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  • Tracey E Hatala v. Adam P HatalaDissolution of Marriage document preview
  • Tracey E Hatala v. Adam P HatalaDissolution of Marriage document preview


REGISTRATION OF EMAIL ADDRESS FOR SELF REPRESENTED LITIGANT IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Nuckolls COUNTY, NEBRASKA 150 So Main PO Box 362 Nelson NE 68961 0362 Case ID: D 42 cr 24 10 Tracey E Hatala v. Adam P Hatala I am currently representing myself in the court case above. I am not registered with the court-authorized service provider. I must register my email address with the court before I have filed any documents in this case, or within 10 days after I received a notice from the court. This is required by Neb. Ct. R. § 2-208(C)(1). If I do not have the ability to receive emails, I must use this form to tell the court why I cannot get email service. & My email address where | will receive notices from the court for this case is: Tray Elia @le 99 @ own Woo &- Osh I understand that emailing documents to this email address is considered to meet legal notice requirements: Iam responsible to notify the court if I change my email address or other contact information by completing the Change of Contact Information form (DC 3:02). Neb. Ct. R. §§ 2-208(E). D1 {do not have the ability to receive emails. The reason I cannot receive email is: Ter She. ae I 3| rlaoay Signature Daté T Trace’ E Hatala doen Canticl poe ab 23 Name Street Address/P.O. Box qo BAT S10 > So Pe Ciot, City/State/ZIP Code WE 8778 Unni Phone