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  • Dcr Mortgage 10 Sub 2, Llc v. 179 Ludlow Owners Llc, Sharon Sutton, Jesse Sutton, Board Of Managers Of The 179 Ludlow Street Condominium, New York State Dept. Of Taxation & Finance, New York City Dept. Of Finance, John Doe NOS. 1-25 Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Dcr Mortgage 10 Sub 2, Llc v. 179 Ludlow Owners Llc, Sharon Sutton, Jesse Sutton, Board Of Managers Of The 179 Ludlow Street Condominium, New York State Dept. Of Taxation & Finance, New York City Dept. Of Finance, John Doe NOS. 1-25 Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Dcr Mortgage 10 Sub 2, Llc v. 179 Ludlow Owners Llc, Sharon Sutton, Jesse Sutton, Board Of Managers Of The 179 Ludlow Street Condominium, New York State Dept. Of Taxation & Finance, New York City Dept. Of Finance, John Doe NOS. 1-25 Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Dcr Mortgage 10 Sub 2, Llc v. 179 Ludlow Owners Llc, Sharon Sutton, Jesse Sutton, Board Of Managers Of The 179 Ludlow Street Condominium, New York State Dept. Of Taxation & Finance, New York City Dept. Of Finance, John Doe NOS. 1-25 Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Dcr Mortgage 10 Sub 2, Llc v. 179 Ludlow Owners Llc, Sharon Sutton, Jesse Sutton, Board Of Managers Of The 179 Ludlow Street Condominium, New York State Dept. Of Taxation & Finance, New York City Dept. Of Finance, John Doe NOS. 1-25 Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Dcr Mortgage 10 Sub 2, Llc v. 179 Ludlow Owners Llc, Sharon Sutton, Jesse Sutton, Board Of Managers Of The 179 Ludlow Street Condominium, New York State Dept. Of Taxation & Finance, New York City Dept. Of Finance, John Doe NOS. 1-25 Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Dcr Mortgage 10 Sub 2, Llc v. 179 Ludlow Owners Llc, Sharon Sutton, Jesse Sutton, Board Of Managers Of The 179 Ludlow Street Condominium, New York State Dept. Of Taxation & Finance, New York City Dept. Of Finance, John Doe NOS. 1-25 Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Dcr Mortgage 10 Sub 2, Llc v. 179 Ludlow Owners Llc, Sharon Sutton, Jesse Sutton, Board Of Managers Of The 179 Ludlow Street Condominium, New York State Dept. Of Taxation & Finance, New York City Dept. Of Finance, John Doe NOS. 1-25 Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 12/18/2023 10:04 PM INDEX NO. 850662/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/18/2023 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x DCR MORTGAGE 10 SUB 2, LLC : : Index No. Plaintiff, : : vs. : : AFFIDAVIT OF EMERGENCY 179 LUDLOW OWNERS LLC, SHARON SUTTON, : IN SUPPORT OF EX PARTE JESSE SUTTON, BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE : APPLICATION FOR 179 LUDLOW STREET CONDOMINIUM, NEW : APPOINTMENT OF YORK STATE DEPT. OF TAXATION & FINANCE, : TEMPORARY RECEIVER NEW YORK CITY DEPT. OF FINANCE, and “JOHN : DOE” NOS. 1-25, : : Defendants. : : The Names of the “John Doe” Defendants Being : Fictitious and Unknown to Plaintiff, the Persons and : Entities Intended Being Those Who Have Possessory : Liens or Other Interests in, the Premises Herein : Described. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) GREG BULLEIT, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. I am a Senior Vice President of DCR MORTGAGE 10 SUB 2, LLC (“Plaintiff”), the lawful holder of the mortgage being foreclosed herein, and I have personal knowledge of the facts and circumstances set forth herein. 2. I submit this affidavit of emergency in support of Plaintiff’s application for the appointment of a temporary receiver of the Mortgaged Property in this commercial mortgage foreclosure action based on a matured and unpaid loan secured by a mortgage in the original principal amount $1,950,000.00 dated as of November 27, 2017 (the “Mortgage”). A copy of the RE\22113\0002\5314060v1 1 of 4 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 12/18/2023 10:04 PM INDEX NO. 850662/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/18/2023 Summons and Complaint with all exhibits is annexed hereto as Exhibit “l” (capitalized terms used herein without definition shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Summons and Complaint). 3. As set forth in the affirmation of Plaintiff’s counsel, Plaintiff is entitled to the appointment of a receiver as of right and without notice to Borrower. 4. In addition, the circumstances involved in this action require the immediate appointment of a receiver. Unless Plaintiff obtains the immediate appointment of a receiver, Plaintiff stands to suffer irreparable harm, to wit: loss, waste and diminution of value of Plaintiff’s collateral. 5. The subject mortgage being foreclosed herein encumbers that certain parcel of real property located in the City of New York, County of New York, and State of New York, known as and by the address 179 Ludlow Street, Unit C, Manhattan, New York 10002, and designated as Block 0412, Lot 1101 on the Official Tax Map of the City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, County of New York, as more particularly bounded and described in Exhibit A, annexed as Exhibit “A” to the Complaint. 6. The Mortgaged Property consists of a commercial condominium unit known as Unit C in the building known as 179 Ludlow Condominium and by the address 179 Ludlow Street, Unit C, Manhattan, New York 10002, and designated as Block 0412, Lot 1101 7. The current lease dated as of April 21, 2023 (the “Lease”) that is in effect reflects current monthly rental income of $18,500.00 for the Mortgaged Property. A copy of the Lease is annexed hereto as Exhibit “2”. 2 RE\22113\0002\5314060v1 2 of 4 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 12/18/2023 10:04 PM INDEX NO. 850662/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/18/2023 8. The subject loan and the collateral are in danger as the Borrower has been collecting rent from the tenant yet failed to make any payments to repay the Loan which matured and became due and payable in full on the extended Maturity Date of April 27, 2023. 9. Absent the appointment of a receiver, the rental income –– which serves as collateral for the subject Loan –– will continue to be lost. 10. The appointment of a receiver is necessary to properly operate, manage and preserve the building and asset, as well as for the safety and well-being of the tenant at the Mortgaged Property. 11. For these reasons, this application is submitted on an emergency basis for immediate relief. Plaintiff is entitled to the appointment of a receiver to protect the Mortgaged Property. 12. Accordingly, it is respectfully requested that this Court appoint a receiver to collect the rents, profits, proceeds and any other income of the Mortgaged Property and to operate the Mortgaged Property, as is more fully set forth in the Order Appointing Receiver submitted herewith. 13. No previous application for the relief sought herein has been made to this or to any other court or to any Justice thereof. 3 RE\22113\0002\5314060v1 3 of 4 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 12/18/2023 10:04 PM INDEX NO. 850662/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/18/2023 WHEREFORE, it is respectfully requested that an order be made appointing a receiver during the pendency of this action, with the powers nd duties as set forth in the accompanying order. GREG U LEIT Sworn to before me this /3 of December 2023 otary ub ic . MY COMMISSION# HH 132184 * EXPIRES: May 22, 2025 BondedBru NotmyPuNicUnderwiters RE\22113\0002\5314060v1 4 of 4