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  • Barkan -v- County of San Bernardino et al Print Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Barkan -v- County of San Bernardino et al Print Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Barkan -v- County of San Bernardino et al Print Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Barkan -v- County of San Bernardino et al Print Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview


To: +19097088586 P_age: 2 of 3 2022-05-09 07:00:40 GMT 18184364009 _ From: Theida Salazar NAMEANOAomxzssdr wxmoumno Ev mmnmvosg I. smrfimamwaam mm 3AM; M2. E???“ M3 WM“; » '5 ' f . figwymruupmrx‘n(gugsmni‘p H _ . 5.; V Essa M Hpuqumfi um; EvflahleLA ‘HS‘N I . r ' ‘ - UPERIOREJ-OI UIET§ F OR :ihiiHA%%ER§SS; r CONFERENCE DATF _____L32__M TRIAL SETTING 63 21 ' COUNTY OF SAN BERCNAAJRFDINEIA ATTORNEY‘FORjName): UNLJMITEDCASQ FAx No. (Optional) ' 1 _' SAN BERNARDWD mmmm- [3mm “€25? ‘ 5 LIMITED CASE. m _____M._ g = . ‘ V I SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNLA COUNTY 0F SAN BERNARDINO ' MAY. 0 9 2022 COURTHOUSEADDRESSZQ1 PLANTWF w 3T SAM gem‘mkmug CA ?lgts .Shmgs Bank“, Hm BY _ H HM]; ‘ y i i . A DEFENDANT: ‘ COO”??? ”F SA» EERNRM‘NQ‘ E-T-Mk‘ I ROSANNA AITAN DEPUTY INITIAL TRIAL SETTING CONFERENCE STATEMENT i " CAS’EVNQ'ERZ‘ZW‘EW iNSTRUCTJONS: All .appilcabte boxes must be checkwed and 'the specified information must be; provided ' 1., Party or parties. (answer one): a. EJThis statementls submitted by pany(name): :nMES. GARIQAH C P )H. b. [:3Whis sfatament‘xs_ submitted jointiy- b_y parties (names). 2.. Service of Complain: on all painlesm has Beenoumpletad, V [j -l1_as notbe‘e‘n completed. ; D 3.. Sarvicu. of CrcssrComplalnt on all parties [j has been completed- has no! been compreled As 4, Degcrjpxion cf base in Cqmptalnti; 54 Description of case NCGLH'ENLE A SSSADLT EAT T'C RI... inm-Complaint xea NJ E. b NEG, g upaa 93mm.” /T¢am~w£o ( L(w E mom: w»? v mvimjw) ‘C‘ AN 7—023 $7! Has all discovery been completed Yes C] No Date discovery anflcipat'ed be completed: m l0 , .. -. t Do you agreemmedlatfon? YestX] NuLJ XL 5 _ 77,. Please check'typevagmedto: Private; Countsppnsored: _ 8. Related cases! cpnsqlidafion, and cogrdinafion la: m There‘am companion,,_ orrelated case's, . (1) Name uf-casa: (2) Name. ofcourt: - (3') '.Qasenumber; (4.) Status; b. [:3 A motion to D consolidate E] coordinate will be filed by (name ofparly): ....._,.._.___._...fl..__,__;......_......—.. .... , I I I U - - . V ._ ‘..— _. . .... datagNV’w “‘OCT lognmeustsmateazjflks Hf], coward v: I _ 9« . v.14 Trialdatesrequestedflejsm No. Avaiiatzle I ' 10._ Other'Issues; B The Ioliowing additional matters are requested t_o. be considered py the Court: 1‘1, Meet and Canfazr __ _ E] The parties xemewnuhatihey have met and Codferréd .on ail subjects requiredfby California'Rutes. of Court; Rule 3,1724, “1 LiThe parties have entered into the following Stlptaiaiionfi): 12. Total number a_f pages anacheq (If’any): mm I am completely familiar with lhis case and will be fully prepared to discuss the status or discovery and alternative dispute resolutiwn. this; statement and win possess the as well as other Issflues raised by authority to enter into stipuiations' on ibese Issues. a: the time. of the Innial rial Setting Conference including ofthe party whrr3 raquired Ihe written authomy ' ., Date' '- " .89?"LX391?»- ' 5 "‘ ‘ - _ ._ .(TYPEQ PRINT AME) T ‘ (SIGNArURE 0F PARTYORATTORNEY (TYPEQR PRINT NAME) I ‘ ' ‘ V »' Fm'miét' 13.1)9001‘360 ‘ (SIGNATURE OF PARTY OR, ATTORNEY Rctv‘ 1 [$3021 Mandatory INITIAL TRIAL SE1 TIVGCONFERENCF ST ATCMEK'T r-‘A"m F" 4L~k .. A A A— ?oa €70 @rg 6% ¢vb% w 89% Z%% w 72%: