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  • Guerrero v. OwensCypress Insurance Company v. Owenscivil document preview
  • Guerrero v. OwensCypress Insurance Company v. Owenscivil document preview
  • Guerrero v. OwensCypress Insurance Company v. Owenscivil document preview
  • Guerrero v. OwensCypress Insurance Company v. Owenscivil document preview
  • Guerrero v. OwensCypress Insurance Company v. Owenscivil document preview
  • Guerrero v. OwensCypress Insurance Company v. Owenscivil document preview
  • Guerrero v. OwensCypress Insurance Company v. Owenscivil document preview
  • Guerrero v. OwensCypress Insurance Company v. Owenscivil document preview


CIV-130 FOR COURT USE ONLY ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name. Stale Bar numtyer. and address): _Daniel L. Wainwright #193486 McCormick, Barstow, Sheppard, Wayte & Carruth P.O. Box 28912 Fresno, CA 93729-8912 TELEPHONE NO.;(559) 433-1 300 FAX NO. (Optional): (559) 433-2300 ATTORNEY FOR Defendant, Quail Lake Community Association SUPERIOR COURT OF CAUFORNIA, COUNTY OF FRESNO E-FILED STREET ADDRESS: 1 130 "O" STREET 10/22/2018 11:35 AM MAILING ADDRESS FRESNO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT FRESNO, CITY AND ZIP CODE CA 93724 By: I. Herrera, Deputy PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: ADRIAN GUERRERO DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT; QUAIL LAKE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, a California Corooration. et al CASE NUMBER: NOTICE OF ENTRY OF JUDGMENT 16CECG03895 OR ORDER (Check one): UNLIMITED CASE • LIMITED CASE (Amount demanded (Amount demanded was exceeded $25,000) $25,000 or less) TO ALL PARTIES : 1. A judgment, decree, or order was entered in this action on (date): October 15,2018. 2. A copy of the judgment, decree, or order is attached to this notice. Date; October 22, 2018 Daniel L. Wainwright (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF ATTORNEY D PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY) (SIGNATURE) 4 Page 1 of 2 www.coui^ Form Approved for Optional Use Judicial Council of California NOTICE OF ENTRY OF JUDGMENT OR ORDER CIV-130 [New January 1, 2010] American LegalNtl. Inc. www i.i 1 2 McCoimick; Baistow, Sheppaid, Wayte & CanuthLLP Anthony N.DeMraa, #177894 tplL an(hom,dennariiBi^c^ ftfT ^5 3 Daniel L.Ws^owxi^i^ #193486 deoUeLvfaim9rtgfd@ttKcomiclAarstoiw.eom 4 7647 North Fresno Street Fresno,CaHfbmia 93720 5 Teirahone: (559)433-1300 Facsmiile: (559; 433-2300 6 Attorneys forDefottdant, RECEIVED VIA E-RLED 7 QUAIL LAKE COMMUNITYASSOCLVnON, 10/5/20168:37 AM FRESMOCpUNTy^PI ICR COURT 8 By:s. Garoa, uep 9 SUPERIORCOURT OF THE STATE OFCALIFORNIA 10 COUNTY OF FRESNO 11 12 ADRIAN GUERRERO, Ca8eNo,i6CECG03895 [CottsolliateiwUh17CECG01087] 13 Pl^ff, supulahonoftbe parties to 14 V. (X>NTIND£ TRIAL; PMWiP] ORDER 15 QUAIL LAKE COMMUNDY 16 n, JENNIFERM. OWNS andDOES 1 to 17 ICQ, 18 Defendants. 15 CYPRESSINSURANCECOMPANY, 20 PlaindfT, 21 V. 22 IAIN LEVI OWEN& iUCHARD L. OWNS, 23 n; JENNIFERM. OT^S; andDOES 1to10, 24 25 AND RELATED CROSS»ACTIQNS 26 .STIPULATION TO CONTTNPETRIAL DATE 27 L 'nd8Udgationan8e3outof8n8cddentoccnmngonDecember4,2015b^weenan»)tor 28 vehicle driving hy IAIN OWENS (*T)WENS") and a pedestrian, ADRIAN GUERRERO ^ QMBMRaVMmA CMBSRHUP iwHeRMfftMnnr (MMOkCMlllB SnPELATTON OFTBEPARHBS TOOONTINUB TRIAL; {PROPOSEDI ORDER 1 C^GUERRERO^O, onQUAILLAKECOMMUNnYASSOCIATION'S ("QUAILLAKFOprqjerty. 2 Atthe time ofthe incident, ADRIAN GUERRERO C*OUBRRERO"). 3 2. GUERRERO filed a dvll lawsuit agfunst OWENS and QUAIL LAKE (Case No. 4 16CBCG03895) onDecember 5,2016. 5 3. GUBRRERO'swoficers'compensationcenter,CYPRESS INSURANCECOMPANY 6 (CYPRESS")laterfiledfbefarownciviiaction(CaseNo. 17CBCG01087)onM^30,2017 against 7 OWENS and, later, QUAIL LAKE. 8 4. Astbetwocasesweresomtricatelylinkedthroughboth&otandlaWfthepartiesentered 9 into aStipulationtoconsolidatethetwo civilcases, whidi this CourtapprovedonNovember30,2017. 10 5. Aspart oftheconsolidation ofthese two matters, therespective trial dates infiie two 11 actions were vacated. 12 6. OnMarch 7,2018,this Courtmade fitefoUopmng Order. 13 a. A Mandatory Settlement Con&ienee is set ftsr November 14,2018 at 14 10K10ajn.inRoom575; * 15 b. A'DialReadin63sCoirftfeiiceis86tforNoveimber30,2018at9:3Da.itt. 16 in Department 501; and, 17 c. JuryTrialis setfor December 3,2018 8t9:00 ajn. m Department501. 18 7. December 3,2018 is foe first trial date ever assigned to this matterafterthe 2017 19 consolidation. 20 8. OnMy 17,2018, OWBNS filedaMotiontoassertaCrpss-ComplaintsgBinstJAKUSZ 21 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ("JAKUSTO and QUAIL LAKE for "Full bdenmity," "Partial 22 Indemmty," "ApportionmentofFault"and"DedarafotyRelief arisingoutoffoesiit^ectmotorvCblcle 23 accident 24 9. TheCourt, onAogust21,2018, granted OWENS' Motionthereby allowiiigthe Cross- 25 Conqdaint agamst bofo JAKUSZ and QUAIL LAKE. 26 10. JAKUSZ wasserved withOWENS* Summons andCross-Complaint onAugust 27, 27 2018, when Karlee Mezquita (who was authmized to accqpt service for Margaret Zamanlpa) was 28 personally served wifo foe pleadings. WCCOWBCHawWDm exvMftSkWmsa cwwniUP ; wawBatmromnwiT nsBacmnis SIIFULAIION OFTHB PARTIES TO OOOTINDB IRlAL; IPROPOSSDl ORDER V. 1 11. Addilimially, copies ofOteSummons afidOoss-ConopIaiiitvrasiiiailedtoJAKUSZon 2 August31,2018. 3 12. Tltepaities believe OutJAKUSZ*8iespoase tothe Smnmoos and Cross-Conij^Bist Is 4 October 10,2018. I 5 13. Ei9eitvntiiessde8{g^iationsaiesdteduIedtooeeur(mOctoberl5,2018bas8di]poafhd 6 cunent trial date. 7 14. As ofOidsidnnisdoiKtfthisSt^mlatitnitoC(Hidnae Ob December 3,2018 JiuyTrial S Date, there hasbemiimsgjpeaiaiice made byJAKUSZ. . 9 15. 10 11 Whenthecurrenttrialdatewas selected,itv«s&otaiitioipated,expeot0d 12 or 13 way ofOWiSKS Cross^Mmidaint 14 b. A Cross-Congtlaliit^justrecently filed, ie., onAugust 21,2018, in 15 Oris case,agabut bodiQUAILLAKEandJAKUSZ. 16 c. A new party, Le., JAKUSZ;, bas been just recently joined in flds 17 CQDSofidated civil matter andhave yet to ^pear and,dietefoie, thispai^ has 18 bemiiind>Ieto conductanydisooveiy, investigation into thedalms, allegations 19 20 d. TheoflierpaitiesintidseetlDnhavenothaveareaSondtleqipoxtimityto 21 cmiduct (Bscovmy and inepare for trialin resa>d to JAKUSZ's recent 22 involvement in fois case. 23 e, JAKUSZ wiU haveinsufiScient timeto retain ifadrowneogteits and/or 24 conduct expertwHness discovmy. 25 t The parties have acted dlUgenfly after the recent Cross-Complaint to 26 hringthisrequestfor contimiance to ftieCourt'sattention, 27 g. Thme arenootheraltemathremeanstoaddresslhepioblemcausedbyfoe 28 recentlypermitted Ctoss-Complaint MtCotaBCUBWHweft SMS