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  • Sandra Perez v. 19 Kenmare Realty, Llc,, Little Charlie'S Oyster Bar, Inc., Citi-Urban Management Corp., 19 Kenmare Street Partners Llc, Travertine D/B/A Ken & Cook, Little Charlie'S Clam Bar Inc., The Butcher'S Daughter, Llc Tort document preview
  • Sandra Perez v. 19 Kenmare Realty, Llc,, Little Charlie'S Oyster Bar, Inc., Citi-Urban Management Corp., 19 Kenmare Street Partners Llc, Travertine D/B/A Ken & Cook, Little Charlie'S Clam Bar Inc., The Butcher'S Daughter, Llc Tort document preview


INDEX NO. 150891/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 26 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/29/2014 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK — NEW YORK COUNTY PRESENT: Hon. MILTON A. TINGLING, Justice PART _44 Sandra Perez INDEX NO. 150891-2014 MOTION DATE duly 22, 2014 -against- MOTION SEQ. NO. 002 19 Kenmare Realty LLC, Little Charlie’s MOTION CAL. NO. Oyster Bar, Inc., and Citi-Urban Management Corp. The following papers, numbered 1 to ——_ were read on this motion to/for Papers Numbered Notice of Motion/Order to Show Cause — Affidavits— Exhibits Answering Affidavits — Exhibits Replying Affidavits Cross-Motion: O Yes LJ No Plaintiff, Sandra Perez moves for an Order pursuant to CPLR 83215(a)(b), directing that a Default Judgment be entered against Defendant Charlie’s Oyster Bar, Inc. and awarding costs, attorney's fees and sanctions to Plaintiff's attorneys, and for such other and further relief which to this Court seems just and proper. The Motion is unopposed. It is hereby ORDERED that the Motion of Plaintiff, Sandra Perez against Defendant, Charlie’s Oyster Bar, Inc. for a Default Judgment is granted on Default; and it is further ORDERED that sanctions to Plaintiffs Attorneys are denied. Settle Order on Notice. ENTER: Dated:_October 24, 2014 af J.S.C. FSueGs tatiton A. Tingling Check one: [_] FINAL DISPOSITION [¥7 NON-FINAL DISPOSITION | | DO NOT POST Check if appropriate: __] REFERENCE \_] SETTLE/SUBMIT ORDER/JUDGMENT