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  • GAMINO vs TESLA MOTORS, INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION Civil Unlimited (Contract/Warranty Breach - Se...) document preview
  • GAMINO vs TESLA MOTORS, INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION Civil Unlimited (Contract/Warranty Breach - Se...) document preview
  • GAMINO vs TESLA MOTORS, INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION Civil Unlimited (Contract/Warranty Breach - Se...) document preview
  • GAMINO vs TESLA MOTORS, INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION Civil Unlimited (Contract/Warranty Breach - Se...) document preview
  • GAMINO vs TESLA MOTORS, INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION Civil Unlimited (Contract/Warranty Breach - Se...) document preview
  • GAMINO vs TESLA MOTORS, INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION Civil Unlimited (Contract/Warranty Breach - Se...) document preview
  • GAMINO vs TESLA MOTORS, INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION Civil Unlimited (Contract/Warranty Breach - Se...) document preview
  • GAMINO vs TESLA MOTORS, INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION Civil Unlimited (Contract/Warranty Breach - Se...) document preview


PRESTIGE LEGAL SOLUTIONS, P.C. 1 Michelle Yang, Esq. (SBN 325467) Andrea Plata, Esq. (SBN 343766) 2 6420 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1400 Los Angeles, CA 90048 3 Telephone: (310) 758-1283 Fax: (310) 933-5821 4 Electronic Service: 5 Attorneys for Plaintiff, MONICA ALICIA B. GAMINO 6 7 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 8 FOR THE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA 9 10 MONICA ALICIA B. GAMINO, an individual, Case No.: PRESTIGE LEGAL SOLUTIONS, P.C. 11 Plaintiff, Hon. 6420 WILSHIRE BLVD., STE. 200, LOS ANGELES, CA 90048 Dept.: 12 vs. COMPLAINT FOR VIOLATION OF 13 TESLA MOTORS, INC., a Delaware STATUTORY OBLIGATIONS 14 corporation, and DOES 1 through 10, inclusive, 15 JURY TRIAL DEMANDED 16 Defendants. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 COMPLAINT; JURY TRIAL DEMANDED 1 Plaintiff Monica Alicia B. Gamino (“Plaintiff”) alleges as follows: 2 PARTIES 3 1. As used in this Complaint, the word "Plaintiff” shall refer to Plaintiff Monica 4 Alicia B. Gamino. 5 2. Plaintiff is, and at all times relevant herein was, a resident of San Jose, California. 6 3. As used in this Complaint, the word "Defendant" shall refer to Defendant TESLA 7 MOTORS, INC.,. 8 4. Defendant is, and at all times relevant herein was, a corporation incorporated under 9 the laws of the State of Delaware and registered to conduct business in California. At all times 10 relevant herein, Defendant was engaged in the business of designing, manufacturing, PRESTIGE LEGAL SOLUTIONS, P.C. 11 assembling, producing, constructing, marketing, distributing, and/or selling consumer goods, 6420 WILSHIRE BLVD., STE. 200, LOS ANGELES, CA 90048 12 including but not limited to motor vehicles and motor vehicle components. 13 5. Plaintiff is ignorant of the true names and capacities of the Defendants sued under 14 the fictitious names “DOES 1 to 10”. These Defendants are sued pursuant to Code of Civil 15 Procedure section 474. When Plaintiff becomes aware of the true names and capacities of the 16 Defendants sued as DOES 1 to 10, Plaintiff will amend this Complaint to state their true names 17 and capacities. 18 6. Plaintiff hereby revokes acceptance of their 2023 Tesla Model Y, VIN 19 7SAYGDEE3PA168057 (“Subject Vehicle”). 20 7. Plaintiff hereby demands a jury trial on all causes of action asserted herein. 21 FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION 22 BY PLAINTIFF AGAINST DEFENDANT 23 VIOLATION OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF CIVIL CODE SECTION 1793.2 24 8. Plaintiff incorporates by reference the allegations contained in the paragraphs set 25 forth above. 26 27 28 1 COMPLAINT; JURY TRIAL DEMANDED 1 9. On or around September 15, 2023, Plaintiff purchased Subject Vehicle. Subject 2 Vehicle is a new motor vehicle, as the term is defined by California Civil Code section 3 1793.22(e)(2).1 Subject Vehicle was manufactured and/or distributed by Defendant. 4 10. Plaintiff purchased and used Subject Vehicle primarily for personal, family, or 5 household purposes. Plaintiff purchased Subject Vehicle from a person or entity engaged in the 6 business of manufacturing, distributing, selling, or leasing consumer goods at retail. 7 11. When the Subject Vehicle was purchased, Plaintiff received express written 8 warranties in which Defendant undertook to preserve or maintain the utility or performance of 9 Subject Vehicle or to provide compensation if there is a failure in utility or performance for a 10 specified period of time. The warranty provided, in relevant part, that in the event a PRESTIGE LEGAL SOLUTIONS, P.C. 11 nonconformity developed within Subject Vehicle during the applicable warranty period, 6420 WILSHIRE BLVD., STE. 200, LOS ANGELES, CA 90048 12 Plaintiff could deliver Subject Vehicle for repair to Defendant's authorized service and repair 13 facilities and Subject Vehicle would be repaired. 14 12. During Plaintiff’s ownership of Subject Vehicle, the Subject Vehicle manifested 15 defects covered by Defendant’s express written warranties. These defects include but are not 16 limited to: electrical and infotainment defects (Subject Vehicle’s “defects”). These defects 17 substantially impair the use, value, and/or safety of Subject Vehicle to Plaintiff. 18 13. Plaintiff delivered Subject Vehicle to Defendant and/or its authorized service and 19 repair facilities for diagnosis and repair of the defects. 20 14. Defendant and/or its authorized service and repair facilities failed to service or 21 repair Subject Vehicle to conform to the applicable express warranties after a reasonable number 22 of opportunities to do so. 23 15. Despite this fact, Defendant failed to promptly replace Subject Vehicle or make 24 restitution to Plaintiff as required by Civil Code section 1793.2(d). 25 16. Plaintiff has been damaged by Defendant's failure to comply with its obligations 26 under Civil Code section 1793.2(d), and therefore brings this cause of action pursuant to Civil 27 Code section 1794. 28 1 All subsequent references to the Civil Code refer to the California Civil Code. 2 COMPLAINT; JURY TRIAL DEMANDED 1 17. Defendant's failure to comply with its obligations under Civil Code section 2 1793.2(d) was willful, in that Defendant and its representatives knew of their legal obligations 3 and intentionally declined to follow them. Accordingly, Plaintiff is entitled to a civil penalty of 4 up to two times Plaintiff’s actual damages, pursuant to Civil Code section 1794(c). 5 SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION 6 BY PLAINTIFF AGAINST DEFENDANT 7 VIOLATION OF SUBDIVISION (B) OF CIVIL CODE SECTION 1793.2 8 18. Plaintiff incorporates by reference the allegations contained in the paragraphs set 9 forth above. 10 19. Defendant maintains service and repair facilities and/or designates independent PRESTIGE LEGAL SOLUTIONS, P.C. 11 service and repair facilities (Defendant’s “representatives”). Defendant’s representatives are 6420 WILSHIRE BLVD., STE. 200, LOS ANGELES, CA 90048 12 intended to carry out the terms of Defendant’s express warranties. 13 20. Although Plaintiff presented Subject Vehicle to Defendant's representatives in 14 this state for repair of Subject Vehicle, Defendant and/or its representatives failed to commence 15 repairs within a reasonable time, in violation of Civil Code section 1793.2(b). 16 21. Although Plaintiff presented Subject Vehicle to Defendant's representatives in 17 this state for repair of Subject Vehicle, Defendant and/or its representatives failed to complete 18 repairs within thirty days, in violation of Civil Code section 1793.2(b). Plaintiff did not extend 19 the time for completion of repairs beyond the requisite thirty days. 20 22. Plaintiff has been damaged by Defendant's and/or its representatives’ failure to 21 comply with Civil Code section 1793.2(b). Thus, Plaintiff brings this cause of action pursuant 22 to Civil Code section 1794. 23 23. Plaintiff has rightfully rejected and/or justifiably revoked acceptance of Subject 24 Vehicle and has exercised their right to cancel the contract. By serving this Complaint, Plaintiff 25 does so again. 26 24. Defendant's failure to comply with its obligations under Civil Code section 27 1793.2(b) was willful, in that Defendant and its representatives knew of their legal obligations 28 3 COMPLAINT; JURY TRIAL DEMANDED 1 and intentionally declined to follow them. Accordingly, Plaintiff is entitled to a civil penalty of 2 two times Plaintiff’s actual damages pursuant to Civil Code section 1794(c). 3 THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION 4 BY PLAINTIFF AGAINST DEFENDANT 5 VIOLATION OF SUBDIVISION (A)(3) OF CIVIL CODE SECTION 1793.2 6 25. Plaintiff incorporates by reference the allegations contained in the paragraphs set 7 forth above. 8 26. In violation of Civil Code section 1793.2(a)(3), Defendant failed to make 9 available to its authorized service and repair facilities sufficient service literature and/or 10 replacement parts to effect repairs during the express warranty period. PRESTIGE LEGAL SOLUTIONS, P.C. 11 27. Plaintiff has been damaged by Defendant's failure to comply with its obligations 6420 WILSHIRE BLVD., STE. 200, LOS ANGELES, CA 90048 12 pursuant to Civil Code section 1793.2(a)(3), and therefore brings this cause of action pursuant 13 to Civil Code section 1794. 14 28. Defendant's failure to comply with its obligations under Civil Code section 15 1793.2(a)(3) was willful, in that Defendant knew of its legal obligations and intentionally 16 declined to follow them. Accordingly, Plaintiff is entitled to a civil penalty of two times 17 Plaintiff's actual damages, pursuant to Civil Code section 1794(c). 18 FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION 19 BY PLAINTIFF AGAINST DEFENDANT 20 BREACH OF THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY 21 (CIV. CODE § 1791.1; § 1794) 22 29. Plaintiff incorporates by reference the allegations contained in the paragraphs set 23 forth above. 24 30. Pursuant to Civil Code section 1792, the sale of Subject Vehicle was 25 accompanied by Defendant's implied warranty of merchantability. Pursuant to Civil Code 26 section 1791.1(c), the duration of the implied warranty is coextensive in duration with the 27 duration of the express written warranty provided by Defendant. 28 4 COMPLAINT; JURY TRIAL DEMANDED 1 31. Due to the aforementioned defects, Subject Vehicle was not of the same quality 2 as those generally acceptable in the trade; did not pass without objection in the trade; was not 3 fit for the ordinary purposes for which such goods are used; was not adequately contained, 4 packaged, and labeled; and/or did not measure up to the promises or facts stated on the container 5 or label. 6 32. Plaintiff was harmed by the breach of the implied warranty of merchantability. 7 33. Defendant's failure to comply with its obligations under the implied warranty 8 was a substantial factor in causing Plaintiff’s harm. Thus, Plaintiff brings this cause of action 9 pursuant to Civil Code section 1794. 10 PRAYER PRESTIGE LEGAL SOLUTIONS, P.C. 11 Wherefore, Plaintiff prays for judgment against Defendant as follows: 6420 WILSHIRE BLVD., STE. 200, LOS ANGELES, CA 90048 12 a. For Plaintiff’s actual damages in an amount according to proof; 13 b. For restitution; 14 c. For a civil penalty in the amount of two times Plaintiff’s actual damages 15 pursuant to Civil Code section 1794(c); 16 d. For any consequential and incidental damages in an amount according to 17 proof; 18 e. For remedies authorized by California Commercial Code sections 2711, 19 2712, and/or 2713; 20 f. For costs and expenses of the suit, and for Plaintiff’s reasonable 21 attorneys’ fees, pursuant to Civil Code section 1794(d); 22 g. For prejudgment interest at the legal rate; and 23 h. For such other equitable or legal relief as the Court may deem proper. 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 27 /// 28 /// 5 COMPLAINT; JURY TRIAL DEMANDED 1 DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL 2 Plaintiff hereby demands a jury trial on all causes of action asserted herein. 3 Dated: May 21, 2024 PRESTIGE LEGAL SOLUTIONS, P.C. 4 5 BY: _________________________________ 6 Michelle Yang, Esq. Andrea Plata, Esq. 7 Attorneys for Plaintiff, MONICA ALICIA B. GAMINO 8 9 10 PRESTIGE LEGAL SOLUTIONS, P.C. 11 6420 WILSHIRE BLVD., STE. 200, LOS ANGELES, CA 90048 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 6 COMPLAINT; JURY TRIAL DEMANDED