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  • Cdc Development Properties, Inc. v. American Independent Paper Mills Supply Co., Inc., Hudson Harbor Homes, Inc. Commercial document preview


FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 09/09/2015 03:15 PM INDEX NO. 51573/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 23 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/09/2015 COUNTY COURT, WESTCHESTER COUNTY THE STATE OF NEW YORK RICHARD J. DARONCO WESTCHESTER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 111 DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. BOULEVARD WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK 106.01 TEL. (914) 824-5417 CHAMBERS OF DAVID S. ZUCKERMAN ACTING JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT September 9,2015 MARK E. CONSTANTINE, ESQ. Attorney for Defendant American Independent Paper 106 North Broadway Irvington, NY 11533 Re: CDC v American Independent Paper, et aI., Index # 51573/15 Counselor, The Court currently has under consideration your motion for default and summary judgment in this matter, and a motion by Plaintiff to excuse a default. A review of the documents filed on behalf of your client show that you rely for your argument regarding the effect of the Statute of Limitations on the issuance by this court of an Order with regard to a Tax Certiorari matter involving some of the same parties in the current matter. However, conspicuously absent from your moving papers is a copy of that Order. Due to the obvious importance of that Order to your Statute of Limitations argument, and while the Court is inclined to deny your application with leave to renew upon submission of proper papers (which would include a copy of said Order), in order to insure swift attention to this matter the Court will permit you to supplement your submission with a brief Affirmation which includes the referenced Order. Please provide the Court with that Affirmation and Document not later than September 18, 2015, or the Court will not be able to consider your motion with regard to that issue. . Raymond Mechmann Jr. Principal Law Clerk Hon. David S. Zuckerman