. Stat. 90.902(4). ARGUMENT TO CASE AT BAR 6. The National Information Center is a central repository overseen by the Federal Reserve that contains data about banks and other institutions and allows the public to search for detailed information about banking organizations.* Such a source of information provides the capability of accurate determination of facts regarding the organization of banking institutions and therefore this Court should take judicial notice of the facts contained therein. 7. All of the foregoing facts regarding the acquisition history for each entity is set forth on the United States Federal Reserve System, National Information Center, Federal Financial Institutions Examination Counsel’s website at: http://www. 8. Domestic and foreign companies which issue and sell securities in the United States must register with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). 9. The SEC requires public companies to disclose meaningful financial and other information to the general public and requires that the information provided in a company’s registration and filings be accurate. 10. Disclosure of false or misleading information could subject a company to a SEC civil enforcement action for violation of federal securities law. ll. The SEC maintains an Electronic Data Gathering Analysis and Retrieval system (the “EDGAR Database) which contains the disclosure documents that public companies are required to file with the SEC. 12. The EDGAR Database and the company disclosures in contains are freely accessible to the general public. * See Exhibit E, 1237237.113. Plaintiff asserts that sufficient information has been provided to the Court to allow the Court to take judicial notice of the foregoing and that it has provided written notice of its request for judicial notice to counsel for Defendant through the filing of this Request. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully requests this Court to take judicial notice of the foregoing matters. Dated: October 1, 2018 1237237.1 Respectfully submitted, McGLINCHEY STAFFORD /s/ Ralph W. Confreda, Esq. Ralph W. Confreda, Jr., Esq. Florida Bar No. 85794 1 E. Broward Blvd, Suite 1400 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Telephone: (954) 356-2513 Fax: (954) 333-3847 Primary E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail: August CO-COUNSEL FOR PLAINTIFFCERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been furnished, via e-portal and/or U.S. mail as indicated below on this Ist day of October, 2018 to the following: FAEQUA A. KHAN, ESQ. 14707 S. DIXIE HWY, STE. 101 MIAMI, FL 33176 DJONES@DLIONESLAW.COM FKHAN@DLJONESLAW.COM Counsel for Nora Duncan and Robert Duncan MARIE FOX, ESQ. TROMBERG LAW GROUP, P.A. 1515 SOUTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY, SUITE 100 BOCA RATON, FL 33432 ESERVICE@TROMBERGLAWGROUP.COM Co-counsel for Plaintiff /s/ Ralph W. Confreda, Jr, Ralph W. Confreda, Jr., Esq. 1237237.10 Corrptroller of the Quirency Administrator of Natfonal Bunks Washington, RC 20249 CERELECATE 1, Joh C: Dagan, Controller of the Curyency, do hereby cevtlfy that the- document hereto attached {sa trué and catnplets eopy ofthe cetiifieate recorded in this Office, evidencing the Mager of “LaSalle Bank National Association,” - Chieage, Hincis, and “LaSalle Bank Midwest National Assoolssion,* Troy, Michigan with etd jato "Bank of Anterioa, Nationnl Aspocietion,” Cherlotte, Seth Carolina, (Chartor'No, 13044), afffectivte Ostoher 17,2008, JIN ESMIMONY ‘WHERE OF, Ihave Herentto ‘ubjscribed map name avi odueed my seal of office to be affixed to those prosents at fhe ‘heaswy Doparttacit, in the City of Washington end Disxiot of Colyatbia, this 23% day, of December, 2008. fb tego _Comptzallet of the Currency ¢0 Comptroller of the Currency Administrator of National Banks Largs Bank Lioenstng Mail Stop 7-13 250 E Street, SW Washington, DC 20219 October 17, 2008 Ms. Rhadi Thaya Assistant General Counse} Bank of America, National Association 40 W, 57" Streat New York, New York 10019 Re: Applications to merge LaSalle Business Credit, LLC, Chicago, Minoia with and into LaSalie Bank National Association, Chicago, Illinois, and upon consummation of that transaction, 10 merge LaSalle, Bank Nationa) Association and LaSalle Bank Midwest National Association, Troy, Michigan, with and into Bank of America, National Association, Charlotte, North Carolina, Application Control Numbers! 2008-ML-~02-0006 and 2008-MIL-12-0171 “Dear Ms. Thayu; This letter is the official certification of the Offied of the Comptroller of the Currency for LaSalle Business Credit, LLC, Chicago, Ulinois to merge with and into LaSalle Bank National Association, Chicago, Iinois, effective October 16, 2008. This ip also the official certification of the Office of the Comptrolier of the Currency for LaSalle Bank National Association, Chicago, Ulinois, and LaSalle Bank Midwest National Association, Troy, Michigan to merge with and into Bank of America, National Association, Charlotte, North Caralina, effective October 17, 2008. ‘This Jetter is also the official authorization for Bank of America, National Association to operate the former main and branch offices of LaSalle Bank, National Association and LaSalle Bank, Midwest, National Association as branches of Bank of America, National Association, If you have questions regarding this letter, please contact me at (202) 874-5294. Please! seFerenee the application contol siumber in any correspondence. ee Sz thir, off Aue Stop! fon A, Lybanger oad whe Large Bank LivesAssociation (the “A the United States of America and having its pri ASSISTAN'T SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATE OF BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION The ondes ened, Nathas A. Barth, an Assistant Secretary of Bank of America, National dation”), 4 vational banking association organized and cxisting under the laws of cipal place of business in the City of Charlotte, County of Mecklenburg, State of North Carolina, does hereby certify that: Effective Aprit 30, 1999, LaSalle Bank National Association, Chicago, Hlinois, Charter er 14450, merged with and into LaSalle National Bank, Chicago, [inois, Charter mbet 14362, under the charter of the Iaiter and title of the former. Effective Oetober 17, 2008, LaSalle Tank National Assuciation, Chicago, [inois, Charter Number 14362 merged into and under the charter and title of Bank of America, National aXsgociation, Charlotte, North Carolina, Charter Number 13044, FN WITNESS WHERECF, | have hereupon set my band and affixed the seal of said Association the 2(" day af October, 2008. Be Reco a Nathan A.B Assistant Seeretary ‘InstitutionHisioxy Page 1 of 1 FRTEC hore | Federal Reserve Boar home Accessibility | Dissimee J Privacy ‘ Policy NIG Home |{_inetitulion Search USBA Soarch fice> siaB TY] BHOPR Poor Reporls|||__Othar Reports Il FAG Institafion History for CHICAGO BRANCH (455634) 8 fosliiutlan history record(s) found. [erent : ce Ee Historfoat event : 7088-10418 CENTRAL NB IN CHICAGO [ooated at CHICAGO, IL Was established us a Nationat Bark. 4874-06-01 CENTRAL NB IN CHICAGO wos renamed to CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK I CHICAGO. 4985-00-21 GENTRAL NATIONAL BANK IN CHICAGO was vanamed to EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK OF GHICAGO, 90019.01 SXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK DF CHIGASO was renamnad fo LASALLE NATIONAL BANK. and moved io 126 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO, IL. Jjase-00.30 LASALLE NATIONAL BANK moved fo 185 SOUTH LASALLE STREET CHICAGO, tL. 7980-05-01 LASALLE NATIONAL BANK was renamed fo LASALLE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, 2008 41047 LASALLE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Woa acquired by BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, “0n8.10-17 LASALLE BANIC NATIONAL ASSOCIATION was renamed CHICAGO BR and maved to 195 SQUTH VA SACLE STREET CHICAGO, (Land became a branch of BANK OF ANGRICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Page 1 off MO Home | FAQ| Hele | Contact Us bitp://www ffiec,: govialepubweb/nioweb/LnstitutionEistory aspx ?patID_RSSD=455534&p.. 5/22/2045ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION KGREEMERT ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT, dated as of December 80, _ 2010 {this “Agreement’}, by and among the following parties: (] Bank of Amorica, N.A,, a national banking assosiation (“BANA”), acting on its own behalf and through its branch office In Londen, fi) Bank of Amierloa a Tinst Delaware, a national banking association BA Nati {(BANational Trust’), (i U.S. Bank National Association, a national banking association (‘USB"), {M Blavon Finenciel Services Limited, « private limited company iocorporated under Irish law (“Hlavoty’), and (*) U.S. Bank Trust National Association, a national banking association (USB Trust’), BANA and BA National Toast ate collectively referred to herein as “Assignarg.” USB, Elavon and USB Trust are collectively referred to herein as “Assignees,” RECITALS The Asvignors and the Assignees have entered into thet sertain Purchase Agreement, dated as of Noveriber 11, 2010, (the “Purchase Agreernent"}, providing for, among other things, the sale, assigument, conveyance, transfer and delivery by Assignors to Assignees, and the acquisition by Assignees from Assfgnora, all of the Rights of the Assignots end the assumption by Assignees from Assignors of the Assumed Liabilities. Capitalized terms used herein. and not otherwise defined herein shail have the meanings given to them in the Purchase Agreement. In accordance with Section 2.8 of the Purchase Agreemont, the Assigaces have agreed to assume and theteafter pay, perform or discharge, as the case may be, except to the exient being contested in good faith, tha Assumed Liabilities by which the Assignore are obligated. E AGREEMENT “Now, THEREFORM, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, and pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, Assignors and Assignees, intending tobe legally hound by this Agreement, hereby agree as follows: 1, Assignment by Assizuor. } Upon the terms and subject to the conditions of the Purchase Agreement and the Acknowledgment of Succeeded Relationships entered into by the Assignots, the Assignees, and Banke of Ametica (GSS) Limited on the date firet above written (the *Acknewledgment’) and subject to Section 6 hereof, BANA (fbr the avoidance of doubt, not acting tarough its branch office n London for these purposes), hereby assigtia end transfers to USB, all of tha Rights of BANA relating only to the Relatiouships administered by the EXHIBITBusiness from. the United States, free and clear of all Hens, (b} Upon the terms and stthject to the couditions of the Purchase Agreement and the Acknowledgment and. suhjeat to Section 6 hereof, BANA, acting through its brenck offiee in Loudon hereby assigns and tratisfers to Blavon acting through its branch office in London (} all of the Rights of BANA acting through its branch office in London relating only to the Relationships administered by the Business from the United Kingdom, free and clear of all Liens and (ii) the part of the Business telating thereto as a going concer. (c}] Upon the terms and subject to the conditions of the Purchase Agreament and the Aclmowledgment and subject to Section 6 hereof, BA National Trust, hereby assigns and transfers to USB Trust, all of the Rights of BA National Trust, free and clear of ail Liens. (dj Upon the terms and sitbject to the conditions of the Purchase Agreement, the Assignors hereby assign and transfer to the Assignees, effective at the Conversion, ‘Time, the Software and Intellsetual Property owned. by Assignore that is set forth on Aunex7 of the Purchase Agreement. {e) Upon the terms and subject to the conditions of the Purchase Agreement and the Acknowledgment, the Assignors hereby assign. and transfer to the Assignees the ‘Assumed Liabilities, and the Assignors shall have no further obligations at Habilities with taspect to the Assumed Liabilities from and after the date hereof, except as described in the Transaction Agreemants. 2, Ase tion by the Asi 28. fa) ‘Upon the terms and subject to the conditions of the Purchase Agreement and the Acknowledgment and subject to Section 6 hereof, USB hereby acespts the assignment and transfer of, and assumes from BANA. (or the avoidance of doubt, not acting though ifs branch office in London far these purposes), all of the Rights of the Assighors relating only to the Relationships administered by the Business from the United States, free and clear of all liens. (b) Upon the terme and sttbject to the conditions of the Purchase Agreement and the Acknowledgment and stibject to Section 6 hereof, Blavon acting through its braveh office in London hereby accepts the assignment and transfer of, and assumes from BANA acting through its branch office in Landon, {all of the Rights of BANA acting through its branch office in London relating only to the Relationships administered by the Businane from the United Kingdom, free and clear of all Liens and (ij the part of the Business relating thereto as a going concern. {ot Upon the terms and subject to the conditions of the Purchase Agreement and the Acknowledgment and sttbject to Section 6 hereof, USB Trust hereby accepts the assignment and transfer of, and assumes from BA National Trust, all of the Rights of BA National Trust, free and clear of all Liens. (da) Upon the terms aind subject to the conditions of the Purchase Agreement, ihe Asaignees hereby accept tho assigtment and transfer from. the Assignors, and assume all of, effective at the Conversion Time, the Software and Intellectual Property owned by Assiguors that is set forth on Annex 7 of the Purchase Agreement, 2() Upon the terms and subject to the conditions of the Purchase Agreement and the Acknowledgment, the Assignees hereby accept the assignment and transfer from the Aesignors, and assume all of, the Assumed Liabilities. The Assiguees will pay, perform and/or discharge, as applicable, if and when due, such Assumed Liabilities. Anything te the contrary notwithstanding, the Assignees exe specifically not assuming any of the Excluded Liabilities. $3. Perms of the Pusehase Agreement, Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to modify, limit, extend or amend any of the rights, obligations or representations and warrantiss of any party hereto under or in the Purchase Agreement and no additional representations aud warranties, express, implied ar otherwise (nciuding, without limitation, wartanttes or merchartability and fitness for use or & particular purpose}, shall be deemed to be created by this Agreement, In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the terms of this Agreement and the Purchase Agreement, the terms of the Purchase Agreement shell control, 4, Suscessors and Assigns. The provisions of this Agreement will bo binding ‘upon and inure ta the henefit of the parttes hereio and their respective suocessors and assigns; provided that uo party may assign, delegate or otherwise transfer any af its rights ar obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of each other party hereto. Any purported assignment in contravention of this provision shatl be null and void, 5, Amendments and Waivers, & Any provision of this Azreement may be amended or waived if the amendment or waiver is written and signed, in the case of an amendment, by each party to this Agreement, or in the case of a waiver, by the party against whom the waiver is to be effective. {eg No faitare or delay by any party in exercising any right, power or privilege under this Agreement will operate 4s a waiver nor will any single or partial exercise preclude any other or further exercise. 6. Assignment of Certain Contracts, Nothing eontained in this Agreement shall be construed as au attempt to agree to assign ony contract, lease or other agreement as to which the purpotied assignment hereunder is finally determined by a court of coripotent jurisdiction not to have been effective, 7. Counterparts: otiveness. This Agreement may be excouted and delivered in any mumber of counterparts, each. of which. will be an criginal, with the same affect as if the signatures therato and hereto were upon the same instrument. This Agreement will become effective when each pariy has received a counterpart hereof signed by the ather party. 8, Govemiug Law, This Agreement will be govetned by and construed in accordance with the lew of fhe State of New York applicable to cantracts made and to be performed entirely within that State. 9, Ho Third Party Beneffoiaries, Nothing in this Agreement, whether express or implied, is intended to confer any rights ar remedies under or hy reason of this Agreement on any other person or entity other than the parties hereto and their respective 3sticcessors and perinitted assigus, nor is anything iu this Agreement intended to relieve of discharge the obligation or lability of any third persons to any party, nor shall any provision give any third parties any right of subrogation or action over or against any party. This Agreement is nat intended to and. does hot create any third parly heneticiary rights whatsoever, Anything ta the contrary notwithstanding, however, the Assignees shall pe liable to the third parties to whom the payment, performance and/or discharge, as applicable, of the Asstnted Liabilities which have been assumed by them hereunder are owed under the contracts, leases and other agreements pursuant to which thase Assumed Lishilities were created or may arise. : [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS]If WMNWESS WHEREOE, the partios herets have exectited and delivered this Assigament and Assumption Agtousvent as of tae dato fizet above waitten. ASSIGNORS: BANE OF AWBRICA, HA. DELAWARE ASSIGNERS: U.S. BAH NATIONAL ASSOCIATION BPAVOW PINANCIAL SERVICES Lyerren By Namet ee ‘Bie _ U.S, BANE TRUST NAHONAE ASSOCIATIONIW WITNESS WHERROF, the parties hereto have exseuted and delivered this Assigument and Assumption Agreement as of the date first above written. i ASSIGNORS: i : BANK OF AMERTOA, NA, Ey; 7 Nemo: ‘Title: BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST DELAWARE ASSIGNEES; U.S. RANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION By: Name: Tie: BLAVON FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMEFSD By: eee Name} ‘Title: U.S. BANK TRUSP NATIONAL ASSOCTATION By: Name: Title: [Signature Page to Assignnent and Assumption Agreement]IN WITRESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed and dolivered this Assignnient and Assunyption. Agreement ae of the date fret above written, ASSIGNORS: BANE OF AMERICA, 1.4. By: Name: —_— Tite: _ RAWH OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST DELAWARE ASSIGNEES: U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION RLAVON FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED By: Name: ‘Title: : US, BARK TRUST NATIONAL ASSOCIATION By Mier FxeCotNe vie f [Signature Page to dasignnient aud Assumption Agreement] _ LSE amie: airs R Ate . te Bayan reatIN WITNESS WHBREOR, the parties hereto have exeouted and deliverad this Assignment and Aesumption Agreement as of the date first above written, ASSIGNORS: BANK OF AWWRIGA, NA, By Name: ‘Titles RANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST DELAWARE By: Wama: ‘Tiles ASSIGNEES, US, BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION By: Nemes ‘Title: BLAVON FENANOIAL, SERVICES LIMITED 7 By: Dene atm Deel, Nexnes Lyneh, _ yrch; ‘Title: Birector US, BANK TRUST NATIONAL ASSOCIATION [Signature Page to Assignment and Assumptlon Agreament?a TEE Perot bp oa 1s OO8O20G200%9 Tyne: LAR arenes Goodwin ne . 64.567 169-187 Counsefars ot Law One Constitution Plaza Haxtford, Conttéeticut 06103-1813 Ch ARIIDAVIT The undersigned, Charles ¥. Pedersen, a Vico President of U.S, Bank Natonal Association ("USB"), and James Basinger, a Sentor Vice President of Bank of America, NA. BoA”; BoA and USB each “Banke, being duly sworn, each deposes and says that: Ae Lam authorized to exeoute this Affidavit on bolalf of my Banik, aud amt doing co solely in my capacity as an authorized officer of such Bank. 2. Thave personal knowledge of the matters desotibed in this Affidavit. B. Pursuant to a Purchase Agreenient by and amiong Bonk of America, NLA, Bank of America (GSS) Limited, Bank of. Amotioa National ‘Trust Delaware, U.S, Banke ‘Natfonal Association, Hlavon Financial Services Limited and U.S, Bank Trust National ‘Agsociation, USB acquired BoA’s securitization trust administration business (fhe “Aranived Assay”). | & Whe Acguized Assets included all Ofthe mortgage-backed transadtions descdlbed on Schedule 4 attached hereto (the “Mortgage-Backed ‘fransactions”), §. Accordingly, USB has succeeded BoA as trustee in. the Mortgage-Backed ‘Transactions. . mnWityésses: LEEC ES ‘Nexis: Cherles ¥. Pedersen Tifler Vice President . s Zz a US. BANE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ‘Sonia Thampi = : f Gane Mi loads My Ohinmission Expites; |" Bl 2SWitnesses: Lwk oosilh Curt Kendall Ngfgé: James Basinger Tht: Senior Vice President — A BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. > Hanson Thurston. : # STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MECKLENBURG J, Jamas B. Dvigalns, a Notary Public for said State and County do ftereby centity that James Basinger, Curt Kendall and ‘Harrison Thurston, all personally kaiown to me, did appear before me this date and exequted the foregoing instrument. SUBSCRIBED AND. SWORN TO bafore me this 11th day of Rebruaty, 2011 h) ‘ itll, Se en, = we Ye James E, Dwiggina 3F NOTARY = n Expires: May 02, 2013 Be PUBLIC 3s 49 < he os 3 = EN eG "an ASCHEDULE A . i FACGS 4004, LEG Serer 2004-1 Seuured Notos : Ameroan Tower Tris | Commercial Mortgage Puss-Tisough Cortiffeates, Serius 2007-1 Amrésco Commercial Mortgage Funding { Corporation Moctgage Pass-Through Geiiificates Sories1997-C1 Katieaatis COO i Deposttor, LLC Comuncrial Mortgego Pass-Through Certiflostes Series 2002-WGLeL |Assel Beculiizalion GarporaGen Commercial Mortgage Pess/Through Cevtflcates fartas L9SS-D1 [Asact Goouitzation Componation Goramercial Mortgage Pese-Taraugh Certtiestes Scries 1985-MD IV. [Asigh Seoiestlon Corporation Cursmarcial Morigage Pass-Through Conlifcatee Series 1995-02 ‘Aagot Sncariuation Sorgaration Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Cettontes Srios 1996-03 oo Haget Scout hication Corporailon Commercial Morigaga Pass-Through Cerdflcates Series 1996-M) Vi [Asset Secunldzation Corporation Coramercial Modgege Paaa-Through Certiflostes Sarios 1997-L4 7 raat OnaIROCE Commorelel Marigage Loan Trust Cammmnoraid Mortgage baeTarough Certificates Rories 2000-CL oi Bearoe Cammarata Warigago Seciries tno. Commorolel Manges Pase-Tarough CortGeates Sories 1998-C1 [Boar Steame Oonmerclal Morigaga Securities Tao. Commurctel Marizage Pass-Through Ceriiffcates Sories 1999-Ci (Boar Stearns Commeroiot Mortgage Securities inc. ‘Commiercint Mortgegs ‘Pass-Through Certificates Series 2002-PBW1 ‘Bear Sioema Contanrcl Morigego Securities Ine. Commercial Mortgage Pues-Tiroush Cotleoatas Series 2002-PWR2 bites disemes Commccal Hava Sevalios Tro Comet Margage Pe Through Coitistes Sees 4005-TOPIQ Bear Stearns Commerciak Mortgage Secariiies Inc, Commorcidl Mortgage. ‘Pass-Through Cartlflvatcs Series 200¢-PWR3 cu Stearng Commercial Worlgage Scowltios Ina. Commarolal Mortgage Fast-Tirough Certificates Boriga 2004+ WR4 Box Sioame Commercial Moriego Srouelles Ine, Comiarelal Monkyage Dast-Tarought Confieates Serict 2004-°WRS Beat Steams Commeroied Mortgage Seaurities Ine, Commertial Mextgge ‘Pass-Through Cert Qvates Serios 2004-PWRE lear Stearns Comumeroial Muriango Seouritles Ine, Comrnorcisl Mortgape Pass-Through Certificates Series 2005-PWRIO Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Scourltlas Ine, Commercial Mortgage Pass-Througn Cettifleates Sorics 2005-PWR7 Ione Sextus Contmaselal Moraine Secardias Ine, Commorotal Mottgego Pavs-Thtowgh Certificates Series 2005-FWES oak Blonmas Comsnisolil Movigege Securtiee foo, Commercial Mortgage Poss-Tarough Coniltteates Sortes 2005-PWRO Hicar Steam Commmaolal Mongags Scolles Tre. Corwacroal origage Pase-Tecug Ce estes Aol 2000 PWRLT 7 Soar Siencta Commerclel Murigaye Securtics ira Cominotold Mortgage Pass-Tarough Cavltfeaten Serine 2005-PWRI2 doen a OO een ca apne Iiear Steams Commorelal Mortgage Securities in. Commercial Morgage Pass-Through Cortificates Series 2006-PWRIS Rear Steatas Commerolat Mortgage Scourities Ine, Commetelal Mortpage Pass-Through Cortioates ‘Serles 2006-PWRIA age Stouts Coniinoroad iotgago Seetitos ine, Comaorele Neorigage Pass-Through Ceilfeates Sars 2007-PWRIS Har Steams Commacclal Motigage Secuitics ine, Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Cerhftcates Serles Z007-PWRIG * 'iicat Btoesns Commerolal Mortangs Seourilies {n¢, Commerclal Morigene Pass-Through Gectifigates Serlos 2007-PWRI7 Bear Stearns Comnteroial Mortgage Securities tno, Commercial Mortgaxo Pass-Through Cartltioutes Sertes 2007-PHRIB (Bedford Capital Trust 2002-1 Calivest Industriel Trast Cammarolat Wortgone Fess Through Coriaeates, Series 2002-GALW Dpto America Seourtizetion Corporation Commarglal Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Series 1998-D7 epital Lease Bonding Sectrldeation LP, Cerporsic Tredit Hnoked Pass-Through Cettifientes Sertes 1997-CTL1 GARS CNI IP Tipie Net Loasa Mortgage Nokks, Series 2005-1 Zi BHDSCDI Commrerelal Mortgage Teast Commershat Mortgage Past-Throngh Certifigates Seti 2005-CD1 ED 2006-CD2 Conmcraial Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates [Cb 2006-CD3 Commercial ‘Morigege Pass-Through Certificates GB TUST-GDT Commerc Mortgage Tie Commerc htortgige PessTivctgh Conlcatos Series CD 2007-CD4 {Ci MMIMESG Commercial Mortzage Pass-Through Certificates : CDG Commercial Morlgage Trust 2002-FX | Commarsial Mertgage Pass-Through Certitioates, Berlos 2002-FX1 Ghandter Fashion Ceater A/B Note Jnarenennssanarcnensenpnat-nint(Chase Corneal Mioriguge Sourton Corp, Cotsricolal Manigoge Sess-Tartigh Certlficaes Serle 1999-2 ‘Guage Continent Wlongage Seeatos Cong, Commerotal Mortgage Pass-Through Covfieias Sores 20002 Chrysler Building Morigege Trust Commorsial Morigogs PaseThrough CerttGionles Series 2001-C3A, Gilgronp Cortina cial Mortgage Sevurllita tne. Commercial Mortgage Pavs Through ‘Certfieates Serles 2004-C1 (Citigroup Conuras age Soeustiea tie. Commercial Morlgage FastThough Corffietes Sores 2005-03 Gitigroup Commorciat Mortgage Sevurities ine. Conimercial Mortgage Fass-Throvet Cortifiegtos Series 2005-66 _[Giigriup Gontnercat Morignge Trost 2006-04 Comameretet Morass Pasi Through Cerdidontes Series 2006-C4 Giro Coromercb Mortage Trust Rives Conrerdla Mortgage Pese-Tbvought Colones Sees 206-CS iigroup Covimoralat Uorigage Tra! 2006-FL2 Comveatolal Morigngy Faxe-Tlrouh Cates, eres DO06RLE ligoig Coravotsal Morlgagp Test 2007-Cb Comméelel Monigge Pose“Teough Coston: Beries 2607-06 Eonetal Seouitios SBA RRIG Trust LGSRALE CUBS Commarcinl Moniaxe Trust 2006-Ui, Commersial Mattgage Pess-Thraugh Carlltfeaies, Series 200601 EGRAL Chas Conia cal Marigage Task OV 7C2, Connaraal Mortgige PaseTlirough Cortera, Secs MOTE SOSALT Ghia Conmmecdal Warlgnga Trust 1007-8, Commercial Morigags Pse-Thrangh Caefiostes, Series DOTEES * GOR 1995-4 Contaaccotd Mortgage Pass-Through Cortidleates 7 GOMALZUA-WPA Commeralal Mortgage Pass-Through Cartifisatea OMIM GIS-FLIO Commercial Mortgage Pass-Tarough Corificntes BORN 200eCNLZ Comineroial Morigene-Hacked Certificates BOM 200EFL1d Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Cetifestes _ Conan 20re. ta Commeccal Mowtgea Pose-Throwah Ceateetes Sotameria Mortgage Ancaptmies Corp. Conumervial ‘Faorigegn PesseThrongir Cortifloates Sores 1998-01 Goinunarcla Wattage Aceaptanoe Corp. Commercial Wforigage Pnos-Vhrouglt Cotfisates Berles 1989-01 [Gommacelel Mortgage Ascot Trast Commeraial Mortgage Pass-Through Cortificatas Series 1992C1 Gormmnerclal Manigage Avent Trot Ooiamorclal Marigage PaseTirenigh CerGficatss Seros 1999.C2 Zonrnecclat Meigage .casoSasked Scouts LUC Corina Worangs Eesae Basted Corteates Series 100i CML EL 'Gominorelal Mortgage Trust 2007-GG11, Consaioraink Mortangs. "Fae Through Corlitioates, Series 2057-061) Commteywide Comuicrotal Mortgage Trust DCTP? Commercial Morigage Pass-Through Coulffenter Series 2007-MFi Sredie Suisse Free Boston Montinge Souris Comp, Commersal Merigage Pass-Through Canifeates Series 1997-02 | Credit Sulise Firs Boalon Mortango Seourttios Corp. Commareial Mortgage Fass-hrous ‘Cortificates Seriea 2001-CKI 7 Sie Silaes Fit Boson Worgage Soowsifea Corp. Contrertet Morigaga Pass-Through Ostleates Serios 2004-05 cadlé Siege Fist Rasion Movigage Goalies Corp. Comercial Mortgage Pais-Through Cordeates Sorles ROTEL Grail Soleo Saat Boston Movigage Secorltes Corp. Commercial Modgage PeseThrough Certiostes Sores 20S TELT -Gradit Bulese Fit Boson Mortesge Scouites Comm. Comreld Mortgage Pasi-Throtgh Certitoates Series 005-THL. Grouit Sulsse Piet Boston Morigagy Seourldles Corp. Commerciel Mortage Fase Through Certificates Serios 2006.04 rca Biles sa Boston Mi gage Serelios Gorp. Conutuselel Mergage Fass"Tieough Carticates Soria Te TELA Seodit Salas Frat Boston Morignae Saourtig Corp, Commerlal Mortgage Pase-Chrougt Cerliftoates Sortes 2007-C2 Spot Sukas Fe Bowdon Motgage Seonrldes Corp. Conmortal Mortgage Yase/Tioush Carfisetes Series ToT redid Sulses Fist Boston Moitgage Sooutitles Corp, Coimmeccle! Mortgage "Faas Through Centifonies Series 2007-64 er 1. Sredit Sulsss First Boston Mortgage Seourdtlos Corn. Conmmercial Moctgage Pase-Thirough Certitiestes Series Corp 2002-CRS Sredt Suisse First Bosjot: Morgago Seovrlten Corp. Commeruial Morgue Fase-Throvgh Girtiflestes Sories2006-C2. Badstand Nall Mortgage Trust Commerclat Mortgage Pase‘Tirough CertGeaten Sores 2002-C2A DH TSCHE MORTGAGE & ASSET RECEIVING CORPORATION Commecclat Merigene ‘Pass-Through Cortltiontes Serles 1998-C1 lSatriScHs MORTGAGE & ASSET RECEIVING CORPORATION Muliliunly Mortzage Pass-Through Cautificaies Seiten 200 | BUY Carantvalal Mortgage Goip. Commerc Moilgage Faat-Thraugh Catfetes Sares 199HCOL SEY Canmnatal Mortgage Carp. Conimerstal Wargage Past-Thongh Certificates Series 1989CO1 FET Cisgnersal Morigoge Geng, Commarcel Mongnge Pass-Theaugh Ceviicales Seri 1999-602 BEY Commrslal Marigage Corp. Comsoreial Motigage Fias-Through Certianas Berit 1oHCOT 1BRCA Seaurad Franeltse Loan Trust Certificates Series 1999-1 BECA Secured Francia Loan Trust Certificates Series 1999-2 FCA Soaured Franckloe Loa Trust Carificates Setias 2000-1 Find Unlot Comuirereal Motigoge Secures no. Commarcai Morgane Faxs-Thiough Ceallfcates Bers 1997-02 figs Gnicn Commaralal Morigage Somurifes Tae. Covarverlel Marigage Pase-threp sh Cecoates Sovtes 1999-C1 IBicr Union Commercial Mactaage Seourfles tne, Commersial Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Ssties 1999-C2 “| Fl Doposter ine, Contaerolal Morigage Pese-Thougli Certificates, Sores 2003-EPR Four Tires Squire Tras, Commental Mongage Pess-Tirabgh Conttieates, Series 2006-4 [Ge STRATEGIC INVESTIAENTS LP Mortgega Pucs-Through Certificates Serles 2002-WLt [Gallery at Heacborplace Mortgage ‘trust ‘Comnsendal Morigega Pass. Through Cortlflontes Series 2000-C5C [Gis Capital Commaroial Morigess Comporetion Commerclas Mortzoge Poas-Thronght Carthtieates Sertes 2007-1 [GE Capel Comatla Mortgage Conporetion Conigaisel Morigags Pese-Throngls Coriticates Seites 2001-3 |i Capital Gonanerlat Mongvas Covgralan Cornmeal Mongnge PaseTivongh Cericatea Bedes 200224 (GE Comimersial Mottange Corporation Cotimerolel Mortgage PossThrough Camflonies Sees 3006-01 ECM LLC Commercinl Mortgage Fass‘Thtough Cardifeates, Sorits 2003-¢ GNAG Commeralel Mortgage Seanrities lac. Mortgage Pass-Through Certifies Serios 1998-C} MAC Corumeraial Mortenae Soopritles Inc, Mortgage Fass-Terough Cottiiiesies Scriss 1998-02 GMAG Coiinaralal Mortgage Securities Int. Mortgage Pass-Through Cortfficates ‘Sevieg 1999-C2t GREAG Conmar i Mortgage Stauitles Inc. Mortgage Poss-‘Thichgh Ceulficates ‘Serfes 2000-C1 2 GRTAC Commomin Mortgare Ssausiles ine, Mortgage Pass-Through Certeates Series 2000-C3 GREAC Connerolal Mortgage Seonities ino. Motigage Pess TP Marga Chute Commerc Merigage Seoutties Comp, Commerlal Merigngs Pass-Through Catfioaes Geog B003CL IP. iorgan Chase Commercial Mettgaye Bevaritas Corp, Cowmnerelal “Mortgage Pass Through Certiientos Seria 2003-CIRCG IP. Kforgua Case Comnaorolat Marigage Seattlies Corp, Comiorcinl Morigngs Pass-Throvsls ‘Gerliicatss Series 2903-CIBC7 Ei Morgan Chass Comariovelat Mrigage Seoirti Corp. Connéreal Mortgage Pass-Through Cartificates Soriss 2003 IZP, Morgen Chase Commarctel Marga Seeurities Carp. Commnardial Mortgage Pass-Througi Con{ficaies Serles 2003-MLE FB: Novgan Chass Commoareil Morigago Seaitities Corp. Commereal Morgage Pass-Through Ceflegtes Series BNC rrp: Marga Came Consmercel Marigege Sevnrtiea Corp, Commereal Mattgage Poss-Tiveugit Cotioates ‘Sedos 2004-C1ACS FB: Morgan Chave Commercial Movizayd Searles Cot, Commaceal Wrtgnte Pes-Throust Cenifestes Berles 2007-02 . iP: Margin Chase Comaoreial Mortgage Ssouritics Casp. Coramersial ‘Montgage Passathrough Certificates Series 200¢-PNCL TP. Margan Chase Commere\s] Mortgage Beauties Corp, Conmmerelal Morigaue Past-Through Certificates Series: 3003-CB 12 FB: Mangan Chree Cotirestail Mortgage Seis Camp, Commoreial Mortgnee Pess-Titough Centesten Series 20LD FT 7}, Margan Chase Commerejat Mortgage Seeutities Corp, ‘Comnnorotal Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Series 2009-LDF2 FB. Morgan Garso Commereiai Morignge Seeufittes Corp, Commercial Mosttago ‘Pasi chaough Cedtiteaies Surtes 2005-LD03 7B. Morgari Cave Comnneroid Mart gage Soeurides Carp, Comragrsiel Martguge Pass-Through Cyriffeates Series 2005-LDP4 TB Morgan Chase Coninneroal Varigaga Beourtoe Corp. Conanicecal Morgane Pass-Through Canticates Series ‘TSLDPS 7 TiC Morgan Chase Commeralal Martuese Seeutiing Cora, Comieraial Marigsge Pess/Through Caritfentes Series 1006-CHIC4 ‘Margan Chase Cammorelat Mortgage Securities Comp, ralal Mortgage PastThcough Certitfortes Serles 2006-CIBCIS FP organ Clee Commiretal Mortgage Hooutities Corp, Carnnerctal Mortgage Pass-Through Crtitveates Serieg 2006-CISC17 Fs Moras Chie Conmmerelal Mangage Secutilas Cons, Ceritoreal Mortgnge PussrChrount Cectiffeates Series 2006-LDP7 TP, Margin Chese Cortinieraial Mortgage Seeuritios Corp. Gonmercial Mortgage Pase*Through Crtificates Sorlea 2007-C2BC19 7B. Morgan Clisse Gommerefal Mortgage Seaititins Corp. Commercial Morigage Pass-Throngh Certificates Series 2008-C2 . iP. Morgan Chase Cominsreial Mortgage Becudtfes Trast 2006-LDPa Commeraial Mortgage Faas Tarugh Cerlifleates Satlos 2006-LDPS| TE, Mosgnn Clase Commereal Mortgage Seourltes Trust 2006-069 Comntiereial Mortgage Pass Trough Ceti fienies Stria9 2006-LOPS ILE. Morgan Chass Commercial Mortgage Scaurlttes Trust DOITLDPT) Commercial Morlenge Pris-Through Certlcates Soties 2007 IF Marian Chane Cominoroal Maraage Gonos Trust Ot07-LDP Id Catomerctel Mintonas Nee-Through Cerifontes Taries 2007 Hil Bond Soeuritization Trust Series 2005-84 ; Hie Mangar Comimoralal Mortage Finance Corp, Morigege Pass-Through Ceiliffecites Series 1997-65 SB Morgan Commocal Moryaga Finaxes Gore. Martgane Pass-Through Cenfentos Sets 2000-C9 Tatas Commercial Monigaga Securities Taise 200M) Connaereial Morigage Pass-Throng Ceriificanes Series 2005MF1 sBalis Coramari Maviguge Seourlies Tome J0bE MED Comaoteat Mrgage Past Torough Celfcntes Seles ANG-ME2 7 TaSlle Commorsial Morlaage Sesurliies Tatst 2006-MPA Commerotal Mortgage Pais-Thmotgh Cartifloates Sories 2006-MP2 a aBalie Canncnarat Motigage Seeurlieg Tat SUIGMPT Conmerelal Mortgage Past “Through Certttales Sevios 2006 ME EraSate Garnaasiia’ Monaige Securities Trist 207 0/05 Commarea Marigags Pass-Turcngh Cenfcates lea 207 MES LFW Conminralad Mortgage Fat 1995-C1 Commercial Mortgage Poss Thrauigh Certifeates) Gries 1299-01 TLE Gotovcel Martgogd Trust 559-C2 Commrroial Mongauye Pass-Through Cantiftetes, Series 1999-C2 TR Comauralal Marigage Trust 2007-C3 Commercial Martgajyo Yase-Torougl Certifies, Series 200%C4 iA Commeceipl Mortgage Taist Cottumerelal Mortanue ‘Fassthrough Certificates Serica 1998-C1TAS Commordnl Mianigago Trast Commmorclal Mortgage Pese-Throtigh Certifenine Series 1998-04 [EBAIBR 299 Park Avene Nongage Trust Cosimerclal Mortgage PasecTiroweh Corlicatas Series W0L-C/A, EDLs Commercial Mcriuage Trois 2000-C5 Comtmercial Morigage Pas-Throvgh Contents, Series 2000-C3 LUIS Commercial Morgeqa Trust 2000-04 Coomera Morigige Fase-Throuah Ceriiflentes, Sete 2000-64 7 aH IeB-TMS Commarciel Mortgape Trust 2000-C5 Commneretal Mortgage Fassdivckuh Carilfeates, fortes 2000-CS BUMS Commercial Morezoge Trast 2001-C2 Commorcial Morlgage Pasi-Taraugh Oortttestes, Rerées 2002-C2 LB TIGE Commerdal Morizaga Trust 2001-03 Commerelal Mortgage Pass-Tirough Centieates, Sovea 2004-C3 ITaLLIBS Commarcal Mortgage Tria 2001-07 Commereat Mortgage Fuss-Through Cenifivates, dertes 2001-C7 leas TiSe Camrioaal Morgane Tons SUEDCL Commerc Mavignoe FesneThroogh Coneates, Series WOORGT FTVUIGH Commordal Morucge Taist 2000-C2 Commercial Mortgage FassThrough Cortical, Guskes 2002-C2 iF ELLIS Commercial Morigage Trust 2002-04 Commerelat Morasge Pase‘Ttrough Cerllficates, Serles 2002-0 BUSA Commorual Morizage Trust 2000-07 Commaralal Mortgage Pass-Through Cerilteains, Series 2002-07 IRAE Commercial Mongage Taist 2004-Gl Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Cerltieatos, Seles 2003-C1 [LR-LIBS Corimeroll Movtgnge Frisk 2008-03 Consoorldl Mortgage Pése-Through Certtostes, Series 2003-C3 CSTE Commarcla Mongege Trust 2005-Ch Comaierelal Aforigng Pass-Through CertIeates, Serles 2003-C5. TBUGA Commas Mortgage Trust 2003-C7 Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Cerlifienies, Seriss 2002-67 CBAIBS Commerola Mortgage Frist 2003-08 Commerclal Morgane Basi-Chrough Cartidletes, Secies 2003-C8 EBS Commerctal Mortgage Frost 2004-01 Commercial Mortange besi-Tirough Certiteates, Series 2004-C1 IA YHSS Commecdal Morigues Trost 2004-04 Commieroiat Morgane Pass-Corough Certificates, Sues 2004-04 FRc Commercial Mortgage Trist 2008-06 Cominersial Mongage Prsi-Throbgh Cert fetes, Series 2004-C6 LEMIBS Commercial Morgane Tract 2004-7 Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through CarlWMeates, Series 2004-C7 TRUBS Commarclal Monange Trust 2001-C8 Commmardal Mortgage Eass-Through Certificates, Seces 2008-C8 LEAINE Commercial Mortgage Trt 2005-C1 Commercial Mortgage Pats-Tarough Certifteatas, Series 2005-Cl [HAIDA Commereial Mortgage Trist 2005-02 Commercial Mar(gage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2005-02. DEGGIE Contmersiel Momtenge Trust 2005-03 Couimerelal Morlgne Pass-Through Certiflestes, Series 2009-C3 Ta LING Conmmerchal Mortgage Trust 2005-5 Carrmirelal Mortgage Pess-Throvgh Certificates, Series 2009-C5 [BCUBS Commereat Womgaga Trist 2U0S-O7 Commereiel Mongnae Pass-Tirougt: Certificates, Sorins 2005-C7 TB-UBS Contmereal Morignge Trust 2006-01 Ootnvmoreiat Mariyaye Pess-Throwgh Cortifontes, Sica 2006-Ct [ERIS Conmercal Marizege Trust 0006-Gs Commercial Modtgage Pass-Through Coniflentes, Soriae 4006-CA Hr A-GHIE Commerc Mortgage THs 2006-C4 Commmaréal Merigege Pass-Through Gentfoats, Burien 2006-C# FCB-TIBS Commercial Monigoge Tous 1006-Co Commercial Mortgage Poss-Tiroagh ContGaubs, Sariaé 2006-6 c Haile Commerstul Mortgage Trust 2008-C7 Commercial Morigage Pass-Through Certidlosies, Series 2006-C7 FAAUNS Commersial Mortgage Tat 007-Cl Commerdal Mortgage Pass-Torough Certfentes, Saies 2007-C1 ZH cUBS Commercial Momgage Tract 2007-C2 Commercial Mortgane Pass-Through Certifientes, Series 2007-C2 GATS Commeretal Mortgage Trust 2007-08 Commercial Mortgage Pavs-Thravah Certifientay, Satos 2007-C6 SOAS Comsucreht Morgaea Trust2007-C7 Commetdial Morteegs Pass Through Corlfteates, Series 2007-C7 RUNS Commorcl Mortgage Trust J005-Cl Gonsmereial Morigage Pass Torovgh Contifeatns, Serior 2008-1 LE-UBR Weatlied Trash, Commercial Marigago Pass-Through Cattifteates, Series 200 /-WM WR CET. 2004-1 The. CNBS Rexecuritization Notes, Sorfss 2000-CEL Fviontll Lynch Bloating Tint Pass-Through Cattifieates, Sories 2006-1 | ERUULE LYNCH MORTOAGE INVESTORS, INC Commercial Slorigage PosseThrouah Cerilesis Series 3004-01 RTE, LYNCH MORTGAGE INVESTORS, INC Corneeciat Morgag FessPirongh Coates Serica 2005-63 BREIL LYNCH MOUTGAGH INVESTORS, INC Commercial Moruage Pais"Thcongh Ceriifiates Serkes 2006-C4 IERL EYNGH MORTGAGE INVESTORS, INC Commercial Morigage Pats-Torough Ceuifetes Serles 2007-0 MERRILL LYNCH MORTOA GS INVESTORS, INC, Commretal Mortange Fuss-Throngh Certfvetes Scricn 200M WE IMBRULL LYNCH MORTGAGE INVESTORS, ING Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Certifientas Series WOSCKIE [MERRILL LYNCH MORTGAGE INVESTORS, TNG, Commorcis! Mortgage Bxss-Through Coutiitentes Series 2005-201ideal Lynch Mortgage Trust 300§-Cl Commerclal Mortgage Fass Phrovgh ‘Cortifientes Serles 2006-G1 forall Lynes Mortgage Vast 2008-02 ‘Gonamnecalat Horigage base-T hough Covtificates Serics 2006-C2 Moceilt Lynch ‘Mortgage Trust 2008-1 Commerchal Mortgage Pass ‘Phrough Cestificates, Series 2008-C] lidinvesoisiioad Seouiizaton Trot Sener 2O0FST oe 7 Wfinewssota Bond Scctitization Trust ‘Godeg 2004-82 IMLC¥C Commerlal Mortgage Treat 200644 ‘Commecctel Morigngs Fass-Tinough Cortifleatos Series 2006-1 it Fei GF Gamat sbl Mongena Tris! 20062 Comaortal Mavyage Fase Theowet Gees Stes 2006-2 Fi -CPCL Gasanoroel Morigage Trust 2006-4 Commorotal Movigage PessctIvough Cortifientas Bortos A0OGA _ BEL GHG Comusaicil Movigege Tras! 0076 Conomerolal Morange Pass‘Tbrough Coutts Tertes 2007-6 bre Panc Carraro Martgngs Trust 2007-7 Commotall Mortgage Biss Through Covet Serle 2007-7 [ML-CFC Commercial Mortgoge Trast 207-8 Commorlel Mortgage Pass-Through Corkificntes Series 2007-8 MEMDS-CCR, Commorelal Mocigage Cortfiontes, Sorlos 2005-1 Trust IMONITRONICS PUNDING LP Sorlss 2607-1 IUGRIAN STANCEY CAPITAL TING, Coramerclal Mortgage Pass-Through Cerffloatee ‘Series 2007-XLE ISRAN SUANTEY CAPITAL 1 INC, Contre Mortgige Feso-Through Cericates Sores FF ots-1 ORGAN STANLEY CAPITAL L TNE, Commercial Morigege Pass-Through Certificates Borkes2003-XLF FRASD WHS Crier Trust 300071 Notes and Pariolpating Interests FinSD WMC Owner Trust 2005-51 Notes, Series 2003-FL RRTIONGLINE FUNDING CORPORATION Commardll Losi Pass-Through Cerifiones Sees TSSTAL-L ‘SAT IORGEING FONDING CORPORATION Commariil Morgnge Passions Coitodea Sres aT. cao Ail Grou Corporation ComminrTal Moraga Paat-waigh Coreicates Series 1996MD V_ : Fase Asst Booting Corporation Commocal (dorgure Buse-Tirangh Carex Series (W3EDS INGial Networks Loece Pass-Through Trust Pass-Through Trust Cetfictes, Series 200r-T PROTECTIVE FINANCE CORPORATION ‘Conimecetal Mortgage Past-Through Cectiltontes Scrios: Z007-PL: Grotoodve Finatiea Corparation Il Gommerolal Morteng FASUT Cartificates, Series i Providenos Pikes Mall Pass-Through Contifiontos Prodontial Securities Secured Finanalng, Corporation Commorelel Mortgase Pase-Throtgh Cottitfcates Series 1995-MCP-2 Brrdondal Scouties Seoted Foun chug Corporation Consmoralel Monge Pose Through Cafiitontes Sories 2003-PWRE ifs Ald Base-Throngh Certificates Sorts 1599-1 ROCK 2001-Cl Commerelal Mortgage Pas Throuah Contiieatos Series 200 Ct ee ne SALOMON BROTEERS MORTGAGE BRECURITICS VIL ING. Cocamorcial ‘Morgage PaseThcotgh Centiiientes Sonics 2000-NEL SALOMON PROTHERS MORTGAGE SECURITIES YO, ING, Commordial Mortgage Fass Througlt Certifiontea: ‘Sores 2001-MM npn SALDIMON BROTHERS MORTGAGE SECURITIES VIL, INC, Commaratal Morigegc Pass through Certificates Series ino 2000-C3 Souihiouny Credit Loate Backed Basn-theough Certfieatos, Series 19S-CILE STRUCTURED ASSET SECURITINS CORPORATION Commorclal Mortguae ‘Fasoe) rough Cerliftoates Series 1997-20 T STRUCTURED ASEET SECURITIES CORPORATION Commerclat Mortgszs. Pass-Through Canifiestes Serer 2002-C5 « STRUCTURED ASSHT GACUNITIEN CORPORATION Ht Cormierll Morignat Fesi-Throvste Cotfones ‘Borles 2008-33 FTRUCTURED ASSET SECUNITES CORPORATION if Corsmoroiel Mortgsee Bassi irough Certitionns Setes 2005-CE Simastuved Aswet Seouses Corporetion Malolase Poss-Thecugh Callifestes Seules 1a6-cRL Fi ot TAI PENN MUTUAL LIFS INSURANCE COMPANY aw THE PRN INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANY [996-PML TIAA Sonsoned Commercial Mortgags Trt "2007-84 Commercial Mortage Pass-Through Certifivates, Sorles 2007-Ca niberStar Trust | Commarsial Mortgage Pose Through Certifiestes Sates 20061 Tuckahos Crodit Loase Backed Pass-Through ‘Chrtlfieates, Serios 208 FOUL FPA Hct! Funding 2008, LLC Commercial Mortgage Fase-Through Cortificates Sories 2005-L0X US, TRADE FUNDING CORP. 4.26% TRADE TRUST CERTIFICATES Series 2002-4 — BS 400 Atlantis Strost Mortgage Trust ‘Commereial Marlgage Pess-Tbrough Centtdoates Berita 2002-C8A, WACHOVIA COMMERCIAL, MORTGAGE SECURCTES, INC, Commercial “Mortgage Pass-Through Certifieates Series 2002-1FAFRCHIGNIA COMMERCIAL MOTGAGE SECURITIES, ING Comarereel Morigage Yass-Throngh Coriificalos Series 2002-02 STKGHOVIA GOVMEROIAL MORTOAGE SECURTIIES, ING. Conmnterelel Mertgage Pess-Torough ‘Carilicates Gerles 2008-C2 \Wachavia Commercial Martgage Scowltios, Ine, Comsmnertal Mortgage Passcr brough Certificates Series 2003-CS -iiahavia Cammnercil Wane Soute, tna, Commerlal Mortgage Past-theatigh Certifieaet Sees 08-06 SEACHOVIA COMMERGIAL MORTGAGE SECURITIES, ING. Cornmoreal Mortgage Pass-Thtaop Gartificates Series 2005-C7 Wachovia, Commercial Mortgages Sccutlties, Inc, Commercial Morgage Fase-Thirough Cordiieatce Series 2003478 WACHOVIA COMMERGTAL MORTGAGE SECURM DHS, INC, Commercial Mortgage Pase-Taroups Gontifieates Series 2004-010 larachovia Commcrclat Mariage Scour, Ine. Cnmmorall Mortgage Pase/Tucough Cations Series 3008-011 WACHOVIA COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE SECURITIES, INC, Commereia MorasE® Pacscthravigh Certiffeates Series 2004-C12 GIREHO VIA COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE SHOURITIRS, ING. Conimeccel Morigegs Past-‘Throush Certificates Serles 200tCI+ [Fiahovla Consacrtel Madang Seamer ie. Commercial Morgage Pose Nirougt ‘Catlificates Sextes 2004-015 WACHOVIA COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE SECURITIES, ING. Commercial Mortgogo Fate Through Certificates Series 2005-C18 Tada ia Cantorall Wortgage Sonuiles, the, Comamclal Mondego Pose Through Covtfiotes Berlos 2005-019 VAGHOVEA COWMERCIAL MORTGAGE SECURITIES, INC Conmersisl Morienge Puss Through Onrlentes Genes 1003-C20— | Fachovia Commeraal Marigage Scartcg, Ine. Conhwrolal Morigige Fass‘Theough Caniieaes Berles 200-022 Lifadeovia Contoarsak Morgoge Secale, Ine. Commercial torigege Fas Taro Certiteats Series 2006-C75 STACHOVER COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE SECURITIES, INC. Coramereie Morinage Prss-Throush Ceitiicates Series 20e-C24 ifachovia Commneicll Mongage Seouries, In, Comuvercial Morgege Pass-Thraugh Corea Setles 200G-CIS Saahovla Cormarcal Kfoicage Socurids le, Commmereat Mortggo Pass-Through Cevtientes Soca 2006-Ca8 Wachovia Cammeroful Mortgage Sceurktes, ine. Conmaralel Mortgage Fasi-Througk Certificates Sortes 2008-