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  • Jennifer Bogdanovitch, for herself and her minor daughter, L.B. vs. Walnut Hill School for the Arts Specific Performance of a Contract document preview
  • Jennifer Bogdanovitch, for herself and her minor daughter, L.B. vs. Walnut Hill School for the Arts Specific Performance of a Contract document preview


Date Filed 4/24/2024 9:24 AM Supérior Cotirf - Middlesex 12 Docket Number 2481CV00787 RECEIVED 4/24/2024 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MIDDLESEX, ss SUPERIOR COURT DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT JENNIFER BOGDANOVITCH, for herself and her minor daughter, L.B., Civil Docket No. 2481-CV-00787 T Plaintiff, Vv. TN WALNUT HILL SCHOOL FOR THE ARTS, Defendant. JOINT MOTION TO STAY PROCEEDINGS FOR 90 DAYS Plaintiff Jennifer Bogdanovitch, for herself and her minor daughter, L.B. (“Plaintiff”) and Defendant Walnut Hill School for the Arts (“Defendant”) (collectively, the “Parties”) respectfully submit this Joint Motion to Stay Proceedings for 90 Days in the above-referenced matter. 1 The parties have reached a resolution of this case and have signed a confidential settlement agreement memorializing the terms of settlement. 2. Pursuant to the settlement terms, the settlement will be finalized on or about June 18, 2024. At that point, the Plaintiff will file a notice of dismissal with prejudice. 3 Since a settlement has been reached, the Parties request a stay of all proceedings FW and deadlines in the case, including the deadline for Defendant to file a responsive pleading. 3 WHEREFORE, the Parties hereby request that the Court enter a 90-day stayof all EZ deadlines and hearings in this case.