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  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview
  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview


SUPERIOR COURT BARNSTABLE, SS COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS JAN 2-6 2024 BARNSTABLE, SS: BARNSTABLE SUPE RIGE- GOV Mickarson, Clerk DOCKET NO. 2272C C8495 Jennifer Doe, Plaintiff Estate of Amold F. Lett, Sr. Defendant Rule 9A Cover Sheet Amold F. Lett, Jr., potential witness in the above entitled matter, hereby files the following documents pursuant to Rule 9A: 1) Arnold F. Lett’s Jr. Motion to Quash Deposition and Subpoena Duces Tecum:& supporting affidavit. 2) Defendants Opposition to Amold F. Lett’s, Jr’s Motion to Quash with Exhibit A. 3) Certificate of Service/Affidavit of Compliance with Rule 9A. Respectfully submitted, By Amold F. Lett, Jr. Of Amold F. Lett Jr. ire ows //at/ay