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  • Guerrero v. OwensCypress Insurance Company v. Owenscivil document preview
  • Guerrero v. OwensCypress Insurance Company v. Owenscivil document preview
  • Guerrero v. OwensCypress Insurance Company v. Owenscivil document preview
  • Guerrero v. OwensCypress Insurance Company v. Owenscivil document preview
  • Guerrero v. OwensCypress Insurance Company v. Owenscivil document preview
  • Guerrero v. OwensCypress Insurance Company v. Owenscivil document preview
  • Guerrero v. OwensCypress Insurance Company v. Owenscivil document preview
  • Guerrero v. OwensCypress Insurance Company v. Owenscivil document preview


”—7 W W 7: I K: MW & i 3 g _.:;:::x U—i McConnick, Barstow, Sheppard, 5-3 54:3 5:73 Wayte & Carruth LLP m — A Anthony N. DeMaria, #177894 M! h 2818 Daniel L, Wainwright, #193486 M FREJWO ~ _ \.,Oi,}i‘~:1 p z’ m fir. x * bLJE'Tfi’lUN (JOLLY?! I By DEPT ' 5‘01 V 7647 North IE‘resno Street Fresno, Cali omia 93720 A RECE'VED Telephone: (559) 433-1300 ©00QO\UIAWN Facsimile: (559) 433-2300 11/2/2018 8114 AM 25"} FRESNO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURTJ’ Attorneys for D efendant, . By' L Peters‘m' Dewy d QUAIL LAKE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, a California Corporation SUPERIOR COURT 0F THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF FRESNO ADRIAN GUERRERO, Case No. 16CECG03895 [Consolidated with 17CEC601087] Plaintiff, v. ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANT, QUAIL QUAIL LAKE COMMUNITY LAKE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION’S ASSOCIATION, a Callfomla Corporation; APPLICATION FOR DETERMINATION IAIN LEVI OWENS; RICHARD L. OWENS, 0F GOOD FAITH SETTLEMENT II, JENNIFER M. OWENS and DOES 1 to 100, Defendants. BasuquN—ooooxlo‘m-huNZS CYPRESS INSURANCE COMPANY, > Plaintiff, V. IAIN LEVI OWENS; RICHARD fL-z OWENS, II; JENNIFER M. OWENS; and'DOES l to ' - 10, Defendants. IAIN LEVI OWENS; RICHARD L. OWENS, II; JENNIFER M. OWENS, g Cross-Complainant, 28 .Mcconunw. Bmsrow. suarmaommsa. - 7847 mM CARRUTH LLP FRESNOSI’REET FRESNO. 93m -' 1 ORDER GRANTING APPLICATION FOR DETERMINATION OF GOOD FAITH SETTLEMENT V. JAKUSZ PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, QUAIL LAKE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, and ROES l to 10, Defendants. \OWQamth—I . r3 ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANT. DUAIL LAIE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION’S APPLICATION FOR DETERMIN ATION OF GOOD FAITH SETTLEMENT On or about July 24, 2018, DefendandCross-Defendant, QUAIL LAKE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (“QUAIL LAKE”), gave notice of an Application for an Order determining that the settlement entered into between Plaintiff, CYPRESS INSURANCE COMPANY (“CYPRESS INSURANCE”), and QUAIL LAKE in this consolidated civil action was in “good faith.” The Notice, ApplicatiOn and Declaration of Daniel L. Wainwright (and supporting documents) were served on all parties to this action, via Certified Mail, and “proofofservice” ofthe same has been provided to the Court on August 2, 201 8. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED: (1) The agreed-upon settlement between QUAIL LAKE and CYPRESS INSURANCE was made in “GOOD FAITH” pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure section 877.6 and the criteria NMMNNNNn—I—v—Iu—nmu—tfl—flfl QM¥WN~OQWQQMAUJN~O set forth in Tech—Bilt, Inc. v. Woodward-Clyde & Associates (1985) 38 Cal.3d 488; (2) That all of the claims asserted by CYPRESS INSURANCE against the settling Defendant, i.e., QUAIL LAKES, are hereby dismissed with prejudice; _ (3) That the statutory “notice” periods and deadlines for all Motions and/or Oppositions regarding the Court’s determination of “good faith” settlement pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure §877.6 are specifically waived by the parties or previously addressed by the Court and this Court’s Order of Good Faith Settlement is effective immediately upon entry; and, (4) That any and all actual and/or potential claims against QUAIL LAKE, by any co- defendant (including but not limited to the non-settling Defendants, IAIN LEVI OWENS, RICHARD 27 L. OWENS, II, JENNIFER M. OWENS and JAKUSZ PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, co-obligor, or 28 joint tortfeasor for equitable comparative contribution, declaratory relief and/or partial or comparative > .MCCORMICK. BARSTOW. - :. SHEPPARD.WAYTE& I CARRUTH LLP 2 *mmonmmsuomaa 3 ' Fussuo, cumo ORDER GRANTING APPLICATION FOR DETERMINATION 0F GOOD FAITH SETI‘LEMENT indemnity, based on comparative negligence and/or comparativ fault, are forever barred. Dated: November [g 2018 Jeffrey Y. Hamilton ‘ G E FRESNO a COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT ®OOQO\M#DJNH 61202-001 15 5235209.I NNNNNNNNHn—IHHv—Iv—AH—ng—Ip—t \IQM-hWNHOOWNQM-hWND—‘O 28 Mécomux. mstow, - SHEPPARD. WAWE 8 CARRUTH LLP 3 . "K 7M7 mRTH FRESNO STREET u FRESNO. CA 83720 ORDER GRANTING APPLICATION FOR DETERMINATION OF GOOD FAITH SETTLEMENT .d PROOF 0F SERVICE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF FRESNO At the time of service, I was over 18 years of age and not a party to this action I am employed m the County of Fresno, State of California. My business address ls 7647 North Fresno Street, Fresno, CA 93720. On November 2, 2018, .1 served true copies of the following document(s) described as ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANT, QUAIL LAKE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION’S \DOOQGMADJN APPLICATION FOR DETERMINATION 0F GOOD FAITH SETTLEMENT on the interested parties in this action as follows: Scott E. Spell David McDowell Erik Durow McDowell, Shaw, Garcia & Mizel‘l Law Office of Scott E. Spell 1655 N. Main St, Suite 370 12100 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1520 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Los Angeles, CA 90025 O -‘ Anisha K Basi Nathan Yannone Laughlin, Falbo, Levy & Moresi, LLP Laughlin, Falbo, Levy & Moresi Ix) 555 12h Sheet, suite 1900 One Capitol Mall, Suite 400 Oakland CA 94607 Sacramento, CA 95814 DJ b UI m BY MAIL: I enclosed the document(s) a sealed envelope or package addressed to the ON persons at the addresses listed 1n the Selvice List and placed the envelope for collection and mailing, following our ordinary business practices. I am readily familiar with this business s praétice for \l collecting and processing correspondence for mailing On the same day that the conespondence ls placed fox collection and mailing it is deposited m the ordinary course of business with the United- States Postal Service, in a scaled envelope with postage fully prepaid. m I declare under penalty of‘perjury under the laws ofthe State ofCalifomia that the foregoing is \O true and correct. /\ O Executed on November2, 2018, at Flesno, formX 1C3] '—‘ N b) athyKK/Castillo \Im“ vb UI O\ k) fl 28 ‘7 ‘ MCCORMICK. BARSTOW. ' SHEPPARD, WAYTE a CARnum LLP ‘ ~' 7547 MW”! FRESNO STREET rnasm ax mm ‘ ‘