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  • Loretta Bruce v. Rochdale Village, Inc., Summit Property Management Services Inc., Marion Scott Real Estate, Inc.Torts - Other (premises liability) document preview
  • Loretta Bruce v. Rochdale Village, Inc., Summit Property Management Services Inc., Marion Scott Real Estate, Inc.Torts - Other (premises liability) document preview


FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 11/22/2023 01:50 PM INDEX NO. 719479/2023 DOC. Corporate Service NO. 7 P,C. DAVIDRBSNICK& ASSOCIATES, NYSCEF RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/22/2023 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF QUEENS AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE *16788* Index no : 719479/2023 Date of Purchase: 09/20/2023 Plaintiff(s): LORETTA BRUCE Defendant(s): ROCHDALE VILLAGE, INC., ET AL STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ss.: CARL MILLER, the undersigned, being duly sworn, deposes and says that I was at the time of service over the age of eighteen and not a party to this action. I reside in the state of New York. On 11/14/2023 AM, I served the within at 9:54 SUMMONS AND VERIFIED COMPLAINT; NOTICE OF ELECTRONIC FILING (MANDATORY CASE) on MARION SCOTT REAL ESTATE, INC. a domestic corporation (one of) the Defendant(s) at C/O HERBERT D. FREEMAN / SUMMIT BUILDING MGMT, 2104 IST AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY 10029 in the manner indicated below: By delivering to and leaving personally with Maureen Shake , MANAGING AGENT a true copy of each thereof. A description of the Defendant(s), or other person served on behalf of the Defendant(s) is as follows: Sex Color of skin/race Color of hair Age Fleight Weight Femple Black Black / Gray 55 5ft 3in 140 lbs Other Fçgtures: Sworn to an scribed before me on X 11/20/202 CARL M1 L R License#: 0790101 B & G Legal Support Servic s Inc 225 BROADWAY Suite 3430 Li e Reyes New York, NY 10007 Notary Public, State of New York 212.635.3555 No. 01RE6274149 DCA License#: 2110710 Qualified in Queens County Commission Expires 12/31/2024 1 of 1