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  • Anne D Lopatto v. Bank Of America Na Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Anne D Lopatto v. Bank Of America Na Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Anne D Lopatto v. Bank Of America Na Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Anne D Lopatto v. Bank Of America Na Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Anne D Lopatto v. Bank Of America Na Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Anne D Lopatto v. Bank Of America Na Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Anne D Lopatto v. Bank Of America Na Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Anne D Lopatto v. Bank Of America Na Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/19/2024 01:15 PM INDEX NO. 850214/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/19/2024 NYCDEPARTMENT OFFINANCE OFFICEOF THECITY REGISTER This page is part of the instrument. The City Register will rely on the information provided by you on this page for purposes of indexing this instrument.The information on this page will control for indexing purposes in the event of any conflict with the rest of the document. 2023011900197001001E10B1 ANDENDORSEMENT RECORDING COVERPAGE PAGE1 OF 4 Document ID: 2023011900197001 Document Date: 01-19-2023 Preparation Date: 01-19-2023 Document Type: UCC3ASSIGNMENT WITHADDENDUM COOPERATIVE Document Page Count: 2 PRESENTER: RETURNTO: BANKOFAMERICA BANKOFAMERICA 4909 SAVARESE CIRCLE SAVARESE 4909 CIRCLE TAMPA, FL 33634 TAMPA, FL 33634 PROPER'1YDATA Borough Block Lot Unit Address MANHATTAN 1491 47 Entire Lot 4B 50 E 80TH STREET Property Type: SINGLERESIDENTIAL COOPUNIT CROSSREFERENCE DATA CRFN: 2022000034335 PARTIES DEBTOR: SECURED PARTY: ANNELOPATTO MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION 50 E 80TH STREET UNIT 4B SYSTEMS,INC, AS NEWYORK,NY 10075 POBOX2026 FLINT, MI 48501-2026 [El Additional Parties Listed on Continuation Page FEESAPD TAXES Mortgage : Filing Fee: Mortgage Amount: $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Taxable Mortgage Amount: $ 0.00 NYCReal Property Transfer Tax: Exemption: $ 0.00 TAXES: County (Basic): $ 0.00 NYSReal Estate Transfer Tax: City (Additional): $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Spec (Additional): $ 0.00 RECORDED ORFILED IN THEOFFICE TASF: $ 0.00 F THECITY REGISTEROF THE WA: $ 0.00 CITY OF NEWYORK NYCTA: $ 0.00 Recorded/Filed 01-25-2023 15:11 AdditionalMRT: $ 0.00 City Register File No.(CRFN): TOTAL: $ 0.00 2023000023351 Recording Fee: $ 40.00 Affidavit Fee: $ 0.00 City Register Official Signature 1/4 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/19/2024 01:15 PM INDEX NO. 850214/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/19/2024 NYCDEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OFFICE OFTHECITY REGISTER 2023011900197001001C1231 COVERPAGE(CONTINUATION) ANDENDORSEMENT RECORDING PAGE2 OF4 Document ID: 2023011900197001 DocumentDate: 01-19-2023 Preparation Date: 01-19-2023 Document Type: UCC3ASSIGNMENT PARTIES NEWSECURED PARTY: BANKOFAMERICA,N.A. SAVARESE 4909 CIRCLE TAMPA,FL 33634 I __ 2/4 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/19/2024 01:15 PM INDEX NO. 850214/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/19/2024 AMENDMENT UCCFINANCING STATEMENT OLLOWINSTRUCTIONS(front and back) CAREFULLY OFCONTACT & PHONE A. NAME AT FILER [opUonaQ ACKNOWLEDGMENT B. SEND TO: (Nameand Addless) ank of America, N.A. 49o9 Savarese Circle Tampa, FI 33634 L IS FORFILING OFFICEUSEONLY SPACE THEABOVE 1a.INITIALFINANCINGSTATEMENT FILE# AMENDMENT 1b. This FINANCINGSTATEMENT is 2o22oo.o3433s ouw2022 [gara,-qgrorded) in the - 2. TERMINATION:Effectivenessof the FinancingStatementidentifiedaboveis terminatedwith respectto securityintesest(s)of the SecuredPartyauthorizingthisTerminationStatement. 3. CONTINUATION:Effectivenessof the FinancingStatementidentifiedabovewith respectto securityinterest(s)of the SecuredPattyauthorizingthis ContinuationStatementis continuedfor the additionalperiodprovidedby applicablelaw. 4, ASSIGNMENT (full or partial): Givenameof assigneein item7aor 7b andaddressof assigneein Item7c; andalsogivenameof assignorin item9. 5. AMENDMENT (PARTYINFORMATION):ThisAmendmentaffects Debtor gEU="------ ---·" e-----------'t----*------- Alsocheckgag of the foAowingthreeboxesam[ provideapproprialsirdormationin items6 and/or7. CHANGEnameand/oraddress: Pleaserefertothedelailedinstuctions DELETEname: Giverecordname ADDname:Completeitem7aor7b.andalsoitem7c: inrecardstochanninathenamefaddressofaparty. I-1to bedeletedin item6a or 6b. L...IelsocompleteitemsTe-7ofifaDDlicabie), 6. CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION: Ga.ORGANIZATION'S NAME Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc as nominee for Bank of America, N.A., its successors and assigns ab. INDIVIDUAL'SLASTNAME FIRSTNAME MIDDLENAME SUFRX 7. CHANGED (NEW) ORADDEDINFORMATION: NAME 7a. ORGANIZATION'S Bank of America, N.A. 7b. INDIVIDUAL'SLASTNAME FIRSTNAME MIDDLENAME SUFFlX 7c. MAILINGADDRESS CITY STATE POSTALCODE COUNTRY 49o9 Savarese Circle Tampa FI 33634 7d. SEEINSTRIJCTIONS ADITLINFORE |7e. TYPEOFORGANIZATION OFORGANIZATION 7f.JURISDICTION 7g. ORGANIZATIONAL ID #, if any ORGANIZATION NOtApplicable DEsTOR NONE 8. AMENDMENT (COLLATERALCHANGE):checkonlygDsbox. Describecollateral deleted or added, or giveentire restatedcollateraldescription,or describecollateral assigned. Please see section 13 9. NAME OFSECURED PARTYOFRECORD AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDMENT (nameof assigner,if this is an Assignment).If thisis anAmendmentauthorized a Debtorwhich by addscollateralor addsthe authorizingDebtor,or if this is a Terminationauthorizedby a DebIor,checkhere andenternameof DEBTOR authorizingthis Amendment 9a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME MortgageElectronic Registration Systems, Inc as nominee for Bank of America, N.A., its successors and assigns 9b. INDIVIDUAL'SLASTNAME FIRSTNAME MIDDLENAME SUFFIX FILERREFERENCE 10.OPTIONAL DATA 191869449 Min# 19oo1s701o18694491Phone# 888-679-6377 FILING OFFICE COPY - UCCFINANCINGSTATEMENT AMENDMENT (FORMUCC3) (REV. 05/22/02) 3/4 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/19/2024 01:15 PM INDEX NO. 850214/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/19/2024 ADDENDUM AMENDMENT UCCFINANCING STATEMENT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS(front and back) CAREFULLY 11. INITIAL FINANCINGSTATEMENT FILE 8 (sameas item la on Amendmentform) 2022000034335 01/24/2022 12. NAME OFPARTYAUTHORIZINGTHIS AMENDMENT (sameas item9 on Amendmentform) NAME 12a.ORGANIZATION'S for* Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc as nominee ort LASTNAME FIRSTNAME MIDDLENAME.SUFFDE 12b.INDIVIDUAL*S 13. Use this space for additional information THEABOVE IS FORFILING OFFICEUSEONLY SPACE ALL OFTHEDEBTOR(S)RTGHT,TITLE ANDINTERESTIN ANDTO9.73 SHARESOFCAPITALSTOCK(THE - "SHARES"), ASTOUNIT4B IN THEBUILDINGKNOWN AS 50 E 80TH STREET,NEWYORK,NY10075, AND ALL OFTHEDEBTOR(S)RIGHT, TITLE ANDINTERESTDi THATCERTAINPROPRIETARY LEASE( THE "LEASE") BETWEEN50 EAST8FrH STREETHOUSDiGCORPORATION, ASLESSOR, ANDANNELOPATTO, ASLESSEE, ANDANYSUBSTRUTE,REPLACEMENT ANDADDITIONALSHARESANDANYAMENDMENTS TOANDEXTENSBNS ORREPLACEMENTS OFLEASE. * Bankof America, N.A., it successorsand assigns Owner(s): Anne Lopatto 50 E 80th StreetHousing Corporation Debtor(s): Anne Lopatto 50 E 80th Street NewYork, NY10075 County: NewYork Block· 1491 Iot: 47 Unit: 4B Co-Op: 50 East80th StreetHousing Corporation FILING OFFICE COPY -NATIONALUCCFINANCINGSTATEMENT AMENDMENT ADDENDUM (FORMUCC3Ad)(REV. 07/29/98) 4/4