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  • FIRST SERVICE CREDIT UNION vs. EVANS, ADAM DAVID Debt/Contract - Debt/Contract document preview
  • FIRST SERVICE CREDIT UNION vs. EVANS, ADAM DAVID Debt/Contract - Debt/Contract document preview
  • FIRST SERVICE CREDIT UNION vs. EVANS, ADAM DAVID Debt/Contract - Debt/Contract document preview
  • FIRST SERVICE CREDIT UNION vs. EVANS, ADAM DAVID Debt/Contract - Debt/Contract document preview
  • FIRST SERVICE CREDIT UNION vs. EVANS, ADAM DAVID Debt/Contract - Debt/Contract document preview
  • FIRST SERVICE CREDIT UNION vs. EVANS, ADAM DAVID Debt/Contract - Debt/Contract document preview
  • FIRST SERVICE CREDIT UNION vs. EVANS, ADAM DAVID Debt/Contract - Debt/Contract document preview
  • FIRST SERVICE CREDIT UNION vs. EVANS, ADAM DAVID Debt/Contract - Debt/Contract document preview


EXHIBIT First Service Houston, nee 4-39711 CONSUMER LENDING PLAN Pour 129 n Credit Union 713-676-7777 800-678-5197, ADVANCE RECEIPT AND TRUTHAN-LENDING STATEMENT BORROWER'S NAME "AGCOUNT NUMBER, ADAM DAVID EVANS: CO-BORROWER'S NAME ‘DATE 10/22/2022 Thank you for taking a loan advance under your lending plan. This Advance Receipt and Truth-in-Lending Statement provides important information regarding the terms of this loan. This advance is governed by the terms of your Consumer Lending Plan, Open-end Credit Plan, or similar credit contract ("Plan"). IF YOU BELIEVE THAT ANY OF THIS INFORMATION iS INACCURATE, PLEASE CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY .By accepting the proceeds of this loan, you are agreeing to the terms stated below. ANNUAL PERCENTAGE FINANCE CHARGE: The dollar Amount Financed: The amount Total of Payments: The amount RATE: The cost of your credit as a amount the credit will cost you of credit provided to you or on you will have paid after you have yearly rate. your behalf made all payments as scheduled 10.290 %°" $ 26,251.64 $ 34,850.50 $ 61,102.14 [J “Share Secured Loen: if checked, the Annual Percentage Rate disclosed above increase or decrease dunng the term of this transaction if the share fate increases or decreases. The Annual Percentage Rate will be equal to the share rate plus % and then rounded to the nearest! 0 25% An increase of decrease will take effect quarterty on the first day of January, Apni, July and October The ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE wilt never be more than the maximum rate allowed by law, Any increase will take the form of more payments of the same amount. Example: tf your loan was $10,000at 6.00% for 120 months and the rate increased to 6 25% after 3 years, you would have to make 2 additional payments 1 “Variable Rate Loan if checked, the Annual Percentage Rate disclosed above increase or decrease if the Index increases or decreases The Index 1s the averageof the discount rate for the 182-day Treasury Bill as published by the Bureau of the Public Debt in effect for the 6-month period immediately preceding the last day of each calendar quarter ("Index"). The ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE will be equal to the Index plus a margin of %, Tounded up to the nearest one eighth of one percent. An increase or decrease will take effect on the first day of each quarter (January, Apnil, July and October) The ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE will never be more than the maximum rate allowed by law or lower than % Any increase will take the form of more payments of the same amount. Example: If your loan was $10,000 at 9.00% for 60 months and the rate increased to 10 00% after 3 years, you would have to make 1 additonal payment. | Your payment schedute will be NUMBER OF PAYMENTS AMOUNT OF PAYMENTS WHEN PAYMENTSARE DUE 143 $ 424.33 Monthly Beginning 12/07/2022 1 $ 422.95 11/07/2034 Security: You are giving a secunty interest in your shares and deposits in the credit unton, as well as the collateral descnbed below Collateral for other joans with us will also secure this loan, except for your home and household goods. Late Charges: If 9 payment is recerved more than 10 days after the due date, you will Required Deposit Balance: The Annual Percentage Rate be charged 8 _ % of the payment due with a munimumof § 26.00 does not take into account your required deposit balance Property insurance: You may obtain property insurance from anyone you want that is acceptable to us. If youdo Filing Fee: not obtain property insurance we will obtain it at your cost. $ 0.00 Prepayment: if you pay off earty, you will not have to pay a penalty ‘See your contract documents for any additional information about default, any required repayment in full before the scheduled date, and prepayment ‘e” means estimate refunds and penalties, ROOK PNANCED OF $ 34,850.50 Amount Paid to Others on Your Behalf (Descnbe) AMOUNT GIVEN TO YOU DIRECTLY $ 0.00 GAP To GAP. Postage And Freight USAA FEDERAL (a portion will be SAVINGS BANK AMOUNT PAIO ON YOUR ACCOUNT $ 2,036.50 tetained by us) PREPAID FINANCE CHARGE $ 0.00 $ 745.00 $ 70.00 $ 32,000.00 $ SECURITY INFORMATION SHARES: "ACCOUNT NUMBER "AMOUNT "ACCOUNT NUMBER "AMOUNT PLEDGED: ‘= $ MOTOR YEAR MAKE BODY TYPE ‘SERIAL NUMBER oF VIN VEHICLE: 2017 Highland Ridge RV "Roamer Series M-310BHS| RV 68TTL3721H6027103 OTHER 2017 Highland Ridge RV Roamer Series M- COLLATERAL: Debt Protection: Thank you for purchasing optional debt protection on your Consumer Lending Plan. The Total Estimated Fee for this joan 1s $0.00 and is inciuded in the payment schedule disclosed above. We will retain a portion of this amount. Yes! | confirm that | want optional debt protection on this advance. ‘Borrower Inmat ‘Co-Borrower Iniial (fount coverage) ‘Security Interest. When you signed your Plan, you granted 8 securty interest in the above-described collateral, and your endorsement of the proceeds check and/or your acceptance of the goods purchased and funds advanced now confirm your mtent to grant that secunty interest. The Secunty Agreement that you entered into when you opened your Pian shall govern the above-described collateral and security interest Returned Payment Fee: We will charge you $30.00 if your payment is retumed unpaid for any reason. ACTIVE SERVICE MEMBERS AND DEPENDENTS: See page 2 for Important Information 9002 LASER FPDF F111690 Rev 4-2018 COPYRIGHT 2009 Secunan Fmancial Group, ine All nghts reserved page 1 of 2 IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES FOR ACTIVE MEMBERS OF THE MILITARY AND THEIR DEPENDENTS: The following applies if at the time of this advance you are a member of the military or a dependent (as those terms are defined in the Military Lending Act, 10 U.S.C. 987 and its implementing regulators), and (a) your advance ts unsecured or secured by personal property or a vehicle thal you did not purchase: with the proceeds of the advance; or (b) this advance is made for the purchase of a vehicle or personal property, and you also receive additional “cash out” financing (e.g , to pay off negative equity on a trade-in or you otherwise recerve additional cash). 1 NOTICE: Federal law provides it to members of the Armed Forces and them to extensions of In generat, the cost of consumer credit to a member of the Armed Forces and his or her dependent may not exceed an anni tate of 36 percent This rate must include, as applicable to the credit transaction of account the costs associated with credit insurance premiums or debt protection tees; fees for ancillary products sold m connecton with the credit transaction, any applicahon fee charged (other than certain application fees for specthed credit transactions or accounts), and any participation fee charged (other than certain participation fees for a credit card account). To recerve this notice verbally, please call 1-800-678-5197 Monday - Friday 8 00am - 5 00pm CST This advance will not be secured by 8 consensual lien on shares or deposits m any of your accounts unless you specifically agree to establish an ‘account in connection with this advance (“Secured Account”). Only funds deposited into the Secured Account afier the advance is made will secure this advance. Any cross-collateralization provision contained in your credit or membership documents will not apply to the Secured Account or your other share or deposit accounts for any loan sutyect to the Military Lending Act. However, with regard to this advanca, we still reserve our statutory len ngnts and any resutting nghts to set-off or administrative freeze under federal or ‘state law, which gives us the nght to apply the sums in the Secured Account or any other account(s} you have with us to satisfy your obligations under ‘this advance: Any contract terms in your credit, secunty, or membership agreements that contradict the above with regard to this advance are hereby deleted Your advance 1s not subject to mandatory arbitration and therefore any reference to mandatory arbitration in this Credit Agreement and Secunty Agreement shall not apply to your advance if you are a Louisiana resident, the Louisiana-specific provisions contained in the Secunty Agreement do not apply to your advance ADAM DAVID EVANS 13319 Finch Brook Dr Cypress ™ 77429-3573 page 2 of 2 A PO Box 941914 CONSUMER LENDING PLAN First Service: 'ouston. 77004 713-676-7777 Credit Union 800-678-5197 ACCOUNT NUMBER au» BORROWER'S NAME AND ADDRESS: DATE OF BIRTH ADAM DAVID EVANS: 13319 Finch Brook Dr, Cypress, TX 77429-3573 09/23/1982 CO. BORROWER'S NAME AND ADDRESS. DATE OF BIRTH "You", “Your” and "Borrower". means any person who executes the Plan by sigrung the Loan Application and Agreement to Terms. or any person who endorses a proceeds check or othenmse accepts, accesses, or uses Plan funds. We" “us”, “our” or “Credit Union” means the Credit Union named above How the Pian Works. This Consumer Lending Plan has a vanety of subaccounts under which you may take various types of loans (called “advances") Some subaccounts may be revolving (@ g , Personal Line of Credit). The credit available under these subaccounts will replenish as you pay down the balances. Other ‘subaccounts are single-advance subaccounts such as New Auto These subaccounts will not replenish and will have a set term Binding Contract. This Consumer Lending Plan, which includes the Credit Agreement, Security Agreement, Truth-in-Lending Statement, and all Advance Receipts (“Pian”), becomes a binding legal contract with regard to each advance as soon as you take an advance, and will govern the terms of ail loans that you obtain under the Pian You only sign once to open the Plan, thereafter, you may request additonal advances without signing any paperwork unless requestedby us. You become obligated on a particular advance when you receive the advance proceeds or the benefits thereof. By signing the Loan Application and Agreement to Terms, you are 1 Agreeing to repay all loans you take. All loans you take under the Plan must be paid back, even it you don't sign any paperwork al the time of the oan 2 Pledging your shares and deposits in the Credit Union. ff you default, we may apply the shares and deposits in your accounts to the amount you owe us. We may also prevent you from withdrawing shares or deposits if you are in default, of, in the case of a share-secured or deposit-secured loan, if ‘such withdrawal would cause your balance to fall below what you owe: Your pledge and our en nghts do not include any IRA, Keogh or other account which wouid lose special tax treatment ff pledged. Please see the Security Agreement for compiete detaits Granting a security interest in all property you purchase or otherwise pledge. If you defaull on any subaccount under the Plan, we may seize and sell any property you have purchased or pledged under that subaccount o any other subaccount. Cross-Collateralizat you have All other collateralion: pledged for any other loan with us (except your home and household goods) will also secure this Plan. Release of Lien: We will not release a lien on any of the collaterst you have pledged ff you are delinquent or in default on any of your subaccounts. For example: if you are in default of your tine of ‘credit subaccount, we will not release our lien on your vehicle loan, even if the vehicle loan is paid in full. Please see the Secunty Agreementfor complete details. interest Rates and Fees. The rates and fees that apply to your subaccounts are disclosed on the separate Truthun-Lending Statement and/or Advance Receipt BORROWER'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT & SIGNATURES By signing the Loan Application and Agreement to Terms, you agree to the terms and conditions of the Consumer Lending Plan AND THEIR DEPENDENTS: IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES FOR ACTIVE MEMBERS OF THE MILITARY The following applies to members of the military and their dependents if: (a) at the tme your advance 1s made, you are an active member of the military of you are a dependent of an active member of the military (as those terms are defined in the Military Lending Act. 10 U.SC 987 and its implementing regulations), and (b) your advance is unsecured or secured by personal property that you did not purchase with the proceeds of the advance. 1 NOTICE: Federal law provides important to members of the Armed Forces and the dependents relating to ext: jensions of consumer credit of consumer credit to a member of the Armed Forces and his or her dependent may not exceed an annual i percentage rae of 36 percent This rate must include, as apphcable to the credit transaction or account the costs associated with credit insurance premiums or deb! protection fees, fees for ancillary products sold m connection with the credit transaction; any application fee charged (other than certain application fees for specified credit transactions or accounts), and any pafticipation fee charged (other than certemn participation fees for a credi card account) To receve please call 1-800-678-5197 Monday - Friday 8.00am - 5:00pm CST ‘this notice verbally, an This advance will not be secured by a consensual tien on shares or deposits in any of your accounts unless you specifically agree to establish this account in connection with this advance (“Secured Account”). Only funds deposited into the Secured Account after the advance is made will secure advance: ‘Any cross-collateralization provision contained in your credit or membership documents wit! not apply to this advance or the Secured Account under federal or However, with regard to thts advance, we stil reserve our statutory lien rights and any resutting rights to set-off or administrative freeze obligations state law, which gives us the nght to apply the sums in the Secured Account or any other account(s) you have with us to satsty your under this advance Any contract terms in your credit, secunty, or membership agreements that contradict the above with regard to this advance are hereby deleted and Security Your advance 1s not subject to mandatory arbitration and therefore any reference to mandatory arbitration in this Credit Agreement ‘Agreement shall not apply to your advance advance If you are a Lousiana resident, the Louisiana-specific provisions contained in the Security Agreement do not apply to your 9000 LASER FPDF F160093 Rev 9-2016 page 1o0f 5 COPYRIGHT 2009 Securian Financial Group, inc All nghts reserved BORROWER NAME ‘ACCOUNT NUMBER ADAM DAVID EVANS CREDIT AGREEMENT Agreement to Terms and Promise to Pay: By signing the Loan Application must pay the entre amount due in one lump sum. The loan while mn default wilt ‘and Agreement to Terms or any advance proceeds check, and/or by accepting, bear interest at the highest rate allowed by law retaining, using, or accessing any proceeds under this Plan, you agree to the Payments: The minimum monthly payment and due date will be set and terms and condihons of the Consumer Lending Plan, Credit Agreement, disclosed at the time each advance 1s made You may pay the outstanding Agreement, Truthin-Lending Statement, and all Advance Receipts, or ‘balance in full or pay more than the minimum due at any time without penalty. ssmilar document, and any future amendments thereto, and promrse to pay all ‘However, minimum payments are required for each billing cycle as long as any amounts. balance exists, Endorsement of Proceeds Check: By endorsing an advance proceeds check, ‘Skip Payment: if wo make a slap payment €vaiiable, you may skip you are agreeing to the terms of the Consumer Lending Plan and Advance making your payment(s) for certain month(s) if you choose this option, interest Receipt, and are granting 8 secunty interest in the collateral descnbed in the wall conbnue to accrue, but no late payment charges will be imposed dunng the Advance Receipt. The terms of the advance proceeds check and the Advance ‘skip period. All credit terms applicable immediately por to the skip period wilt ‘Receipt, including the collateral descnpbon, are subject to the terms of the Plan ‘again apply once the sup penod has expired Purchase of Optionai Products: If offered, you may apply for optional loan Default: You shall be considered in defauit if we should, m good faith, believe Protection products such as credit msurance, debt protection, or Guaranteed that prospect of payment, performance, of our secunty interest in, of realization, Asset Protecton (GAP) These products are voluntary and are not required to of the collateral is impaired. You shail also be in defauit (1) you break any Obtaina loan from us. The premium or fee for the product(s) will be added to the promise made under this Pian, (2) you do not use the loan proceeds for the outstanding balance and becomes part of your minimum monthly loan payment. purpose stated in your advance request; (3) you die. (4) you fle a petitionin We will retain 2 portion of this fee as compensation for providing this service of recervership or are put involuntanty into such Purchase of optional producis may extend the time it takes to pay off your proceedings, (5) if the collateral ts lost, damaged or destroyed, or if it is ened outstanding balance(s) Once you purchase credit insurance or debt protection, against, attached, gamished, or seized for any reason under any authonty, (6) all subaccounts under the Pian will be covered, uniess you tell us otherwise. you do not make your required payments on time, (7) anyone 1s in default of any How to Compute the interest Charge: (open-end loans) The Interest Charge ‘security agreement given in connection with the Plan, (8) you commit fraud or begins to accrue on the date of each advance and accrues for each day the make any false or misieading statements im connecton with this Plan, (9) you balance remains unpaid The unpaid belance for each day is mutuplied by the are in default of any other loan or secunty agreement you have with us, (10) you use the Plan for any ilegal purpose or transacton as determined by applicable ‘applicable daily penodic rate to determine the Interest Charge for that day. The ‘sum of these daily charges is the Interest Charge. The unpaid balance Jaw. Any one of the foregoing events shall evidence a reasonable behef that ts the outstanding balance at the close of business after all transachons have been prospect of payment, performance oF realizabon of the collateral is impared Actions Upon Default: if you default, we may declare all amounts Access to Plan: You may request advances under this Plan in any manner due and payable, and you must immediately pay us the total unpard balance, as allowed by us. We may refuse to make any advance for any reason permitted well as the Inlerest Charge to date, any lale charges and all collection costs by eppiicable law This Plan has two types of subaccounts: (a) open-end permitted under law The balance in defautt shail bear interest at the highest rate revolving line of credit subaccounts under which the credit available will be permittedby applicable law If your state taw requires a nobce of default and an replenishing as you pay the outstanding balance, and (b) closed-end single- opportunityto cure that default, these nghts wil be afforded to you before we ‘subaccounts which will not replenish and will have a set repayment exercise our remedies. term (8 g , vahicie loan) Costs of Collection: You shall pay all costs incurred by us in collecting (a) Open-end Advances: If approved, you may obtain a revolving line of ‘emount you owe or i enforcing of protecting our nghts. Costs of colfecton credit account under this Plan. You wili recerve open- end disclosures include, but are not limited to, collecton agency fees, repossession fees, forth interest rate, fees, credit limit and other information pertaining to the line at appraisals, environmental site assessments, and casualty insurance. The the bme you open the line of credit account. You may take advances from the: following apples to all borrowers except Wisconsin borrowers Costs of line up to your approved credit limit, re-pay amounts, and continue to access: collection also include reasonable attorney's fees for any action taken by an redit up to the credit limit so long as you are not in default on the account. If attomey who ts not our salaned employee in order to collect this loan or your credit standing detenorates, we may suspend your kine, increase your rate, Preserve or protect our nghts and remedies, including, without limitation, pre- ‘Or take other actions in accordance wath appticabie suit demands for payment pre-sut_ mediation or settement investigation and assessment of our nghis, partiapabon in bankrupicy cases, (b) Closed-end Advances: You may request closed-end advances under this Plan from time to ime. If approved, you will recerve an Advance Receipt matters, and proceedings (induding, without knnvtation, filing proofs of claim, meetings of creditors, and setting forth closed-end disclosures regarding the annual percentage rate, fees, pursumg complants, motions, and objections that relate m any way to the credit ‘collateral, and other mformabon pertamng to that advance. If you find the terms. Ghon's colatere! or ght to payment) collateral disposition, non bankruptcy acceptable, you may consummate the loan by retaining or using the advance ‘suits and/or administrative actions, and appeals. For Alabama borrowers. proceeds (such as by cashing the proceeds check or accepting a vehicle attomey's fees after default shall not exceed 15% of the unpaid debt, or such purchased with the proceeds). All terms and conditions of tts Plan will be tgher amount as a court may allow. For Georgra borrowers. attomey's fees effectrve for 8 particular advance as of the date of that advance, shail not exceed 15% of pnincipal and accrued interest, or such higher amount Late Fees and Other Charges: You agree to pay all fees and charges imposed as a court may allow under the Plan in the amount(s) disciosed on the Truth-in-Lending Statement, Borrower Responsibility: You must notify us of any change m your name, which fees may increase from time to time. Such fees shall be added to your address, oF creda standing, and you must outstanding balance and your minimum payment may increase or your loan provide us any additional informabon we request. To prevent identity term may be extended. theft, you may be required to venty any change in your address. You shailnot Overdraft Protection: If you request Overdraft Protection, any overdraftson request an advance if you know or should have known thal you cannot pay it your checking account wil be added to your fine, even if the owner or authorized user of the checking account who causes the overdraft ts not a borrower on the Joint Pians: If this Plan has more than one borrower, each of you 1s individualty bine. and jointly responsible for paying all amounts owed We can enforce our nghts. Perfection of Security Interest; Increase in Rate; Fee; Default: if you fail to ‘against one or all of you. Hf you give us inconsistent mstructons, we can refuse perfect our lien, we may take the necessary steps to do so and charge you a to follow those instructons or follow the instruction of our choosing. Unless our filing fee. This foe will be in the amount charged by the state and will be added written policy requires all of you to sign for an advance. each of you may obtain fo your loan balance if we are unable fo perfect our lien on the collateral advances individually and each agrees to repay advances made to the other{s) pledged for any advance, or the value of the collateral detenoraies: Any notice masied to one shail be considered notice mailed to all. Any of you can that advance may be treated as an advance under a line of credit for the remove yourself from responsibility as @ co-borrower by notifying us in wnting, purpose of determining the Interest Rate, and the Interest Rate shall increase to unless such removal would violate our policy of regulations. in such a case the the highest line of credit rate in effect at that time Your minimum monthly Plan may be terminated Removing a Borrower of termmating the Pian wil not Payment shail also increase accordingly We may also consider the loan to be in relieve any of you from joint or Several habilty for any obligations already default and can call the loan immediately due and payable, in which case you page 2 of 5 ‘BORROWER NAME "ACCOUNT NUMBER ADAM DAVID EVANS: aqup CREDIT AGREEMENT Termination: This Pian may be terminated (1) upon adverse re-evaiuabon of For Missouri Residents: Oral agreements or commitments your creditworthiness, (2) If you should fail to meet the terms of the Plan, (3) to loan money, extend credit or to forbear from enforcing at our option, or your option, upon wnitten notice. Termination will not affect your obligation to pay the balance outstanding pnor to termination repayment of a debt including promises to extend or renew such debt are not enforceable. To protect you Unlawful Transactions: Your Plan shall not be used to make or facilitate any illegal transacton(s), and any such use will constitute an event of default We (borrower) and us (creditor) from misunderstanding or ‘shall not have any liability for any such use by you or any authonzed user(s) disappointment, any agreements we reach covering such You shall indemnify and hold us harmless from any suits, hability, damagesor matters are contained in this writing, which is the adverse action of any kind that results directly or indirectly from such illegal complete and exclusive statement of the agreement use between us, except as we may later agree in writing to Change in Terms: We may change the terms of this Plan at any time in modifyit. accordance with applicable law. Increases in the interest rate wil! apply to For Vermont Residents: NOTICE TO CO-BORROWER: future advances and, subyect to applicable law, unpaid balances YOUR SIGNATURE ON THIS PLAN MEANS THAT YOU ‘Severability: In case any provision of this Plan is held invalid, the Plan shalt be enforced as if such provision was never included. ARE EQUALLY LIABLE FOR REPAYMENT OF THE PLAN. No Waiver: We may waive or delay exercising any of our nghts without losing IF THE BORROWER DOES NOT PAY,WE HAVE A LEGAL ‘our ability to exercise those rights in the future. RIGHT TO COLLECT FROM YOU. Governing Law: These agreements shail be construed and enforced in OHIO RESIDENTS ONLY: The Ohio laws against discnmination require that ‘accordance with the laws of the State in which our headquarters are located all creditors make credit equally available to all creditworthy customers, and 1 you have entered into a mandatory arbitration in connection with that credit reporting agencies maintain separate credit histones on each this Plan’ ES ee So individual upon request. The Ohio Cm Rights Commission administers venue are inconsistent with the arbitration ‘the arbitration compliance with this law agreementwill govern FOR WASHINGTON AND OREGON RESIDENTS ONLY: Final Agreement: This written agreement is a final expression of the WARNING: UNLESS YOU PROVIDE US WITH EVIDENCE agreement between you and us, and may not be contradicted by evidence of OF THE INSURANCE COVERAGE AS REQUIRED BY YOUR any oral agreement AGREEMENT, WE MAY PURCHASE INSURANCE AT YOUR ‘State and Federal Notices: EXPENSE TO PROTECT OUR INTEREST. THIS NOTICES TO WISCONSIN BORROWERS: (1) If you are mamied and are INSURANCE MAY, BUT NEED NOT, ALSO PROTECT YOUR extended individual credit, Wis. Stat. 766.56(3\(b) requires us to notify your INTEREST. IF THE COLLATERAL BECOMES DAMAGED, spouse of the extension of credit. If we receive wniten notice of termination from your spouse pursuant to Wis. Stat. Section 766.565(5). we may declare: THE COVERAGE WE PURCHASE MAY NOT PAY ANY you in default of the Pian and call the entire extension of credit due and CLAIM YOU MAKE OR ANY CLAIM MADE AGAINST YOU. Payable notwithstanding Wis. Stat. Sections 425 103 and 425 105. If the Plan YOU MAY LATER CANCEL THIS COVERAGE BY 15 called due and payable, you may have certain nghts to cure the default. (2) PROVIDING EVIDENCE THAT YOU HAVE OBTAINED ‘No provision of @ mantel property agreement, a unilateral PROPER COVERAGE ELSEWHERE. YOU ARE ‘agreement under Wis. Stat 766 59, or a court decree under Wis Stat. 766.70. RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COST OF ANY INSURANCE adversely affects our mterests unless pnor to the time the credit is extended, PURCHASED BY US. THE COST OF THIS INSURANCE we are furnished with @ copy of the agreement or statement, or have actual knowledge of the adverse provision when the obligation is incurred MAY BE ADDED TO YOUR LOAN BALANCE. IF THE COST NOTICE FOR ARIZONA OWNERS OF PROPERTY: It 1s unlawful for you to iS ADDED TO THE LOAN BALANCE, THE INTEREST RATE fail to return @ motor vehicle that is subject o a secunty interest within thirty ON THE UNDERLYING LOAN WILL APPLY TO THIS ADDED days afier you have received notice of default The notice will be maited to the: AMOUNT. THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF COVERAGE MAY BE address provided on this document unless you have given us 6 new address. THE DATE YOUR PRIOR COVERAGE LAPSED OR THE It is your responsibilty to notify us # your address changes. The maximum DATE YOU FAILED TO PROVIDE PROOF OF COVERAGE. penalty for unlawful failure to return a motor vehicle 1s one year in prison and/ THE COVERAGE WE PURCHASE MAY BE or a fine of $150,000. CONSIDERABLY MORE EXPENSIVE THAN INSURANCE NORTH DAKOTA NOTICE TO BORROWERS PURCHASING A MOTOR VEHICLE -THE MOTOR VEHICLE IN THIS TRANSACTION MAY BE YOU CAN OBTAIN ON YOUR OWN AND MAY NOT SATISFY SUBJECT TO REPOSSESSION. IF IT IS REPOSSESSED AND SOLD TO WASHINGTON'S OR OREGON'S MANDATORY LIABILITY SOMEONE ELSE, AND ALL AMOUNTS DUE TO THE SECURED PARTY INSURANCE LAWS. ARE NOT RECEIVED IN THAT SALE, YOU MAY HAVE TO PAY THE Negative Information Notice: We may report information about your account DIFFERENCE. to credit bureaus. Late payments, missed payments, or other defaults on your NOTICE TO CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS: Sy signing this Pian, you account may be reflected in your credit report specifically agree that we may access the records of the California IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT PROCEDURES FOR OPENING A NEW Department of Motor Vehicles from time to time to obtain your current ACCOUNT: To help the government fight the funding of terronsm and money mailing address, and by so agrosing, you are specifically waiving your nghts jaundering activites, Federal law requires ail financial institutions to obtain, under sectons 1808.21 and 1808 22 of the Catforma Vehicle Code verify, and record information thal tdentifies each person who opens an NOTICE TO TEXAS BORROWERS- INSURANCE REQUIRED: You are ‘account What this means for you When you open an account, we wail ask for Tequired to. (i) keep the collateral insured against damage m the amount of your name, address, date of birth, and other informationthat will allow us to the loan or another amount if we so specify, (i!) purchase this insurance from identifyyou. We may also ask to see your driver’s license or other identitying ‘an insurer that is authonzed to do business in the state of Texas or an eligible ‘surplus lines insurer, and (ili) name us as the person to be paid under the THIS WRITTEN PLAN REPRESENTS THE FINAL policy in the event of a loss. You must also prowde us @ copy of the policy and GREEMENT BETWEEN THE PARTIES AND MAY NOT BE proof of the payment of premiums if we So request. if you fail to meet any of PRIOR, these requirements, we may obtain collateral protection insurance on your INTRADICTED BY EVIDENCE __ OF behalf at your expense. ORAL AGREEMENTS OF THE PARTIES. THERE ARE NO UNWRITTEN ORAL AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE page 3 of 5 BORROWER NAME ‘ACCOUNT NUMBER ADAM DAVID EVANS qua» BILLING RIGHTS NOTICE SECURITY AGREEMENT OUR ING THIS DOCUMENT FOR STUR USE interest, Description of Collateral: By signing the Loan Applicaton (apples to TevoMing auboocoute only) Agreement to Terms or a document that references this Securtty ‘Agreement, or by signing any advance proceeds check, and/or by accessing, This notice tells you about your rights and our responsibilities under retaining, using, or othenwse acceptng any funds, accounts or services under the Fair Credit Billing Act. the Plan, you grant us a secunty interest in all goods, property, or other items. ‘What To Do ff You Find A Mistake On Your Statement ‘purchased under this Plan (hereinafter referred to as “Collateral”) ether now orm the future, or in any other property grven in connection with the Plan. Any required Hf you think there 1s an error on your statement, write to us at the address(es) descripton of the Collateral shall appear on the Advance Receipt or similar itsted on your statement. ‘document and you agree that the document containing the collateral description becomes a part of this Secunty Agreement The Collateral shall secure your In your letter, give us the following information ‘advances even though you did not sign anything at the time of the advance. The 1. Your name and account number. ‘security interest includes all mcreases, substitutons and additons to the 2. The dollar amount of the suspected error. Collateral, proceeds from any insurance on the Collateral and all eamings: 3 If you think there ts an error on your bill, describe what you believe is recerved from the Collateral The secunty interest also includes all accessions. wrong and why you betieve it is a mistake.