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  • Sz Huang et al vs Tesla Inc. et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview
  • Sz Huang et al vs Tesla Inc. et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview
  • Sz Huang et al vs Tesla Inc. et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview
  • Sz Huang et al vs Tesla Inc. et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview


SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA HONORABLE LORI E. PEGG – DEPARTMENT 5 Clerk: E. De Santiago Date: 5/7/2024 Reporter: Andrea Ignacio CSR# 9830 Case Number: 19CV346663 Attorneys for Plaintiffs: Sz Huang, et al., Doris Cheng, Mark Fong, Michael Kelly, Andrew McDevitt, Plaintiffs, Seema Bhatt, Nick Vardeh vs. State of California, Department of Transportation, Attorneys for Def. State of CA, etc.: (AKA: Caltrans), Landa Low, Rosemary Love, Philip DiBoise Defendant. _____________________ DAY 21 – Jury Trial __ ____ _______ 9:06 am Court is in session with all above parties present, including the Jury and two alternate jurors. The plaintiff is present in court. Plaintiff’s attorney Bhatt is not present. Rene A. Castaneda, Consulting Mechanical Engineer, resumes the stand, still under oath. Defendant’s attorney Low conducts cross examination. Note: Court opens deposition transcript of Rene Castaneda, dated 6/29/23. Defendant’s attorney Low refers witness to page 211, lines 12 through 18. The following exhibits are marked for identification on behalf of the Defendant: Defendant’s exhibit 2196 - diagram / photo of vehicle Defendant’s exhibit 2197 - diagram / photo of vehicle Defendant’s exhibit 2198 - diagram – Reconstruction Post Impact 10:20 am Court admonishes and excuses the Jury for the morning break. 10:39 am Court is in session with all above parties present, including the Jury and two alternate jurors. Rene A. Castaneda resumes the stand, still under oath. Defendant’s attorney Low continues cross examination. The following exhibits are marked for identification on behalf of the Defendant: Defendant’s exhibit 2140 – Ellery Wong Exhibit 197 Photo 197.6 Defendant’s exhibit 2199 – diagram Court admits Defendant’s exhibit 2140 into evidence. 11:00 am (not reported) A sidebar conference is held. 11:04 am Defendant’s attorney Low continues cross examination. 11:33 am Plaintiff’s attorney Cheng conducts redirect examination. 11:36 am (not reported) A sidebar conference is held. 11:39 am Plaintiff’s attorney Cheng continues redirect examination. 12:02 pm Court admonishes and excuses the Jury for the lunch break. 1:30 pm Outside the presence of the Jury, Court is in session with all parties present. Court excuses witness Rene Castaneda, subject to recall. Plaintiff’s attorney Cheng addresses the issue of marking an exhibit related to witness Rene Castaneda. May 7, 2024 Huang vs. State of California, Dept. of Transportation Case # 19CV346663 Page 1 of 2 The following exhibit is marked for identification on behalf of the Plaintiffs: Plaintiff’s exhibit 450 – slide deck 1-88 1:34 pm Court goes off the record momentarily. 1:35 pm Court is in session with all above parties present, including the Jury and two alternate jurors. Robert Johnson, Forensic Economist is sworn and takes the stand on behalf of the Plaintiffs. Plaintiff’s attorney Kelly conducts direct examination. The following exhibits are marked for identification on behalf of the Plaintiffs: Plaintiff’s exhibit 382 -11 pages of Walter Huang’s W-2s, ranging from 2009 to 2018. Plaintiff’s exhibit 448 - Demonstrative PowerPoint of Robert Johnson’s direct examination. Plaintiff’s exhibit 449 - Walter Huang’s offer letter from Apple, Inc. Dated 10/2/17. 2:46 pm Defendant’s attorney Love conducts cross examination. 3:09 pm Plaintiff’s attorney Kelly conducts redirect examination. 3:11 pm The witness is excused and steps down from the stand. Court admonishes and excuses the Jury for the afternoon break. 3:47 pm Court is in session with all above parties present, including the Jury and two alternate jurors. Dr. Mark Shattuck is sworn and takes the stand on behalf of the Plaintiffs. Plaintiff’s attorney Cheng examines the witness. 4:03 pm Plaintiff’s attorney Cheng offers the witness as an expert in the areas of bioengineering and biomechanics. Court qualifies the witness as an expert in the requested areas. Plaintiff’s attorney Cheng conducts direct examination. The following exhibits are marked for identification on behalf of the Plaintiffs: Plaintiff’s exhibit 451 – Demonstrative PowerPoint slides by Dr. Mark Shattuck. Plaintiff’s exhibit 344 – Walter Huang’s medical records from the lethal injuries sustained 03/23/18. 4:29 pm Court admonishes and excuses the Jury until Wednesday, May 8, 2024, at 9:00 am. 4:30 pm Outside the presence of the Jury, Court is in session with all parties present. Defendant’s attorney Low addresses the issue of the trial schedule. Court and counsel discuss the matter. 4:34 pm Court is in recess. May 7, 2024 Huang vs. State of California, Dept. of Transportation Case # 19CV346663 Page 2 of 2