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  • Workers' Compensation Board Of The State Of New York v. Taylor Building Management Inc Workers Comp App for Judgement document preview
  • Workers' Compensation Board Of The State Of New York v. Taylor Building Management Inc Workers Comp App for Judgement document preview
  • Workers' Compensation Board Of The State Of New York v. Taylor Building Management Inc Workers Comp App for Judgement document preview
  • Workers' Compensation Board Of The State Of New York v. Taylor Building Management Inc Workers Comp App for Judgement document preview


INDEX NO. 450092/2014 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 0172272014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/22/2014 1-1 FILED AND DOCKETED Jan 22 2014 AT 04:42 P M N.Y. CO. CLK'S OFFICE waweo ov Nn zx Ze ga Zo a Ae oz ae Se Se Be ™ or * zo oa zo Ze Ge ae xo Be 2z2 0 BE 4> mH PA xo ng O9 mt ao at xo ax asx mo a nen aa ae ae Soa 7a NM Nn SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NEW YORK x WORKERS' COMPENSATION BOARD OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, : JUDGMENT Plaintiff, -against- EMP# : 2380384 JUDH : 1358248 TAYLOR BUILDING MANAGEMENT INC Defendant(s) INDEX # - 14 450092 FILING DT: x By order of the Chair of the Workers’ Compensation Board of the State of New York, demand for the payment of the sum of $88,000.00, representing Awards and Penalties having been made against the above captioned Defendant(s), after due notice, having defaulted in payment thereof, except the sum of $0.00 leaving $88,000.00 due and payable. NOW, upon the certified copies of notices attached hereto, and upon motion of the General Counsel of the Workers' Compensation Board of the State of New York, attorney for Plaintiff, pursuant to Section 28 of the Workers’ Compensation Law of the State of New York providing for entry of judgment by the County Clerk in event of such default, it is ADJUDGED, that the Plaintiff, Workers' Compensation Board of the State of New York, 328 State Street, Schenectady, NY 12305 does recover from the above-captioned Defendant(s), whose last known address(es) are; 31 W 89TH ST APT B, NEW YORK, NY 10024-2013, respectively; the sum of $88,000.00, and the Plaintiff have execution therefore. Judgment signed this: 22 nd day of Jan. 2014 4 Clerk James R. McGinn, Esq. Attorney for Plaintiff Workers' Compensation Board 328 State St. Schenectady, NY 12305 FILED Jan 22 2014 NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE C-45 6/2007