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  • Doris Kaufman v. 2451 Broadway Market, Inc., Yucca Holding Corp., New Horizon Management Corp. Tort document preview
  • Doris Kaufman v. 2451 Broadway Market, Inc., Yucca Holding Corp., New Horizon Management Corp. Tort document preview
  • Doris Kaufman v. 2451 Broadway Market, Inc., Yucca Holding Corp., New Horizon Management Corp. Tort document preview
  • Doris Kaufman v. 2451 Broadway Market, Inc., Yucca Holding Corp., New Horizon Management Corp. Tort document preview


(FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 0972072017 03:30 PM INDEX NO. 150893/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 56 RECEIVED NYSCEF 09/20/2017 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK none DORIS KAUFMAN, INDEX NO.: 150893/2014 Plaintiff, -against- EMERGENCY AFFIRMATION 2451 BROADWAY MARKET, INC., YUCCA HOLDING: CORP. and NEW HORIZON MANAGEMENT CORP., Defendants. ween nen nwnennwnewennweesenennananscneeneneseateeecaeecteneeenensaceaeae JOHN P. BONANNO, an attorney duly licensed to practice law before the Courts of the State of New York, hereby affirms the following to be true pursuant to CPLR §2106: 1 That I am a member of the firm of Weiner, Millo, Morgan & Bonanno, LLC, counsel to the Defendant, NEW HORIZON MANAGEMENT CORP., herein, and as such am fully familiar with the facts and circumstances of this action. 2 That I submit this Emergency Affirmation in support of the within Order to Show Cause for an expedited hearing on the Defendant’s motion, pursuant to Section §202.7 of the Uniform Civil Rules for the Supreme and County Courts. 3 I submit this emergency affirmation in support of the within Order to Show Cause to vacate default judgements, because of the co-defendant, YUCCA HOLDING CORP.’s Order to Show Cause for the same relief, and potential jury selection, is currently scheduled for October 4, 2017 at 9:30 a.m., and because Defendant would face severe and irreparable prejudice should the aforementioned motion not be heard and granted. WHEREFORE, for the reason set forth herein and in the accompanying affidavits and memorandum of law, New Horizon respectfully requests the entry of an Order: (i) pursuant to 1 of 2 (FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 0972072017 03:30 PM INDEX NO. 150893/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 56 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/20/2017 NY CPLR §317 vacating the Default Order; (ii) pursuant to NY CPLR § 5015 and/or the Court's inherent power vacating the Default Order; (iii) pursuant to NY CPLR §3012 allowing New Horizon to file an answer to plaintiff s amended verified complaint; and granting such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper. Dated: New York, New York September 20, 2017 Yours ete., John P. no, Eq, 2 of 2