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  • Cristina Calderon, on Behalf of D.G., a Minor vs. Leo Renteria, Angela Renteria, Leo Renteria on Behalf of D.R., a Minor Child and Adela MuroInjury/Damage - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Cristina Calderon, on Behalf of D.G., a Minor vs. Leo Renteria, Angela Renteria, Leo Renteria on Behalf of D.R., a Minor Child and Adela MuroInjury/Damage - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Cristina Calderon, on Behalf of D.G., a Minor vs. Leo Renteria, Angela Renteria, Leo Renteria on Behalf of D.R., a Minor Child and Adela MuroInjury/Damage - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Cristina Calderon, on Behalf of D.G., a Minor vs. Leo Renteria, Angela Renteria, Leo Renteria on Behalf of D.R., a Minor Child and Adela MuroInjury/Damage - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Cristina Calderon, on Behalf of D.G., a Minor vs. Leo Renteria, Angela Renteria, Leo Renteria on Behalf of D.R., a Minor Child and Adela MuroInjury/Damage - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Cristina Calderon, on Behalf of D.G., a Minor vs. Leo Renteria, Angela Renteria, Leo Renteria on Behalf of D.R., a Minor Child and Adela MuroInjury/Damage - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Cristina Calderon, on Behalf of D.G., a Minor vs. Leo Renteria, Angela Renteria, Leo Renteria on Behalf of D.R., a Minor Child and Adela MuroInjury/Damage - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Cristina Calderon, on Behalf of D.G., a Minor vs. Leo Renteria, Angela Renteria, Leo Renteria on Behalf of D.R., a Minor Child and Adela MuroInjury/Damage - Motor Vehicle document preview


Electronically Filed 3/8/2018 2:02 PM Lois Rogers, Smith County District Clerk Reviewed By: Lana Fields CAUSE NO. 17-2085-A CHRISTINA CALDERON, ON BEHALF § IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF D.G., a MINOR CHILD § vs. § OF SMITH COUNTY, TEXAS § LEO RENTERIA, ANGELA RENTERIA § and LEO RENTERIA, ON BEHALF OF § D.R., a MINOR CHILD § 7th JUDICIAL DISTRICT MOTION TO WITHDRAW AS COUNSEL OF RECORD COMES NOW, BILLY D. ANDERSON and the law firm of KENT, ANDERSON, BUSH, FROST & METCALF, PC and file this Motion asking this Court to allow them to withdraw as counsel for Defendant, Angela Renteria. INTRODUCTION 1 Plaintiff, Christina Calderon, On Behalf of D.G., A Minor Child, sued Defendant Angela Renteria for negligence, negligent entrustment and gross negligence causing injury to minor Plaintiff. 2 Billy D. Anderson filed an Answer on behalf of Defendant Angela Renteria on January 3, 2018, BACKGROUND 2, Since the filing of an Answer to prevent default and responding to discovery served with the Petition Billy D, Anderson and/or his office has attempted to contact Ms. Renteria by phone and email to discuss the defense of the claims, deposition scheduling and her obligations to the firm regarding services rendered, Attempted communications regarding these matters occurred on at least the following occasions: January 19, January 28, January 31, February 26, February 28, March 1 Calderon y, Renteria Page 1 Motion to Withdraw and March 2, 2018, Due to the inability to communicate and/or obtain necessary information or discuss the firm’s engagement and the obligations of the client good cause exists for Billy D. Anderson and the law firm of Kent, Anderson, Bush, Frost & Metcalf, P.C. to withdraw from representing Ms. Renteria is this matter. ARGUMENT & AUTHORITIES 3 As required by Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 10, there is good cause for this Court to grant the motion to withdraw because Defendant Angela Renteria has not cooperated with attorney Billy D. Anderson in her defense of this matter. 4 A copy of this Motion was both emailed and mailed certified mail to Angela Renteria on March 2, 2018 asking if she consented or objected to the motion to the withdraw. 5 Billy D. Anderson has delivered a copy of this motion to Angela Renteria and notified her in writing of her right to object to the motion. 6 Angela Renteria has not consented to this motion to withdraw. Ms. Renteria has not responded to efforts to contact her by email, telephone or mail to discuss this motion or the case status. 7. Angela Renteria’s last known address is 2507 Old Jacksonville Highway, Tyler, Texas 75701. 8 Withdrawal is not sought for purposes of delay. 9 The following is a list of all pending settings and deadlines in this case: a. Deposition of Ms. Renteria is scheduled for May 7, 2018 per the attached Exhibit “A.” b. Deposition of Diana Renteria is scheduled for May 7, 2018 per the attached Exhibit “A.” c. Deposition of Leo Renteria is scheduled for may 7, 2018 per the attached Exhibit “A.” Calderon y, Renteria Page 2 Motion to Withdraw d. Deposition of Adela Muro is scheduled for May 7, 2018 per the attached Exhibit “A.” e. Depositions of Cristina Calderon and Debanhi Galarza for May 8, 2018 per the attached Exhibit “A.” 10. Additional deadlines are set forth on the Docket Control Scheduling Order attached as Exhibit “B” 11. The Deposition Notice to Ms. Renteria includes a twenty-five (25) paragraph boiler plate Duces Tecum requesting production of numerous documents many of which are objectionable, inapplicable and/or irrelevant to the subject cause that need to be addressed appropriately on or before thirty days following receipt by this law firm as reflected on the attached Exhibit “A.” PRAYER 12. For these reasons, Billy D. Anderson and the law firm of Kent, Anderson, Bush, Frost & Metcalf, PC asks the Court to grant this motion to withdraw as attorney for Angela Renteria. NOTICE OF SUBMISSION NOTICE OF SUBMISSION: In accordance with Local Smith County Rules of Civil Trial Rule 2.3 Billy D. Anderson’s Motion to Withdraw as Attorney in Charge is set for submission on March 26, 2018. Respectfully submitted, KENT, ANDERSON, BUSH, FROST & METCALF, P.C. 2320 Dueling Oaks Tyler, Texas 75703 (903) 579-7500 (903) 581-3701 (Fax) Calderon y, Renteria Page 3 Motion to Withdraw By Whi— ILLY D. ANDERSON State Bar No. 01165966 VANCE L. METCALF State Bar No. 24037102 ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANT, ANGELA RENTERIA CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing instrument was transmitted lectronically to the following as indicated on this the Z day of Mave 2018: Evan Lane (Van) Shaw Law Offices of Van Shaw 2723 Fairmount Dallas, Texas 75201 Shane McGuire The McGuire Firm, PC 102 N. College, #301 Tyler, Texas 75702 Clay White White Shaver 205 W. Locust Tyler, Texas 75702 Hy Aub— BILLY D NDERSON Calderon y, Renteria Page 4 Motion to Withdraw EXHIBIT “A” Keely O Donley POTSmodemi /16) 03/02/2018 11:54:04 AM -0600 LAW OFFICES OF VAN SHAW VAN SHAW* ATTORNEYS AT LAW JANET R. RANDLE (2723 FAIRMOUNT DANIEL K. HAGOOD DAVID J, WELCH J. BEAU POWELL DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 OF COUNSEL a (214) 754-7110 FAX NO. (214) 754-7116 CERTIFIED PARALEGALS * BOARD CERTIFIED IN PERSONAL INJURY www. RHONDA VINCENT * CERTIFIED PUBLIC APRIL S. SUMNER ACCOUNTANT Mr. Shane McGuire March 2, 2018 ATTORNEY AT LAW FAX (903*630-7 173) 102 N. College, Suite 301 = PH 903*630-7154 = Tyler, Texas 75702 sl e@mequire com Mr. Clay White ATTORNEY AT LAW FAX (903"595-3766) 205 W. Locust = PH 903*533-0447 = Tyler, Texas 75702 Mr. Billy D. Anderson ATTORNEY AT LAW FAX (903*581-3701) 2320 Dueling Oaks Dr. = PH 903"579-7500 = Tyler, Texas 75703 billya thjordani Mr. Vance L. Metcalf ATTORNEY AT LAW FAX (903*581-3701) 2320 Dueling Oaks Dr. = PH 903*579-7500 = Tyler, Texas 75703 metcalf@tyler net RE: Cause No. 17-2085-A; Christina Calderon, on behalf of D.G., a Minor Child v, Leo Renteria, et. al. Dear Counsel: In follow-up to my letters dated February 23, 2018, Mr. McGuire's Feb. 28" letter and Aprll’s email of March 1, 2018, notice is hereby given that oral depositions will be taken as follows regarding the referenced matter: WITNESSES, DATE AND TIMES OF DEPOSITIONS: DIANA RENTERIA on Monday, May 7, 2018 beginning at 10:00 a.m.; DEPN Plif Depo Notice Def RENTERIA MURO 050718 Keely 0 Donley POTSmodem! /16) 03/02/2018 11:54:52 AM -0600 Mr. Shane McGuire Mr. Clay White Mr. Billy D. Anderson Mr. Vance L. Metcalf March 2, 2018 Page Two LEO RENTERIA on Monday, May 7, 2018 beginning at 11:00 am, (or immediately following the deposition of Diana Renteria); ANGELA RENTERIA on Monday, May 7, 2018 beginning at 1:30 p.m. (or immediately following the deposition of Leo Renteria); and ADELA MURO on Monday, May 7, 2018 beginning at 2:30 p.m. (or immediately following the deposition of Angela Renteria) LOCATION: THE McGUIRE FIRM 102 N. College, Suite 301 Tyler, TX 75702 903/630-7154 DOCUMENTS TO BE PRODUCED: See attached Duces Tecum STENOGRAPHIC RECORDATION: Melody A. Monk, RPR, TX CCR. “ (or a court reporter designated by her) ¢“ 1999 McKinney Avenue, #1404 Dallas, TX 75201 888/988-5317 Thank you for youyimmediate attention. Yours very truly; L Van Shaw /7 VS/as Encls ~ fax & eral cc: Melody A. Monk, RPR, TX CCR Mr. Frank Perez DEPN PIL Depo Notice Def RENTERIA MURO 050718 Keely 0 Donley POTSmodem1 /16) 03/02/2018 11:55:35 AM -0600 DUCES TECUM THIS DOCUMENT REQUESTS ORIGINALS OF ALL DOCUMENTS SOUGHT BE PRODUCED AT THE TIME OF THE DEPOSITION. TO: LEO RENTERIA, ON BEHALF OF D.R., a MINOR CHILD DEFINITIONS "Defendant", “you" and "your" referred to herein means LEO RENTERIA, ON BEHALF OF D.R., a MINOR CHILD, “Defendants” referred to herein means LEO RENTERIA, and LEO RENTERIA, ON BEHALF OF D.R., a MINOR CHILD. (1) To identify and produce any and all photographs, film or videotapes that relate to this lawsuit. Q) To identify and produce letters or correspondence between any persons or companies suffering any injury or damage relating to the allegations and/or damages made the basis of this suit. (3) To identify and produce a copy of any and all insurance policies, certificates of insurance, contracts that relate to insurance, workman compensation insurance that relate to this lawsuit and any document or memorandum evidencing the existence of insurance in effect on the date of the occurrence made the basis of this lawsuit, (4) To identify and produce any and all excess or umbrella insurance policies or documents or memorandum evidencing the existence of insurance in effect on the date of the occurrence made the basis of this lawsuit. (3) To identify and produce a copy of all settlement agreements, including workmen compensation claims, Mary Carter Agreements, or contractual agreements that in any way involve this lawsuit, (6) To identify and produce a document accurately evidencing the most current net worth of Defendant. 7) To identify and produce the title to the vehicle involved in the incident made the basis of this suit, (8) To identify and produce the purchase contract for the vehicle involved in the incident made the basis of this suit. Duces Tecum~ Page | of 4 DEPN Pltf Depo Notice DT to Def DR. Keely 0 Donley POTSmodemi /16) 03/02/2018 11:56:26 AM -0600 (9) To identify and produce any and all maintenance records for the vehicle involved in the incident made the basis of this suit from January 1, 2012 to the present, (10) To identify and produce any and all driver logs for D.R., a MINOR CHILD from January 1, 2012 to present. (11) To identify and produce any and all damage estimates regarding the vehicle involved in the incident made the basis of this suit, (12) To identify and produce any and all written claims received from any other person or entity regarding the incident made the basis of this suit, (13) To identify and produce any and all damage estimates for any other vehicle involved in the incident made the basis of this suit, a4) To identify and produce any and all reports regarding the incident made the basis of this suit. (15) To identify and produce any and all communications with any and all insurance companies regarding the incident made the basis of this suit. (16) To identify and produce a current MVR report on D.R., a MINOR CHILD, a7 To identify and produce a copy of driver’s license of D.R., a MINOR CHILD. (18) To identify and produce a copy of any billing records or call detail records for the date of the accident for any cell phone in the car at the time of the incident made the basis of this lawsuit. 19) To identify and produce a copy of any and all records, writings, receipts or documentation reflecting the disposition of any and all tickets or citations which relate to the incident made the basis of this lawsuit. (20) To identify and produce any alcohol test results for D.R., a MINOR CHILD for the day of the incident made the basis of this lawsuit, April 8, 2017. (21) To identify and produce any alcohol test results for D,R,, a MINOR CHILD within forty- eight (48) hours of the incident made the basis of this suit. (22) To identify and produce any and all documentation reflecting all testing of the blood of D.R., a MINOR CHILD since the incident made the basis of this suit. (23) To identify and produce all testing of the blood of D.R., a MINOR CHILD within forty- eight (48) hours of the incident made the basis of this suit. Duces Tecum~ Page 2 of 4 DEPN Plif Depo Notice DT to Def DR Keely 0 Donley POTSmodem1 /16) 03/02/2018 11:57:22 AM -0600 (24) To identify and produce any and all answers to written questions obtained in this case and/or documents obtained in response to written questions, including but not limited to Smith County Sheriff's Office (Other) written questions. (25) To identify and produce "the name and address of each person whom you may call as an expert witness at the trial, and the reports, factual observations, tests, supporting data, calculations, photograph's, mental impressions and/or opinions he has made and/or relied on as relates to this lawsuit and include the same information concerning any expert used for consultation and who is not expected to be called as a witness at trial if the consulting expert's work product forms a basis, either in whole or in part, of the opinions of an expert who is to be called as a witness," (a) As to each expert, you are to produce any books, documents, or other tangible things, including writings, drawings, graphs, charts, photographs, phonograph records and other data and compilation for inspection and copying of any of the below documents, Q) To produce any and all documents which in any way relate to the investigation or opinions of your experts in this cause, including but not limited to time sheets, bills, correspondence, invoices, reports, notes, photographs, graphs, data, etc. (26) To identify and produce "documents and tangible things including all tangible reports, physical models, compilations of data and other material prepared by an expert or for an expert in anticipation of the expert's trial and deposition testimony. The disclosure of material prepared by an expert used for consultation is required even if it was prepared in anticipation of litigation or for trial when it forms a basis, either in whole or in part, of the opinions of an expert who is to be called as a witness". (27) To identify and produce any and all answers to written questions obtained in this case and/or documents obtained in response to written questions, including but not limited to UT Health Northeast (Medical) written questions. (28) To identify and produce any and all answers to written questions obtained in this case and/or documents obtained in response to written questions, including but not limited to UT Health Northeast (Billing) written questions. 29) To identify and produce any and all answers to written questions obtained in this case and/or documents obtained in response to written questions, including but not limited to Children’s Health Specialty Center Dallas Campus f/k/a Ambulatory Care Pavilion (Medical) written questions. Duces Tecum~ Page 3 of 4 DEPN Pltf Depo Notice DT to Def DR Keely O Donley POTSmodem1 /16) 03/02/2018 11:58:32 AM -0600 (30) To identify and produce any and all answers to written questions obtained in this case and/or documents obtained in response to written questions, including but not limited to Children’s Health Specialty Center Dallas Campus f/k/a Ambulatory Care Pavilion (Billing) written questions. G1) To identify and produce any and all answers to written questions obtained in this case and/or documents obtained in response to written questions, including but not limited to Children’s Health — Children’s Medical.Center Dallas (Medical) written questions. (32) To identify and produce any and all answers to written questions obtained in this case and/or documents obtained in response to written questions, including but not limited to Children’s Health — Children’s Medical Center Dallas (Billing) written questions. Duces Tecum- Page 4 of 4 DEPN PItf Depo Notice DT to Def DR Keely 0 Donley POTSmodem1 /16) 03/02/2018 11:59:05 AM -0600 DUCES TECUM THIS DOCUMENT REQUESTS ORIGINALS OF ALL DOCUMENTS SOUGHT BE PRODUCED AT THE TIME OF THE DEPOSITION. TO: LEO RENTERIA DEFINITIONS "Defendant", “you" and "your" referred to herein means LEO RENTERIA. “Defendants” referred to herein means LEO RENTERIA, and LEO RENTERIA, ON BEHALF OF D.R., a MINOR CHILD, (1) To identify and produce any and all photographs, film or videotapes that relate to this lawsuit, (2) To identify and produce letters or correspondence between any persons or companies suffering any injury or damage relating to the allegations and/or damages made the basis of this suit. (3) To identify and produce a copy of any and all insurance policies, certificates of insurance, contracts that relate to insurance, workman compensation insurance that relate to this lawsuit and any document or memorandum evidencing the existence of insurance in effect on the date of the occurrence made the basis of this lawsuit. @) To identify and produce any and all excess or umbrella insurance policies or documents or memorandum evidencing the existence of insurance in effect on the date of the occurrence made the basis of this lawsuit, (5) To identify and produce a copy of all settlement agreements, including workmen compensation claims, Mary Carter Agreements, or contractual agreements that in any way involve this lawsuit. (6) To identify and produce a document accurately evidencing the most current net worth of Defendant. (7) To identify and produce the title to the vehicle involved in the incident made the basis of this suit. (8) To identify and produce the purchase contract for the vehicle involved in the incident made the basis of this suit. (9) To identify and produce any and at! maintenance records for the vehicle involved in the incident made the basis of this suit from January 1, 2012 to the present. Duces Tecum Page I of 4 DEPN PItf Depo Notice DT to Def RENTERIA Keely 0 Donley POTSmodemi /16) 03/02/2018 11:59:57 AM -0600 (10) To identify and produce any and all driver logs for D.R., a MINOR CHILD from January 1, 2012 to present. ay To identify and produce any and all damage estimates regarding the vehicle involved in the incident made the basis of this suit. (12) To identify and produce any and all written claims received from any other person or entity regarding the incident made the basis of this suit, (13) To identify and produce any and all damage estimates for any other vehicle involved in the incident made the basis of this suit. (4) To identify and produce any and all reports regarding the incident made the basis of this suit. ds) To identify and produce any and all communications with any and all insurance companies regarding the incident made the basis of this suit. (16) To identify and produce a current MVR report on D.R., a MINOR CHILD. an To identify and produce a copy of driver’s license of D.R., a MINOR CHILD. (18) To identify and produce a copy of any billing records or call detail records for the date of the accident for any cell phone in the car at the time of the incident made the basis of this lawsuit (19) To identify and produce a copy of any and all records, writings, receipts or documentation reflecting the disposition of any and all tickets or citations which relate to the incident made the basis of this lawsuit. (20) To identify and produce any alcohol test results for D.R., a MINOR CHILD for the day of the incident made the basis of this lawsuit, April 8, 2017. (21) To identify and produce any alcohol test results for D.R., a MINOR CHILD within forty- eight (48) hours of the incident made the basis of this suit. (22) To identify and produce any and all documentation reflecting all testing of the blood of D.R., a MINOR CHILD since the incident made the basis of this suit. (23) To identify and produce all testing of the blood of D.R., a MINOR CHILD within forty- eight (48) hours of the incident made the basis of this suit. Duces Tecum Page 2 of 4 DEPN Pltf Depo Notice DT to Def RENTERIA Keely 0 Donley POTSmodemi /16) 03/02/2018 12:00:50 PM -0600 (24) To identify and produce "the name and address of each person whom you may call as an expert witness at the trial, and the reports, factual observations, tests, supporting data, calculations, photograph’s, mental impressions and/or opinions he has made and/or relied on as relates to this lawsuit and include the same information concerning any expert used for consultation and who is not expected to be called as a witness at trial if the consulting expert's work product forms a basis, either in whole or in part, of the opinions of an expert who is to be called as a witness." (a) As to each expert, you ate to produce any books, documents, or other tangible things, including writings, drawings, graphs, charts, photographs, phonograph records and other data and compilation for inspection and copying of any of the below documents. (1) To produce any and all documents which in any way relate to the investigation or opinions of your experts in this cause, including but not limited to time sheets, bills, correspondence, invoices, reports, notes, photographs, graphs, data, etc. (25) To identify and produce "documents and tangible things including all tangible reports, physical models, compilations of data and other material prepared by an expert or for an expert in anticipation of the expert's trial and deposition testimony. The disclosure of material prepared by an expert used for consultation is required even if it was prepared in anticipation of litigation or for trial when it forms a basis, either in whole or in part, of the opinions of an expert who is to be called as a witness". (26) To identify and produce any and all answers to written questions obtained in this case and/or documents obtained in response to written questions, including but not limited to Smith County Sheriff's Office (Other) written questions. 27) To identify and produce any and all answers to written questions obtained in this case and/or documents obtained in response to written questions, including but not limited to UT Health Northeast (Medical) written questions. (28) To identify and produce any and all answers to written questions obtained in this case and/or documents obtained in response to written questions, including but not limited to UT Health Northeast (Billing) written questions, Duces Tecum Page 3 of 4 DEPN PIif Depo Notice DT to Def RENTERIA, Keely O Donley POTSmodemi /16) 03/02/2018 12:01:54 PM -0600 (29) To identify and produce any and all answers to written questions obtained in this case and/or documents obtained in response to written questions, including but not limited to Children’s Health Specialty Center Dallas Campus f/k/a Ambulatory Care Pavilion (Medical) written questions. (30) To identify and produce any and all answers to written questions obtained in this case and/or documents obtained in response to written questions, including but not limited to Children’s Health Specialty Center Dallas Campus f/k/a Ambulatory Care Pavilion (Billing) written questions. (31) To identify and produce any and all answers to written questions obtained in this case and/or documents obtained in response to written questions, including but not limited to Children’s Health - Children’s Medical Center Dallas (Medical) written questions. (32) To identify and produce any and all answers to written questions obtained in this case and/or documents obtained in response to written questions, including but not limited to Children’s Health — Children’s Medical Center Dallas (Billing) written questions, Duces Tecum Page4 of 4 DEPN Pltf Depo Notice DT to Def RENTERIA Roe Keely O Donley POTSmodemi /16) 03/02/2018 12:02:33 PM -0600 DUCES TECUM THIS DOCUMENT REQUESTS ORIGINALS OF ALL DOCUMENTS SOUGHT BE PRODUCED AT THE TIME OF THE DEPOSITION. TO; ANGELA RENTERIA DEFINITIONS "Defendant", “you" and "your" referred to herein means ANGELA RENTERIA. “Defendants” referred to herein means LEO RENTERIA, ANGELA RENTERIA and LEO RENTERIA, ON BEHALF OF D.R., a MINOR CHILD. (1) To identify and produce any and all photographs, film or videotapes that relate to this lawsuit. (2) To identify and produce letters or correspondence between any persons or companies suffering any injury or damage relating to the allegations and/or damages made the basis of this suit. Q) To identify and produce a copy of any and all insurance policies, certificates of insurance, contracts that relate to insurance, workman compensation insurance that relate to this lawsuit and any document or memorandum evidencing the existence of insurance in effect on the date of the occurrence made the basis of this lawsuit, 4) To identify and produce any and all excess or umbrella insurance policies or documents or memorandum evidencing the existence of insurance in effect on the date of the occurrence made the basis of this lawsuit. (5) To identify and produce a copy of all settlement agreements, including workmen compensation claims, Mary Carter Agreements, or contractual agreements that in any way involve this lawsuit. ©) To identify and produce a document accurately evidencing the most current net worth of Defendant. 7) To identify and produce the title to the vehicle involved in the incident made the basis of this suit, (8) To identify and produce the purchase contract for the vehicle involved in the incident made the basis of this suit. Duces Tecum — Page | of 3 DEPN Plif Depo Notice DT Def ANGELA RENTERIA Keely O Donley POTSmodem1i /16) 03/02/2018 18:03:22 PM -0600 Q) To identify and produce any and all maintenance records for the vehicle involved in the incident made the basis of this suit from January 1, 2012 to the present. (10) To identify and produce any and all driver logs for D.R., a MINOR CHILD from January 1, 2012 to present. aly To identify and produce any and all damage estimates regarding the vehicle involved in the incident made the basis of this suit, (12) To identify and produce any and all written claims received from any other person or entity regarding the incident made the basis of this suit. (13) To identify and produce any and all damage estimates for any other vehicle involved in the incident made the basis of this suit. (i4y To identify and produce any and all reports regarding the incident made the basis of this suit, (15) To identify and produce any and all communications with any and all insurance companies regarding the incident made the basis of this suit. (16) To identify and produce a current MVR report on D.R., a MINOR CHILD, a7) To identify and produce a copy of driver’s license of D.R., a MINOR CHILD. (18) To identify and produce a copy of any billing records or call detail records for the date of the accident for any cell phone in the car at the time of the incident made the basis of this lawsuit. (19) To identify and produce a copy of any and all records, writings, receipts or documentation reflecting the disposition of any and all tickets or citations which relate to the incident made the basis of this lawsuit. (20) To identify and produce any alcohol test results for D.R., a MINOR CHILD for the day of the incident made the basis of this lawsuit, April 8, 2017. @1) To identify and produce any alcohol test results for D.R., a MINOR CHILD within forty- eight (48) hours of the incident made the basis of this suit. (22) To identify and produce any and all documentation reflecting all testing of the blood of D.R.,a MINOR CHILD since the incident made the basis of this suit. (23) To identify and produce all testing of the blood of D.R., a MINOR CHILD within forty- eight (48) hours of the incident made the basis of this suit. Duces Tecum — Page 2 of 3 DEPN Pitf Depo Notice DT Def ANGELA RENTERIA Keely O Donley POTSmodemi /16) 03/02/2018 12:04:18 PM -0600 (24) To identify and produce "the name and address of each person whom you may call as an expert witness at the trial, and the reports, factual observations, tests, supporting data, calculations, photograph's, mental impressions and/or opinions he has made and/or relied on as relates to this lawsuit and include the same information concerning any expert used for consultation and who is not expected to be called as a witness at trial if the consulting expert's work product forms a basis, either in whole or in part, of the opinions of an expert who is to be called as a witness," @) As to each expert, you are to produce any books, documents, or other tangible things, including writings, drawings, graphs, charts, photographs, phonograph records and other data and compilation for inspection and copying of any of the below documents. ay To produce any and all documents which in any way relate to the investigation or opinions of your experts in this cause, including but not limited to time sheets, bills, correspondence, invoices, reports, notes, photographs, graphs, data, etc. (25) To identify and produce "documents and tangible things including all tangible reports, physical models, compilations of data and other material prepared by an expert or for an expert in anticipation of the expert's trial and deposition testimony, The disclosure of material prepared by an expert used for consultation is required even if it was prepared in anticipation of litigation or for trial when it forms a basis, either in whole or in part, of the opinions of an expert who is to be called as a witness", Duces Tecum ~ Page 3 of 3 DEPN Pltf Depo Notice DT Def ANGELA RENTERIA Keely O Donley POTSmodem1i /16) 03/02/2018 12:05:07 PM -0600 DUCES TECUM THIS DOCUMENT REQUESTS ORIGINALS OF ALL DOCUMENTS SOUGHT BE PRODUCED AT THE TIME OF THE DEPOSITION. TO; ADELA MURO DEFINITIONS "Defendant", “you" and "your" referred to herein means ADELA MURO. “Defendants” referred to herein means LEO RENTERIA, ANGELA RENTERIA, LEO RENTERIA, ON BEHALF OF D.R., a MINOR CHILD and ADELA MURO. (1) To identify and produce any and all photographs, film or videotapes that relate to this lawsuit, (2) To identify and produce letters or correspondence between any persons or companies suffering any injury or damage relating to the allegations and/or damages made the basis of this suit. GB) To identify and produce a copy of any and all insurance policies, certificates of insurance, contracts that relate to insurance, workman compensation insurance that relate to this lawsuit and any document or memorandum evidencing the existence of insurance in effect on the date of the occurrence made the basis of this lawsuit. (4) To identify and produce any and all excess or umbrella insurance policies or documents or memorandum evidencing the existence of insurance in effect on the date of the occurrence made the basis of this lawsuit. 6) To identify and produce a copy of all settlement agreements, including workmen compensation claims, Mary Carter Agreements, or contractual agreements that in any way involve this lawsuit, (6) To ‘identify and produce a document accurately evidencing the most current net worth of Defendant. ”) To identify and produce the title to the vehicle involved in the incident made the basis of this suit. (8) To identify and produce the purchase contract for the vehicle involved in the incident made the basis of this suit. 9) To identify and produce any and all maintenance records for the vehicle involved in the incident made the basis of this suit from January 1, 2012 to the present, Duces Tecum - Page 1 of 3 DEPN Pltf Depo Notice DT Def MURO Keely 0 Donley POTSmodem1i /16) 03/02/2018 12:06:00 PM -0600 (10) To identify and produce any and all driver logs for D.R., a MINOR CHILD from January 1, 2012 to present, (1) To identify and produce any and all damage estimates regarding the vehicle involved in the incident made the basis of this suit. (12) To identify and produce any and all written claims received from any other person or entity regarding the incident made the basis of this suit, (13) To identify and produce any and all damage estimates for any other vehicle involved in the incident made the basis of this suit. qa) To identify and produce any and all reports regarding the incident made the basis of this suit. (15) To identify and produce any and all communications with any and all insurance companies regarding the incident made the basis of this suit. (16) To identify and produce a current MVR report on D.R., a MINOR CHILD. (17) To identify and produce a copy of driver's license of D.R., a MINOR CHILD. (18) To identify and produce a copy of any billing records or call detail records for the date of the accident for any cell phone in the car at the time of the incident made the basis of this lawsuit. (19) To identify and produce a copy of any and all records, writings, receipts or documentation reflecting the disposition of any and all tickets or citations which relate to the incident made the basis of this lawsuit. (20) To identify and produce any alcohol test results for D.R., a MINOR CHILD for the day of the incident made the basis of this lawsuit, April 8, 2017. (21) To identify and produce any alcohol test results for D.R., a MINOR CHILD within forty- eight (48) hours of the incident made the basis of this suit, (22) To identify and produce any and all documentation reflecting all testing of the blood of D.R., a MINOR CHILD since the incident made the basis of this suit. (23) To identify and produce all testing of the blood of D.R., a MINOR CHILD within forty- eight (48) hours of the incident made the basis of this suit, Duces Tecum - Page 2 of 3 DEPN Pltf Depo Notice DT Def MURO- Keely 0 Donley POTSmodemi /16) 03/02/2018 12:06:54 PM -0600 (24) To identify and produce "the name and address of each person whom you may call as an expert witness at the trial, and the reports, factual observations, tests, supporting data, calculations, photograph's, mental impressions and/or opinions he has made and/or relied on as relates to this lawsuit and include the same information concerning any expert used for consultation and who is not expected to be called as a witness at trial if the consulting expert's work product forms a basis, either in whole or in part, of the opinions of an expert who is to be called as a witness," (a) As to each expert, you are to produce any books, documents, or