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  • Maria E. Osorio v. Ismael D. Ayala-Amaya, Darryl S. DowersTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Maria E. Osorio v. Ismael D. Ayala-Amaya, Darryl S. DowersTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview


FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 10/26/2023 09:05 AM INDEX NO. 615580/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/26/2023 14.1 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Index Number: 615580/2023 COUNTY OF NASSAU Date Filed: 09/26/2023 ATrORNEY(S) THE ODIERNO LAW FIRM, PC 145 PINELAWN ROAD, STE 130 N MELVILLE. NY 11747 i PH: (631)752-8580 Maria E. Osorio Plaintiff vs Ismael D. Ayala-Amaya and Darryl S. Dowers Defendant STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NASSAU. SS.: AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE Robert Sinrich , being sworn deposes and states that, the Deponent is not a party herein, is over the age of 18 years and resides in the State of New York, That on 10/10/2023, at 9:56 AM at 28 Miller Boulevard, Syossett, NY 11791, Deponent served the within Notice of Electronic Filing (Mandatory Case), Summons and Verified Complaint ,with the index number and the filing date of the action were endorsed upon the face of the papers so served hereln. On: Darryl S. Dowers, therein named, ( hereinafter referred to as "subject'). By delivering a true copy of each to said subject personally ; Deponent knew the person so served to be the person described in as said subject therein. A description of is as follows: Sex: Male Color of skin: White Color of hair: Bald Age: 67 Height: Over 6ft Weight: Over 200 Lbs. Other : Glasses I asked the person spoken to, on whether the subject was in active service or financially dependent upon military any one who is in the military service of the United States or of the State of NEW YORK in any capacity whatever and received a negative reply. The source of my information and belief are the conversations above narrated. Upon that information and belief I assert that the recipient is not in the military service of NEW YORK State or of the United States as that term is defined in either the State or in Federal statutes. Swom to bef e on - to er 10, 2023 tenise Bedell roce s Seher Please Ign Notary Pubrse- e of New York Robert Sinrich No. 01BE6091 31: Qualified in Nassau county My cominission Expires May 5. 2027 L Client's File No.: Job #: 2356673 JAT£RCovurr JoolcH,SERVICE5, LLC, 6851 JERICHoTURNPME,SUWE 180,SMtrEr,NY11791 IJCENSE # 1371771 1 of 1