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  • Richard J. Digeronimo, R.D. Geronimo, Ltd v. Property Analytix, Llc, Archstone Group Nyc Llc, Michael Miller, Royce Ashton Rowles, Ryan Lin Commercial Division - Contract document preview
  • Richard J. Digeronimo, R.D. Geronimo, Ltd v. Property Analytix, Llc, Archstone Group Nyc Llc, Michael Miller, Royce Ashton Rowles, Ryan Lin Commercial Division - Contract document preview
  • Richard J. Digeronimo, R.D. Geronimo, Ltd v. Property Analytix, Llc, Archstone Group Nyc Llc, Michael Miller, Royce Ashton Rowles, Ryan Lin Commercial Division - Contract document preview
  • Richard J. Digeronimo, R.D. Geronimo, Ltd v. Property Analytix, Llc, Archstone Group Nyc Llc, Michael Miller, Royce Ashton Rowles, Ryan Lin Commercial Division - Contract document preview


FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 02/18/2024 07:50 PM INDEX NO. 608383/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 35 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/18/2024 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NASSAU --------------------------------------------------------------------X RICHARD J. DIGERONIMO and R.D. GERONIMO, LTD., NOTICE OF MOTION Plaintiffs, Index No. 608383/2023 -against- (Gianelli, J.) PROPERTY ANALYTIX, LLC, ARCHSTONE GROUP NYC LLC, MICHAEL MILLER, ROYCE ASHTON ROWLES AND RYAN LIN, Defendants. --------------------------------------------------------------------X MOTION BY: Plaintiffs. DATE, TIME AND PLACE: March 8, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard before the Honorable Sharon M.J. Gianelli of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of Nassau at the courthouse thereof located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, New York 11501. RELIEF REQUESTED: An order pursuant to CPLR 3212 awarding Plaintiffs summary judgment on their first through sixth and tenth through twelfth causes of action of the Complaint dated May 25, 2023 [NYSCEF Doc. No. 1] and ordering a hearing to determine Plaintiffs’ reasonable attorneys’ fees, together with such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper. SUPPORTING PAPERS: Affirmation of Richard J. DiGeronimo duly affirmed on February 18, 2024 together with the exhibits annexed thereto, Plaintiffs’ Statement of Material Undisputed Facts dated February 18, 2024, the Affirmation of Anthony R. Filosa, Esq. dated February 18, 2024, and the accompanying Memorandum of Law dated February 18, 2024. FURTHER NOTICE: Pursuant to CPLR §2214(b), answering affidavits, if any, are required to be served upon the undersigned at least seven (7) days before the return date of this motion. 1 of 2 FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 02/18/2024 07:50 PM INDEX NO. 608383/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 35 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/18/2024 ADDITIONAL NOTICE: Plaintiffs sought a pre-motion conference [NYSCEF Doc. No. 23]. The Court dispensed with the need for a conference and granted leave to Plaintiffs to proceed with their motion by e-mail correspondence dated October 4, 2023. Dated: Garden City, New York February 18, 2024 ROSENBERG FORTUNA & LAITMAN, LLP By: Anthony R . Filosa ANTHONY R. FILOSA Attorneys for Plaintiffs 666 Old Country Road, Suite 810 Garden City, New York 11530 (516) 228-6666 TO: ALL APPEARING PARTIES (VIA NYSCEF) 2 of 2