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  • Sz Huang et al vs Tesla Inc. et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview
  • Sz Huang et al vs Tesla Inc. et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview
  • Sz Huang et al vs Tesla Inc. et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview
  • Sz Huang et al vs Tesla Inc. et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview


SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA HONORABLE LORI E. PEGG – DEPARTMENT 5 Clerk: E. De Santiago/C. Rubio Date: 5/22/2024 Reporter: Andrea Ignacio CSR# 9830 Case Number: 19CV346663 Attorneys for Plaintiffs: Sz Huang, et al., Doris Cheng, Mark Fong, Michael Kelly, Andrew McDevitt, Plaintiffs, Seema Bhatt, Nick Vardeh vs. State of California, Department of Transportation, Attorneys for Def. State of CA, etc.: (AKA: Caltrans), Landa Low, Rosemary Love, Philip DiBoise Defendant. _____________________ DAY 30 – Jury Trial __ ____ ____ ______ 9:02am Outside the presence of the Jury, the Court is in session with all parties present. The plaintiff is present in the courtroom. Plaintiff’s counsel Bhatt is not present. Teslas’ counsel Branigan is present. Court addresses and discusses the issues of lump sum issue and verdict form issue. Plaintiff’s counsel Kelly addresses the issues regarding the closing argument of Defendant’s counsel Low as stated. Plaintiff’s counsel Kelly requests sanctions against Defendant counsel Low as stated. Defendant counsel Low responds by referencing cases. Court makes it ruling. Defendant counsel DiBoise addresses the Court regarding evidentiary issue with an exhibit; defendant’s exhibit 2171 was mistakenly identified when the exhibit should have been defendant’s exhibit 2172 on May 20, 2024. The following exhibit is marked and admitted into evidence on behalf of the Defendant. Defendant’s Exhibit 2172- AT&T Spreadsheet The following exhibit is marked and admitted into evidence on behalf of the Plaintiffs. Plaintiff’s exhibit 518 – Flashdrive Teslas’ counsel Branigan addresses to be heard today at 1:30pm regarding motion to seal. Court will hear motion to seal at 1:30pm. 9:27am Court is in session with all above parties present, including the Jury and two alternate jurors. The plaintiff is present. Defendant counsel Low continues Closing Argument. 10:14am Court admonishes and excuses Jury for morning break. 10:31am Outside of the presence of the Jury, court and counsel discuss Plaintiff’s Exhibit 54 and Plaintiff’s Exhibit 518 as stated. May 22, 2024 Huang vs. State of California, Dept. of Transportation Case # 19CV346663 Page 1 of 2 10:34am Court is in session with all above parties present, including the Jury and two alternate jurors. The plaintiff is present. Plaintiff’s counsel Cheng presents Rebuttal Argument. The Court thanks and instructs the two alternate jurors that they are on telephone standby in case they are needed to return to the Court. 11:28am Clerk swears in Deputy Robert Aviles to take charge of the Jury. 11:33am (not reported) Deputy escorts the Jury into deliberation room to begin deliberation. 11:36am Court goes off the record. 1:00pm (not reported) Deputy escorts the Jury out of the jury room for lunch break. 1:47pm (not reported) Deputy escorts the Jury into deliberation room to continue deliberation. 1:54pm (not reported) Jury informs the Deputy that they have questions. Court reviews Jury Question #1 and Jury Question #2. Counsel is notified. 1:57pm Outside the presence of the Jury, the Court is in session with all above parties present. The plaintiff is present. Court addresses Jury questions as stated. 2:32pm (not reported) The Deputy enters the deliberation room to deliver the Response to Jury Question #1. 2:33pm Court and counsel continue to discuss Jury question. 2:45pm Court goes off record temporarily. 3:00pm Court goes back on the record. Court discusses Jury Question #2 with counsel. 3:03pm Deputy enters the deliberation room to deliver the Response to Jury Question #2. 3:32pm Deputy escorts Jury out of the deliberation for afternoon break. 3:42pm Court swears in Deputy Rick Young to take charge of the Jury. 3:43pm Deputy escorts the Jury into deliberation room to continue deliberation. 4:40pm Deputy escorts Jury out of the deliberation for the day and will resume deliberation on May 23, 2024, at 9am. 4:47pm Court is in recess. May 22, 2024 Huang vs. State of California, Dept. of Transportation Case # 19CV346663 Page 2 of 2