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£04 "2024CA000366AX" 196421210 Filed at Manatee County Clerk 04/17/2024 03:53:08 PM EDT gon LEASE AGREEMENT J @heary, 2023 THIS LEASE AGR: ENTS i. dated theFe de ee het ic made ana entered Inte between LLG (har velor”) yard Luxus ue Cagis La Teng ees ee) Easton Land Holdings SECTSON LOBANT AND TERM Leased: Premises. io sor hee Gare + of o the pants and cave & fits Ge 1! vi us this Leage. Lantlord demiags and leases to be Tenants aoceplanos of the Leased Premises in its then existing sandiion at the time of firsi gasses: 7 SECTION 4-USE AND OPERATION at Useof Premises, Fengnt L Be the e880 Premises aolely for the Parnitted mse ofan office for i A OMICS ml see eet ishing ORES, HO %3, ok Ad lated tere. Tenant wil aot & OF ge the use of tf BBES remiees for aity afl wer b CINRES OF SuIpaSe With aut the orlor qyitten congant of BOC ot, which soneest Lasdlord way w sole Dacretien ~~Pee Te onesfag FOSS 1 CONT ES Duaness he Leased Prariisns under thé name sel forth above os Tenant are Sgr 6G Obner nana oft SBS NEE wihout ie prler wien consent doa xe fenant's respons: ty rd eure th aeBt Be SSS BeBuse oo iy fehall aupfioghie go Agitah foteyy eeICHON veSard f rags fa ta, Lariond mg HOBe PSENORETHAUGNS OF wer 8 one g Bul y oF tre Leased Prer “eps aes for Tenants use or hugingss a2 Operation of Business. Mant Shei kee Oban oo ay gil actively operate and condw et the Guainess referenced in Sector 43 in the enare Leased & se BeOo a gt the entre ten of o Lense, Tenant she! eoneh Tanaris business at aa Unees Sin nyiade Menke consistent weith fable Dae ‘ary G pimciites MESS stank s Bre No Hei, haskrusiny GOING id GP husress, cc f SHES a” iBa COORDS ar aches! ed 2g being conduntnd wil nar trom the Leased Premise: SECTION S-SECUNITY DEPOSIT $4 Amount ofDeposir. Fenant, coslemporanecualy with the execu f this Lemse, shall deposit with Landiord the sury set forth in Section 2.7 abave. such sur being eauival em io one (1) monthly based rent inatatment due under the ternis of this Ceass, 39 @ security deposi (the “Security Deposit’). The Securty Benosit shai be Held fy Lendiord, witha: acuity far interest, IS Security for the faithful performs nee oy Tenant of all the terms and covetar is of thie Lease ie fe kept and parte medby Ts ait. = ee Se y Bape 78 wey Oe Do ngied w: thane wiaf Law ford Pe re me 2 Ep) Lani BgaNS ary and all suis due from enant frere time jo a TRING ad oy Past dos mmosies due tram Tanant to Lanelord THE "2024CA000366AX" 196421210 Filed at Manatee County Clerk 04/17/2024 03:53:08 PM EDT Seaurity Deposit shalt be incremsed on ar arinual basis in tha samo gervemtage ihe Annual Rent has oe increased and Tenant agrees in pay unto the Lavidiord such adiitional sums within 30 dave of notice from Landiord-as to same, Bz Use and Return of Deposit. TBE ary Len ine tart of thig Lagee any cum payable Oy Tanantia Landiord AUST 5 be overdue a ng Ag wsMs 1S Teng, i: A au Pai abi fio keep beacon a $a of die ferris & oe tue Lease, & diord may, al Rs a 19: ae ented shal any auUIed to), apoly ad ar an y pocbos of the Soeur Deposit te the pe TY any such ¢ sae BEY nt Ss 2BBe & wre Tenants & te ko ams ornply veith any tern op 6 Qvensnt of this ange or ig cumpensale Landiaed tor any cose danas os " Che Yee by Landlord eeeh aioe sb or be: oh by. Tenant, alter sev nF) Gaye we Ty Hoth ane SapOrtun e cure by Tanant & of amy ok a Security Oe be aopked by Lard me i abmerdance es rotenon 6.2, her Tana akg, jwittiny ae (BYhae Sfler wttien demend by Landlord, recat ig : fo Landlord af sullicie: OT i esioe tha Security De IGE 1S ofoop eval eT nt # Tenant rey MGS Y a nf te ng coven: 6 Bie fee, then the Si eyfy Deposit shail og retuned to Tanars within fo een cut 3a ays Bier wher tP5 Se OXY fe i of the term of Hy ape A: as res) auctoed on the Sec, ¢ Dope rere oot atrigh th oF veh BSS BF ft dit a 6 decount to Tenant fr any int ney St acorued or th e Secu Sen ty Depasil B.S Transfer of Security Denostt. Landlord may deliver ihe Security Deposit to fhe purchaser or transferee of Landiard’s interest in the Leased Premises in wien event Landiird shail be discharged trom any further dablllty in connection with the Security Depeskt SECTION SALTERATIONS, ADOITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS erations oy Tangnr sBiaus 6 axient that Tenasi sas agresd te make, at ants sole cost ar sopanse, any ire mens fp he ged Prenige: aT ‘er ah wey it Land toes ord waht OH dae Ags, doguments, ape: me BROT and other ATR: trequesies oy Lands ink ait ndsc ah dio Sai fcr at neato AGES aye writen: fON and £03 paged T ‘ey ‘e Work poor ip ar OGIO Of thar aes 2 aise t BYE ne 8 ag ih & Oe CRG: Sed subouny ii 6re performing any auch week tehalt of Ter Au ah eee abies, atidiions ipprovan fs ex 3 mg. However Tenaat's see ue he fe ® ANd QQUIDITIGA! NOt atlas 46 10 Ue Leased Pren 98. Shall become Lia oroperty of Lane oh UPON the examination or terrain of 3 Lease and except andiord may otnervase agree in warhing, Tenant shall not ren edier or nadily any alterations, ade nS, Gecoralians or impeavementa existing oF made tot Leased oul ihe prior written consent of ibe | nelord, which coreent may be witith id in the Landlord's # We Bh G absclute Giscnstion. Upon the ex Jon GF leminglion of Y SLB Lary rd shat bave fhe cohen of reqiaring Tenant a 6 aye Some oF gi of any siterations, decoraugns, Addinons and improvements, wicluding wihtut limviaton, Tenarta York, aad regal and restore any i nage to. the Leased Prennsee caused thereby aa corete 128 tion Liens. Ten have fa cow authority te subject the te bs¢ Sa5e0 Premises of ite Buiding or Be By ¥ portion they apy mechan fo ongiruckan of other tien. Ter: ant oh ) Sramptly pay ei contractors, x mconrecty: feel at eH and aals PETS. SO 88 1 prevent any ri alte slag in theL SRS ey wR BS =vB made o ed BG rast ¢ Leased Press of the Suliding of ary par theres Q act of any labor ar cimtenal funished or @ a9 have Leah re to. foror on hel, if ot T nt. 2hh he ti1 tO.6 @ Ken vaesfer bom or BrantgP fat Peng’ aNEr B nity Wh ae6 EG S oe gd expense, hecherss ster PTLR4 of the ran ia Statutes wither: ben (10) days after wrsri fequest by Landiard. Notice ts hereby given that neither Landiord northe Leased Premises ehal ibe Gable for any labor services. or matariais EERIE 2f viishes labor, services,OF malehal Sip BRAChto WG.Tyna ang that io construction or othwe bi for any such cncam 2 af. O01 Boy way allect the interes? of Landiord Hand the to Lessee Premises. Toran! ang fom Brae to time uson request of Lasdiord, ages ate, sgktlowigdae and Gellvetyr | Andion @ short from of tense in recentapte form pontirning that the jorme of thig Leos axon aly previo that ths interes? {i Landiondin tha Ceased Premipes shail not be gublett to ens for lnmrovements made by Teng: iL #00 such oliue information as may be feguired by Chanter 743.78. Ficrida Statutes, to prev: apt tee interest af Laqdiard | Ecataies from being subject io lene tor imgroveinenia Made ay fenant, The ake Ebel be to @ fare an ceptable to Laadiord exe shail Be.subjes' fo Botoval oy lege)form of ised counsel fer Landlord. "2024CA000366AX" 196421210 Filed at Manatee County Clerk 04/17/2024 03:53:08 PM EDT 6.2 & iS. ae Tege gingti on any exterier doar, ar well of Ihe Ter, ghat not plese or sera io be pecs Loused Premises or oie y yisible from cutwide 4 Leased Premiees ahy Bian j, AONNGS, ielering, canopy. oF aéver sing mater without frat abel abtah g Lending’s paar writen&Dongen! to the dean and plac Be ae’, abe, in ary ie 4R egvide2 Lar dwith a graotic such Si i Ge. of Such purpose, Te abe pe sept fr of th e proposed sig 4 SORE te the atte, color design and # yig of such&SGrage, piacere’ Fa sate OF Sop fOr ef both the metal: HeoY oF haga Bag : a ard cope of damage aseosiated . + ti sundiag arpes of he Quik ag a feguil of such Rgnage shai be rerun, ial ye eS Ron of thy borne by erat chergeabiato oo Tener. 64 Alterations and Additions by Landlord. erght io make Be ERED gharadans, ad arproveranis to the & STE Laciiond eer ihe oropere she at @ ones ar gad locator. Ne wo ang landscaping. Ai alerstinss ime eae ares Ts wales ar for any ar san we asiH he Ih an affert to develop ine enpiyance. oF loss abs fork guch: ON o alone, ddgiinns provements Tat Lang ore 2 th os th ay ate coMmucled 1 areasonabie manner 7 NOM Sgrees iy cebper he elite Geans avyisabie FG! Lapdiord in thé carrying out 9 Y any such cvatians, alterations mddivons ot impr rovernents to the Leased Pret was oF The Building SECTION T-MAINTENSNOE BNO REPAIR Pa Aegponsibiities of Landiors akong and cool of ihe Leases Preenya apie a, mid ine Sir rah Lanier? shall Mamntiain ihe 6 soundness of tn, at fc rele inert at tora: woile of the Leased Pram: evcucing extern: ae entease Hass and winows GOOG Te ¢ and condition, exoliatve of i aquired a6 a Gull of ne ys of Beh ofof ts i ot ae a empioyeed, ager aust nets, convantars. iwitens Lenses % wnich, to the ext OS ae ICTS v pulser of inact Ort ort te we Gt Es ene YReS GE, ys) Alors . CORSE Blane, PAG licensees, shad be the sohe rag: eA fT ant. Landlord shall not pe requires io comynence any repe ean aher radep! Of wri ce Wom 7 nm that @ tepals ss ag B neous auiritig Landiards necessary. Tha i shall sat for "e ar needled asa, the rey as ea +e ali not agply in the ig pot The oe of i8 Sent 2 herrea fe attentic f, a Sister RESON na font. ier the neytiganoe Se Cae yne Be OFot CeerL ex BG ie ore ay ORgualty Nor maliers sg actions of “ached of Tenant # Tenar agents, qhies! amployaee ie hOSS. f this Gestion 71 shall nat relate tor mailer ars g fon or condemmetion by eny governmental age! Roy, which are eontrolied by other 8 sections of this L@ase. ’ F.2 Ressunsibiities of Tenant. ep Gerarnt Martenanee atv ff Repel Obblnutions OBA Ab fy aye Ot TOS8 £ nD ane of the Leased Pry fas he te sity of {Cane oe et a & Sects Tatar afob she all trses ma 4 the entre Lease ant Pie et and sompotient parts and fer ag a fees aid kere Bey a oy makes up BP the nd Fy Od oder, apie eae: a ton and repair cA uatg avy NOSES: wnt epicgen ree) i eg WENO is late Ae SS Ws sania: iia, Reet ri 4 Sram 3 gir comdtening syster & ie aA addition, Tenant bat a ine entire sare pactorm 4 aite fal cieaning and pe omy nts aarviCns 4 Nnin the Leased Frames +in ars ee eeDYS Ney the Leased Premises in a Be. ois we ate ee Be detly fAGiion f a ote sue Upon the expiration of the 4 oF termi gun ot is Ls 3, ‘eee ati ett ae Bnd deliver @ Lessa Premniegs feb iio my ia j and a ae provided i LEBES in the aaa oe fon as delivered fo Tenant sue “st on ig i or ry ears wet Bar and pe yiouMy approved sleratons, ch ANGNE, Be gas ang ovenant ordence wih & fon Bf ths 1 19} Heed aret Bis Conettige og Maintenanee. ASa avarte fart ehants mamasance obiyanons urtier Section 7Pata} above, Tener. shell replace a VAC Miers af seus onde every 20 calendar days. 1 is ofcies eae Chas fa reeg he Tanah too ERY Buh f arg shail wubstaniially ehor rth ie of ary HVAC aysiers goning Whe ie: a Framides. Noting stated herel uve Ghali geson Tanaris obligatar io maintain te air eonddioning ie veating sysiems in good order, appearance, condition and rapair Mroughod! the entre term of this Lease ar as fe any cxlansiene or renewals thereof, ie Eaghure of Tenantio Conduct f pairs. | Ten 5 PBS: ote Sot t negincts to Dropei Wy complete any repay or ma rari et iat? y Ter ier EB ah 7 tg the FRASS: Se 1 fection of Lendiord within ten { 0) deye after written: demand (or such a angi ine tee Baler? vetgesery given "2024CA000366AX" 196421210 Filed at Manatee County Clerk 04/17/2024 03:53:08 PM ine nature of the repair or maintenance required), Landiord ray complete auch repair or maintenance w oul Babitty te Tenant for any Joss or iamage that may scorus to Tenante merchandise, fixtures, or of property, orto Tenants business by reason thereof. Tera: ni shalt irebursa Landlord for lis © for ‘eh Pepa OF f aintenance, plus i arty s a Darcent ch coat for aveshead and supervisiy Lwihin tae 33 days alterpi sorth at ors a ay Herat a re. Tena ot# nieitavietiges (ha) ¥f based aeor s the age ofthe HVAC eystern Sarin y We Le G Praises, Bu ae 2 Mbguiy ig tebiavemard Pet ant ahall be cosonnsibie for that peroentage of the totes cost of rept ba the HV AX: fort BS x he are TL 2E ONE oa} Corimon anne mee varae chatges shal SE elude ar Y CABIS OF SapEAgeSs inebresc ckty Lang © banging ihe HIB BOE Proper sev RD OS ance with ADA irerments, ether voluntarily at ig reaper nae to 3 claim of noncomp! artes Landiord represer 8 ihe Dulding meets al curren! buliding codes ai the me the bulidiy WEE te HVAG and generator dre in warking order upon dalivety of the space to thatenant SECTION INSURANCE SUBROGATION AND INDEMNIFIIATION 8. insurance to be Provides by Tenant Tera shall matters of this the entire | Lease, the following: ia} aualty igure: 28 assy noS oi and Tatanl as thelr interests may spoear. Weis, Sgainet nas G damage hy H aod other seks oie u to fee ad Y dar “all risks” g aS fe ine grou a yl apie eat cant ox ost at all eaeehordkm, cvarnetieiy ao nigh a partot the i fh ect Premises as of he Commencement ae Bo Rd Subs cuart ® eesal Uh, tions. decsraty ans. aid HTEIPOVEMGriS fC the Lasaech Peers #& She al turature. bad neures, eyuipment, marchendice ar a.Bhs gther hems of Tenants property in the Leased Sramises: {5} Comerenensive general habiifiy Insurance, 2 neleing public fanilty and pro pet damage, ipgunng against of ily ry, death propery aeMagE GEO g oa in Boy ek he leased prerr and the Duficing. SUCH USure oS shal GB ATM OO) rb e aie Gent 2 Bi a ieagi Cine Milson Oe! B(S7,000. arar nat so ire! ne Sour CHS BIGaS Ty SOF its ey oe waning tr teri fy obligations wuder tis Las: ust eWIENos Shai alae moe ‘enget a8 ihe Saeed isu: Lear vo tend anyaf ES OT art os may be dewigneiod aa ntioed fern tes to time instuding &ox not linied ic any managing agent afte Building) as additional ingureds 2 Genera! insurances Requirements. Bach Sohey of ingucary required to be carried by Tenant smal oe igeued by SoMipanies of racognizes nancial gh g authorized to issud si. inh ing: ara te ih Ihe Bigle of Florida ane otha, BCRSRERSIG fs i lord mS y oF3 i ce Sik onigin fe age Bi Meet afer That wil a canes! Wf fsil to fenew or amend ssunk polloy er texduce ihe coverage theneur der except ot ty days’ Bog wien vs eG © Lasdiord grid hat any ings overyek payabte there: Be SF a tee 5S ng ary ant, omission. of heghgence of 7 tar Y Ae Smght, ateent oir: Mant resuit aforieiture of all or a part of eueh 2S 2 BBY Ay deduotible arneunts under any ing: ance Bol es Shell be subiect to Lar ford Bron wiltien agsroval- OF gr Svs C0) ie Ce oer PERCE Ye re ie she VEE IS ce caries hes of ire eS PR city g a ot 2 os whinh 1 req in tl ya Ba ral tay Bi neat by Tera pb ssugnt te the pre HOM BASE ath wi BUH De rent o weee nese hee and Tana. TINE aot to Oe oe Hato: sfa ary in: rance, de: vey 9 US OG: ho SUBROS By ay at ie renee pete ia RED ARO TF we te 2 oe iogetiiar with a aan of ae vines! io nyt Hatetore, Shou! Fengn nikal fBtaw Bey mburance provided for wn itis Section So nay the preetia, therefore. or to deliver te Lar Roe aay of ios oartif ines lord “ay, i epbon. Bul hat, OBng ado lo do SO. UpoN fue days nt @ io grant progure § SURLY and any suns go expended by Landlord Gagelner wit a 10%, gem BIE SXDENRS for Dy OOUTNG Sut faugencg? shad AS BN Ona ff Sraucder and shalt he yy by Tener fo Landiond witty 2 tan (50) days akter dernned thoreier. 83 Mutual Wy, sive at Suubro: Ration, Landlord C Tenant each weive of TOR ati ig in any manner in ie (ime Yiwwed Pariy's"} favor gainat the ather parky far loss, 9 ¥Y 9 St Breperty locaytact ve hin or eth % ORI OF BH oH ey fi fa Lament Drettiges or Busan 2 exter’ foe 3 ha ae mA 8 OF Sarat i@ Gowaresd oyured Party's insurance or the fatvanoe Ute. iyure Party ig rom. ect 2 ar is Lease) TF ie eee SiO ApPhas fo ason patly's princloats Bear Oe of sh i er hoy Be aF VENUS off ar ts. The fe Soe s ded to rasirct ex aity iG 1ectvery Kx oF Garnage against insursinee caters to the extent of "2024CA000366AX" 196421210 Filed at Manatee County Clerk 04/17/2024 03:53:08 PM EDT such w VRE, RNG 5: spa fe fly any right ar chain wit ih fh May Gree cee iG 8 right of subrogaliat: in any HSUrAaNGe & a fe o are i agree tu have at tre and exte: MG Cuett aed progerty Gamage inaurer ei which may be carried ern respes sly to be en Sed WHA & CaEe Lo ihe au alent BQ GB: {hat ine ioted 1g Ow iver wy hd nat at i fy i x raguiations an in . the cg cP far the crop: ea f ogeralins ofite ee a 2 BEG, By & ee ret gee use y Be AP nee cs sa oF b Lae eet Pre GOR shed be sted in the d receplaci a spec) Vf ech ec & LB ined, p fy sae rraster of other waste Be OR Ae ff HY Keep ehbh hits the area out i oo S ieee | fr ef of oa sant garbage or waste products of an Sor ni dea ge a Syed Bybg 4B wd he abe ee ye f wat ates 4 ‘Tenant is gener wee a VOAENG o vena te maternal i 2 & Gt ‘ Tera ment a sh fhe eyts She Are, sty ar a may fa Peng ORE Day Mer 2 aH aachee 3 andl seveni vat ali pas es ge! “uss ofai ayge pe sch wae! Teter isis, PEE BE ougat ye asi of remowalof gy of Tenants ru antfuv: Peal eh. Foes WL we wat & at @ Tbe S Faiture 0 Boat tO De ty Tor 2 OF as Ac ne R te Be A te: of special pica ups of Behe sue te ihe antivises of Tenant, s: HH be ager ed a breach of this Leas a Ter syenn prot ae we depts yor otf nse @ aie ® GRY TE perty of Teng of Be ost Bits eine oundaries oft iA Be is Teng oe Senta oe pliers, crue ~ yf Suc a ste: a : i wart sciesels. feat fot hele of AD. 19. & ty at Me G MER we bias G af a aoe if HGPAG GUk fe aa bo & Le Pee me 2 ferry y Land an Gy agents wilhoul ag Bai amy & re, Wi h the cost of sus e ove to be chat i 37 oe BB. aadifional rem under ihe. gi BY io radio oF television or sinviar device shal be insielied if or @pout the Prem aS WwW io of obtain % g eek ins GLANS Bee ty BY ed's gerd in Ww No aeicigh 5. Ae fan hs Or exier "or wate af oP Ay aati BG ins! i ara the ¢ round, wah He mar onoD ine Boh instance the whiter oo i be her fio fen eS Be ef heb neler fh wen with bf OE any eh na ay #0 a Spe: aa fo be heard or see OU de Toles, one a oe 8 §, Taos or other davice: he £ sy Baty HE 6 we errs i DMR. aad HEFy of manner 86 Laadiord other o pYoskints pooh G baversy & pee a No erioking, vaping Pravises. Mo Sets or other at ne eal 3 ay be kept or the Prectvecs exceptin g on saetvite anime|ls rag a by the Ta nel LooF Mee ayRSS. customers of invitees of Tenant BRUCEI, ihe Premises shai Se Ren fF an fs aan Be 1 fee from cit anc 8) mae ae The ouside ares eEMOGIS fubbish by py the sntisfer OS the 2 Lamak comply Ath, ae pal ordingnces In syard to Reet the are inf of the Laased Premises clean no ¢ Tenet net 4 pigew of Derm any ob: eh PUTO est ofan In gut areas Tangat anal otiy par ih epeces cs ad for thal purpose. Teaant sha Ot park, any venicl fefe or oy 54 igrnent in ict prmen nar $a ae bo SERRE Ot ft hej or a a of parson: in oy place any f© each and a“0 fan aciity wi Ibe 3 All ve ich eeas we ah arer @ musi b agisiere! nesath of 3 af Teer e Ter sagenis. ym NOyees & SHOE aes © sere Veh OR OF BU Dire! nt ons & int Soh Be PRE BO ‘SO aBe G IS BAD BOE BES a fg FY BQTESS Troat te ip eo aa ihe & 2 np set of oO! iete ne! ss to the Dink a parking ope seg. Such vehuc % age 8 nail OG Buh com romone ah hea See Seca:os ep Lar Tenantl f AGUS fd to the aes a A fpte ie af 9 ip be dearedd Addin he for: Tenack B 5 ? fora oo ® Leno: There H be Ter OF night Bank me fey of an Sort gis wed are or inoperable vé rep ner Gert an 63h OS ots yehions shell be gike We EEF a sy par aay area arg Q of OUIEOe Si Landiorg 3 placed o a the Gules oe ine FOG ret Preny a fs ma aD eS MEU ecA we LonWINY Of yerickay unger sf sits aavtuie ay 1 plurr “ties stall not bo 0Be J for any net Pu spose than that for which they : qauisiructed, and 1) forglart st bsiance of a any ing shall be rows There, nd t ia BXPSrses Dregs BGS. payee. oF gS ng VOR @ ination of tris provisia! shall be bo: ut by Teng! sh whe anal, ar vhs oecise. SEE SES RATE IS Soe whose she Rave oaueed it 9 6! ernie solvents oHnf a 9 nies ehal gia he phy ig Pace iby i H BY Lencion’s feasonaly alis Ot, art Gor nesoS any ails see in af garvicas in exmess Of the normal yf Lene: e fefor Bue 2 ERORSS Sonsnp n toy general office wee ag a 3G St OF "2024CA000366AX" 196421210 Filed at Manatee County Clerk 04/17/2024 03:53:08 PM EDT consumation OF uth Ob OF Ser ices upon receipt of 2 statement af such rogts fron Landlord atthe aanie ime as pay nt of the Rent 40) Tenant shi 190, at Tenant's cast, such gest extermination contractor as Landlord may in Bo! OM hrea io be. AE Tenant snail not burn any Wash or garbage of any kid in or abot th Premises or the Builc 8 Te:8 an shel key the iene preni es fr Pastees COS, PHSE! 5a of adore oblectonebie io the tr ia rae A ont“sf engny & to the Lars Ye eens iho clove normally ass: erie wil fefe ee SHAT Sara ne. 3 fac BS OF QuGiiess aay Ye ert 8! tyte g UOON. use or pin the ByF remises or the Guiding any method of heating or aif Go: i ning other ft th St SUuDy by hy lore. 14) Tenent shall not unceriake to gerform any work or servic Gsh any Sori, nature or description, guise the bound ar 3 of the ny MISeE, 3) No pets of anv dase: hon i ChUGENG Sut Oot ame tb dogs Ma Cate, ow other ant ele oey Ge apt by Tenant Lew 4 Br, 8 4a 18) ne AL ohak by eT BA wk 9 CESS aTy te tap ne tite Pres 28 in ight of ar ae sty At oF oF extreme weathy i Ter ve ibye nh those sion protect nT OSs auth rized oy the Lar dict ¢ is adive e and g all not attact any such window care = JOOP WOO) wathout the faut 228 L nto. To he extent t Tenant a eR he fe ey 5 i ntuy E y Bn. Pag fi ghall, uno the redux i ieont Le, nord ater er @ the have same fully i ied © ihe: oo adkioos that exited prior to the ons of the ot t at Ce sole Se HERAT "ee CONTINUING CORSDRATE GUARANTY ayes ae+