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  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview
  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview


SUPERIOR COURT BARNSTABLE, SS JUN 4 2024 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS | Scott W. Nickerson, Clerk BARNSTABLE, ss. SUPERIOR COURT C.A. NO. 2272CV00495 JENNIFER DOE, UAL 4, 2024 Plaintiff, ArLoutol, ar fui al epefaverte ( v. to ere Led i He ESTATE OF ARNOLD F. LETT, SR., By its Personal Representatives, Scott Gowen Fol. 20259427! on and Alan Liguori, Defendants. * Figgst- Clave JOINT MOTION TO AMEND TRACKING ORDER Now come the parties to this action and jointly move to amend the Tracking Order to provide additional time to complete discovery, This is the second request to amend the Tracking Order. The Complaint was filed in December 2022 and the Answer was filed in January 2023. As required by Superior Court Rule 9(f) the parties submit that: 1) The plaintiff alleges that the Estate’s decedent, her grandfather, sexually molested her over a number of years beginning when she was six years old; 2) Suit was filed after her grandfather died; 3) This is the second time the parties have moved to amend the Tracking Order; 4) The parties have exchanged written discovery; 5) The plaintiff has agreed to provide authorizations for the release of treatment records from two mental health professionals with whom she has treated within the last 3 years; and 6) The parties have noticed the depositions of the plaintiff (completion), her mother, her father (whose deposition was delayed as he filed a Motion to Quash that was denied earlier this month), several persons to whom the plaintiff reportedly communicated about the decedent's conduct and the personal representatives of the Estate. As grounds for this Motion the parties submit that this case involves allegations of sexual abuse made by a grandchild against the estate of her now-deceased grandfather. The alleged abuse occurred almost 20 years ago and the decedent died in January 2022. These circumstances create significant discovery issues for the parties, and although they have exchanged written discovery responses, the necessary depositions have not been conducted. It is anticipated at least 6 depositions will be