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  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview
  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview
  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview
  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview


SUPERIOR COURT BARNSTABLE, SS COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS JUN 1 42024 TRIAL COURT FILED Scott W. Nickerson, Clerk BARNSTABLE, ss. Barnstable Superior Court Docket No,: 2279CV00495 Jennifer Doe Plaintiff Estate of Amold Lett, Sr. Defendant PLAINTIFF’S AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF HER MOTION TO ATTACH REAL ESTATE AND FURTHER PRELIMINARY RELEIF I, Jennifer Doe do hereby depose, and state as follows: 1 1am the Plaintiff in the above captioned matter. 2, The Defendant, Arnold Lett, Sr., is a close family member who sexually abused me while I was a child. I was forced to endure countless sexual assaults at the hands of the Defendant. The abuse began when I was approximately five (5) years old and continued for approximately eight (8) years until I was thirteen (13) years old. My parents, brother and I lived in a two-family house, living on the top floor and my close family relative, Arnold Lett, Sr., lived on the first floor. Because of this, I spent a lot of time visiting and sleeping over my family members house downstairs. The abuse started with inappropriate touching of my private areas, (vagina and chest) and groping me under my pajamas and underwear and escalated over time. Most of the incidents of abuse occurred in the Defendant's home, located at 3 Riverway Road, in Dennis, Massachusetts. I didn't feel like I could tell anyone about the abuse due to the death threats made. During that time, I became more isolated. I would often go to bed early and stay up all night, avoiding sleep to traumatic nightmares reliving the abuse nearly every single night. Around the age of 14 years, I began refusing to attend family holidays, visits, and spending time with my close family member, due to the sexual abuse. 2 The abuse came to light to my family, when I was around 17 years old, when I had told my mother of the sexual abuses my close family member did to me. (I did tell a friend in school what happened, but she kept my secret.) 10 My close family member threatened me that if I ever told anyone or went to the police, he would hurt me and my family. I was seriously afraid he was going to have us killed. 11 The abuse I sustained at the hands of the Defendant has had a devastating effect on my life. I lost almost my entire childhood to sexual abuse. 12 I developed several psychological issues which effected my schooling, eating disorders, trouble maintain a job and attending and completing high school and college. I have struggled cope with my daily life and through my own trauma research, I have self- diagnosed with mental health issues as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, and Anxiety. I have also struggled with self-mutilation since my early youth (earliest memories of sticking my finger in a pencil sharpener and twisting it after the initial rape, 13. Lhave extreme difficulty with interpersonal and sexual relationships. 14. My severe anxiety and depression have made it incredibly difficult to go to school or hold a job, leading to issues in college and employment, I was placed on permanent disability academically when I was fourteen (14) years old, per my 504 plan I was given at Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School. 15. As a result of the abuse, I was unable to continue attending school. 16. Although I earned my GED, I was unable to complete my semester at Cape Cod Community College, Due to my crippling anxiety, I was unable to attend class on a regular basis and was forced to leave school. I have not attempted to reenroll. 17. [have made several attempts hold a job but have been unable to do so as a result my severe anxiety. 18. 1 am currently engaged to my boyfriend, but struggle in my intimate relationship with him due to the sexual abuse I experienced. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury on this date January 18, 2024. Qenunspecloe. Jennifer Doe