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  • Mateo Express, Inc. v. John Paul Multiservices, Inc., Fe M Lavandier Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Mateo Express, Inc. v. John Paul Multiservices, Inc., Fe M Lavandier Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Mateo Express, Inc. v. John Paul Multiservices, Inc., Fe M Lavandier Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Mateo Express, Inc. v. John Paul Multiservices, Inc., Fe M Lavandier Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Mateo Express, Inc. v. John Paul Multiservices, Inc., Fe M Lavandier Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Mateo Express, Inc. v. John Paul Multiservices, Inc., Fe M Lavandier Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Mateo Express, Inc. v. John Paul Multiservices, Inc., Fe M Lavandier Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Mateo Express, Inc. v. John Paul Multiservices, Inc., Fe M Lavandier Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview


INDEX NO. 150373/2014 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 0371372014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/17/2014 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK wenn tence nnn nn nnn nnn ene nn nee eK MATEO EXPRESS, INC., Index No.: 150373/14 Plaintiff, -against- NOTICE OF MOTION JOHN PAUL MULTISERVICES, INC. and FE M. LAVANDIER, Defendants. mete nn nnn ene ene ene n ene nen en en ne nnene PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that upon the affidavit of Andrew R. Peck, Esq., sworn to on the 14" day of March 2014 and attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and upon the summons and verified complaint heretofore served herein, with proof of service thereof, plaintiff Mateo Express, Inc. (“Mateo”) will move this court (in room 130) pursuant to N.Y. C.P.L.R. 3215(a) at the courthouse, located at 60 Centre Street, New York, County of New York, State of New York, on the 7” day of April 2014 at 9:30 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, for an order directing the entry of judgment in favor of the Plaintiff and against the defendants John Paul Multiservices, Inc. (“JPM”) and Fe M. Lavandier (“Lavandier’’) for the relief demanded in the verified complaint, upon the ground that the defendants JPM and Lavandier have failed to appear or otherwise respond to the verified complaint, and for such other and further relief as may be just, proper, and equitable. The above-entitled action is for a breach of contract, breach of a guarantee, conversion and punitive damages. Pursuant to N.Y. C.P.L.R. 2214(b), answering affidavits, if any, are required to be served upon the undersigned at least seven days before the return date of this motion. Dated: March 13, 2014 MERLE, BROWN & NAKAMURA, P.C New York, New York By pdbierle Andrew Peck Stephen Nakamura Attorneys for Plaintiff 90 Broad Street, Suite 2201 New York, New York 10004 Tel. (212) 471-2990 Fax (212) 471-2997 E-mail: To: John Paul Multiservices, Inc. 1180 Stratford Ave. Bronx, NY 10472 Fe M. Lavandier 110 Seaman Ave., Apt. 6H New York, NY 10034 EXHIBIT 1 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK mone nee ee ene en ee ne ee en MATEO EXPRESS, INC., Index No.: 150373/14 Plaintiff, -against- AFFIRMATION AS TO DEFAULT JOHN PAUL MULTISERVICES, INC. and FE M. LAVANDIER, Defendants. meee eee eee een eee nen en nen en ene ncnee, ANDREW R. PECK, ESQ., an attorney duly admitted to practice law in the courts of the State of New York does hereby affirm that the following is true under penalties of perjury: 1. I am an associate of the law firm Merle, Brown & Nakamura, P.C., the attorney for the plaintiff in the above-captioned action, Mateo Express, Inc. 2. The above-entitled action was commenced by the personal service of a summons and verified complaint, a copy of which is annexed hereto as Exhibit A, upon the defendant Fe M. Lavandier on the 16th day of January 2014. On the 16" day of January 2014, the defendant John Paul Multiservices, Inc. was served with the summons and verified complaint pursuant to Section 306(b) of the Business Corporation Law. Affidavits of service on the defendants Fe M. Lavandier and John Paul Multiservices, Inc. are attached hereto as Exhibit B. 3. The time for the defendants to answer or move with respect to the verified complaint has expired, and the defendants have not answered or moved with respect to the verified complaint. 4. The defendants’ time to plead has not been extended, and they are now in default in pleading. 5. The notices required by N.Y. C.P.L.R. 3215(g) were duly mailed on the 30" day of January 2014. A copy of the affidavits of mailing on the defendants Fe M. Lavandier and John Paul Multiservices, Inc., with proof of mailing, are attached hereto as Exhibit C. 6. Attached hereto as Exhibit D is an Affidavit of Non-Military Service for the Defendant Fe M. Lavandier. 7. As set forth in the Verified Complaint, plaintiff Mateo Express, Inc. (“Mateo”) is in the business of transmitting money abroad and is licensed to do so by the New York State Banking Department. The New York State Banking Law authorizes licensed money transmitters, such as Mateo, to appoint an agent or series of agents to accept cash funds from the public for further transmission overseas. On or around December 13, 2009, Mateo and defendant John Paul Multiservices, Inc. (“JPM”) entered into an agency agreement, pursuant to which Mateo appointed JPM as its agent (the “Agency Agreement”). Contemporaneously therewith, defendant Fe M. Lavandier (“Lavandier”), the owner of JPM, executed a personal guaranty (the “Guaranty”). The Guaranty provided that in the event JPM became indebted to Mateo, Lavandier would be personally liable for the debts of JPM. Further, the Guaranty authorized Mateo to proceed directly against Lavandier in the event of JPM’s indebtedness to Mateo, without having to attempt to collect from JPM first. When an individual desires to send money abroad via Mateo’s money transmission services, the customer visits an agent location, such as JPM’s storefront. The customer entrusts the funds to the agent and provides the agent with written payment instructions and details regarding the sender and the overseas beneficiary. The agent then notifies Mateo of the details of the transaction via Mateo’s computer software, provided by Mateo to the agent at the time of entering into an agency agreement, which is communicated to Mateo in real-time. Mateo then notifies its foreign correspondent, as designated by Mateo, in the country to which the funds are to be transmitted. The foreign correspondent then begins delivering the funds to the ultimate beneficiary. At that point, Mateo becomes indebted to the foreign correspondent. Stateside, Mateo then collects the funds from the agent, less the agent’s commission, and deposits the funds into Mateo’s account. Mateo then pays the foreign correspondent and retains a portion of the funds as Mateo’s commission for the transaction. The Agency Agreement requires JPM, as an agent of Mateo, to deliver any such funds due and owing to Mateo as a result of any money transmission transactions by 12:00 noon on the day after the transmission(s) occurred. Mateo and JPM had a successful agency relationship until December, 2013, at which time JPM had accumulated a significant unpaid balance due and owing to Mateo. On or around December 30, 2013, JPM owed Mateo $54,044.57. On December 30, 2013, Lavandier advised a Mateo employee that the funds would be available for pick-up the following day, pursuant to the terms of the Agency Agreement. However, on December 31, 2013, Lavandier stated to the same Mateo employee that due to the large amount of the funds, Lavandier had taken the funds to her home for safekeeping and that she would personally deposit the funds at another Mateo agency location the following day. Lavandier failed to deliver the funds as promised. On January 3, 2014, Lavandier admitted to Mr. Frank Ortiz (“Ortiz”), Mateo’s Director of Credit and Collections, that she had taken the funds to her home for her own personal use. Lavandier further admitted that she took the funds to pay off her personal creditors and that this had been her plan. Thus, there is a verified amount due and owing of $54,044.57, plus pre- and post- judgment interest. In addition, Mateo is seeking punitive damages as a result of Lavandier’s malicious actions and admitted theft. 8. Plaintiffs form order is attached hereto as Exhibit E. WHEREFORE, given the foregoing and for the reasons and facts set forth in the Verified Complaint, plaintiff Mateo Express, Inc. respectfully requests: 1 On Plaintiff's First Cause of Action, that the Court enter judgment on the issue of liability in favor of Mateo Express, Inc. and against the defendant John Paul Multiservices, Inc. for breach of contract; Il On Plaintiff's Second Cause of Action, that the Court enter judgment on the issue of liability in favor of Mateo Express, Inc. and against the defendant Fe M. Lavandier for breach of a guaranty; iii. On Plaintiff's First and Second Causes of Action, that the Court award damages in favor of Mateo Express, Inc. and against the defendants John Paul Multiservices, Inc. and Fe M. Lavandier, jointly and severally, in the amount of $54,044.57, together with statutory pre- and post-judgment interest, and costs of collection; Iv. On Plaintiff's Third Cause of Action, that the Court enter judgment on the issue of liability in favor of Mateo Express, Inc. and against the defendant Fe M. Lavandier and that the Court schedule an inquest to assess punitive damages to be awarded to Mateo Express, Inc. as a result of Fe M. Lavandier’s admitted pre-meditated conversion; and Vv. Such other and further relief as the Court may deem just, proper and equitable under the circumstances. Dated: March 13, 2014 MERLE, BROWN & NAKAMURA, P.C. New York, New York By: Ade» L- Andrew Peck Stephen Nakamura Attorneys for Plaintiff 90 Broad Street, Suite 2201 New York, New York 10004 Tel. (212) 471-2990 Fax (212) 471-2997 E-mail: To: John Paul Multiservices, Inc. 1180 Stratford Ave. Bronx, NY 10472 Fe M. Lavandier 110 Seaman Ave., Apt. 6H New York, NY 10034 EXHIBIT A SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK weeneeenecenceceneneeeeeeeeenmeeeeeeeneeeneneen enenennneenenenn xX MATEO EXPRESS INC., Index No.: Plaintiff, -against- SUMMONS JOHN PAUL MULTISERVICES, INC. and FE M. LAVANDIER, Defendants. wee nee ne eee en ene enneme nn nnnt nanan) X TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to serve upon Plaintiff's attommey an answer to the complaint in this action within twenty (20) days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, or within thirty (30) days after service is complete if this summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York. In case of your failure to answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. The basis of venue designated by plaintiff is the residence of plaintiff. The address of plaintiffis 350 West 31" Street, New York, New York 10001. Dated: January 15, 2014 New York, New York . Pe & NAKAMURA, P.C. Stephen Nakamura Andrew Peck Merle, Brown & Nakamura, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 90 Broad Street, Suite 2201 New York, New York 10004 Tel. (212) 471-2990 Fax (212) 471-2997 E-mail: To: John Paul Multiservices 1180 Stratford Ave. Bronx, NY 10472 Fe M. Lavandier 110 Seaman Ave., Apt. 6H New York, NY 10034 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF NEW YORK re see se eneneteeeeeneenennon onesie anne enone X MATEO EXPRESS, INC., Index No.: Plaintiff, ~against- VERIFIED COMPLAINT JOHN PAUL MULTISERVICES, INC. and FE M. LAVANDIER, mec eert renee nnn a renee nneenenemenaein ge neennrenne arses, Plaintiff Mateo Express, Inc., by its attomeys, Merle, Brown & Nakamura, P.C., by way of complaint against defendants John Paul Multiservices, Inc. and Fe M. Lavandier, alleges and says as follows: ONS C: NI 1 Mateo Express, Inc. (“Plaintiff’ or “Mateo”) is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York, with its principal place of business located at 350 West 31" Street, New York, New York 10001. 2 Mateo is engaged in the business of transmitting money abroad and is licensed to do so by the New York State Banking Department. 3. Upon information and belief, defendant John Paul Multiservices, Inc. (“JPM”) is a New York corporation with its principal place of business located at 1180 Stratford Avenue, Bronx, New York 10472, 4 Upon information and belief, JPM is owned by defendant Fe M. Lavandier (‘Lavandier”), who upon information and belief is an individual who resides at 110 Seaman Avenue, Apt. 6H, New York, New York 10034. 5 As set forth in paragraph two (2) above, Plaintiff Mateo is engaged in the business of transmitting money abroad and is licensed to do so by the New York State Banking Department, pursuant to Article XIII of the New York State Banking Law (“Article XIII”). 6. Article XIII authorizes Mateo, as a licensed transmitter of money, to appoint agents within the State of New York to accept cash funds from the public for further transmission to beneficiaries overseas. 7. The transmission of funds abroad by Mateo, through its agents, proceeds as follows: &. Customers desiring to transmit funds abroad visit agent locations, entrust funds to Mateo’s agents, and provide the agents with written payment instructions and detailed information concerming both the sender and beneficiary af the funds; b Upon receiving the funds from customers, the agents then notify Mateo of the details of each transaction; c. Upon receiving this information from the agents, end in order to effectuate the payment of funds to beneficiuries overseas, Mateo then delivers the payment instructions to foreign correspondents which Mateo has appointed in each of the countries to which Matco’s customers send funds; 4. The foreign sorrespondeni immediately begin delivering funds to beneficiaries as directed by customers, and Mateo is thereupon immediately indebted to the foreign correspondents for each delivery made; a Mateo collects the funds entrusted to the agents by the customers, less the agents’ commissions, and deposits such funds into Mateo’s bank account; f. Mateo pays the foreign correspondent for all deliveries made plus a commission or fee owed to the correspondent for each delivery made; and &. Matec retains a portion of the fee paid by the customer for each tansmnission as Mateos fee for completing the transmission as requested. 8 On or around December 13, 2009, Mateo and JPM entered into a Mateo Express Agency Agreement (the “Agreement”) with respectto JPM’s business located at 1180 Stratford Avenue, Bronx, New York 10472, pursuant to which JPM was appointed as Mareo’s agent for the purpose of receiving funds from the public for further transmission abroad by Mateo. A copy of the Agreement is attached hereto as ExhibitA. 9 In addition, also on December 13, 2009, defendant Lavandier executed a Personal Indemnity and Guaranty (the Guaranty”), pursuantto which Lavandier personally agreed to: “[TJhe prompt payment in full by AGENT [JPM] (as defined in the Agreement) of all sums and amounts payable under such Agreement and the prompt and complete performance by AGENT of all other obligations thereunder.” and further agreed that “[Wlithout PRINCIPAL [Mateo] fitst having to proceed against AGENT, to pay on demand all sums due to become due to PRINCIPAL under this Agreement and all damages, losses, costs, attorney’s fees and expenses which PRINCIPAL may suffer by reason of AGENT"s or any of [my] failure[] to pay or perform any obligation under the Agreement. This guatanty is an absolute, unconditional and continuing guaranty of Payment.” A copy of the Guaranty is attached hereto as Exhibit B. 10. Upon entering into the Agreement, JPM and Lavandier, by virtue of her Guaranty, agreed to “accept and hold all monies collected for transmission in trust and as fiduciary for” Mateo, See Agreement (Exhibit A) at IV(A). 11, JPM and Lavandier further agreed to pay Mateo the total amount of funds received by each agent location for transmission abroad, plus all commission due to Mateo, by 12:00 noon the day following the defendants’ receipt of funds for transmission. See Agreement (ExhibitA) at{ IV(D). 12. As an agent of Mateo, JPM collected, on behalf of Mateo, funds from the public for further transmission to beneficiaries overseas plus fees paid by each customer thereon without incident. However, as of December 30, 2013, JPM had a significant unpaid balance owed to Mateo, 13. Despite the fact that the intended beneficiaries were paid, and despite the fact that Mateo paid its foreign correspondents, the defendants had failed to deliver funds to Mateo as Tequired by the Agreement. 14, Anytime that Mateo executes an agency agreement with a new agent, Mateo equips that new agent with Mateo’s computer software (the “Mateo Software”). The Mateo Software is a computer program that is downloaded and installed on the computers located at each agency’s premises. 15. When a Mateo customer desires to transmit money, the agent enters the following information into the Mateo Software program: i) the amount received by the agent from the customer; if) the agent’s respective commission; and iii) the remaining amount that is to be delivered to Mateo. When entered, this information becomes immediately available to Mateo on Mateo’s computers at its headquarters, 16. Thus, every transaction that occurs on a given day is transmitted to Mateo’s intemal accounting system via the Mateo Software program. 17, Therefore, the information entered into Mateo’s Software program, which appears on Mateo’s computer systems and internal accounting system, is based entirely on information entered by the agent. 18. JPM, like all of Mateo’s other agents, had the Mateo Software installed on IPM’s computers, 19. Attached hereto as ExhibitC is a print out from Mateo’s internal accounting system which demonstrates that as of December 31, 2013, JPM (based on the information entered into the Mateo Software by JPM) owed Mateo $54,044.57. 20. On or around December 30, 2013, Lavandier advised Mr. Jorge Jimenez (‘Simenez"), an employee of Mateo , that the past-due funds would be promptly made available for pick up by Mateo. 21. On December 31, 2013, Lavandier indicated that due to the large amount of the funds, she had taken these funds to her home. Lavandier then stated to Mr. Jimenez and another Mateo employee (in two separate phone conversations) that she was going to deposit the funds (totaling $54,044.57) at a Mateo agency located at 170 Dyckman Street in Manhattan, Lavandier failed to deliver the funds to Mateo as promised. 22 As such, JPM is indebted to Mateo in the total amount of $54,044.57, representing the funds that JPM collected from the public and was required to deliver to Mateo. 23, On Jennary 3, 2014, Lavandier admitted to Mr. Frank Ortiz (“Ortiz”), Plaintiff's Director of Credit and Collections, that she personally took the arnounts due and owing to Mateo, totaling $54,044.57, for her own benefit for the purpose of paying other creditors and that this had been her plan. 24, Despite due demand, JPM and Lavandier have failed and refused to make the required payment to Mateo. The amount presently due and owing to Mateo by JPM and Lavandier totals $54,044.57. (Fo ent) 23. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each and every allegation set forth in paragraphs 1 through 24 as though set forth fully and at length herein. 26. JPM?’s failure to remit funds to Mateo as required by the Agreement constitutes a breach of the Agreement. 27. As a result of JPM’s breach of the Agreement, Mateo has been damaged in the amount of $54,044.57, plus statutory pre- and post-judgment interest. (or Layandier’s Breach of the Guaranty) 28. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each and every allegation set forth in paragraphs | through 27 as though set forth fully and at length herein. 29. JPM is indebted to Plaintiff in the amount of $54,044.57, together with statutory pre- and post-judgment interest. 30. Defendant Lavandier, by executing the Guaranty attached to the Agreement between JPM and Plaintiff, personally guaranteed all of JPM’s obligations under its Agreement with Plaintiff, and further agreed to be responsible for all sttorneys” fees incurred by Plaintiff as a result of JPM's failure to perform its obligations under the Agreement, See Guaranty (Exhibit B) 31. By virtue of the Defendant Lavandier’s unconditional guaranty, Lavandier owes Plaintiff the sum of $54,044.57, plus statutory pre- and post-judgment interest thereon, reasonable attorneys’ fees as provided for by the Guaranty, and costs of collection. UNT. 1 jf ’s Fu 32. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each and every allegation set forth in paragraphs | through 31 as though set forth fully and at length herein. 33. Defendant Lavandier admitted to Mr. Ortiz that: i) she had lied to Mr. Jiminez; and ii) that it had been her plan to take the $54,044.57 (the “Converted Funds”) and use it to pay off creditors. 34, As the lawful owner of the Converted Funds currently in the Defendant Lavandier’s possession, Plaintiff has an ownership and possessory right to the funds superior to all others. 35, As the lawful owner of the Converted Funds with a right of ownership and possession superior to ail others, Plaintiff had the authority to request delivery and possession of the Converted Funds from Lavandier. 36. Although JPM was preliminarily the lawful recipient of the Converted Funds, Lavandier never even became an authorized custodian of the Converted Funds. Moreover, she became an unauthorized custodian of the Converted Funds the day she took them to her home. 37, Lavandier’s exercise of dominion and control over the Converted Funds was to the exclusion and detriment of Plaintiff's rights of possession, control and ownership of the Converted Funds. 38. Accordingly, when Lavandier refused Plaintiffs awful demands for delivery of the Converted Funds, Lavandier became @ converter of the Converted Funds, funds that duly belong to Mateo. 39, The money that Lavandier took is money that JPM collected from the public for further transmission to beneficiaries overseas. 40. The efficacy, safety and security of money transmission services are an extremely important aspect of the non-banking financial institution system in New York. 41. To this end, the fact that Lavandier converted money for her own personal benefit disrupts the integrity of the New York non-bank financial institution system. 42, Further, Lavandier’s conduct, which was admittedly premeditated, mandates not only that she be liable for $54,044.57 for the conversion of Mateo’s funds, but that the Court make an example of Lavandier’s egregious misconduct by awarding punitive damages to Mateo in the amount of $500,000.00. WHEREFORE, plaintiff Mateo Express, Inc. demands judgment in its favor and against the defendants as follows: L On Plaintiff's First Cause of Action, judgment in favor of Mateo Express, Inc. and against John Paul Multiservices, Inc. in the amount of $54,044.57, together with pre- and post-judgment interest, and costs of collection; i On Plaintif’s Second Cause of Action, judgment in favor of Mateo Express, Inc. and against Fe M. Lavandier in the amount of $54,044.57, together with pre- and post-judgment interest, attomeys’ fees as provided for by the Guaranty, and costs of collection; and iii. On Plaintiff's Third Cause of Action, judgment in favor of Mateo Express, Inc. and against Fe M. Lavandier in the amount of $54,044.57, together with pre- and post-judgment interest, and costs of collection; Iv. Punitive damages in the amount of $500,000.00 for the willful and premeditated conversion of Mateo’s funds; and Such other and further relief as the Court may deem just, proper and equitable under the circumstances. Dated: January 15, 2014 MERLE, BROWN & NAKAMURA, P.C. New York, New York By: V2 <— Stephen Nakamura Andrew Peck Attorneys for plaintiff 90 Broad Street, Suite 2201 New York, New York 10004 Tel. (212) 471-2990 Fax (212) 471-2997 E-mail: VERIFICATION STATE OF NEW YORK ? ) ss: COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) CARLOS RIVERA being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am the President of the Plaintiff, Mateo Express Inc. I have read the foregoing COMPLAINT, know the contents thereof, and the same arg true to my knowledge, exccpt those matters therein which are stated to be alleged on information and belief, and as to those matters I believe them to be true. I farther state that the source of my information and the grounds of my belief are derived from: i) my knowledge of Mateo Express, Inc. as President; ii) a review of Mateo Express, Inc.’s regularly-kept business records; and iii) interviews of and conversations with Mateo Express, Inc. employees. Cra CARLOS RIVERA President Mateo Express, Inc. to before me this of January, 2014 so eK Notary ate tate oF ew Yor: tary Public ua oa iythugs Soeinty Center 1% i stity ion Saas C6 12514 19 ICATIO! STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) 88: COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) FRANK GRTIZ being duly sworn, deposes and says: Tain the Director of Credit and Collections of the Plaintiff, Mateo Express Inc. I have read the annexed COMPLAINT, know the contents thereof, and with respect to paragraphs twenty-three (23) and thirty-three (33) of the COMPLAINT, the same are true to my knowledge. With respect to those matters therein which are stated to be alleged on information and belief, as to those matters I believe them to be true, , Credit and Collections Mateo Express, Inc. Sworn to before me this ‘day of January, 2014 Public Notary Put StaiteOf New York CINDSIaag5 Qualltieg in Cour Gettiied onin Ea New rk Cow nmi ission res OB Baela. il EXHIBIT A haminss fram any cis, tassee, darnapas, Cables or expen dutt or arin ou $f ny Ines, miaune, thant, bingiery, forge ney or thar crit, Ses Seve rosie oe ib exact en thereto and: il Mateo foe any Bue seme AGENT shall dally batls with @ schedule ref Shona of even rancedscon maney tad ak day end ae papas io be atc PRINCIPAL, The ddly Wantucilen report must Uululla ef wach, that day and el) payment to be efecna by 4, ‘Nome af reminer, 2 ‘Name, cadeess and talaphome number af neneticlary; a Beneleiary pi information (eg, Baik @roount or ninar payment institu 4 Pave Yelus of exch Uarater, 9nd AGENCY AGREEMENT 5 The commission dun to PRINCIPALS pecvided in the fea Tit agreed Dy and batwaen few York et ANGE race 359 Wen ot guee, 3° ha Bon New York und the undtelgned AGENT, and Te aubject tb tha approval of ‘The stove Information shpl| be trenemitted by’ tax of Sompul te PRINCIPAL by 5:00) _ ‘of tha Busines day In whilch the money way Col) ine fi a unease Ie daly Weaguction wept to PRINCIPAL sh be Incaded in theretanyo pe APPOINTMENT Q bebe prvi patraHECay.noonthe dy fallowing a cecalp of Iwas for Wansminon, AGENT at pe fon duesack | eee ot seas me te siepostig te wal:‘snot a 2h consideration of tha payenent of fees vet furth tn this Agreed, PRINGIPS no by (adel tune hereby sppolnis AGENT a¢ He AGENT for the transmistlon of mony a3 set toth herein PRINSIPAL ‘ea sat forh on. seyanslaresby wre and AGENT ancepts such opp PRINCIPAL'S wccount must be avaiable a¢ goad fundsIn PRINCIPAL'S atcount am By ‘AGENT Sal enn pert 45 certian ovate neaiah PRUCIEAL of transter10 paymem Bt used [n perevaph D, The loiet deposit whet! 7» ndertace and agree thal tis Agrmemaal is baie eceied ‘aya Bo tnt UB Daly ant raponted to PRINCIPAL on(it daly waaaction eepon for ‘ito wane te PRINCIPALS review and approval Roprensoe. a én pategeaph C above. condition, PRINCIPAL wil nally AGENT waa 80 days e ears nancial‘meal ie AGENT sai PRINCIPAL, un 9(pantiy tosis, ba a master schedite ‘unsecaptetie,‘and this Agreemardwal hersupon term arolng ab raneactons canduejed thal raanth which api shal be setverad 1 DB) AGENT pertonns.ihe services haaunder ta the cate Of News York than Senadota M coieh a, TC ibn 8 anh hh a A and B shall apply. given, in ation, a canned of wach frarigpationsnd e) tm péforming heteunder, AGENT shed abide by the tems und condilonsef he ‘yaceres ¢reaplen Wet Pana to ‘upen. IPAL's Requent, ate nates F)__ PRINCIPAL haa developed ong Samponer sorry fs, srxpare Ices dequlalicnsof he INGIFAL, al as amended from time fo wma, nd dally end monthly eeporis, ioanipnnd AGENT so ec prone! wth F} AGENT chou, a1 {16 own cast and extnae, ds ante PRINCIPAL sohware0 opesa{é sume: PRINCIPAL, (om office prendaes farm ntl fo sacl As Gusines. to tha hese. AGENT wil perform Ke dues oe AGENT vane fete fer mulmiatningtis pal shall sh meebe ae “ REPORTS AND RECORDS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, dng aisuh edetona tora at ag be rey arene aon Wy Pane Tri, wen 19 fe be ase to us ba caspanabe fr pamper a eg yareckctica | age undaretards that one ofthe funéamenial chectven «Dis of Agrasment aiand Shetermcrmenal physical rumants tn @XCEoe of PRINCIPAL'S 10fa) Tan suse wed GORD Dette ($10 20000. Ra gapects shall Se Wansidaslan sendcur in te Dis located tra ater eno aL the tow of he Varsuction acd fited wehin tm time per ‘required by appiicabla ber, develop PRINICIPAL'S‘ecapelon | levthe Inde sede shall meivlain at 3 premdaae’ Copies of Sf (RS forms 4763 and 4790 | of fe an wail fuinlsh PRINCIPAL With cophus Of al auch reports prepared and feed a EXCLUSIVITY tha dy following venvaction, ea ae apa ogo ek ey he fat ta aceest any end gia anoeter ol ony, ix vm } mas monies cnoalved and 1a Ie 2 PRINCIPAL. » sold, bie name al kash proper bod ana sone {ub Wnlorfnation relating tn ly yanemiasfon of maney, Wachedlng of reminers, the memes oF ‘and the terms of each Wacsmission, and altH ote Goats cand reconls ax appticabie haw seth Coonan or net, fe wre ai ‘of PRINGIPAL. hall Require or 99 reasonably shall be etiod batween the date allie Ageeden net Uf) year abertre nor \L. All records20 tera tent he ora peat a Can tra fous Aeatanlnd to the_don 30 meoe a regulation, pres OF the request of ‘ae sarminetion, the, Furnes 9fen mer, 2am at boskcenin ‘ayaiern manjatned by the sees that Tured drecy 8 int ec dteder, ffoat, tryees para, eRINGIPAL venture,be lary weer ‘ekhokier, propreicr,OF cp PANG sol are fccesn AGENT agirds ta debevnina eeenpllance: wily shen banal of tua, or wy ah eraor sigutiatlan ee en, eogage ta, ihe lamne. is Agaement and wah applcably toi and soquetons canoeing jot money, operation fon ent oy Tineees wierespec toSarinfoyer orale mowney Iranster ‘or moneyba ores whera ‘during the teamot ww RECEIPTS, INVOICES, SIGHS AND ADVERTISING iis Agreement, sian 10g mie Teer na esTe AGEN’ ‘AGENT wis Terie AGENT oF for ches, sole er shempt le he Tues or yavonabe ‘any other parton, il nen, rests, sonkmratinny, and ote such trates used in the ‘orgerization or other ently for the aurpooe of al products, buxiness of wervice i shal state se tha AGENT's nome "as AGENT for Maleo one exoaped PAL ov ¢elatingto I ‘businaes, AGENT ess es Al anarpission inyiryinents used by AGENTS PRINCIPAL’: remedies at 10 will nol be agpquate, aK vil beer anieAr The eoutof wa reels, PRINCIPAL Wate end fo specie calet. specific pertotnanca, Including epprepridte | eae AGENT willbe tiled 10 AGENT by’ ‘al PRINCIPAL'S cost, 5) Ais the intentionof the pases that AGENT be permed to use and conduct is ove rants a tha AGENT must ksdioate tat Iie an AGENT m1. COMPENSATION of the PRINGIPAL, ‘The PRINGIPAR chal si dees he warding of allslgns, tademorks ond suvice marks used and partelning to te ager and an te a) In conden is uppohtrett sx AGENT, AGENT ayrees to tm sevens anal 9 sign ss advert copy weed fn comection the servicus hereunciet bo unt ud without (he tele eppracal ang canara ofiba PRI ‘the commizslan and ‘28 cet forth Wa Ahn fe pagent ng event hed ‘eormenon ry oa or vche tty, Gall carmnlorons and it bee based ext the face valut of alt sume meee FRACIPAL vwtihaut the PRINCIPAL'S pie wrt otha reveled by AGENT: ron i evslonary fe weracdralon ugh vahie, reapeciis te deer.fens 23 used hérein, hall mur Cal ean gf be ance ot omy oe weg a2 tant re eovessing copy Peering reetne ta Be mance FavtmidbyPhnce At snc bt eet ‘The panies hava aah loca in ina Blac oye ray Sy charges ete toe | va RESPONGIBILITIES OF PRINCIPAL, ‘aye rotica le AGENT. My REMITTANCE OF FUNDS AND FEEG TO PRINCIPAL a. Wineut nla the PRINCIPAL’: segatanton neon far ainmanraouna ( ete of tha | yee ratannet oy Bact AGENT shai Tp bor eee af a nin, mn int on + cantar Gy eter Yarn a yi a9 ba af fqulies anit chnmuseatont and wantigallan concerning nd comps ft acy,‘of emtunery ond a Sent ae G}_ PRINCIPAL wit reculve f