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  • Santander Bank, N.A v. Susan T. Bagley, Heir And Distributee Under The Estate Of Diane Epps Aka Diane Sheila Epps And Heir And Distributee Under The Estate Of Lillie Epps, New York City Environmental Control Board, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, The People Of The State Of New York, United States Of America, Susan T. Bagley HEIR AND SOLE DISTRIBUTEE TO THE ESTATE OF  DIANNE EPPS A/KA/DIANE EPP A/K/K DIANE SHEILA EPPS Foreclosure (residential mortgage) document preview
  • Santander Bank, N.A v. Susan T. Bagley, Heir And Distributee Under The Estate Of Diane Epps Aka Diane Sheila Epps And Heir And Distributee Under The Estate Of Lillie Epps, New York City Environmental Control Board, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, The People Of The State Of New York, United States Of America, Susan T. Bagley HEIR AND SOLE DISTRIBUTEE TO THE ESTATE OF  DIANNE EPPS A/KA/DIANE EPP A/K/K DIANE SHEILA EPPS Foreclosure (residential mortgage) document preview
  • Santander Bank, N.A v. Susan T. Bagley, Heir And Distributee Under The Estate Of Diane Epps Aka Diane Sheila Epps And Heir And Distributee Under The Estate Of Lillie Epps, New York City Environmental Control Board, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, The People Of The State Of New York, United States Of America, Susan T. Bagley HEIR AND SOLE DISTRIBUTEE TO THE ESTATE OF  DIANNE EPPS A/KA/DIANE EPP A/K/K DIANE SHEILA EPPS Foreclosure (residential mortgage) document preview
  • Santander Bank, N.A v. Susan T. Bagley, Heir And Distributee Under The Estate Of Diane Epps Aka Diane Sheila Epps And Heir And Distributee Under The Estate Of Lillie Epps, New York City Environmental Control Board, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, The People Of The State Of New York, United States Of America, Susan T. Bagley HEIR AND SOLE DISTRIBUTEE TO THE ESTATE OF  DIANNE EPPS A/KA/DIANE EPP A/K/K DIANE SHEILA EPPS Foreclosure (residential mortgage) document preview


FILED: RICHMOND COUNTY CLERK 12/03/2018 09:45 AM INDEX NO. 135806/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 69 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/03/2018 iprtnt tn ble$! in* afi amas in boid lettois. &imr epec*s srs fsr Sor.xt u*a.l At l,A.S. rurt * sf the $upremc Court of tha Stats of l.lew York, hol$ in and fqr ths Cs*nty of t*6ty Yorl{,^at ths Courthouse Desmond A. Green ?he3rrf,)G Cq"\"Q A*nf Sf;, N.v,, Hon. J.S.C. cn the 20* * day ef _ frfiffiF"1?:HON, lnds Number *W.FrlsItu*(.l,9- narna{s}l . against - , - ----Hufii'Jf(u)' -. ${,Kqb lzps ''lliln ORDERTO $HO\I' CAIJSE rN crvtL AcTtfid Upcn raading and fillng the Summons and Cornplalttl$urnmonE With f,loticE fcircle one], filod .. the fA '\I. sav cf l\.0UC|ryd4?{ laJS and rhe affidavir in supporr sr $ilsrntsth6;:* dey ot ..Neu.ek+bt {, -.." and ths exhlbils sttachad lhafs(o, nam#y -,?OlL |Idarrtlfy Bxhlbtts;r"lsasddl$pnst pa$e lf n6€doq L€tth€p8|tyorattorneyinopposltionghowceugea1|.A'$.P8ft-,fuom*,of tltiscsLl.'t,tobehe|datlhgcourth0u8o,}bCeq\o\+!.g..s&,'.,0nths@dayof t0-,8t-o'clsckln tha _ nson or gE $gon E6 ths prrtiw to ihl$ ry p!"oc8sding rnay be heard why sn ord6r shoutd not be iasued, provldlng the follneing rallof {brl*{ly dewrfbo wh*t you clt acklng the goun to do!: - lnaL4 1 of 5 FILED: RICHMOND COUNTY CLERK 12/03/2018 09:45 AM INDEX NO. 135806/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 69 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/03/2018 ,nd such sth*' furthcr r*lisf a$ r"nay io ths csurt seem Juat and propar, for the 'nd deacrib thu rEEse$a,why ;r--" * you shourd bs gr*ntsd rriut you €rp mq$8e6r*g! $trfiiciantc&u*€ app$srins thara{or, let par**nal *errlcE of * copy of ,hh ord6f, tho effirtavll ali athsr peperc uporl wllieh ti'rls ord{r is gr*nra( upon the *$srnsys p*,ls ,iY]-,-nd unrepr'sented partie$ who fcr "tt srd ,tf hevs appeared in this €'tion 0r Qf1 he?org tho : ;;-;; -l:!ou'(n4 '*uoCJn*o***grodsri{suf*cr*nr. Anelfid*vrrrr$rhsrprsorsrrsruic'rnr{r b* prg*e*t*C ts tttis Cou( on tir* isturn d*ta fix*d above. MTffi ,l Il( l> r.ffi^l Hon. Desmond A, Graen J.S.c. 2 of 5 FILED: RICHMOND COUNTY CLERK 12/03/2018 09:45 AM INDEX NO. 135806/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 69 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/03/2018 ftutut in btnsk txh afi sra*s In bo]d \at*Er*3 Xlffi%?-Kiryrs fi sF NF"'|/ Yoffi( ftdox $,lurn&*r ft,+s buyrs,Liv_ *H-i']rtffi$l: (?4,/S ;riltitin*ffi , -&SYob _again*t_ AFFIDAVI? $UrcR? 'N Darendent{s} $TATI Or t{tw Y*&} **u^rTy *r - e,g!,slm,y,,l. "r*, cspgse$ and saye: iyour ncr*ef, being duly swom, 2' J beliav* tho sourtr {hould grant th€ roliaf eoughr sh6{$d be gnnted ltt]te mo$$nl nsosu'6 Isrruln ryry y?r| wh*t yeu rn ruqu*&lr6' ldarrttfyrnc-*&tn to thk e?{i&ytt. Add,nom pryffi rry hhhtte (doeufi{rrtr} y&r rn nx f n**drd.J A l(t'r7rt Ordcr$howCau*e - lll0 14 3 of 5 FILED: RICHMOND COUNTY CLERK 12/03/2018 09:45 AM INDEX NO. 135806/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 69 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/03/2018 3,Apricru,n,,,@1Das[c|m{*ona|bc*n'"ads'orthgra||afn0wruqugst8d.n'you rtffb thla eppfia*ttat oefhJD4fit s rf?y r*?r* coufi, ara *eking k e6$be wllerr, *hsr?, ttrrfeltt rnd wfry you ag*ln Affiaeh cophc uf pavloua ttoctolc*a] WhlffiS0Rfr, i rwpoatfuliy rsqusct th*! ?hta molion ba grunled, snd ilrat lhsra f uf,?t*r roliel as rnay be just such othar and *nd prCIpfr" ffiT'"piryr. -,aalt Notary Pr,rblic pn qnpcgnfrnpri*[ffi fr s galr- tlc, NOTARY PIIfi STATE Op $rM yoRK Regishaiion No. 0ISH6?,iI I 85 in Rictr-mond Ccunrv Qrralified Corumissron Erpres May /,20)0 OrdsShawCau$e - 1/2014 4 of 5 FILED: RICHMOND COUNTY CLERK 12/03/2018 09:45 AM INDEX NO. 135806/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 69 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/03/2018 rc oF 3iffi '#ffi-qilffiil, NHW Y*RK tndex ltlumber [fill in name(s]j Haintiff{s) trerw-lprt,l --!4)*_hmrw, /1, - aga,nst. AFFIDAVIT OT SHR/ICE AFTER ..*- * l$h: [fill in name{s)] t' ' ha.r(u,. t-[g?enGitS COMM Fb]CSI S'JT OF LIT1GATION STATE OF NAW YORX COUNTY CF l,[narn* of parscn who s*rvgd papers] being duly sworn, o-0"1*_::l::1,, Ir* o.r,ut 1B years or 1_regide at fyour address] age'enJ"ffi On of servtcei, fcll*wiirgffi:**.I*r" papers tl**intitypap,e.s #*lq ar tr;te cf in the iollowlng nnanner. [check Aox ilst applies]. . Pars,or:lal By personally cielivering the papers io [icientify person s*rved] .QerulEe al laddrcsel The inelviduai I served,had,tl Sex l-leiEht l4te!eU c &tale r Under 5' Ass r Llndsr 100 lbs. ai1 - t4 years c Female r 5'0'r , 513" c 100 - 13S lbs. a 35 - 50 years c g'{" - 5tgr ! 131 - 160 lbs. : 51 - 61 vears r 5'9" - 6'0" c 161 - 200 ibs, o Over 61 years p Over 6' c Over 200 lbs. Co.lor oi skin fdescribe] % Hair col*r Other idenrifying featurei, iiany 1eeffiue1: ,,H-gJJ By maihng the sarne in a sealed env6fope, with postEge prepaid th€rson, in a po*t offico or oflicial depository of the u'$. Postal $ervice within lhs statl or New york, addresaed to the last-known address *f the addressee{s; indicated felow: ' 'Qyg'algbl 8y. depositing the sarne wiih an overnlght defivery seruice in a wrappe r graperty addressed. sald ag&g'ry dolivery was made priof to the laic6t time ceslgna{ed. by the overnlght detivery $eruice for ovornight ilegicg delivery, The deiivery eervice used was {narnicf delhery eervieel {ltlanne(*} and addrEss{es} of p,erson{s} **ed by m*ifovemight deHveryl $wcrn to belore me this *-* day of . zv fsign your fiame bstsra a Nof*ry] fprint your namel OrderShowC asse . l/2A14 5 of 5