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  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview
  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview
  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview
  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview
  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview
  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview
  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview
  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview


SUPERIOR COURT BARNSTABLE, SS JUN 14-2024 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS TRIAL COURT FILED Scott W. Nickerson, Clerk BARNSTABLE, ss. Barnstable Superior Court Docket No.: 2279CV00495 Jennifer Doe Plaintiff v. Estate of Arnold Lett, Sr. by its ) Personal Representatives, Scott Gowen ) and Alan Ligouri Defendant ) ) PLAINTIFF’S MEMORANDUMIN SUPPORT OF HER MOTION FOR EX-PARTE ATTACHMENT OF REAL PROPERTY AND FURTHER PRELIMINARY RELIEF This is a tort action arising from the sexual assault, abuse, and rape of the Plaintiff, Jennifer Doe, beginning when she was only approximately 5 years old. Jennifer seeks pre-trial attachment of real property located at 3 Riverway Road, West Dennis, Barnstable County, Massachusetts (hereinafter "the Property") in the amount of $1,000,000,00, as well as time share Jocated at the Aruba Beach Club, week 40 in room 216 and week 41 in room 212, to secure judgment. Significantly, 3 Riverway Road was an instrument of Jennifer's sexual abuse, as the Defendant, Amold Lett, Sr., used the Property to isolate, groom, and rape and sexually assault Jennifer countless times over the course of approximately 8 years. Jennifer also seeks a an preliminary order enjoining the Defendant from transferring damaging, or otherwise committing waste on the property, As set forth below, liability in the matteris virtually certain as a matter of law. Jennifer is likely to recover a seven-figure judgment in this matter. Unfortunately, the property which Plaintiff seeks to attach will only begin to compensate her for the harm that Defendent caused. BACKGROUND The Plaintiff, Jennifer Doe, is currently twenty-seven (27) years old. She asserts a claim arising from the sexual assault, battery, and rape she suffered at the hands of the Decedent, a close adult family member. The abuse occurred on a neatly daily basis over a period of approximately eight (8) years and began when she was only approximately five (5) years old, The abuse came to light to her family when the Jennifer was approximately seventeen (17) years old. (She did tell a school-mate, but the school-mate kept her secret.) She was approximately fourteen (14) years old when she began refusing to spend time around her closes family member, which caused friction in her relationship with her parents. At the age of seventeen (17), she disclosed to her mother the sexual abuse, battery and rape that had occurred by her close family member, the Defendant. The Defendant and his Estate holds right title to the Property. See Exhibit 1, Deed. Property had a tenant in the home; however, recently the Personal Representatives have pursued Housing Court to evict any and all tenants. See Exhibit 2, Docket Sheet of Estate of Arnold F. Lett, Sr., via its personal representative v. Popovich and All Other Occupanis, Kim, Docket #23HSP01535CI. Plaintiff is unaware of any insurance sufficient to cover the amount of the judgment she reasonably expects to be recover. ARGUMENT I PLAINTIFF IS ENTITLED TO AN EX PARTE ATTACHMENT. Plaintiff is entitled to attachment of the Defendant's real property as liability in this case is clear and Plaintiff is reasonably likely to recover a judgment in excess of the amount which she seeks to attach. A prejudgment attachment "authoriz[es] the seizure of real and personal property of the defendant to be held as security for any judgment the plaintiff may recover in an action." Mullane v. Chambers, 333 F.3d 322, 329 (1st Cir.2003). The central issue to be considered by the court is whether the plaintiff is "likely to prevail on the merits and obtain damages in the necessary amount." Metro. Prop. & Cas. Ins. Co. v. Bos, Reg/ Physical Therapy, Inc., 550 F. Supp. 2d 199,201 (D. Mass. 2008). Thus, a "plaintiff seeking prejudgment attachment must demonstrate (1) a reasonable likelihood of success on the merits and (2) a reasonable likelihood. of recovering judgment equal to or greater than the amount of the attachment sought over and above any liability insurance shown by defendant to be available to satisfy judgment." Hayes v. CRGE Foxborough, LLC, 167 F. Supp. 3d 229, 237-38 (D. Mass. 2016). Although the often-repeated standard is familiar in attachment motions, the courts have not addressed the quality or "quantum of evidence necessary to meet the likelihood standard." Montague Corp. v. Simon Worldwide, Inc., No, CIV.A. 01-3703-C, 2001 WL 1226854, at *2 (Mass. Super. Sept. 14, 2001); International Assoc. of Bridge. Structural and Ornamental Iron Workers. Shopman's Local Union 501 v, Burtman Jron Works. 164F.R.D. 305,307 (D. Mass. 1995); Aetna Cas. & Sur. Co. v. Rodeo Autobody, 138 F.R.D. 328,331 (D. Mass. 1991). However, it is well settled that a party seeking an attachment need not be certain of prevailing. Burtman Iron Works, 164 F.R.D. at 307. Although Plaintiff need not be certain of prevailing to attach property in the instant matter, liability here is virtually certain. A, THE REQUESTED ATTACHMENT IS REASONABLE Plaintiff seeks a $1,000,000 attachment on real property owned by the Decedent, now controlled by his personal representatives. The attachment is abundantly reasonable, as Plaintiff is almost certain to succeed on the merits and the value of the home is worth only a fraction of the value that would compensate Jennifer for the harm she has endured. Although the property is currently estimated to be valued between $777,000 and $850,000, the Plaintiff could reasonably expect a judgment well in excess of $1,000,000.00 and the Property could increase in value during the pendency of this litigation. See Hayes v. CRGE Foxborough, LLC, 167 F. Supp. 3d 229, 237-38 (D. Mass. 2016). The level of damage sustained by the Plaintiff is devastating. Jennifer lost almost the entirety of her childhood to sexual abuse. She has been suffering in silence for years and is facing many years of therapy to help cope with this harm. Although there is no need to specifically address cach and every abusive encounter, a brief recitation is necessary to demonstrate the extent to which Jennifer was physically and emotionally harmed. 1 | Jennifer was forced to endure countless sexual assaults at the hands of the Defendant, aclose family member, when she was in an extraordinarily fragile developmental phase of her life. The Defendant initiated the abuse when Jennifer was only approximately 5 years old. See Affidavit of Jennifer Doe, at 3. The abuse started with inappropriate touching of her private areas and escalated over time. See Affidavit of Jennifer Doe, 5. The Defendant threatened Jennifer that if she told anyone because her abuser threatened physical violence to her and her family is she told anyone. See Affidavit of Jennifer Doe, 6 and 10. For that reason, Jennifer felt that she could never tell her mother or anyone else. Jennifer was too afraid and ashamed to tell anyone about the abuse. See Affidavit of Jennifer Doe, 6. Instead, she endured the abuse while the Defendant became more confident that he would not be found out. Defendant continued to sexually assault the Plaintiff in his home on a regular basis for approximately 8 years. During that time, Jennifer became increasingly isolated. She would often go to bed early or stay up all night to avoid the nightmares reliving the abuse regularly. See Affidavit of Jennifer Doe, 7. Her schoolwork suffered; and she began to harm herself to cope with the abuse. See Affidavit of Jennifer Doe, 12. The sexual abuse emotionally devastated Jennifer. As a result of the abuse, Jennifer developed several psychological issues that have interfered in her ability to cope in her adult life. Jennifer has been self-diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, and severe. Anxiety. See Affidavit of Jennifer Doe, 12. She has difficulty with interpersonal and sexual relationships. See Affidavit of Jennifer Doe, 13. Although Jennifer, at the age of 27, is engaged to her boyfriend, she struggles with her intimate relationship with him due to the sexual abuse she experienced. See Affidavit of Jennifer Doe, 18. Ina similar case, B.K v. Kelley, 89 Mass. App. Ct. 1127 (2016), two plaintiffs brought claims for assault and battery and intentional infliction of emotion distress against a close family member who sexually abused and raped them as children. The plaintiffs in Kelley presented evidence that the defendant repeatedly sexually assaulted them in his home which resulted in significant emotional impacts on the plaintiffs’ emotional state. The plaintiffs each suffered from, anxiety, depression, nightmares, issues with sexual relations, fear of having children, and fear caused by his conduct. The jury awarded each of the plaintiffs $5,000,000.00 and the Court of Appeals upheld the judgment. A jury could surely award Jennifer a similar verdict, if not more and it would be supported by law. See e.g. B.K v. Kellzy, 89 Mass. App. Ct. 1127 (2016); Connerv. Hewitt, Docket No. 14-cv-12867-DIC (D.Mass 2015) (Court awarded $1,200.000 to plaintiff who suffered sexual abuse and rape by her tennis coach beginning at the age of 14 years old); Castleman v. Corriveau, No. 95147, 2002 WL 31957016, at *8 (Mass. Super. Oct. 30, 2002) (Court awarded $600,000 for plaintiff who developed anorexia and depression as a result of sexual abuse at the hands of a close family friend); Doe v. Clinton, No. CA 942538, 1996 WL 1185103, at *2 (Mass. Super. Jan. 11, 1996) (Court awarded Plaintiff $500,000.00 to the plaintiff for sexual abuse by an adult in a position of authority, which caused plaintiff to suffer permanent emotional damage and had pervasive effect on her daily life). Notably, none of the above cited comparative cases accounts for lost economic opportunity of the victims. Jennifer's extreme anxiety caused by the abuse she suffered as a child has prevented her from living an ordinary life. She has been unable to advance her education or hold a meaningful job. See Affidavit of Jennifer Doe, 14. Despite her obvious intelligence, Jennifer began to struggle in school. Thereafter, Jennifer was diagnosed with a disability at the age of 14, and was placed on an educational 504 plan at Dennis-Yarmouth regional high school. See Affidavit of Jennifer Doe, 14. She ultimately dropped out of school. See Affidavit of Jennifer Doe, 15. Notwithstanding her severe mental and emotional distress, Jennifer eamed her GED in 2009. See Affidavit of Jennifer Doe, 16. Jennifer enrolled in Cape Cod Community College. However, her crippling anxiety prevented her from attending class on a regular basis, and she was forced to drop out. See Affidavit of Jennifer Doe, 16. Over the years, Jennifer has made several attempts to hold a job. However, each attempt has been thwarted by her severe anxiety. See Affidavit of Jennifer Doe, 17 The Defendant is responsible for the staggering and life-altering damage he caused Jennifer and the value of the Property is only a fraction of what she ought to recover to 1 compensate her for her loss. Accordingly, the proposed attachment of the property is more than reasonable. B. EX PARTE ATTACHMENT IS WARRANTED This motion is filed ex parte per rule 4.1(f). Pursuant to Mass. R. Civ. P. 4.1 a plaintiff is entitled to an ex parte attachment of property if, in addition to meeting the likelihood standard, she can establish that: cither (i) the person of the defendant is not subject to the jurisdiction of the court in the action, or (ii) there is a clear danger that the defendant if notified in advance of attachment of the property will convey it, remove it from the state or will conceal it, or (iii) there is immediate danger that the defendant will damage or destroy the property to be attached. Mass. R. Civ. P. 4.1(f) (emphasis added). The Defendant, Arnold Lett, Sr., passed away on January 7, 2022, with a will, in which he named Personal Representatives, which are also named in this matter, to handle his Estate, and among his assets include the aforementioned real estate property. Notably, the property is not protected by the homestead exemption and Defendants are unable to record a Declaration of Homestead until they can list the home as their primary residence. See G.L. c. 188, § 5 (requiring the homeowner to declare that he occupies or intends to occupy the property as his primary residence). Given the current status of title, there is a danger of rapid fraudulent conveyance. Thus, unless the Court allows the instant motion ex parte, there is risk the Defendants will attempt to convey or assign their interest to protect the asset from judgment. Prior to his passing, the Decedent had allowed people to occupy the home, including Kim Popovich. The Decedent’s Personal Representatives filed a summary process complaint to remove the tenants on April 25, 2023, after serving them with a 30 day Notice to Quit, and after trial on the matter, a Judgment and Order to Vacate was decided on August 24, ' 1 ' 2023. A Mation to Stay was filed by the Defendant in that case which was denied on December 20, 2023. See Exhibit 2, Mass. R. Civ. P. 4.1(f(i) Ex parte attachment is also required to protect the property from damage and waste. See Mass. R. Civ. P. 4.1(£)(iii). Upon information and belief that the tenants are no longer occupying the property, it is possible that the tenants of the property have already caused substantial damage to the value of home. See Thayer v. Shorey, 287 Mass. 76, 81, 191 N.E. 435 (1934)(citing Delano v. Smith, 206 Mass. 365,370, 92 N.E. 500 (1910) (Waste is defined as "an unreasonable or improper use, abuse, mismanagement, or omission of duty touching teal estate by one rightfully in possession, which results in its substantial injury.") If notified of attachment, there is a risk that the Defendants may allow damage to occur. Therefore, the ex parte motion is appropriate and indeed warranted. I. IRREPARABLE HARM COULD ARISE WITHOUT PRELIMINARY RELIEF Plaintiff also seeks a preliminary order restraining and enjoining the Defendant from transferring, damaging, or otherwise committing waste on the property. In addition to demonstrating likelihood of success on the merits, a party seeking a preliminary junction must demonstrate the "balance of harms" favors its position. See generally, Bl(a)ck Tea Society v. City Of Boston, 378 F.3d 8 (1st Cir. 2004); Packaging Industry Group, Inc., v. Cheney, 380 Mass. 609, 616 (1980); Braintree Labs., Inc. v. Citigroup Glob. Markets, Inc., 671 F. Supp. 2d 202,207 (D. Mass. 2009), aff'd in part, appeal dismissed in part, 622 F.3d 36 (1st Cir. 2010). Thus, the court must determine "whether issuing an injunction will burden the Defendants less than denying an injunction would burden the Plaintiff." Jean y.Massachusetis State Police, 492 F.3d 24, 27 (1st Cir. 2007). The balance of harms favors the Plaintiff here. Accordingly, without an order from the Court restraining the Defendant from transferring, damaging, or otherwise committing waste on the property, there is a real danger that the Defendant will attempt to fraudulently convey the Property to avoid the inevitable judgment in this matter. Without a Court order enjoining the Defendants from damaging or committing waste on the property, there is a risk that they will damage the home to such extent that Plaintiff will never be able to recover the full value of the asset. The Defendants will not be harmed by the order should it be granted. Were that the end of the analysis, the balance of harms clearly favors the Plaintiff. However, the Plaintiffs required showing here is further reduced as she is virtually certain to succeed on the merits as a matter of law. See Turner v. City of Boston, 760 F. Supp. 2d 216,218 (D. Mass.2011) ("If a great showing of likely success on the merits is made by a plaintiff, a reduced showing of irreparable harm may be appropriate.") CONCLUSION For the foregoing reasons, the Plaintiff respectfully request that this Honorable Court ALLOW her motion to Attach Real Estate and Further Preliminary Relief. January 18, 2024 Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Dnae ic, ai ntify KY} er Atta COZ (/ Histen qi enwood, E; CNULA BBO# 678189 Law Office of Krister enwood, PLLC 349 Old Plymouth Road, First Floor Sagamore Beach, MA 02562 P: 508-299-3965 F: 508-815-1620 E: Ex\ivorh | Date Filed: 8/21/2023 4:00 PM Housing - Southeast - Barnstable Docket Number: 23H83SPO01535C1 we Me3 7 ORR We, Arnold F, Lett end orion k, batt, hoth of Woot Dennée, in the County of Harnmetable, as we are the Troskece of the Letc Realty Trust, eobablishes under 4 bac, dnyation of Trust dated May 6, 1965, snd recorded with Dernstable Registry y of Reeds, Seok 1425, Pere 448, oe Grenly a bincesrhacste, : dea, for consideration paid, groamee tn che gum of FOUR TWOUSDee ANO and avout to Arnold ¥, Late and Marion R > Lett, tuebond and wites ac tentnte by the entirety ants the land in Vest veante, in the County of Barnatable, together with the buildings tharaon, boundad ond dasesibed as follownr ‘tDesreiption eid essumhuancen, sf ang) Lok numbered Two (2) on a Phan eneicted * Sabdivisdon Plan of Land in Rect Dunnde, Massachusetts, for A, Lawrence Lovequdat and Leonard Jy McManus. 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Lett, Sr , Via its personal representative vs. Popovich And Ali Other Occupants, Kim Case Type: Housing Court Summary Process Case Status: ive fle Date DCM Track: Initiating Action: Efiled SP Summons and Complaint - Cause Status Date: 04/25/2023 Case Judge: Next Event; Property Address 3 Riverway Road West Dennis MA 02670 | ‘Allinformation | Party | Event | Docket | Disposition | Judgment } Party Information Estate of Arnold F. Lett, Sr ~ Plaintiff {Alias {Party Attorney Attorney Veara, Esq., ChristopherA Bar Code 656227 Address Dunning, Kirrane, McNichols, and Garner, LLP 133 Falmouth Rd PO Box 560 Mashpee, MA 02649 Phone Number (608)477-6500 More Party Information Popovich And All Other Occupants, Kim - Defendant (Alias Party Attorney |Attomey Pro Se Bar Code PROPER Address Phone Number More Information Party jf ey TS — = — eT ( Events } Dato ‘Session Type Result 06/08/2023 HSD Virtual Session Housing Specialist Virtual Housing Specialist Status Continued 09:00 AM ven rence 07/26/2023 Barnstable Session Southeast Housing Court Southeast Housing Court First-Tier Court Event Continued 10:30 - Bamstable - Bamstable hitps:/ page?x=FcbMbS"loK6wp2EnVmGP6G8cB2zYduPNN2CDvXabMz1akVjzMém2UgEWQa0mTdll.., 5 ” a ier, 1:58 PM Case Details - Massachusetts Trial Court N3 Date Session Locality Location Type Result 08/23/2023 Barnstable Session Southeast Housing Court Southeast Housing Court Summary Process Trial Held 08:30 AM - Bamstable - Barnstable 09/26/2023 Zoom Virtual Court Event - Zoom Virtual Court Event Motion Hearing Held 09:00 AM New Bedford 10/48/2023 Plymouth Session Southeast Housing Court ‘Southeast Housing - Hearing Held 11:00 AM - Plymout Plymouth 11/28/2023 Zoom Virtual Court Event - Zoom Virtual Court Event Motion Hearing Allowed 02:00 PM Fall River 12/19/2023 Zoom Virtual Court Event - Zoom Virtual Court Event Motion Hearing Denied 02:00 PM New Bedford [Docket information Docket Docket Text image Avail. 04/25/2023 Summar Hyg rocess: MGL Chapter 185C Section 19; Chapter 262 Section 2 Receipt: 113012 Date: 04) 102: 04/25/2023 SURCHARGE 185C:Entry of Action filed (Section 466 - M.G.L. c. 185C, §19) SURCHARGE Receipt: 113012 Date: 04/25/2023 04/25/2023 Entry Package - SP Summons and Complaint - Cause 04/25/2023 Entry Package - Notice to Quit 04/25/2023 Entry Package - Affidavit of Compliance 05/02/2023 Attorney Appearance On this date 05/02/2023 Pro Se added for Popovich And All Other Occupants, Kim 05/19/2023 Scheduled Event: Housing Specialist Status Conference Date: 06/08/2023 Time: 09:00 AM Result: Continued 08/30/2023 Retumed Mail- for D HSSC 6/8/23 06/08/2023 Event Resulted: Housing Specialist Status Conference scheduled on: 06/08/2023 09:00 Al Has been: Continued For the following reason: Court Action Comments: Per Clerk; CASE CONTINUED to 7/26/23 at 10:30 AM in person tier 1 event with notice to Plaintiffto serve on Defendant by Constable with return of service filed with court. Time = none Hon, Donna Salvidio, Presiding 06/23/2023 Return of service 1st Tier event notice completed filed by Estate Of Arnold R, Lett, Sr., Via Its Personal Representative 07/26/2023 Altemative Dispute Resolution Outcome Referral Date: 07/26/2023 Referral Source: Referral Event: First-Tier Court Event Jul 26, 2023 10:30:00 AM Referral Status: Closed - Not Set Referral Specialist: Fonseca, Livia 07/26/2023 Event Resulted: First-Tier Court Event scheduled on: 07/26/2023 10:30 AM Has been: Continued For the following reason: Court Action Honorable Anne Kenney Chaplin, Presiding 07/26/2023 Referred to Housing Specialist 07/26/2023 Parties present ; mediation unsuccessful per clerk CC: 8/23/23 @ 830 trial in person Barnstable session Notice of Next Court Event provided to parties in hand calendar updated 07/26/2023 Scheduled Event: Summary Process Trial Date: 08/23/2023 Time: 08:30 AM Result; Held 07/31/2023 Motion by Estate Of Arnold R, Lett, Sr., Via Its Personal Representative to amend pleadings 08/21/2023 Proposed Exhibit Filed by Estate Of Arnold R. Lett, Sr., Via Its Personal Representative -Return of service 08/21/2023 Proposed Exhibit Filed by Estate Of Arnold R. Lett, Sr., Via Its Personal Representative 9g*loK6wp2EnVmGP6G8eB2zY duP NN2CDvXabMz1akVjzMém2UgEWQgomTdll. 215 o “ 1119124, 1:58 PM Case Detalls - Massachusetts Trial Court N3 Docket Docket Text Date Ref Ava, -Return of service 08/21/2023 Proposed Exhibit Filed by Estate Of Arnold R. Lett, Sr., Via Its Personal Representative 10 Will AL 08/21/2023 Proposed Exhibit Filed by Estate Of Arnold R. Lett, Sr., Via Its Personal Representative 14 addition to will AL 08/21/2023 Proposed Exhibit Filed by Estate Of Amcid R. Lett, Sr., Via Its Personal Representative 12 08/21/2023 Proposed Exhibit Filed by Estate Of Arnold R. Lett, Sr., Via Its Personal Representative 13 Death cert Al 08/21/2023 Proposed Exhibit Filed by Estate Of Arnold R, Lett, Sr., Via Its Personal Representative 14 death cert ML 08/21/2023 Proposed Exhibit Filed by Estate Of Arnold R, Lett, Sr., Via Its Personal Representative 15 funeral expense 08/21/2023 Proposed Exhibit Filed by Estate Of Arnold R. Lett, Sr., Via Its Personal Representative 16 personal rep appoinmnt 08/23/2023 Event Resulted: Summary Process Tria! scheduled on: 08/23/2023 08:30 AM Has been: Held Hon. Joseph Michaud, Presiding 08/23/2023 After hearing with parties present with { Michaud, J) Taken under advisement Judge: Michaud, Hon. Joseph 08/23/2023 Case Disposed 08/24/2023 ~ Per Michaud, J. - Judgment issues for Plaintiff (possession & rent) Execution issues upon written request *** APPEAL PERIOD EXPIRES ON 9-6-: fen Judge: Michaud, Hon. Joseph 08/24/2023 Judgment issued: Final Judgment Finding Presiding: Hon. Joseph Michaud Judgment For: Estate of Arnold F, Lett, Sr Judgment Against: Kim Papovich And All Other Occupants ferms of Judgment: Interest Begins: 04/25/2023 Jdgmnt Date: 08/24/2023 Interest Rate: .12 Daily Interest Rate: .00 Damages: Damage Amt: .00 Filing Fees: 209.04 Judgment Total: 209.04 08/25/2023 Execution not entered and Notice of Inabilityto Issue and Execution issued because the following has not been filed: . Other:{RULE10} YOU MUST FILE THE ORIGINAL SUMMONS & COMPLAINT AND A WRITTEN REQUEST TO ISSUE 09/05/2023 Notice of Appeal by Kim Popovich And All Other Occupants from Judgment dated 08/24/2023 17 09/42/2023 Notice of Appeal by Kim Popovich And All Other Occupants from Judgment dated 08/24/2023 18 09/12/2023 Motion to set or Waive Appeal Bond filed by Kim Popovich And All Other Occupants 19 09/12/2023 Answer & Counterclaim filed by Kim Popovich And All Other Occupants. 20 FILED UNTIMELY 09/13/2023 Memorandum of Kim Popovich And All Other Occupants 21 09/14/2023 Scheduled Event: Motion Hearin, Date: 09/26/2023 Time: 09:00 AM Result: Held 09/26/2023 Event Resulted: Motion Hearing scheduled on: 09/26/2023 09:00 Has been: Held"laK6wp2EnVmGP6G8cB2zYduPNN2CDvXabMztakVizM6m2UgEWOgOmTail... a5 ” * ariarea, 1:58 PM Case Details - Massachusetts Trial Court N3 Docket Docket Text File image [ Date Ref Avail. Comments: After hearing with parlies present; Taken Under Advisement per Michaud, J. T: 9:26-9:33, Hon. Josaph Michaud, Presiding 09/26/2023 ‘Taken under advisement Judge: Michaud, Hon. Joseph 09/28/2023 Appeal Bond Order entered; per Michaud, J. Defendant's motion to waive appeal bond DENIE! Defendant ordered to pay appeal bond of $209.04 to Plaintiff's counsel no later than 10/10/2023; Clerk to schedule for Use & Occupancy hearing with notice of same to the parties. Judge: Michaud, Hon. Joseph 09/29/2023 Scheduled Event: Hearing Date: 10/18/2023 Time: 11:00 AM Result: Held 10/10/2023 Memorandum of Kim Popovich And All Other Occupants 22 10/10/2023 Affidavit of William Gregory filed by Kim Popovich And All Other Occupants 23 10/10/2023 Proposed Exhibit Filed by Kim Popovich And All Other Occupants 24 Subpoena list 10/10/2023 Proposed Exhibit Fited by Kim Popovich And All Other Occupants 25 Expenses paid by defendant in support of appeal 10/11/2023 Transcript of hearing filed by defendant. 26 10/13/2023 Correspondence raceived from ALL PAPERWORK RELATIVE TO THE APPEALS SENT THROUGH THE APPEALS CREATOR THIS DAY 10/13/2023 Motion for Protective Order filed by Estate of Arnold F. Lett, Sr , Via its personal representative 10/18/2023 Event Resulted: Hearing scheduled on: 10/18/2023 11:00 AM Has been; Held Comments: after hearing parties present plaintiff motion for protective order allowed and subpoena squashed per Chaplin, J Plaintiff motion for use and occupancy TUA per Chaplin,J T:11;00-11:20 Honorable Anne Kenney Chaplin, Presiding 10/18/2023 ‘Taken under advisement-(Chaplin, J) Judge: Chaplin, Honorable Anne Kenney 10/18/2023 Plaintiff's Motion for protective order Allowed 10/20/2023 Per Chaplin, Order; Regarding: Use and Occupancy payments entered. Judge: Chaplin, Honorable Anne Kenney 10/24/2023 Correspondence received from 28 Email received from Appeals Court on this date 11/17/2023 Motion by Estate of Arnold F, Lett, Sr , Via its personal representative to issue execution 29 to dismiss appeal 11/17/2023 Affidavit of counsel in support of plaintiffs motion to dismiss appeal and issue execution filed by Estate of 30 Amold F. Lett, Sr , Via its personal representative 14/17/2023 Scheduled Event: Motion Hearing Date: 11/28/2023 Time: 02:00 PM Resutt: Allowed 11/20/2023 Opposition to mot to dismiss by Kim Popovich And All Other Occupants 32 11/20/2023 Affidavit of K. Popovich filed by Kim Popovich And All Other Occupants 33 (duplicate submision) 11/28/2023 Event Resulted: Motion Hearing scheduled on: 11/28/2023 02:00 PM Has been: Allowed For the following reason: Court Action Honorable Anne Kenney Chaplin, Presiding 11/28/2023 Plaintiff only appearing, After hearing per Chaplin, J. Plaintiff's motion to dismiss appeal and issue 34 Execution ALLOWED, Execution to issue forthwith. Motion acts as written request. :24-2:38 VC-FR} 11/28/2023 Execution not entered and Notice of Inability to Issue and Executton issued because the following has not 35 been filed: . Plaintiff must retum the Originat Summons for the Execution to issue. https:/Avww.masscourts,org/eservices/ cb Mb9"loK6wp2EnVmGP6G8cB2zY¥ duPNN2CDvXabMz tak VjzM6m2UgEWO0mTal. 45 ae 2 rior, 1:58 PM Case Details - Massachusetts Trial Court N3 Docket Date 12/01/2023 Docket Text Request for Clerical Correction- Def Nbr, 36 Ima Avail. | 12/04/2023 Entry Package - SP Summons and Complaint - Original 7 12/06/2023 Execution Issued Execution for Possession and Money Judgment Debtor: Popovich And Alt Cther Occupants, Kim Judgment Creditor: Estate of Amold F. Lett, Sr , Via its personal representative Terms of Execution: EXON Issuance Date: 12/06/2023 Judgment Total: 209.04 Post Judgment Int. Rate: .12 Post Judgment Int. Total: 7.15 Execution Subtotal: 216.19 Execution Total: 216.19 12/13/2023 Motion to stay levy filed by Kim Popovich And All Other Occupants 38 1214/2023 Opposition to def’s motion to stay levy by Estate of Arnold F. Lett, Sr , Via ils personal representative 39 12/15/2023 Scheduled Event: Motion Hearing Date: 12/19/2023 Time: 02:00 PM Result: Denied 12/19/2023 Event Resulted: Motion Hearing scheduled on: 12/19/2023 02:00 PM Has been: Denied For the following reason; Court Action Hon, Joseph Michaud, Presiding 12/19/2023 After hearing with parties present: per Michaud, J.; Defendant's Emergency Motion to Levy a Stay of al Execution: Denied, T: 2:31-2:54. 12/19/2023 Motion for reconsideration and hearing requested with Judge Chaplin filed by Kim Popovich And All Other 42 Occupants: 12/20/2023 Motion by Kim Popovich And All Other Occupants for stay of execution 43 Affidavit in Support of Motion for Reconsideration & Motion for Temporary Stay of Execution pending a newly requested hearing date 12/20/2023 Motion filed by 12/20/2023 Defendant's Emergency Motion to levy a temporary stay of the Execution pending a newly requested 45 hearing date Denied, per Michaud, J. {t: lobby) 01/18/2024 Change of Address by Kim Popovich And All Other Occupants 46 Case Disposition Di: I Date Disposed 08/23/2023 — Judgments Date Type Method For Against 08/24/2023 Final Judgment Finding Estate of Amold F. Lett, Sr Popovich And All Other Occupants, Kim —— — — — page?x=FcbMb9*toK6wp2EnVmG P6G8cB2zY duPNN2CDvXabMz1aKVjzMém2UgEWQg0mT¢ 5/5