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  • Hilda Batista v. Sherri Culpepper, Xyz Company, fictitious name being intended for that of an additional party, Tort document preview
  • Hilda Batista v. Sherri Culpepper, Xyz Company, fictitious name being intended for that of an additional party, Tort document preview
  • Hilda Batista v. Sherri Culpepper, Xyz Company, fictitious name being intended for that of an additional party, Tort document preview
  • Hilda Batista v. Sherri Culpepper, Xyz Company, fictitious name being intended for that of an additional party, Tort document preview
  • Hilda Batista v. Sherri Culpepper, Xyz Company, fictitious name being intended for that of an additional party, Tort document preview
  • Hilda Batista v. Sherri Culpepper, Xyz Company, fictitious name being intended for that of an additional party, Tort document preview
  • Hilda Batista v. Sherri Culpepper, Xyz Company, fictitious name being intended for that of an additional party, Tort document preview
  • Hilda Batista v. Sherri Culpepper, Xyz Company, fictitious name being intended for that of an additional party, Tort document preview


y {NUN OIA@CkK WK GN alead Wi VUE IGT So ALAS. Part of the Supreme her spaces are for Court use. by, Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of New York at ax PARTE EOTGN CPR CE the Courthouse therefore, 60 Centre Street, New York, N.Y., an the Hl ‘APPR day of ; 200. FOR PRESETEHONON Ft iL Weoten SRLY e of the Supreme Court a a +X Index Number Hi LDA_BATISTA 15IBI4 {2014 [fill in name(s)} Plaintiff(s) -against- ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE SHERRI CULPEPPER [fill in name(s)] Defenda nH) ~ Col eK. [your Upon reading and fifing the affidavit of"Sue name] swom to on the !g day of _PEC __, 206.47 [date Affidavit in Support notarized] and upon the exhibits annexed hereto, | atlomey and the Let the plaintiff / defendant. [circle one] or his /her [circie one] of this Court, tobe Corporation Counsel of the City of New York show cause at an|.A.S. Part dayof nald at the Courthouse, 60 Centre Street, New York, New York, on the 4 200 at o'clock in the noon or as soon as counsel may be heard why an order to proceed as a poor person and should not be made permitting the plaintiff / defendant [circle one] U vedgneanr further [briefly describe what are you are asking the cour! Pease I WAS _Norgwen personal Geevice 4 nd did Not Kiwd Cover Tate Becouk. WIENS, INcomplere. addless ywuere (anters ithenoy. Ap acSiay an2% al Wi are noreby waivedbe nding determination orden) | RS ERED tEFine “Gabi eee motion fees o% So the above motion. THEREFORE, tet personal service ofa copy of this SUFFICIENT CAUSE APPEARING upon the pl:laintift/ defendant [circle one] or order, and the papers upon which this order ls granted Corporation Counsel on or Daintif's / defendant's [circle one ] attarney if so represent ad and the 38 ine day of 200. be deemed good and sufficient ENTER | — JS.6 OS it [Print in black ink to fillin the spaces next to Ine insuucuursj AE THE UP. EM JR 0 a TATE OF NEW YORK AT CU u OF K index Number Hilda Byhca 151314 /z014 [fill in name(s)] Plaintiff (s) - against - AFFIDAVIT IN. SUPPORT OF APPLICATION TO PROCEED Sere: Cul peopee. V Defendant(s) 7 AS A POOR PERSON FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ANO FEE R.J.1 [fill in name(s) o X STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF NEW YORK) ss See C [your name], being duly sworn, says: 1. Ireside at lor W yqber ste 2AG NY WY 10049 [your address], in the State of New York, and | have resided in the State of New York for the past 5 years [consecutive years of residence in New York.] escribe what you are 2. 1am about to file a motion for poor person it and for [briefly asking the court t d 0) Note WAotE a de + judgto aod 9 SOY any Rel let Ql lamb KE PREGA Peace Os Gi were VO- > Lo} Ipfectberboo creel by pausttF!s mete and incomelete_c IS5_ LAS MN s lawsuit is based upon [briefly describe the nature of the lawsui ft:. x CA Ad ne cy} OCC at _C Len 3 [DN \o rele Nah on premise an oT Ve. ofr 2. iy WAG ) Candi oF incomek Wy ae ae[describe persin all sources of} incone anndahounte DYGIS, , employer's received from each source, Submit current proof of the amount(s), for example pay stub, social services budget lettet,“social security dward etter] | am empioyed at [name of employer} Stonsta and earn [amount] $A, 2 50 sf circle oneY fionthiy? yearly | raceive government benefits from [identify source} in the amouni of $ [eircle one] monthly/yearly. H] other sources of income are [identify source and amount] pone | have a balance of $_@ 545,00 [amount] in my account(s) 4.06 vp t gp Bra cog C2 Ch oy Li) Cae dou [identify | support myself and members of household. il}: clothing, jewelry, 5, My personal property and it’s value is as follows: [describ e in deta Cade valu ej: 2... furniture, automobile and so \ wns age Val ualde nA -thagh Tow te iS tox| fC peace Of Zen Oe [eA Xp ©. TSUtake @ethis Sp n oleouant ‘0 Séctio HCE, ue my case fees, and expenses necessa ry to purs upon the gro und that | am unable to pay cosis, eving me from the am unab le to obta in the fund s te do so, and unless an order is ent ered reli and obligation to pay, | will be unable to do so. ed in the re' covery sought herein. 7. No other person is beneficially interest . n py has [cir cle one] bee n made for the reliefnow requested 8. A prior applicatio when, the mad e this appl icat ion befo re in this or any other court, describe where, [F you ] result and why you are making if again an order permitting me to ‘ proceed as WHEREFORE, | respectfully ask that this court issue t of fee for the sole @ poor person and the County Clerk is directed to issue an RJ! without paymen purpose of hearing this motion Swamye belong ie Plaintiff/Pétitiorer ry] obs. [sign your name in front ofa nota ay of Lar ~ Su MU a [print your name] Nota pePARVCNOLAN Notary Public, State of New York Reg. No. 0SNO6330112 Qualified in New York County Commission Expires September 8, 20, RJI-PPOatid-06 id letters.j {Print in black ink ali areas in bo K SUPRE OF THE STATE OF NEW YOR ArEc COURT COUNTY OF NEW YORK pane a= an) X -— ae Index Number Hhida [fill in name(s)] BatistaPp taintii(s)/Petifoner(s)_ 1 6/ - against - AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT Sheee: Colpep [All in name(s)} Da¥dnciant(sVRespondent (s) —- _—— x wee STATE OF NE YORK COUNTY OF- “pew voeK $s Sheed Colpeppee —__— [your name], being duly sworn, deposes and says: make [ci rcle one] in this m atter. | seer, fe nd an t / res pon den t 1.1. am the plaintiff/ p etitioner/ de the Court to t of this mot ion for an ord er [Describe wh at you are asking this affidavit jiin suppor in the No ti ce of Mot ion 0} Q de if do. Thi relief must also be st at OL ve fet A on el At Cace, aes L201 any COO} UB uc Org QM cA co Brg a ty, Cy By wd ie hes,8elie POS. ve the eG pur should fran t 8 is Toe on lg pean in why you shou etn my tend, more uments} yo u submit. Add Expl ain any Exhibits {doc granted what you are requesting _ ISS. age Cz ZIGy pages if needed. ] fot Pape Pri PAD AJA Which 16 whee _int OEKING bt B -~ Sows SS of [A left Tq Cue.C Ke OQ oSandNo of by ake. RS TOY fr] rid ELL Os receat (Coe I ‘fale 1D Me (ODA QO bok CA Zi code. ASO Pe WO ANG Ri C) (0 Apar Td CO ple nnallins ezened + h e 1G, 2 % COXT Coles locke He y | 4-06 Ths cover Date WAS Cha noe and no sieges non a iw? > reals =i arm oa. _Nichro_o EC REV i Ce po Who_hale taker Over My. 1S, Which Me a ve Wet | NO £ JEL L ye NS adUa Ch ald) Os HA Aiarcslo po lin AO S CiK a (rea: Ee py ORE. cK cA Thao aESh ee t ‘no pl ol B- E'S ho ns a OU Wwere. Vey On \ pe ce et Ak. ‘nt 1) “Tree. QUES hove 2s whe ma cs cr im in al ZisSOc jes HY lal (2 sb eb av io r, Aan 10 {E> XS!A EO the idnjones Fave OCCORAA ewer relief now requesied. has [circle ene] been made for the 3. A prior application n, the on bef ore in this or any othe r court, descti be where, whe [if you made this applicati isions.) again. Attach copies of previous dec result and why you are making it — other test that this mot ion be granted, and that | have such WHEREFORE, | respectiully rea = er. and further relief as may be just and prop — Sw to befor ars e on the ay of&x Aj AS ry) jl Kihek ary Public i = [print yourtnar — EILEEN W. NOLAN Notary Public, State of New York Reg. No. 05NO63301 12 4 AffSup4-06 Qualified in New York County Commission Expires September 8, 21 Supreme Court of the State of New New York County Courtaouge ‘kK 60 Centre Street New York, New York 10007-1474 £05, 2015 0151314/2014 For Defendant CASE OF BATISTA, HILDA ie V CULPEPPER, SHERRI TAKE NOTICE THAT THIS ACTION HAS BEEN PLACED ON THE INQUEST © IN PART 27 BEFORE JHO IRA GAMMERMAN ON eg OCTOBER 15,2015 AT OL 19-004) OAM AT 60 CENTRE STREET, NEW YORK, NY., 10007 ROOM 528 A PARTY SHALL BRING THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION OR, pocuM COURT: 1. FROM A PERSON WITH KNOWLEDGE OF THE FACTS SETTING DAMAGES ARE COMPUTED. 2. AN ATTORNEY'S AFFIRMATION SETTING FORTH A BRIEF REC] FACTS AND THE GROUNDS FOR LIABILITY. THE AFFIRMATION SHOUL THE DAMAGES INCURRED BY THE PARTY. bee 3 EXHIBITS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN SUPPORT OF ALL REQUEST: ES. IF THIS MATTER HAS BEEN RESOLVED, PLEASE FILL OUT AND DETACH THE FO) THE BOTTOM OF THIS NOTICE AND RETURN IT NO LATER THAN 5 DAYS PRIOR TO CONFERENCE DATE TO: TREAL SUPPORT OFFICE ROOM 158M 60 CENTRE STREET) NEW YORK, N.Y. 10007 ATTN: DEBORAH MAISONET OR EMAIL: DMAISONE@NYCOURTS.GOV OR FAX: 212 952-2757 A COPY OF THIS NOTICE MUST BE SENT TO ALL PARTIES IN THE ACTION; “INCLUDING SELF-REPRESENTED LITIGANTS IF ANY. nace nee ae een nmnanintis mene tntn anne REnanamenenne mere eneneneenn wen. 0151314/2014 BATISTA, HILDA V CULPEPPER, SHERRI THIS MATTER HAS BEEN RESOLVED IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: perenne ne een ee ee ne ene ene enna enn t ATTORNEY SHERRI CULPEPPER, ~ Prose For Defendant SIGNATURE (PURSUANT TO 22NYCRR sec. 130-1.1-a} ~ Echibect x - 41 myer » AA yey a ve + * x, yt¥ A VE OLS £ SYREN : Ogee. Pl I dab has, bf é PEPE _f ; ‘ i iA ¥ Lod Db BPS t 4aly Sed i ah ip DiS. é } oe = 7 To: SHERRI CULPEPPER ~ Prose 101 WEST 147TH STREET NEW YORK NY 10027- voit 2 aa ay PERS m2 jake egal llishy,aE a PET ay Hj HEL PP ere oe ee tt oi soe fo te a po 8 see owe ae s ey2 aSoe Se aS Be x 2 & 2e eea Se aue S Se fe as eee a aes eeSS ce oe nae = oeeS a oS ce Sy& he ne Baeoe a oe oS aoe oeasEe esms oe 2ee eS Me 2 Bee Re ee ae Be © ay & oeae aeeS ae usfs & Be aeee ae ee Sf oehoes &SS aS see e ae 23 ae Ens @8 S Oe= os BS Bs ee ee eS &eg one ae oo Bea = oo: Ses eSee eee aS BS Se ee as Oy 2 ee © se Si ae Bee ae cSme sea= seee cs S & Ae we 2 ces a & a oS oo Sae e oe© oS ee aeae sSe Bo Bees es oe Hee SS ee oe anes a wy me = & a He SS oe a8 » Se 2eS ue ee oR a mA ie Se ee cS ae oS SS Se cou aoe a seie Se Loa e aSae BS a ee SS oe ee oo ee e me le ee a ae Meoe BS& Bea Be ae a SSS Ae BE oe = 25 SS = oh ee oe oe oeSo ee 2s a os Be So - B we aeE aS ales S ee 2oe ce ne aS oe ee os ( ae =aS oS es & Be Be £ oSoe e ae eS ne ee S ee eS Ne ee aS& ao oe ise eS ee aS P e & i De me ae Se s ae & a as a ee a aSe oe ee ce = oe S s ese ae meis Ze oeae ees Se ee oe ee SS oe me oS ae ss e oo: ES © s ae ass ee ESS 5 ee 2 oe os ai oe && es ae os oS SS eSSe i a “ oS & =ee a= a 2 ae ss Be ae Beae eese z geSS oe se & Seoy & ee oe 2oS mem & me - aS e es oo osBe 2ce SS a8 oe ee April 23, 2014 AT 7:56 PM MAILING Deponent enclosed a copy of same in a postpaid wiapper property addrégsed to the Defendant @ Defendants last known residence at 1014 W. 147TH STREET APT. #2: