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CV-2024-06-2608 ROWLANDS, MARY MARGARET 06/20/2024 14:06:02 PM PREL Page 1 of 18 Preliminary Judicial Report KK & PJR-80817125 PaRcEL #02-13119 kk 821 MAGNOLIA AVE. ,CUYAHOGA FALLS, OH 44221 File Number: 115547 Order Number. 115547 Guaranteed Party Name_SUMMIT COUNTY PROSECUTOR Guaranteed Party Address 53 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, 7TH FLOOR, AKRON, OHIO 44308 Pursuant to your request for a Preliminary Judicial Report (hereinafter "the Report’) for use in judicial proceedings, OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY (hereinafter "the Company’) hereby guarantees in an amount not to exceed $. 19,927.63 that it has examined the public records in SUMMIT County, Ohio as to the land described in Schedule A, that the record title to the land is at the date hereof vested in FRANCIS J. MILLER by instrument recorded in 55775073 and free from all encumbrances, liens or defects of record, except as shown in Schedule B. This is a guarantee of the record title only and is made for the use and benefit of the Guaranteed Party and the purchaser at judicial sale thereunder and is subject to the Exclusions from Coverage, the Exceptions contained in Schedule B and the Conditions and Stipulations contained herein. This Report shall not be valid or binding until it has been signed by either an authorized agent or representative of the Company and Schedules A and B have been attached hereto. Policy Issuer: MINNESOTA INSURED TITLE AGENCY INC 209 SOUTH MAIN STREET, STE 400 AKRON, OH 44308-1319 PHONE: (330) 253-7159 Effective Date_ JUNE 5, 2 @6:59 A.M. Issued By: ~) OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A Stock Company 400 Second Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 371-1111 Z + Torres Signed By Authorized Signatory or Agent ~ 2 PLEASE PRINT NAME BELOW 2°. Jam€R. Stein, CEO. ORT Form 4276 PR 09/01/2014 Attest ww tJ, Secretary Tavia Galonski, Summit County Clerk of Courts CV-2024-06-2608 ROWLANDS, MARY MARGARET 06/20/2024 14:06:02 PM PREL Page 2 of 18 Preliminary Judicial Report Ke Issued By OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY KK File Number 115547 PUR Number 80817125 SCHEDULE A Description of Land PARCEL #02-13119 - 821 MAGNOLIA AVE., CUYAHOGA FALLS, OH 44221 SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED SCHEDULE B The matters shown below are exceptions ta this Preliminary Judicial Report and the Company assumes no liability arising therefrom. SEE EXHIBIT "'B'' ATTACHED OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A Stock Company 400 Second Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 371-1111 » TMonres me ORT Form 4276 A&B Pu 09/01/2014 Aitest have tJotd Secretary Tavia Galonski, Summit County Clerk of Courts CV-2024-06-2608 ROWLANDS, MARY MARGARET 06/20/2024 14:06:02 PM PREL Page 3 of 18 EXHIBIT “A” OLD REPUBLIC NATION ‘.. TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PRELIMINARY JUDICIAL REPORT NUMBER PJR 80817125 SCHEDULE A ORDER #115547 Situated in the City of Cuyahoga Falls, County of Summit, and State of Ohio, and more particularly described as follows: And known as being part of Lot No. 12 Falls Acres Allotment as Recorded in Plat book 37, page 48 of the Summit County Records. Beginning at the Southeast comer of Lot No. 12 running thence Northwest along the Easterly line of Lot No. 12, 145 feet to the Northeast comer of Lot No. 12; thence Westerly along the North line of Lot No. 12, 100 feet; thence Southwesterly a dis tance of 166.96 feet to a point in the North line of Magnolia Avenue, 125 feet Westerly from the Southeast corer of Lot No. 12; thence 125 feet Easterly along the North line of. Magnolia Avenue to the place of beginning. Be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. Routing Number CF0028201010000 Permanent Parcel No.: 02-13119 AKA: 821 Magnolia Avenue, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 Tavia Galonski, Summit County Clerk of Courts CV-2024-06-2608 ROWLANDS, MARY MARGARET 06/20/2024 14:06:02 PM PREL Page 4 of 18 EXHIBIT “B” OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Preliminary Judicial Report Number: 80817125 ORDER #115547 SCHEDULE B The matters shown below are exceptions to the Preliminary Judicial Report and the Company assumes no liability arising therefrom: TAX CERTIFICATE LIEN filed November 16, 2022 @12:40 PM., as recorded in Reception Number 56780654 of the Summit County Records - COPY ATTACHED PARCEL OWNER: MILLER, FRANCIS J ADDRESS: 821 MAGNOLIA AVE PARCEL #: 02-13119 DELQ. TAX: $9,738.53 LIEN YEAR: 2020 CERTIFICATE PURCHASER: Adair Asset Management LLC — 405 N 115" St., Suite 100, Omaha, NE 68154 CERTIFICATE PURCHASE PRICE: $10,038.53 NEGOTIATED RATE: 6.75% TREASURER’S FEE: $300.00 TAX CERTIFICATE LIEN filed October 2, 2023 @1:41 P.M., as recorded in Reception Number 56839231 of the Summit County Records - COPY ATTACHED PARCEL OWNER: MILLER, FRANCIS J ADDRESS: 821 MAGNOLIA AVE PARCEL #: 02-13119 DELQ. TAX: $3,983.87 LIEN YEAR: 2023 CERTIFICATE PURCHASER: Adair Asset Management LLC — 405 N 115" St., Suite 100, Omaha, NE 68154 CERTIFICATE PURCHASE PRICE: $4,133.87 NEGOTIATED RATE: 18.00% TREASURER’S FEE: $150.00 Subject to the dower interest of the spouse(s), if any, of anyone having an interest in caption premises. Easement, conditions, reservations, covenants and restrictions affecting premises described in Schedule A, but deleting any covenant, condition or restriction indicating a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or natural origin to the extent such covenants, conditions or restrictions violate 42 USC 36040. (CONTINUED) Old Republic National Title Insurance Company ORT Form 4308 A Tavia Galonski, Summit County Clerk of Courts CV-2024-06-2608 ROWLANDS, MARY MARGARET 06/20/2024 14:06:02 PM PREL Page 5 of 18 Oil and gas leases, pipeline agreements or any other instruments related to the production or sale of oil and gas which may arise subsequent to the date of the Policy. Coal, oil, natural gas, or other mineral interest and all rights incident thereto now or previously conveyed, transferred, leased, excepted or reserved. Subject to unfiled mechanic’s and materialmen’s liens which may be filed pursuant to O.R.C. 1311.21 ©. Easements, liens or encumbrances or claims thereof, which are not shown by the public record. No search and examination has been performed for easements, rights-of-way, covenants and restrictions, Oil & Gas Leases and other possessory leases and no coverage is afforded for same herein. There is listed on the Treasurer’s Tax Duplicate, City of Cuyahoga Falls, in the name of MILLER, FRANCIS J: ACCOUNT #02-13119 PPN#CF-00282-01-010.000 Aka: 821 MAGNOLIA AVE NOTE: 1ST & 2"? ¥, 2023 TAXES ARE PAID NOTE: SEE 2023 TAX PRINTOUT ATTACHED NOTE: THE ABOVE TAX ITEM IS A LIVE FILE AND SUBJECT TO CONSTANT CHANGE. 2024 taxes, amount not yet determined are a lien, but are not yet due or payable. Subject to taxes and assessments of any kind, if any, added to the Treasurer’s Duplicate and Auditor’s Special Tax Cards and additions or abatements which may hereafter be made by legally constituted authorities on account of errors, omissions or changes in the valuation subsequent to the date hereof. Anything herein to the contrary not withstanding, this Policy shall not be construed to guarantee, or insure the total amount of land or acreage referred to or described in Schedule A of this Policy. Subject to restrictions which may have been imposed by the zoning or other ordinance or regulatory legislation of the Political Subdivision in which the above described premises are located. Old Republic National Title Insurance Company ORT Form 4308 A Tavia Galonski, Summit County Clerk of Courts CV-2024-06-2608 ROWLANDS, MARY MARGARET 06/20/2024 14:06:02 PM PREL Page 6,of 18 , pe 4a RRED RAN ws S04 2 PH A api WPRZ BGO cet NA 2pONGERO BSS: OF SUF ANAT apownrn©o ‘Fiscal Office! & atl cou Me at nant Description approved by T. aps Appeal udu 4 trom DEED LIMITED State of Ohio FHA Case No. 412-350540 Summit County M10-44304-CLE Know All Men By These Presents, That the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor), who acquired title by deed recorded as 55749360, Recorder's Office Summit County, Ohio, for the consideration of $46,000.00 to him paid by Francis J Miller,unmarried (hereinafter referred to as "grantee(s)", whose tax mailing address will be 388 Crawford Circle, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223 the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained, sold, aliened, encoffed released and confirmed and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, alien, eneoff, release and confirm unto the Grantee(s), the following described property; Situated in the City of Cuyahoga Falls, County of Summit, and State of Ohio, and more particularly described as follows: And known as being part of Lot No. 12 Falls Acres Allotment as Recorded in Plat book 37, page 48 of the Summit County Records. Beginning at the Southeast comer of Lot No. |2 running thence Northwest along the Easterly line of Lot No. 12, 145 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot No. 12; thence Westerly along the North line of Lot No. 12, 100 feet; thence Southwesterly a distance of 166.96 feet to a point in the North line of Magnolia Avenue, 125 feet Westerly from the Southeast comer of Lot No. 12; thence 125 feet Easterly along the North line of Magnolia Avenue to the place of beginning. Be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. Routing Number CF0028201010000 Permanent Parcel No.: 02-13119 AKA: 821 Magnolia Avenue, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 Being the same property acquired by the Grantor pursuant to the provisions of the National Housing Act, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1701) and the Department of Housing and Urban. Development Act (42 U.S.C. 3531) Subject To All covenants, restrictions, easements, conditions, and rights appearing of record; and Subject to any state of facts an accurate survey would show. To Have And To Hold said premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, to the said Grantee(s), and to the heirs and assigns of said Grantee(s), forever. And The Said Grantor, and his successors, hereby covenants with the said Grantee(s), and the heirs and assigns of said Grantee(s), that said premises are free and clear from all encumbrances, whatsoever, by, from agreements, covenants and conditions of record; and Except any state of facts with which would be disclosed by an accurate survey of the premises herein conveyed. nui I l Il Ul: 55775073 b8/2cr2081 19:448 28.00 Donofrio, Fiscal Officer Tavia Galonski, Summit County clerk c of Courts Cv-2024-06.2608 ROWLANDS, MARY MARGARET 06/20/2024 14:06:02 PM PREL Page 7 of 18 Said Grantor, and his successors, hereby further covenants that said Grantor, and his successors, will Forever Warrant And Defend the same with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto said Grantee(s), and the heirs and assigns of said Grantee(s), against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, from, through, or under the said Grantor herein. In Witness Whereof, the undersigned on Clacel { 2071 has set his hand and said as Authorized Agent for and on behalf of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, under authority and by virtue of a delegation of authority published at JOFR 43171 (July 26,2005") Secretary of Housing and Urban Development DOWN Onn. (Seal) itle: Designated Signatory for Matt Martin Real state lanagement, LLC Marketing and Management Contractor Authorized Agent State of Pennsylvania County of Montgomery Before me, the Tsigned, a no! public in and for the State and County, personally appeared the above named tL. SAV) known to me to be the Designated Signatory for Secretary Housi ng of ere an id the n who executed the foregoing instrument bearing the date of 20, Pe , by virtue of the authority vested in him by the above cited aul rity, and acknowledged the signing therefore, and that such signing was freely and voluntarily performed, as his act and deed as Designated Signatory, for and on behalf of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, for the uses and purposes mentioned. In testimon: -wherefore, Thave, Sorit Sine a Fame and affixed my official seal this. Te day of Ley 2 Notary Public efit {COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA ‘Notarial Seal ‘Shelby Ryan, Notary Public Upper Dupin 10, 2014 EER, ves PREPARED BY: THE O'BRIEN LAW FIRM, LPA., 6200 OAK TREE BLVD., SUITE 260 INDEPENDENCE, OHIO 44131 an 216-771-1272 I | | | ll | MM |a 55775073 2 of 2 6/2811 10-440 John A Donofrio, cer 2800 Tavia Galonski, Summit County Clerk of Courts CV-2024-06-2608 ROWLANDS, MARY MARGARET 06/20/2024 14:06:02 PM PREL Page 8 of 18 DTE 121N fev, 11/08 NO. 0213119-22 ORG 6721.31(6) TAX CERTIFICATE (Negotiated Sale) This Certificate will be cancelled four years after the date of sale pursuant to O.R.C. 5721.37 This certificate will be canceled four years after the date of delivery pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 5721.37, unless the date is extended because of bankruptcy pursuant to O.R.C. 5721.37(A)(3)(b). In the State of Ohio, I do hereby certify that at a negotiated sale pursuant to O.R.C. 5721.33, this tax certificate for the parcel listed below was offered and sold, and the certificate was delivered on Thursday, November 3, 2022, in Summit County. sisi a sist Parcel Owner: ~ MILLER FRANCIS J Property Address: 821 ‘MAGNOLIA AVE. ac a -— | Parcel No. 0213119 ' Delq Tax: $9,738.53 Lien Year: 2020 Legal Description (attached additional sheets if necessary): renee FALLS ACRES LOT 12 E 125 FT aod The purchaser of this Tax Certificate or any transferee is entitled to file a notice of intent to foreclose on this parcel within four years after the purchase of this Tax Certificate, or by the date negotiated with the county treasurer. The parcel owner may redeem this parcel at any time before the court files its entry confirming the sale of the certificate parcel. Upon redemption, the certificate holder shall receive a payment equal to the tax certificate purchase price with the interest provided in O.R.C. 5721,30(F), $721.33, 5721.38, or 5721.42, as applicable, over the period of time described in O.R.C. 5721.30(J) and 5721.38, plus the county treasurer's fee ‘Certificate Purchaser: ADAIR ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC parece 405 N TiSTH: ST SUITE 100 OMAHA, NE 68154 i jphone Number: (844) 216-4341 oe ‘Certificate Purchase Price: $10,038.53 Negotiated Interest Rate: 6.75% fa oe pein Premium: Discount: Treasurer's fee: $200. 00 can sie | as sss Witness this Tuesday, November 15, 2022 wee KM Subs Treasurer / Fiscal Officer or Designee Doc H 56780654 Page FP aot . 40 pr Recording fee Ee Prisca Officer Tava Galonski soul GALE Lath it VA Pd LAA CV-2024-06-2608 ROWLANDS, MARY MARGARET 06/20/2024 14:06:02 PM PREL Page 9 of 18 Endorsement of Tax Certificate Transfer | hereby transfer all my rights, title, and interest in the foregoing tax certificate number. to Name Address. who has produced. as identification Type of LD. Signature of transferor. Endorsement must be acknowledged before a notary public. Acknowledgment State of Ohio, county of, I hereby certify that the foregoing tax certificate was endorsed and aknowledged before me this day of : by who is personally known to be the person described in the foregoing tax certificate or has produced as identification Type of 1.0. Signature Notary public My commission expires Endorsement of Tax Certificate Transfer | hereby transferall my rights, title, and interest in the foregoing tax certificate numbe . to Name Address who has produced as identification. Type of LD. Signature of transferor. Endorsement must be acknowledged before a notary public. Acknowledgment State of Ohio, county of, | hereby certifiy that the foregoing tax certificate was endorsed and aknowledged before me this day of by who is personally known to be the person described in the foregoing tax certificate or has produced as identification ‘Type of 1.0. Signature Notary public Seal poc # 56780654 My commission expires Page 40 PH Recordin &Sonmat ag © orf Bill “6f 29h 3 Sei scal Keisten Mm Scala A Baa Aa, i btn eda H Tavia Galonski, Summit County Clerk of Courts CV-2024-06-2608 ROWLANDS, MARY MARGARET 06/20/2024 14:06:02 PM PREL Page 10 of 18 OTE 121N Rev. 11/08 NO. 0213119-23 ORC 5721.31(G) TAX CERTIFICATE (Negotiated Sale) This Certificate will be cancelled four years after the date of sale pursuant to O.R.C. 5721.37 Code This certificate will be canceled four years after the date of delivery pursuant to Ohio Revised )(3)(b). In 5721.37, unless the date is extended because of bankruptcy pursuant to O.R.C. 5721.37(A this tax the State of Ohio, I do hereby certify that at a negotiated sale pursuant to O.R.C. 5721.33, delivered on certificate for the parcel listed below was offered and sold, and the certificate was Thursday, September 28, 2023, in Summit County. as —_—— —_— seas —_- Parcel Owner: | ILLER FRANCIS J cee Property Addres: : 821 MAGNOLIA AVE” —— niga eee oe _ Parcel No.: 0213119 Delg Ta: : $3,983.87 ‘Lien Year: 2023 as anes sheets if necessary): ‘Legal Descrip' ion (attached additional —_—_ -—— ee —— as FALLS ACRES LOT 12E1 25 FT ws ——- = i —_— el a — oan —— as eos a se =m pos — The purchaser of this Tax Certificate or any transfer ee js entitl to ed file a notice of intent to foreclose on this parcel within four years after t he purchase of this Tax Certificate, or by the date before the negotiated with the county treasurer. The parcel owner may redeem this parcel at any time redemption, the certificate court files its entry confirming the sale of the certificate p: arcel. Upon the interest provided in holder shall receive a payment equal to the tax certificate purchase price with the period of time described in O.R.C. $721.30(F), 5721.33, 5721.38, or 5721.42, as applicable, over O.R.C. 5721.30(3) and 5721.38, plus the county treasurer's fee. Certificate Purchaser: ADAIR ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC eis ‘Address: 405 N 115TveeHST SUITE 400 OMAHA, NE 68154 —- sas aicauaas a eee sai er: (844) Phone Numb 216-43 1 —_— Certificate Pt chase Price: 87 ‘NegotiatedastInterest Rate: 18.00% ms Premium: Discount: Treasurer's fee: $4 50.00 Witness this tiaras September 28, 2023 Signature: IC Seals Treasurer / Fiscal Officer or Designee Doc # 56839231 nth iicountyi a ee Pent, dost Fas PM Regordl! Fiscal of all Kristen M, Soali Tavia Galonski, Summit coullllL Ata AH: CV-2024-06-2608 ROWLANDS, MARY MARGARET 06/20/2024 14:06:02 PM PREL Page 11 of 18 Endorsement of Tax Certificate Transfer _—____________ to | hereby transfer all my rights, title, and interest in the foregoing tax certificate number Name Address. who has produced. as identification Type of 1.0, Signature of transferor. Endorsement must be acknowledged before a notary public. Acknowledgment State of Ohio, county of___., I hereby certifiy that the foregoing tax certificate was endorsed and aknow!- who is personally edged before me this day of , by te or has produced _—.as identification. known to be the person described in the foregoing tax certifica Type of |. Signature. Notary public Seal My commission expires ee Endorsement of Tax Certificate Transfer g tax certificate number __________——. to | hereby transfer all my rights, title, and interest in the foregoin Name. Address. who has produced as identification. Type of LO Signature of transferor. Endorsement must be acknowledged before a notary public. Acknowledgment ed and aknowl- State of Ohio, county of if. \ hereby certifiy that the foregoing tax certificate was endors who is personally edged before me this day of é by. te or has produced a identification. known to be the person described in the foregoing tax certifica Type of 1D. ‘ Signature. Seal Notary pubic My commission expires. va DOC # 56839231 PM Resord, pa Fee 3°, ihe oeA Soelien, "Se ail i PGA Mab ale alt see Fiaoal Officer Tavia Galonski, Summit County Clerk of Courts Bill CV-2024-06-2608 ROWLANDS, MARY MARGARET 06/20/2024 14:06:02 PM PREL Page 12 of 18 7 Printable page PARID: 0213119 ROUTE: CF0028201010000 MILLER FRANCIS J 821 MAGNOLIA AVE BASIC INFORMATION Alternate ID CF0028201010000 Site Address 821 MAGNOLIA AVE, , CUYAHOGA FALLS 44221- Description 1 FALLS ACRES LOT 12 E 125 FT Description 2 Description 3 Taxing District 02 - CUY FALLS CITY-CUY FALLS CSD Inter-County 00555 # of Cards 1 Lister No., Date 892,01-JAN-20 Vacant/Abandon Special Flag Land Use Code 510 -R- SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING, PLATTED LOT Class R- RESIDENTIAL Neighborhood 30300058 - OWNER(S) Owner 1 Owner 2 MILLER FRANCIS J HOMESTEAD, O0C, RENTAL REG Homestead Exemption NO 2006 Reduction Amount Owner Occupancy Credit NO Rental Registration Date (M/D/Y) Rental Registration Exemption Date (M/D/Y) LAND SUMMARY Line # Land Type Square Feet Acres Market Land Value 1 F - Front Foot 17,825 4092 42,410.00 RESIDENTIAL Tax Year 2023 Card Stories Exterior Wall 1-FRAME Style 35 - BUNGALOW Square Feet 1,710 GFLA 1710 Year Built 1940 Tavia Galonski, Summit County Clerk of Courts CV-2024-06-2608 ROWLANDS, MARY MARGARET 06/20/2024 14:06:02 PM PREL Page 13 of 18 Effective Year Year Remodeled Complete % Physical Condition - Grade 090 CcDU AV - AVERAGE Total Rooms Bedrooms Family Rooms Attic 1-NO Basement O-NONE Recreation Room Sq Ft Finished Basement Full Baths Half Baths Total Fixtures 5 Heat 3- CENTRAL AIR CONDITION Heating Fuel Type 2-GAS System 1-FORCEDAIR Prefab Fireplace Basement Garage WBFP Stacks Fireplace Opening Unfinished Area Sq Ft Cost & Design Factor Cost Ladder Adjusted Base $187,540 Plumbing 0 Heating 3630 Basement -28560 Attic Value 0 Other Features 4000 Dwelling Subtotal $198,150 Dwelling RCN $178,340 Additions RCN $31,540 % Good 60% % Good Override Functional Depr. Functional Depr. Reason Economic Depr. Economic Depr. Reason “ Total RCNLD $107,000 Dwelling Factor 126% Dwelling Value 134,820 Note 1 Note 2 ADDITION DETAILS Card# Addition# Lower First Second Third Year Built Area Grade CDU Total Value of Addition Tavia Galonski, Summit County Clerk of Courts CV-2024-06-2608 ROWLANDS, MARY MARGARET 06/20/2024 14:06:02 PM PREL Page 14 of 18 1,710 $0 13 480 $13,740 12 340 $12,740 41 72 $1,550 30 200 $2,860 11 30 $650 APPRAISED VALUE (100%) Year 2023 Appraised Land $42,410 Appraised Building $134,820 Appraised Total $177,230 CAUV $o ASSESSED VALUE (35%) Assessed Land $14,840.00 Assessed Building $47,190.00 Assessed Total $62,030.00 CAUV $0.00 SALES SUMMARY Date Price Trans Seller #of Buyer Validity Code # Parcels APR-22-2011 5064