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  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview


INDEX NO. 150083/2014 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/03/2014) NYSCEF DOC. NO. 68 RECEIVED NYSCEF 06/03/2014 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK nee -X ROSENBAUM, ROSENFELD & SONNENBLICK, LLP Index No.: 150083/2014 R&R PROPERTIES LLC AND COMPUTERIZED DIAGNOSTIC SCANNING ASSOCIATES, P.C., Plaintiffs, REPLY AFFIRMATION IN SUPPORT OF MOTION - against - TO CONSOLIDATE EXCALIBUR GROUP NA, LLC, A SUPERIOR SERVICE AND REPAIR CO. INC., HOME SYSTEMS ENGINEERING, INC., PHILIPS HEALTHCARE, PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS NORTH AMERICA COMPANY, PHILIPS ELECTRONICS NORTH AMERICA CORPORATION, PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS NORTH AMERICA, INC., PHILIPS HEALTHCARE INFORMATICS, INC. and ESTATE OF MERLE H. EISENSTEIN, Defendants. reer eneeeERETe KX DANIEL P. MEVORACH, an attorney duly licensed to practice law before the Courts of the State of New York, hereby affirms the following under the penalties of perjury: 1 I am associated with the law firm of Gallo Vitucci Klar LLP, attorneys for Defendants PHILIPS HEALTHCARE, PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS NORTH AMERICA COMPANY, PHILIPS ELECTRONICS NORTH AMERICA CORPORATION, PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS NORTH AMERICA _INC., and PHILIPS HEALTHCARE INFORMATICS, INC. (collectively, “Philips”). I am fully familiar with the facts and circumstances surrounding this matter. 2. I respectfully submit this affirmation in reply to the Affirmation of Yale Glazer, Esq., counsel for the Travelers Indemnity Company of Connecticut, the Affirmation of David D. Hess, Esq., counsel for Greater New York Mutual Insurance Company, the Memorandum of Law in opposition filed by Plaintiffs’ counsel, the Affirmation of Joseph Goljan, Esq., counsel for Federal Insurance Company, the Affirmation of Julia D’Agostino, counsel for Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, and in further support of Philips motion for an Order: @ Pursuant to Civil Practice Laws and Rules (“CPLR”) Section 602(a), consolidating the instant action with Plaintiffs’ companion action, captioned R&R Third Properties, LLC v. Greater New York Mutual Insurance Company, et. al., Index No.: 651377/13, or in the alternative, issuing an Order for a joint trial of both actions; and Gi) Granting such other and further relief as this Court deems just and proper. 3 Contrary to the position taken by the insurers, the claims asserted by the Plaintiff as against Philips do have common factual issues with the issues of insurance coverage for Plaintiffs at issue in the earlier action seeking damages to property and for business interruption loss as against four insurance carriers, under the caption R&R Third Properties, LLC v. Greater New York Mutual Ins Co., et. al., with Index No. 651377/13 (the “first action”). 4. Specifically, Plaintiffs allege (see Exhibit “A” to the Moving Papers at ff 76, 77, 84. 86) that as a result of representations by Philips to Plaintiff's insurers (the defendants in the first action), those insurers have “refused to pay for the replacement of the machine and refused to pay for business interruption loss beyond the date when Philips claims the Scanner was operational for use,” and that “based upon the representations by Philips... the insurers have objected to removal and replacement of the Scanner.” These allegations form the basis for an inartfully pled (to be kind) negligent misrepresentation cause of action against Philips, alleging that Philips representations have negatively affected Plaintiff's insurance recovery. 5 Philips will seek discovery and trial testimony from Plaintiff's insurers regarding the effect (if any) of Philips’ representations on their insurance coverage determinations in order to defend Plaintiff's claims and the issue of insurance coverage will therefore be squarely before the jury. Because the negligence alleged against Philips by the Plaintiffs is in connection with statements made to Plaintiffs’ insurers, the rationale for dismissal urged by Travelers, that insurance claims should not be tried alongside general negligence claims to avoid prejudicing the jury, is inapposite. Here, the allegations of negligence expressly include that statements made by Philips affected insurance coverage, and there is a key common fact question posed as to whether the insurers’ “refusal to pay for the replacement of the machine and refusal to pay for business interruption loss beyond the date when Philips claims the Scanner was operational for use” was, in fact, justified, and what information their refusal was based on. 6 Another factual issue common to both cases is the condition of the PET/CAT scan system after Philips’ post-water damage repair of that machinery. It appears that Philips repaired the system, and it was functional. After subsequent construction work at the site, Philips returned to the site and the system was no longer working. The insurer defendants are arguing that the system was repaired to functional status and subsequently put out of service by events unrelated to the initial water loss, and therefore, they have no obligation to pay for any damages that occurred after Philips initially repaired the system. Plaintiffs’ claims against Philips stem from these very same transactions and occurrences, and involve the same general damages, and therefore, a joint trial in these cases is necessary to avoid inconsistent verdicts. 7 CPLR§ 602(a) permits the consolidation of actions which involve common questions of fact; and generally vests discretion with the trial judge to determine whether to order consolidation. "Consolidation is appropriate where it will avoid unnecessary duplication of trials, save unnecessary costs and expense and prevent the injustice which would result from divergent decisions based on the same facts...." (Chinatown Apts. Inc. v. New York City Tr. Auth., 100 A.D.2d 824 [1st Dept. 1984]). Indeed, joint trials are favored in that they will foster judicial economy, quicken the disposition of cases (Matter of City of Rochester v. Levin, 57 A.D.2d 700 [4th Dept. 1977]), and potentially encourage settlements (Jn Re New York City Asbestos Litigation, 188 A.D.2d 214 [1st Dept. 1993], lv granted 81 N.Y.2d 707 [1993]). 8 “[I]t is well settled that there is a preference for consolidation in the interest of judicial economy where there are common questions of law and fact, unless the party opposing the motion demonstrates that consolidation will prejudice a substantial right.” Geneva Temps, Inc. v. New World Communities, Inc., 24 AD 3d 332, 334 [1st Dept. 2005]). Here, there are common questions of law and fact, specifically, whether the insurers > «, refusal to pay for the replacement of the machine and refusal to pay for business interruption loss beyond the date when Philips claims the Scanner was operational for use” was, in fact, justified. 9. The insurers’ rights are not prejudiced by the joint trial of the negligence and insurance issues because they are first-party property and business interruption insurers to the Plaintiffs. (see Exhibit “C” to the Moving Papers at {{ 10, 38-43). Because a jury will not be hearing negligence claims against their insureds and also ruling on their coverage obligations to those insureds, there is no prejudice to the insurers. 10. The cases Travelers and Federal cite all involve situations where alleged tortfeasor’s liability insurers are joined as third-party defendants. In that situation, there is potential prejudice to the insurers because the same jurors are asked to determine questions of liability for negligence and also to determine whether insurance coverage exists to pay for such liability. For example, in Kelly v. Yannotti, 4 N.Y.2d 603 (1958), the defendant, who allegedly caused an explosion, impled its insurer, who had disclaimed coverage on the basis that the explosion was not covered, as a third-party defendant. The Court found prejudice because “the issues in both the main and third-party actions will be passed upon by the same jury.” Jd. at 607. Here, there is no risk of prejudice, because Travelers’ involvement in the “earlier action” is as a first-party property and business interruption insurer the Plaintiffs, and has nothing to do with the liability insurance coverage for the defendants in this case. The jury in a consolidated trial in this case would not be determining questions of negligence against a defendant where there are also questions about liability insurance that would pay for that defendant’s negligence. Travelers’ opposition to Philips’ motion to consolidate is based on a red herring- it is only inherently prejudicial to try insurance coverage and negligence issues jointly if the defendants and their liability insurers are parties, which is not the case here. ll. Federal’s opposition to joint trial also cites to Transamerica Ins. Co. v. Tolis Inn, Inc., 129 A.D.2d 512 (1st Dept. 1987), where the court held that consolidation of a subrogation action with a first party property action was improper because it would bring before the subrogation jury the “the specific knowledge of the dispute over insurance coverage [which] would of necessity temper the thinking of the jury and unduly influence their verdict.” Id. at 513. This concern is not present here, because the jury in both these actions will necessarily have to be aware of the knowledge of the dispute over insurance coverage because the allegations against Philips by Plaintiffs allude to and rest upon the insurance coverage dispute between Plaintiffs and the insurer defendants. In addition, it is unclear how Federal could possibly be prejudiced by a jury hearing its insurance coverage dispute also being aware of negligence claims against Philips, et. al. The prejudice in the Transamerica matter was obviously to the subrogation defendants, who were having insurance issues injected into their negligence action, and not to the first-party property insurers. 12. In point of fact, the matter involving Philips, which Philips seeks to join to the insurance coverage action, is not the “underlying action.” The underlying actions concerning liability and subrogation are presently pending before Justice Coin under Index No. 150153/2011. That Philips has not been made a party to the underlying liability action by any of the insurers who are seeking subrogation in that case underscores that the negligence allegations against Philips by Plaintiffs are not viable and will be subject to dismissal in a subsequent motion. Therefore, it is extremely unlikely that a jury in this case will even hear any negligence claims as against Philips, obviating the objections of the insurers. 13. Responding to Plaintiff's Memorandum of Law, Plaintiffs’ only objection to joinder is based on the inapposite Kelly rule. But that rule has no application to Plaintiffs themselves, as they are not insurers, and potential prejudice to other parties is insufficient to deny a motion to consolidate. (American Home Mtge. Servicing, Inc. v. Sharrocks, 92 A.D.3d 620, 622 [2d Dept. 2012]) (“Where common questions of law or fact exist, consolidation is warranted unless the opposing party demonstrates prejudice to a substantial right.”). 14. Plaintiffs’ real motivation for opposing this motion is to have two bites at the apple, by having two trials of the same factual issues. One of the key issues in this case is whether or not Plaintiffs have been made whole by the insurer defendants for damages to the PECt/CAT scan system as a result of a water leak. If they were, in, fact, paid what they were owed under the insurance policies, then there are no additional sums of money Plaintiffs can recover from Philips based on its alleged representations to the insurers. Related to this damages issue are issues relating to the operability of the PET/CAT scan system that Philips manufacture and repaired. These damages issues are common to both cases, and Plaintiffs are transparently attempting to “double dip” by trying the same issues twice in two separate cases. 15. With respect to Greater New York’s opposition to this motion, on the basis that they have settled out with Plaintiffs, it is not clear what basis that provides to deny this motion in whole or in part. Furthermore, to be technically correct a stipulation of discontinuance must be signed by all parties, CPLR 3217(a)(2), and this one appears not to have been signed by any parties other than Greater New York and Plaintiffs. Since Plaintiffs’ claims against Philips include an allegation that Philips was responsible for shortfalls in insurance recovery, presumably including from Greater New York, and it is certainly plausible that Plaintiffs are asserting a claim that Philips’ negligence caused them a reduced recovery from Greater New York, Philips may seek to assert claims and/or take discovery from Greater New York and is not waiving that right, but that is not really an issue germane to this motion to consolidate. WHEREFORE, Philips respectfully requests that this Court issue an Order: (i) pursuant to CPLR §602(a), consolidating the instant action with Plaintiffs’ companion action, captioned R&R Third Properties, LLC v. Greater New York Mutual Insurance Company, et. al., Index No.: 651377/13, or in the alternative, issuing an Order for a joint trial of both matters; and (ii) granting such other and further relief as this Court deems just and proper. Dated: New York, New York June 3, 2014 DAWEL P. MEVORACH AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL AND NYSCE STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS. COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) Claudette Garraud being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am not a party to the action, am over 18 years of age and reside in Kings County. That on the 3" day of June, 2014, I served the within REPLY AFFIRMATION IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO CONSOLIDATE upon: LIPSIUS-BENHAIM LAW, LLP GAMBESKI & FRUM Attorneys for Plaintiffs Attorneys for Defendant 80-02 Kew Gardens Road, Suite 1030 EXCALIBUR GROUP NA LLC Kew Gardens, New York 11415 565 Taxter Road, Suite 220 (212) 981-8440 Elmsford, New York 10523 (914) 347-5522 HOME SYSTEMS ENGINEERING, INC. A SUPERIOR SERVICE AND REPAIR CO. INC. 229 Emerson Lane 393 Elvin Street Berkeley Heights, New Jersey 07922 Staten Island, New York 10314 FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY GREATER NEW YORK MUTUAL INSURANCE 15 Mountain View Road COMPANY P.O. Box 1615 200 Madison Avenue Warren, New Jersey 07061 New York, New York 10016 TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANY FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY Travelers Indemnity Company of Connecticut 251 North Illinois, Suite 1100 One Tower Square Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Hartford, Connecticut 06183-1051 THE HARTFORD STEAM BOILER INSPECTION AND INSURANCE COMPANY One State Street P.O. Box 5024 Hartford, Connecticut 06102-5024 those being the addresses designated by said attorneys for that purpose, 'y depositing a true copy of same enclosed in a post-paid properly addressed wrapper in an official depository under the exclusive care and custody of the ited Stat Post Office Department and by New ‘até Courts, lectronic Filing (NYSC. ste dette Garraud Sworn to fore me this 3" day of ie, 201, Not Public SAI L, ARUT Notary Publ State of New York No. 01AR6190681 Qualified in Kings County My Commission Expires July 28, 2016 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK INDEX NO.: 150083/2014 ROSENBAUM, ROSENFELD & SONNENBLICK, LLP R&R PROPERTIES LLC AND COMPUTERIZED DIAGNOSTIC SCANNING ASSOCIATES, P.C., Plaintiffs, - against - EXCALIBUR GROUP NA, LLC, A SUPERIOR SERVICE AND REPAIR CO. INC., HOME SYSTEMS ENGINEERING, INC., PHILIPS HEALTHCARE, PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS NORTH AMERICA COMPANY, PHILIPS ELECTRONICS NORTH AMERICA CORPORATION, PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS NORTH AMERICA, INC., PHILIPS HEALTHCARE INFORMATICS, INC. and ESTATE OF MERLE H. EISENSTEIN, Defendants. REPLY AFFIRMATION IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO CONSOLIDATE GALLO VITUCCI KLAR LLP Attorneys for Defendants PHILIPS HEALTHCARE, PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS NORTH AMERICA COMPANY, PHILIPS ELECTRONICS NORTH AMERICA CORPORATION, PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS NORTH AMERICA INC. and PHILIPS HEALTHCARE INFORMATICS, INC. 90 Broad Street, 3"? Floor New York, New York 10004 Phone: (212) 683-7100 Fax: (212) 683-5555 File No.: PHG-2014-1 DPM/TDV/cg