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  • Sz Huang et al vs Tesla Inc. et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview
  • Sz Huang et al vs Tesla Inc. et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview


SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA HONORABLE LORI E. PEGG – DEPARTMENT 5 Clerk: E. De Santiago Date: 4/08/2024 Reporter: Andrea Ignacio CSR# 9830 Case Number: 19CV346663 Attorneys for Plaintiffs: Sz Huang, Doris Cheng, Mark Fong, Michael Kelly, Andrew McDevitt Plaintiff, vs. Attorneys for Def. Tesla, Inc.: Tom Branigan, Joel Smith, Dan Posner, Lauren Miller Tesla, Inc., The State of California, Department of Transportation, Attorneys for Def. State of CA, etc.: Landa Low, Rosemary Love, Defendants. Philip DiBoise _______________________ DAY 4 – Further Hearing_________________________________ 1:33 pm Court convenes on the record with all above noted counsel and parties present. Plaintiff is not present. Tesla representative Ryan McCarthy is present. Plaintiff’s attorney Seema Bhatt is present. Plaintiff’s attorney Nick Vardeh is appearing remotely on Microsoft Teams. Tesla attorney Joel Smith is not present. Attorneys for non-party Apple, Inc., Evangeline Burbidge and Tobias Snyder, are appearing remotely on Microsoft Teams. Court addresses counsel regarding the possibility of Plaintiff and Defendant Tesla, Inc. reaching a settlement in this matter. Court and counsel retire to judge’s chambers to discuss matters off the record. 1:37 pm (not reported) Court goes off the record. 2:28 pm Court convenes on the record with all above noted counsel and parties present. Court addresses the issue of non-party Apple, Inc’s Motion to Quash Subpoena and for Protective order. Court states it will address the motion after a hearing is held on April 11. Court informs Apple, Inc.’s attorneys that they are not required to be in court on April 11, but the Court will notice them if they are required to return after the hearing on April 11. Court addresses the issue of Defendant Tesla’s Motion for Good Faith Settlement. Court orders Defendant CALTRANS to file their related motion by 5:00 pm on April 10. 2:33 pm Court continues this matter until Thursday, April 11, 2024, at 1:30 pm. Court is in recess. April 8, 2024 Huang vs. Tesla, Inc., et al. Case # 19CV346663 Page 1 of 1