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  • Richard J. Digeronimo, R.D. Geronimo, Ltd v. Property Analytix, Llc, Archstone Group Nyc Llc, Michael Miller, Royce Ashton Rowles, Ryan Lin Commercial Division - Contract document preview
  • Richard J. Digeronimo, R.D. Geronimo, Ltd v. Property Analytix, Llc, Archstone Group Nyc Llc, Michael Miller, Royce Ashton Rowles, Ryan Lin Commercial Division - Contract document preview


FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 10/25/2023 03:55 PM INDEX NO. 61665/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 211 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/25/2023 R OSMA N L EGA L , P.C. 635 M INNIEFORD A VENUE B RONX , NY 10464-1143 (917) 603-4490 October 25, 2023 The Honorable Hal B. Greenwald Room 1201 Westchester County Supreme Court 111 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. White Plains, New York 10601 RE: Index No. 61665/2021, Rice v. Einsidler Your Honor: Rosman Legal, P.C. has been representing Plaintiff, NEIL B. RICE, in the above-captioned case matter. I am following up on the phone call that I just finished with chambers. We were not aware of today’s scheduled appearance and apologize for our absence. When we had contacted the Court on October 10, 2023 in an attempt to clarify the WebCivil Supreme calendar, Ms. Leisa Brown-Shaw wrote to the parties’ attorneys that the next appearance would only be on November 8, 2023 and that October 17, 2023 was simply a “check date” (please see email at Exhibit A). The date of October 25, 2023 was not even listed on the WebCivil calendar (Exhibit A). Today, at 2:21 pm, we received an email from opposing counsel asking if we were appearing (please see email at Exhibit B). We wrote back to opposing counsel that we had no notice of today’s court appearance (please see email at Exhibit C). Had we been informed of this appearance date, we would have been there even if it had been “optional.” We respectfully ask that a default not be entered against us. Thank you in advance for your consideration. We will appear at the scheduled November 8, 2023 appearance. We ask the Court to inform us of any intervening appearances before then. Please understand that our failure to appear today was not intentional and not out of disrespect. Very truly yours, Steven M. Brunnlehrman, Esq. Of Counsel 1 of 1