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  • Doris Kaufman v. 2451 Broadway Market, Inc., Yucca Holding Corp., New Horizon Management Corp. Tort document preview
  • Doris Kaufman v. 2451 Broadway Market, Inc., Yucca Holding Corp., New Horizon Management Corp. Tort document preview
  • Doris Kaufman v. 2451 Broadway Market, Inc., Yucca Holding Corp., New Horizon Management Corp. Tort document preview
  • Doris Kaufman v. 2451 Broadway Market, Inc., Yucca Holding Corp., New Horizon Management Corp. Tort document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/05/2018 11:48 PM INDEX NO. 150893/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 120 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/05/2018 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ---------------------------------------------------------X DORIS KAUFMAN, Plaintiff, Index No.: 150893/2014 AFFIRMATION IN REPLY - against - 2451 BROADWAY MARKET, INC., YUCCA HOLDING CORP. And NEW HORIZON MANAGEMENT CORP., Defendants. X ------------------------------------------------------------------X MICHAEL J. SWEENEY, an attorney duly admitted to practice before the Courts of the State of New York, hereby affirms the following to be true pursuant to CPLR § 2106: 1. This affirmation is submitted in further support of an Order to Show Cause dismissing this matter pursuant to CPLR § 3213( c) and in reply to plaintiff's opposition. Plaintiff has completely failed to show the requirements necessary to defeat this application including a reasonable excuse for failing to timely enter a default and he furthermore failed to even argue that the plaintiff has a meritorious case. 2. The matter clearly must be dismissed under CPLR § 3213( c) pursuant to the case law. Hummingbird Associates v. Dix Auto Service, Inc., 709 ,709 N.Y.S. 2d 51*; 2000 NY. App. Div. (1" LEXIS 6375**273 A.D.2d 58 Dept. 2000). 3. In paragraph 25 of the opposition papers, the Plaintiff has set forth the established law of the case: It iswell established that a complaint that is formally amended and served supersedes the original complaint and becomes the only complaint in the case: itrequires a new 1 1 of 7 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/05/2018 11:48 PM INDEX NO. 150893/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 120 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/05/2018 responsive pleading. See Hoppenfeld. v. Hoppenfeld, 220 A.D.2d (1" 302, 632 N.Y.S.2d 55 Dep't 1995). Thus, defendant's original answer has no effect and a new responsive pleadings must be substituted for the original answer. See Stella v. Stella, 92 (2nd A.A.d2d 589, 459 N.Y.S.2d 478 Dep't 1982). Plaintiff must move within one year for a default on the responsive pleading. See CPLR §3215( c). The failure to take a default within one year after the default, will result in the case being deemed abandoned, "unless sufficient cause is shown why the complaint should not be dismissed." Id. 3. In summary again of the procedural history of the case, the original summons and complaint was electronically filed and served on around January 29, 2014. The answer on behalf Market" of 2451 Broadway Market, Inc. (hereafter "Broadway Market") was served and filed on around April 23, 2014. On July 15, 2015, the plaintiff filed and served a supplemental summons and amended verified complaint, adding the property owner, Yucca Holding Corp., and the managing agent, New Horizon Management Corp as parties to the action. On that same date, July 15, 2015, prior counsel Harold Weisberg, Esq., counsel for Broadway Market, signed a stipulation permitting service of the supplemental summons and amended verified complaint. The supplemental summons and the amended complaint were filed on the court system's electronic filing system. 4. In a motion dated December 21, 2015, the plaintiff moved for a default judgment against Yucca and New Horizon, parties added in the supplemental summons and amended complaint. The motion was granted. With minimal difficulty and no additional burden, the plaintiff should have moved to seek a default judgment against Broadway Market within a year of filing and serving the supplemental summons and amended complaint. The plaintiff failed to so. There is no record of the plaintiff ever having sought to coerce or urge Broadway Market to serve an answer. No answer to the supplemental summons and amended complaint was served. 2 2 of 7 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/05/2018 11:48 PM INDEX NO. 150893/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 120 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/05/2018 5. Plaintiff's counsel in opposition papers cites the case, Atlantic Mut. Inc. v. Joyce Intl. Inc., 31 A.D.3d 352 *32; 820 N.Y.S.2d 12, **12; 2006 N.Y.App.Div.LEXIS 9706, ***1; (1" 2006 NY Slip Op 6056 Dep't 2006), arguing that the case fallsinto an exception to the rule" "general requiring dismissal under these circumstances. See plaintiff's paragraph 26. "exception" Atlantic is not an to the general rule, but follows the rule since in there the Appellate cause" Division found "good why the case should not be dismissed. According to Atlantic, the default upon which defendant cross motion was predicated was itsfailure to answer the amended complaint served less than one month after the original complaint which was served on April 5, 2002. Thus, the amended complaint was served sometime before May 5, 2002. Less that two months later,the defendant answered the original complaint on June 28, 2002. Defense counsel simply mistakenly answered the wrong complaint, confusing the complaint with the amended complaint. There was no such confusion or affirmative mistake in the case at bar. Instead, months passed including five months in 2015 passed with no answer interposed; 12 months in 2016 passed with no answer interposed; 12 months in 2017 passed with no answer interposed; two months in 2018 have now passed. More than 31 months have gone by and plaintiff never moved to take a default and never raised the issue. cause" 6. The Court found "good under the circumstances where the original complaint was filed and then the amended complaint and then an answer was filed in rapid succession of three months. Further, we see from the briefs in the Atlantic case that itwas defendant who was arguing he was confused, thinking he was answering the original complaint. "A." See page 14 of the defendant's Atlantic brief annexed as Exhibit Note that the Court is permitted to take judicial notice of the Record on Appeal and Briefs in another action. See, e.g., cause" People v. Grasso, 54 A.D.3d 180 (1st Dept. 2008). Thus, the basis in Atlantic for "good 3 3 of 7 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/05/2018 11:48 PM INDEX NO. 150893/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 120 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/05/2018 was the defendant's admitted confusion where the complaint was served, an amended complaint was served and the defendant's answer was interposed, responding to the wrong answer. 7. This constitutes merely the error due to confusion and is a reasonable excuse for "excuse" the failure in that case to take a default judgment. Plaintiff has offered no such or explanation whatsoever as to why plaintiff's counsel failed to take a timely default judgment. This is a fatal defect in plaintiff's showing. The plaintiff is obliged under the case law to offer a reasonable excuse for the failure to take a default judgment. Plaintiff has failed to offer any reasonable excuse for the failure to take the defefault judgment. Laourdakis v. Torres, 98 (1st 91st A.D.3d 892 Dept. 2012). See also Ryk Cheme v. Efka, 161 A.D.2d 196 Dep't 1990). 8. Plaintiff is unable to show also a meritorious case. This accident occurred on "B." August 12, 2013. Her testimony is annex in part as Exhibit Plaintiff testified that she was walking up Broadway on a warm summer day with her friend. She approached the defendant market, known as Barzini's, walked up to the outdoor fruit stand and inspected some fruit. She testified that she as she approached the fruitstand, there was nothing in her way. She looked at some fruit. There was nothing on the sidewalk in front of her as she stepped up to the fruit stand. She then stepped backwards and tripped on a fruit basket that someone placed behind her after she walked up to the fruit stand. She did not see who placed itdown behind her. She fell on the sidewalk, knocking fruit over as she fell. See plaintiff's testimony annexed as Exhibit "B." 9. The plaintiff has failed to show a meritorious defense. Paporters v. Campos, 122 (1st (1s A.D.3d 521, 998 N.Y.S.2d 9 Dep't 2014); Hinds v. 2461 Realty Corp., 169 A.D.2d 629 Dept 1991). Plaintiff made no argument even to establish a meritorious defense in the opposition papers. Even assuming the plaintiff's testimony is correct, there is no basis 4 4 of 7 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/05/2018 11:48 PM INDEX NO. 150893/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 120 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/05/2018 whatsoever for any finding of liability against the defendant, Broadway Market where the plaintiff stepped backwards and tripped on a fruit basket at a fruit stand. Furthermore, in the present case, a non-party witness, Jessica Mejia, has recently come forward, stating that she witnessed the accident as she was exiting the grocery store Barzini's through the exit on Broadway. She testified on September 8, 2017, that she walked out of Barzini's in time to observe the plaintiff simply stumble and fall, through no fault of the defendant's. Her deposition "C." is annexes hereto as Exhibit Here, this is a matter that should have been dismissed by motion for summary judgment. 10. Plaintiffs estoppel argument is without basis. Plaintiff argues that your affirmant made a wrongful or bad act by proceeding with discovery apparently. Estoppel rests upon the word or deed of one party upon which another party rightfully relies. Otis Elevator Co. V. (1st Heggie Realty Co., 107 Mis. 2d 67, 437 N.Y.S.2d 832 Dept 1980). Its preposterous to argue estoppel in this context. There was no bad act on defense counsel's part by continuing with discovery. Plaintiff's counsel failed to timely take a default judgment and allow almost three years to go by. This was his responsibility under the CPLR. 11. The case, Paz v. New Latham hotel Corp., 2010 WL 11241579 (N.Y.Sup) (Trial Order) Supreme Court, New York Part 11, is not binding or presidential. Furthermore, itis not instructive in these circumstances since itdoes not deal with the key issues of plaintiff's failure to state a reasonable excuse for his failure to enter a default or to demonstrate a mertorious 12. No answer to the supplemental summons and amended complaint was never filed. Plaintiff cannot evade responsibility for failing to take a default judgment by claiming the defense counsel was somehow responsible. Hoppenfeld v. Hoppenfeld, 220 A.D.2d 302, 632 (1st N.Y.S.2d 558 Dep't 1995). 5 5 of 7 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/05/2018 11:48 PM INDEX NO. 150893/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 120 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/05/2018 13. Plaintiff in this case neither set forth a viable excuse for the failure to enter default within one year not even raised the issue of a meritorious case. The matter should be (1" dismissed. Utak v. Commerce Bank Inc., 88 A.D.3d 522 Dept. 2012). This matter must be dismissed with prejudice since the statute of limitations had long since run. WHEREFORE, itis respectfully requested that this matter must be dismissed and the Court grant such other and further relief as the Court deems just. Dated: Yonkers, New York March 5, 2018 s/Michael J. Sweeney Michael J. Sweeney 6 6 of 7 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/05/2018 11:48 PM INDEX NO. 150893/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 120 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/05/2018 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK Index No: 150893/14 DORIS KAUFMAN, Plaintiff, Index No.: 1540893-14 -against- 2451 BROADWAY MARKET, INC., YUCCA HOLDING CORP. and NEW HORIZON MANAGEMENT CORP., Defendants. AFFIRMATION IN REPLY LAW OFFICES OF MICHAEL J. SWEENEY Attorney forDefendant 24651 Broadway Market, Inc., Ofñce and Post Office Address, Telephone 25 GREENWOOD ROAD YONKERS, NEW YORK 19701 (914) 968-7033 The documents herein are certified pursuant to N.Y.C.R.R. 130-1.1-a. S/Michael J. Sweeney MICHAEL J. SWEENEY, ESQ Sir:Pleasetake notice ( ) NOTICE OF ENTRY thatthe withinis a (certified) truecopy of a duly enteredin the office of the clerk of the within named courton ( ) NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT thatan order of whichthe withinis a true copy willbe presentedforsettlementto the HON. One of the judgesof the within named court,at on at Dated, March 5,2018 Yours etc., To David Horowitz, P.C- LAW OFFICES OF MICHAEL J. ESQ. SWEENEY, 171 Madison Avenue, Suite 1300 forDefendant Attorney New York New York 10016 Opice and Post Ofice Address,Telephone 25 GREENWOOD ROAD Plaintift' Attorneys forPlaintiff YourmRs , NEW YORK 10701 Weiner, Millo,Morgan & Bonanno (914) 968-7033 10* 220 Fifth Avenue, Floor New York, New York 10001 Attorney(s) forYucca Holding Corp and New Horizon Management Corp.. 7 7 of 7