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  • Marygael Jumao-As v. Ahold Delhaize Usa Company, The Stop And Shop Supermarket Company LlcTorts - Other Negligence (Fall down) document preview
  • Marygael Jumao-As v. Ahold Delhaize Usa Company, The Stop And Shop Supermarket Company LlcTorts - Other Negligence (Fall down) document preview


FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 01/24/2024 04:18 PM INDEX NO. 719513/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 8 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/24/2024 SUPREME COURT: STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF QUEENS eawns=wawwee+wawes X Index #: 719513/2023 E MARYGAEL JUMAO-AS Plaintiff, CONSENT TO CHANGE ATTORNEY *against* AHOLD DELHAlZE USA COMPANY and THE STOP & SHOP SUPERMARKETCOMPANYLLC, Defendants. me-m-me---weewee-aweezéý:5mms IT IS HEREBY CONSENTED THAT the firm of, LYDECKER LLP, be substituted as aliomey for THE STOP & SHOP SUPERMARKET COMPANY LLC, in the above entitled action in place and stead of the undersigned attorney as of the date hereof. Dated: Mineola, New York December 15, 2023 THE STOP & S‰OP SUPERMARKET COMPANY LLC By: Maria Shkg , SVP ‰uman Resources TORINO & BERNSTEIN, P.Cp By: CHRISTINE M. CAPITOLO, ESQ. LYDECKER LLP COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ) )SS: COUN Y OF NORFOLK ) On 3%inx&#epebeforetrerpersonally came the above Individual, who being known tosit shd ddly îgkorn, did p and say that deponent Is employed by THE STOP & SHOP SUPERMARKET COMPANY LLC, the entity described In the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that deponent executed the same. Notary Public .. CarotA. DeChristo her Notary Public COMMONWEALTH OFMA89ACHUSETTS. My Commission Expires . . .. .. . Januar 26, 2030 1 of 1