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  • RODRIGUEZ vs NEWHOFF, et al. Unlimited Civil document preview
  • RODRIGUEZ vs NEWHOFF, et al. Unlimited Civil document preview


Attorney or Parry without Attorney: For Court Use Only JOSHUA T. EDLOW ESQ., Bar #28643 6 DREYER., BABICH, BUCCOLA, WOOD & CAMPORA 20 BICENTENNIAL CIRCLE SACRAMENTO, CA 95826 Telephone No: 916-379-3500 FAX No: 916-379-3599 Ref No. or File No.: Atlorneyfor: Plaintiff Insert name of Court, and Judicial District and Branch Court: SACRAMENTO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Plaintff SERGIO RODRIGUEZ Defendant: CULLEN KAMRATH NEWHOFF PROOF OF SERVICE Hearing Date: Time: Dept/Div: Case Number: SUMMONS & COMPLAINT 24CV010154 1. At the time ofservice Iwas at/east 18 years of age and not aparty to this action. 2. I served copies of the SUMMONS & COMPLAINT; NOTICE OF CASE ASSIGNEMENT AND CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE; CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET 3. a. Party served: RAYA ALKUDSI, INC. b. Person served: NABIEL Y., PERSON IN CHARGE, Middle Eastern, Male, 45 Years Old, Black Hair, Brown Eyes, 5 Feet 10 Inches, 185 Pounds 4. Address where the party was served: 4700 FIRBIRD LANE SACRAMENTO, CA 95841 5. 1 served the parry: b. by substituted service. On: Wed., May. 29, 2024 at: 1:58PM by leaving the copies with or in the presence of: NABIEL Y., PERSON IN CHARGE, Middle Eastern, Male, 45 Years Old, Black Hair, Brown Eyes, 5 Feet 10 Inches, 185 Pounds (2) (Home)a Person in charge at least 18 years of age apparently in charge of the office or usual place of business of the person served. I informed him or her of the general nature of the papers. (4) A declaration of mailing is attached. 6. The “Notice to the Person Served” (on the Summons,) was completed as follows: on behalf of RAYA ALKUDSI, INC. Other: BUSINESS ORGANIZATION, FORM UNKNOWN. 7. Person Who Served Papers: Recoverable Cost Per CCP 1033.5(a)(4)(B) a. CELINA ALVARADO d. The Feefor Service was: $35.00 2300 P Street e. I am: (3) registered California process server Sacramento, CA 95816 (1) Independent Contractor cii.) Registration No.: 20 18-039 (916) 498-0808 (iii,) County: Sacramento FAX (916) 498-0817 8. 1 declare under penalty ofperjury under the laws of the Stale of Cailfornia th’ t theforegoing is true and correct. Date: Sun, Jun. 02, 2024 1 Rule JudiciM CaqpcU.Foim POS-Qill SUfSAFIWjLNT ELIJA ALVAF(A1IU) Rev 2.1Su4a)&(D) January 1, 2007 jte.4 72006