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  • Lane'S Floor Coverings & Interiors, Inc. And Lane Brettschenider v. Howard Smith Tort document preview
  • Lane'S Floor Coverings & Interiors, Inc. And Lane Brettschenider v. Howard Smith Tort document preview
  • Lane'S Floor Coverings & Interiors, Inc. And Lane Brettschenider v. Howard Smith Tort document preview
  • Lane'S Floor Coverings & Interiors, Inc. And Lane Brettschenider v. Howard Smith Tort document preview
  • Lane'S Floor Coverings & Interiors, Inc. And Lane Brettschenider v. Howard Smith Tort document preview
  • Lane'S Floor Coverings & Interiors, Inc. And Lane Brettschenider v. Howard Smith Tort document preview


(FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/99 /2014}90132/2014 NYSCEF D§GpreWe COQRT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK CENMWDY ORKSCHUNTYO 1/31/2014 PRESENT: MANUEL J. MENDEZ PART _43. Justice TANE’S FLOOR COVERINGS & INTERIORS, INC. And LANE BRETTSCHEIDER, Plaintiff, INDEX No. 150132 14 MOTION DATE 01-29-2014 “ve MOTION SEQ. NO. 004 HOWARD SMITH, ndants. [MOTION CAL. NO. The foll papers, numbered 1 to_o~ were read on this motion for an injunction and order of attachment and PAPERS NUMBERED Notice of Motion! Order to Show Cause — Affidavits — Exhibits 4-2 Answering Affidavits — Exhibits Replying Affidavits Cross-Motion: Yes X No we ou ea Upon a reading of the foregoing cited papers, it is ordered that plaintiffs’ motion for an Zo 5z injunction and order of attachment is granted. os Plaintiff, a privately owned company hired defendant as its controller. In his FO ad a2 capacity as controller defendant was in charge of all financial aspects of plaintiff's “oO eu business. Defendant was given access to all of plaintiff's commercial bank accounts ww as well as to personal accounts belonging to plaintiff Brettschneider. It is alleged that ox defendant embezzled approximately $237,336.00 from plaintiffs’ commercial and ye fe personal bank accounts and that he may leave the jurisdiction and secrete the assets > aa he has misappropriated, Plaintiffs’ now move for an injunction and an order of attachment of assets which defendant possesses consisting of a house located at 2700 Natta Boulevard, Bellmore, New York, a house located at 995 Skyline Drive, Coram, New York, a 401(K) account maintained at T. Rowe Price containing approximately $62,013.36 and at least three bank accounts at, HSBC and TD Bank. Defendant has not submitted papers in opposition to the motion. “A party moving for a Preliminary Injunction must demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence (1) a likelihood of ultimate success on the merits, (2) irreparable injury absent the granting of the liminary Injunction, and (3) thata balancing of the equities favors the movant’s posit n. The movant must show that the irreparable harm is imminent, not remote or speculative. Finally, the decision to grant or deny a Preliminary Injunction lies within the sound discretion of the court.”( Family Friendly Media Inc., v. Recorder Television Network, 74 A.D. 3d 738, 903 N.Y.S.2d 80 [2". Dept. 2010). Plaintiff has shown by clear and convincing evidence the three prongs required for the granting of a preliminary injunction. It has proven a likelihood of ultimate success on the merits, irreparable injury and that the equities lie in its favor; leaving this court no other option in the exercise of its discretion, but to grant its request. “The provisional remedy of attachment has as its object the securing of a debt by a preliminary levy upon property of the debtor to conserve it for eventual execution. The purpose of the remedy is to obtain possession of and hold the debtor's property until the recovery of judgment and to prevent the debtor from disposing of it so as to defeat the object of the action in which is granted. Attachment thus provides for a summary remedy by which property is impounded before judgment."(12 Carmody-Wait 2d § 76:2). “An attachment is considered a harsh remedy, the statute is strictly construed in favor of those against whom it may be employed. Moreover, the issuance of an order of attachment is within the sound discretion of the trial court” { First National Bank of Downsville v. Highland Hardwoods, 98 A.D. 2d 924, 471 N.Y.S.2d 360 [3° . Dept 1983). The party seeking an order of attachment must satisfy the grounds enumerated in CPLR § 6201. The action must be one where the plaint is entitled in whole or in part to a money judgment, and the defendants must be (1) er non-residents or non- domiciliaries of this state; or (2) if resident not subject to service within the state; or (3) if the defendant with intent to defraud creditors or frustrate the enforcement of a judgment that might be rendered in plaintiff's favor has assigned, disposed of, encumbered or secreted property or removed it from the state or is about to do any of these acts. Plaintiff has satisfied the grounds enumerated in CPLR § 6201. Defendants might frustrate the enforcement of any judgment that might be rendered in plaintiffs’ favor by assigning, disposing of property or removing property from the state. Accordingly, it is ORDERED that the motion for injunctive relief and for an order of attachment is granted, and it is further ORDERED, that defendant, his agents, servants or employees is enjoined from disposing of, transferring and or encumbering any of his assets, to wit: A house located at 2700 Natta Boulevard, Bellmore, New York, a house located at 995 Skyline Drive, Coram, New York, a 401(K) account maintained at T. Rowe Price containing approximately $62,013.36 and at least three bank accounts at, HSBC and TD Bank, and it is further ORDERED that the amount to be secured by this order of attachment, exclusive of probable interest, costs and sheriff's fees and expenses, shall be $237,336.00, and it is further ORDERED that the plaintiffs’ undertaking is fixed in the sum of $11,866.80, and it is further ORDERED that the sheriff of the City of New York, or the sheriff of any county of the State of New York, shall levy within his jurisdiction, at any time before final judgment, upon such real and personal property in which the defendant has an interest a will satisfy $237,336.00 the amount of plaintiffs’ demand, together with probable interest, costs and the sheriff's fees and expenses, including the following property: A house located at 2700 Natta Boulevard, Bellmore, New York, a house located at 995 Skyline Drive, Coram, New York, a 401(K) account maintained at T. Rowe Price containing approximately $62,013.36 and at least three bank accounts at, HSBC and TD Bank, and that the sheriff proceed herein in the manner and make his return within the time prescribed by law. ENTER: MANUEL J. MENDEZ JSC. Dated: __ January 30, 2014 Manuel J. Mendez JS.C. Check one: FINAL DISPOSITION X NON-FINAL DISPOSITION Check if appropriate: OC ponot post (REFERENCE