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T. Scott Belden, SBN 184387 Jazmine Flores, SBN 317038 Tyler D. Anthony, SBN 305652 tylei BELDEN BLAINE RAYTIS, LLP 5016 California Avenue, Suite 3 Bakersfield, California 93309 Telephone: (661) 864-7826 Facsimile: (661) 878-9797 Attorneys for Defendant GRIMMWAY ENTERPRISES, INC James R. Rosen, SBN 119438 Abigail Page, SBN 193180 10 apage ROSEN SABA, LLP 11 2301 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 3180 El Segundo, California 90245 12 Telephone: (310) 285-1727 Facsimile: (310) 285-1728 13 Attorneys for Plaintiff 14 MARIBEL ALVAREZ 15 16 17 SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 18 COUNTY OF KERN—METROPOLITAN DIVISION 19 MARIBEL ALVAREZ, an individual, Case No, BCV-23-103857-TSC 20 Plaintiff, JOINT STIPULATION TO SUBMIT TO 21 ARBITRATION AND STAY ACTION; Vv. [PROPOSED] ORDER 22 GRIMMWAY ENTERPRISES, INC., a Delaware corporation with its principal place 23 of business in California; and DOES 1 Assigned to: Hon. Thomas S, Clark through 20, inclusive, Dept.: 17 24 Defendants. Complaint Filed: November 15, 2023 25 Trial Date: None 26 27 28 I JOINT STIPULATION TO SUBMIT TO ARBITRATION AND STAY ACTION; PROPOSED ORDER IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED TO, by and between Plaintiff MARIBEL ALVAREZ (“Plaintiff”) and Defendant GRIMMWAY ENTERPRISES, INC. (“GEI”), (collectively, the “Parties”), by and through their respective counsel of record, as follows: RECITALS WHEREAS, Plaintiff was previously employed by GEI until in or around March 2021; WHEREAS, on November 15, 2023, Plaintiff filed an action in the Kern County Superior Court Metropolitan Division entitled Maribel Alvarez v. Grimmway Enterprises, Inc., et al., Case No. BCV-23-103857-TSC against GEI her Complaint for Damages (“Complaint”) with the California Superior Court for the County of Kern, alleging claims against GEI for disability discrimin ation, age 10 discrimination, retaliation, failure to engage in the interactive process, failure to accommod ate, and 11 failure to prevent discrimination (“Action”), all of which arise out of or are related to Plaintiff's 12 employment with GEI or the termination of said employment; and 13 WHEREAS, GE] argues that all claims asserted by Plaintiff in the above-entitled Action are 14 subject to binding arbitration pursuant to the Dispute Resolution Agreement that is attached hereto as 15 Exhibit 1 (“Arbitration Agreement”); 16 STIPULATION AND MUTUAL AGREEMENT TO ARBITRATION 17 Based on the above Recitals, the Parties hereby agree and stipulate to the following: 18 1 The Parties shall arbitrate all the claims asserted by Plaintiff in the above-entitled 19 Action, pursuant to the terms set forth in the Arbitration Agreement that is attached hereto as Exhibit 20 1; 21 2 GEI hereby waives any contention that Ms. Alvarez’s initiation and service of notice 22 of her claims herein breached the Arbitration Agreement and/or invalidate or impair her claims in any 23 way; 24 3 In light of this Stipulation, the Parties respectfully request that the above-entitled case 25 be stayed pending completion of the arbitration, pursuant to Section 1281.4 of the California Code of 26 Civil Procedure, and all pending deadlines before this Court should be vacated. 27 4 The Court shall retain jurisdiction in order to enforce, confirm, correct, or vacate any 28 arbitration award pursuant to the California Code of Civil Procedure Sections 1285 through 1287. JOINT STIPULATION TO SUBMIT TO ARBITRATION AND STAY ACTION: PROPOSED ORDER 1 IT IS SO STIPULATED. 2 || Dated: January 29, 2024 BELDEN BLAINE RAYTIS, LLP 3 4 Rte $$Attorneys for Defendant 5 GRIMMWAY ENTERPRISES, 6 INC. 7 Dated: January. 30 , 2024 ROSEN SABA, LLP 10 Bi l {——_ ‘JAMES R. ROSEN, 11 ttorheys for Plaintiff JARIBEL ALVAREZ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 JOINT STIPULATION TO SUBMIT TO ARBITRATION AND STAY ACTION; PROPOSED ORDER, [PROPOSED] ORDER Upon review and consideration of the Joint Stipulation To Submit To Arbitration and Stay Action, and with good cause appearing therefore, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: 1 That the above-entitled action is hereby and immediately stayed for all purposes, pending resolution of final and binding arbitration; 2. That all claims asserted by Plaintiff in the above-entitled Action be submitted to binding arbitration; 3 ‘That the parties are to complete arbitration by ;and 4 That the Parties either (a) file a Request for Dismissal within 30 days of the arbitration 10 completion date; or (b) appear before the Court to show cause why the matter has not been dismissed. 11 IT IS SO ORDERED. 12 13 Dated: - 14 HONORABLE THOMAS S. CLARK, 15 JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4 JOINT STIPULATION TO SUBMIT TO ARBITRATION AND STAY ACTION; [PROPOSED] ORDER EXHIBIT 1 Grimmway Farms DISPUTE RESOLUTION AGREEMENT 1. How This Agreement Applies. This Agreement is governed by the Federal Arbitration Act, U.S.C. § | et seq. and evidences a transaction involving commerce. This Agreem 9 ent applies to any dispute arising out of or related to Employee's employment with Grimmway Farms or one of its affiliates, , Subsidiaries or parent companies ("Company") or termination of em ployment. Except as otherw ise provided in this Agreement, this Agreement applies to any dispute that Com pany may have against Em, ployee or that Employee may have against: (1) Company; (2) its officers, directors, principals, shareholders, members, owners, employees, or agents; (3) Company’s benefit plans or the plan’s sponsors, fiduciaries, administrators, affiliates, or agents; and (4) all Successors and assigns of any of them. Nothing contained in this Agreem ent shall be construed to prevent or excuse Employee (individually or in concert with others) or th ¢ Company from utilizing the Company's existing internal procedures for resolution of complaints, and this A greement is not intended to be a substitute for the utilization of such procedures. Except as it otherwise provides, this Agreement is intended to apply to the resolution of disputes that otherwise would be resolved in a court of law or before a forum other than arbitration, and therefor e this Agreement requires all such disputes to be resolved only by an arbitrator through fi inal and binding arbitration and not by way of court or jury trial. Such disputes include without limitati on disput. es arising out of or relating to interpretation or application of this Agreement, including the enforceability, revocability or validity of the Agreement or any portion of the Agreement. Except as it otherwise provides, this Agreement also applies, without limitati on, to disputes with any entity or individual arising out of or relating to the application for e mployment, background checks, privacy, employment relationship, or the termination of that relationship (including post-e mployment defamation or retaliation), trade secrets, unfair competition, compensation, classification, minimu m wage, seating, expense reimbur sement, overtime, breaks and rest periods, or retaliation, discrim ination, or harassment and claims arising under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Defend Trade Secrets Act, Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. §1981, Rehabilitation Act, Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1871, Civil Rights Act of 1991, Pregnancy D iscrimination Act, Equal Pay Act, Americans With Disabilities Act, Age Discrimination in Employ ment Act, Olde rt Workers Benefit Protection Act, Occupational Safety and Health Act, Family Medical Leave Act, Fair Lab or Standards Act, Employee Retirement Income Security Act (except for claims for employee benefits unde ¢ any benefit plan sponsored by the Company and covered by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 or funded by insurance), Affordable Care Act, Genetic Information Non-Discrimina tion Act, Uniformed Ser ‘vices Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act, Con: solidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, and state statutes or regulations, if any, addres sing the same or similar subject matters, and all other federal or state legal claims (including without limit tation torts) arising out of or relating to Employee’s employment or the termination of employment. 2, Limitations On How This Agreement App lies. This Agreement does not apply to claims for workers compensation, state disability insurance and unempl loyment insurance benefits. This Agreement does not prevent Employee from filing unfair labor practice charges with the National Labor Relations Board ( The Company will not retaliat e against Employee for filing such a charge. Nothing in this Agreement prevents Employee from making a report to or filing a claim or charge with a 1 2018 government agency, including without limitation the E qual Employment Opport unity Commission, U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Securities and Exchange Com mission, National Labor Relation s Board, or Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs. Nothing in this Agreement prevents the investiga tion by a government agency of any report, claim or charge otherwise covered by this Agreement. This Agreement also does not prevent federal administrative agencies from adjudicating claims and awarding remedies based on those claims, even if the claims would otherwise be covered by this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement prevents or excuses a party from satisfying any conditions precedent and/or exhausting administrative remedies under applicable law before bringing a claim in arbitration. The Company will not retaliate against Employe e for filing a claim with an administrative agency or for exercising rights (individually or in concert with others) under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act. Disputes between the parties that ma: 'y not be subject to pre-dispute arbitration agreement as provided by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Public Law 111 -203) or as provided by an Act of Congress or lawful, enforceable Executive Order, are excluded from the coverage of this Agreement. 3. Selecting The Arbitrator. The Arbitrator shall be selected by mutual agreeme nt of the Company and the Employee. Unless the Employee and Company mutually agree otherwise, the Arbitrator shall be an attorney licensed to practice in the location where the arbitration proceeding will be conducted or a retired federal or state Judicial officer who presided in the jurisdiction where the arbitration will be conducted. If for any reason the parties cannot agree to an Arbitrator, either party may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction with authority over the location where the arbitration will be conducted for appointment of a neutral Arbitrator. The court shall then appoint an Arbitrator, who shall act under this Agreement with the same force and effect as if the parties had selected the Arbitrator by mutual agreement. The location of the arbitration proceedi ng shall be in the United States and no more than 45 miles from the place and in the same state where the Employee last worked for the Company, unless each party to the arbitration agrees in writing otherwise. 4. Starting The Arbitration. The part y bringing the claim must demand arbitration in writing and deliver the written demand by hand or first class mail to the other party within the applicab le statute of limitations period. The demand for arbitration shall include identification of the parties, a statement of the legal and factual basis of the claim(s), and a specification of the remedy sought. Any demand for arbitration made to the Company shall be provided to the Company's Human Resources Department at P.O. Box 81498, Bakersfi eld, California 93380. The Arbitrator shall resolve all disputes regarding the timeliness or propriety of the demand for arbitration. A party may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for temporary or preliminary injunctiv e relief in connection with an arbitrable controversy, but only upon the ground that the award to which that party may be entitled may be rendered ineffectual without such provisional relief. 5 How Arbitration Proceedings Are Conducted And Class and Collective Action Waivers. In arbitration, the parties will have the right to conduct adequate civil discovery, bring dispositive motions, and present witnesses and evidence as needed to present their cases and defenses, and any disputes in this regard shall be resolved by the Arbitrator. At a party’s request or on the Arbitrator’s own initiative, the Arbitrator may subpoena witnesses or documents for discovery purposes or for the arbitratior n hearing. Private attorney general representative actions under the California Labor Code are not arbitrabl e, not within the scope of this Agreement and may be maintained in a court of law; however, Employe e and the Company agree to bring any dispute in arbitration on an individual basis only, and not on a class or collective action basis. Accordingly, 2018 (a) There will be no right or authority for any dispute to be brought, heard or arbitrate d as a class action ("Class Action Waiver"), The Class Action Waiver shall be severable from this Agreement in any case in which (1) the dispute is filed as a class action and (2) there is a final judicial determination that the Class Action Waiver is invalid, unenforceable, unconscionable, void or voidable. In such instances, the class action must be litigated in a civil court of competent jurisdiction. (b) There will be no right or authority for any dispute to be brought, heard or arbitrated as a collective action ("Collective Action Waiver"). The Collective Action Waiver shall be severable from this Agreement in any case in which (1) the dispute is filed as a collective action and (2) there is a final judicial determination that the Collective Action Waiver is invalid, unenforceable, unconscionable, void or voidable. In such instances, the collective action must be litigated in a civil court of competent jurisdiction. Employee will not be retaliated against, disciplined or threatened with discipline as a result of filing of or participation in a class or collective action in any forum. However, the Company may lawfully seek enforcement of this Agreement and the Class Action Waiver and Collective Action Waiver under the Federal Arbitratio n Act and seek dismissal of such class and/or actions or claims. Notwithstanding any other clause contained in this Agreement, any claim in court or arbitration that all or part of the Class Action Waiver or Collective Action Waiver is invalid, unenforceable, unconscionable, void or voidable may be determined only by a court and not by an arbitrator. The Class Action Waiver and Collective Action Waiver shall be severable in any case in which the dispute is filed as an individual action and severance is necessary to ensure that the individual action proceeds in arbitration. 6. Paying For The Arbitration. Each party will pay the fees for his, her or its own attorneys, subject to any remedies to which that party may later be entitled under applicable law. However, in all cases where required by law, the Company will pay the Arbitrator's and arbitration fees. If under applicable law the Company is not required to pay all of the Arbitrator's and/or arbitration fees, such fee(s) will be apportioned between the parties in accordance with said applicable law, and any disputes in that regard will be resolved by the Arbitrator. 7. The Arbitration Hearing And Award. Within 30 days of the close of the arbitration hearing, any party will have the right to prepare, serve on the other party and file with the Arbitrator a brief. The Arbitrator may award any party any remedy to which that party is entitled under applicable law, but such remedies shall be limited to those that would be available to a party in his or her individual capacity in a court of law for the claims presented to and decided by the Arbitrator, and no remedies that otherwise would be available to an individual in a court of law will be forfeited by virtue of this Agreement. The Arbitrator will issue a decision ot award in writing, stating the essential findings of fact and conclusions of law. A court of. competent jurisdiction shall have the authority to enter a judgment upon the award made pursuant to the arbitration. 8. An Employee's Right To Opt Out Of Arbitration. Arbitration is not a mandatory condition of Employee’s employment at the Company, and therefore an Employee may submit a statement notifying the Company that the Employee wishes to opt out and not be subject to this Agreement. If an Employee wants to opt out, he or she must notify the Company of the intention to opt out by submitting a signed and dated written statement to the Company's Human Resources office located at 14141 Di Giorgio Road, Arvin, California, 93203, stating that Employee is opting out of this Agreement. In order to be effective, the opt out notice must be provided within 30 days of Employee’s receipt of this Agreement. An Employee who timely opts out as provided in this paragraph will not be subject to any adverse employment action as a consequence of that decision and may pursue available legal remedies without regard to this Agreement . Should 3 2018 an Employee not opt out of this Agreement within 30 days of the Employee's receipt of this Agreement, continuing the Employee's employment constitutes mutual acceptance of the terms of this Agreement by Employee and the Company. An Employee has the right to consult with counsel of the Employee's choice concerning this Agreement. 9. Non-Retaliation. It is against Company policy for any Employee to be subject to retaliation if he or she exercises his or her right to assert claims under this Agreement. If any Employee believes that he or she has been retaliated against by anyone at the Company, the Employee should immediately report this to the Company's Human Resources Department located at 14141 Di Giorgio Road, Arvin, California, 93203. 10. Enforcement Of This Agreement. This Agreement is the full and complete agreement relating to and replaces all prior agreements regarding the formal resolution of employment-related disputes. In the event any portion of this Agreement is deemed unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement will be enforceable. AGREED: Grimmway Farms RECEIVED AND AGREED: EMPLOYEE NAME PRINTED EMPLOYEE NUMBER. EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE DATE 2018 Grimmway Farms ACUERDO DE RESOLUCION DE DISPUTAS 1. Como se Aplica este Acuerdo. Este Acuerdo se rige por la Ley Federal de Arbitraje, 9 U.S.C. §1 et seq. y evidencia una transaccién que involucra el comercio. Este Acuerdo se aplica a cualquier disputa que surja o se relacione al empleo del Empleado con Grimmway Farms o una de sus filiales, subsidiarias o compafifas matrices ("Compafiia ") © terminacién de empleo. Excepto que se disponga lo contrario en este Acuerdo, este Acuerdo se aplica a cualquier disputa que la Compajiia pueda tener e contra del Empleado o que el Empleado pueda tener contra: (1) la Compafifa; (2) sus oficiales, directores, directores, accionistas, miembros, duefios, empleados 0 agentes; (3) los planes de beneficios de la Compafifa o los patrocinadores, fiduciarios, administradores, afiliados o agentes de los planes de beneficios ; y (4) todos los sucesores y designados de cualquiera de ellos, Nada de lo contenido en este Acuerdo debe ser inter} ‘pretado para evitar o excusar al Empleado (individualmente o en concierto con otros) o fa Compafiia de utilizar los procedimientos internos de la compafiia existentes para la resolucion de quejas, y este Acuerdo no intenta ser un sustituto para la utilizacién de tales procedimientos. Excepto que se indique lo contrario, este Acuerdo tiene por objeto aplicar a la resolucién de disputas que de otro modo serjan resueltas en un tribunal de justicia o ante un foro distinto del arbitraje, y por lo tanto este Acuerdo requiere que todas estas disputas sean resueltas solo por un 4rbitro a través de un arbitraje final y vinculante y no por via de corte o juicio por jurado. Tales disputas incluyen, sin limitacion, disputas que surjan © se relacionen a la interpretacién o aplicacion de este Acuerdo, incluyendo la aplicabilidad, revocabilidad o validez del Acuerdo o cualquier porcién del Acuerdo. Excepto que se indique lo contrario, este Acuerdo también se aplica, sin limitacién, a las diputas con cualquier entidad o individuo que surja o se relacione a la solicitud de empleo, verificacion de antecedent es, privacidad, relaciones de empleo o la terminacién de ese relacién (incluyendo Ia difamacién o represalias posteriores al empleo), secretos comerciales, competencia desleal, compensacién, clasificacién, sueldo minimo, asientos, reembolso de gastos, tiempo extra, periodos de descanso, o represalias, discriminacién u hostigamiento y reclamos que surjan bajo la Ley de Reporte Justo de Crédito, Ley de Defensa d le Secretos Comerciales, Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, 42 U.S.C. §1981, Ley de Rehabilitacién, Leyes de Derechos Civiles de 1866 y 1871, Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1991, Ley de Discriminacién por Embarazo, Ley de Igualdad de Pago, Ley de Americanos con Discapacidades, Ley de Discriminacion por edad en el Empleo, Ley de Proteccién de Beneficios para Trabajadores Mayores de Edad, Ley de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional, Ley de Permiso Médico Familiar, Ley de Normas de Trabajo Justo, Ley de Segui tidad de Ingresos de Jubilacién del Empleado (excepto para reclamos por beneficios del empleado bajo cualquier plan de beneficios patrocinado por la Compajii a y cubierto por la Ley de Seguridad de Ingresos de Jubilacién del Empleado de 1974 0 financiado por un seguro), Ley de Cuidado Asequible, Ley de No Discriminacién de Informacion Genética, Ley de Derechos de Empleo y Reempleo de Servicios Uniformados, Ley de Notificacién de Ajuste y Reentrenamiento de Trabajadores, Ley Omnibus Consolidada de Reconciliacién Presupuestaria de 1985, y estatutos 0 teglamentos del estado, si los hay, que tratan los mismos asuntos o similares, y todos los demas reclamos legales federales o estatales (incluyend o sin limitacién, agravios) que surjan 0 se relacionen al empleo del Empleado o la terminacién de empleo. 2. Limitaciones de Cémo se Aplica este Acuerdo. Este Acuerdo no se aplica a reclamos por compensacién a los trabajadores, seguro de incapacidad del estado y beneficios del seguro de desempleo. 2018 Este Acuerdo no impide que ef Em; pleado presente cargos por practic as laborales injustas ante el Consejo Nacional de Relaciones Laborales (, La Compafiia no Empleados por presentar tales cargos. Nada en este Acuerdo impi ide tomard represalias contra que el Empleado haga un reporte o presente un reclamo o cargo con una agencia del gobierno, incluyendo sin limita cién la Comisién de Tgualdad de Oportunidad de Empleo, Departamento det Trabaj jo de los EE. UU. , la Comision de Seguridades e Intercambio de los EE. UU., la Junta Nacional de Relaciones Laborales, © la Oficina de Cumplimiento de Programas de Contratos Federales. Nada en este Acuerdo impide la investi igacin por una agencia de gobierno de cualquier reporte, queja o cargo cubierta de otra manera por este Acuer rdo, Este Acuerdo tampoco impide que agencias administrativas federales concedan reclamaciones y otorguen remedios basados en dichos reclamos, aun si los reclamos estuvieran cubiertos por este Acuerdo. Nada en este Acuerdo impide o excusa a una parte para satisfacer cualquier condicién precedente y/o agotar los remedios adm inistrativos bajo la ley aplicable antes de presentar un reclamo en arbitraje. La Compaiiia no tomara represalias en contra del Empleado por presentar una queja con una agencia administrativa o por ejercer sus derechos (indivi idualmente o en concierto con otros) bajo la Seccion 7 de la Ley Nacional de Relaciones Laborales. Las disputas entre las partes que puedan estar sujetas a un acuerdo de arbitraj e previo a la disputa como lo establecido por la Ley Dodd. Frank de Reforma de Wall Street y proteccién al Consumidor (Ley Puiblica 111- 203) 0 como lo establece una Ley del Congreso o una Orden Ejecuti va legal, ejecutable, estan excluidas de la cobertura de este Acuerdo. 3. Seleccionando Al Arbitro. El Arbitro debe s er seleccionado por mutuo acuerdo de la Compaiiia y el Empleado. A menos que el Emp: leado y la Compafiia acuerden lo contrario, el Arbitro debe ser un abogado autorizado para practicar en la ul bicacién donde se Ievard a cabo el proced imiento de arbitraje o un funcionario judicial federal o estatal jubilad lo que presidié en la jurisdiccién donde el arbitraje sera conducido. Si por alguna razén las partes no pueden Ile; gar a un acuerdo para un Arbitro, cualquiera de las partes puede solicitar a un tribunal de la jurisdiccién com; petente con autoridad sobre la ubicacién donde el arbitraje seré conducido para el nombramiento de un Arbitro neutral. Entonces el tribunal design aré un Arbitro, que debera actuar bajo este Acuerdo con la misma fuerza y efecto como si las partes hubieran elegido al Arbitro de mutuo acuerdo. La ubicacién de los procedimient ‘os del arbitraje debera ser en los Estados Unidos y ano mas de 45 millas (72.4 kilémetros) desde el lugar y en el mismo estado donde el Em pleado trabajé por ultima vez para la Compaiiia, a menos que cada parte del arbitraje acuerde por escrito lo cont ratio. 4. Comenzando el Arbitraje. La parte que presenta el reclamo debe exigir por entregar la demanda por escrito en man 10 O por correo de primera clase escrito el arbitraje y a la otra parte dentro del limite de periodo de estatuto aplicable. La exigencia del arbitraje debe de i incluir la identif icacién de las partes, una declaracién de la base legal y factica de la(s) reclamacién(es), y una especificaci én del remedio buscado. Cualquier exigencia para arbitraje hecha a la Compaifiia debe ser proporcionada al Depart amento de Recursos Humanos de la Compaiiia al P.O. Box 81498, Bakersfiel id, California 93380. El Arbitro debe resolver todas las disputas con respecto a la puntualidad o conveniencia de la exigencia para el arbitraje. Una parte puede solicitar a un tribunal de la jurisdiccién competente una medi ida cautelas tem; poral o prelimi nar en relacién con una controversia de arbitraje, pero solamente sobre la base de que el remedio al cual la parte pudiera tener derecho, pueda resultar sin efecto sin tal remedio provisional. 5 Cémo se Lievan a Cabo los Procedimientos de Arbitraje Jas Renuncias de Demanda de Clase Colecti iva. En el arbitraje, las partes tendran el derecho para realizar un descubrimiento civil adecuado, presentar mociones dispositivas, y presentar testi gos y evidencias segiin sea necesario Para presentar sus casos y defensas, en cualquier disputa en este res; pecto debe ser resuelt a por el Arbitro. A peticién de una de las partes o 2 2018 por iniciativa propia del Arbitro, el Arbitro puede citar a testigos 0 documentacién descubrimiento o para la audiencia de arbitraje. para propdsitos de Las acciones del representante general de abo; gado privado bajo el Cédigo del Trabajo de California son arbitrales, no dentro del alcance de este Acuerdo y puede ser no mantenido en un tribunal de justicia; sin embargo, el Empleado y la Com pafiia acuerdan presentar cualquier disput a en el arbitraje de manera individual solamente, y no en una accion de clase o accién colectiva. En consec uencia, (a) No habra ningun derecho o autoridad Para que alguna disputa sea presentada, escuc hada o arbitrada como una acci6n de clase (""Renuncia de Demanda de Clase’ "'). La Renuncia de Demanda de Clase debera ser separada de este Acuerdo en cualquier caso en el que (1 ) la disputa es presentada como una demanda de clase y (2) hay una determinacion judicial final de que Ja Renun cia a la Demanda de Clase es invalida, inaplicable, inconsciente, nula o anulable. En tales caso: s, la deman da de clase debe ser litigada en un tribunal civil de jurisdiccién competente. (b) No habra ningun derecho o autoridad para que alguna disputa sea presentada, escuchada 0 arbitrada como accién colectiva ("Renuncia de Accién Colectiva "). La Renuncia de Accién Colectiva debe ser separada de este Acuerdo en cualquier caso en que (1): la disputa es presentada como una accion colectiva y (2) hay una determinaci6n judicial final de que Ia Ren uncia a la Accién Colectiva es invalida, inaplicable, inconsciente, nula o anulable. En tales casos, Ja accién colectiva debe ser litigada en un tribunal civil de jurisdiccién competente. No se tomaran represalias en contra del Empleado, ni disciplinado o amenazado con disciplina como resultado de presentar o participar en una accién de clase o colectiva en cualquier foro. Sin embargo, la Compatifa legalmente puede buscar Ia ejecucién de este Acuerdo y la Renuncia de la Accién de Clase y Acci én Colectiva bajo la Ley Federal de Arbitraje y solicitar la desestimacién de tal accién de clase yo colectiva o ré eclamos. Sin perjuicio de cualquier otra clausula contenida en este Acuerdo, cualquier reclamo en el tribunal o arbitraje que todas o parte de fa Renuncia de la Accién de Clase o Renuncia de Accién Colectiva es invalida, inaj plicabl