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  • U.S. Bank Trust National Association, Not In Its Individual Capacity, But Solely As Trustee Of Lsf9 Master Participation Trust v. Frieda Hollender, Nathan Steinmetz, Ns194, Llc, New York City Environmental Control Board, New York City Department Of Finance Parking Violations Bureau, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #12, The Last Twelve Names Being Fictitious And Unknown To Plaintiff, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Tenants, Occupants, Persons Or Corporations, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Premises, described in the complaint,Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • U.S. Bank Trust National Association, Not In Its Individual Capacity, But Solely As Trustee Of Lsf9 Master Participation Trust v. Frieda Hollender, Nathan Steinmetz, Ns194, Llc, New York City Environmental Control Board, New York City Department Of Finance Parking Violations Bureau, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #12, The Last Twelve Names Being Fictitious And Unknown To Plaintiff, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Tenants, Occupants, Persons Or Corporations, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Premises, described in the complaint,Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • U.S. Bank Trust National Association, Not In Its Individual Capacity, But Solely As Trustee Of Lsf9 Master Participation Trust v. Frieda Hollender, Nathan Steinmetz, Ns194, Llc, New York City Environmental Control Board, New York City Department Of Finance Parking Violations Bureau, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #12, The Last Twelve Names Being Fictitious And Unknown To Plaintiff, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Tenants, Occupants, Persons Or Corporations, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Premises, described in the complaint,Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • U.S. Bank Trust National Association, Not In Its Individual Capacity, But Solely As Trustee Of Lsf9 Master Participation Trust v. Frieda Hollender, Nathan Steinmetz, Ns194, Llc, New York City Environmental Control Board, New York City Department Of Finance Parking Violations Bureau, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #12, The Last Twelve Names Being Fictitious And Unknown To Plaintiff, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Tenants, Occupants, Persons Or Corporations, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Premises, described in the complaint,Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • U.S. Bank Trust National Association, Not In Its Individual Capacity, But Solely As Trustee Of Lsf9 Master Participation Trust v. Frieda Hollender, Nathan Steinmetz, Ns194, Llc, New York City Environmental Control Board, New York City Department Of Finance Parking Violations Bureau, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #12, The Last Twelve Names Being Fictitious And Unknown To Plaintiff, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Tenants, Occupants, Persons Or Corporations, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Premises, described in the complaint,Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • U.S. Bank Trust National Association, Not In Its Individual Capacity, But Solely As Trustee Of Lsf9 Master Participation Trust v. Frieda Hollender, Nathan Steinmetz, Ns194, Llc, New York City Environmental Control Board, New York City Department Of Finance Parking Violations Bureau, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #12, The Last Twelve Names Being Fictitious And Unknown To Plaintiff, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Tenants, Occupants, Persons Or Corporations, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Premises, described in the complaint,Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • U.S. Bank Trust National Association, Not In Its Individual Capacity, But Solely As Trustee Of Lsf9 Master Participation Trust v. Frieda Hollender, Nathan Steinmetz, Ns194, Llc, New York City Environmental Control Board, New York City Department Of Finance Parking Violations Bureau, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #12, The Last Twelve Names Being Fictitious And Unknown To Plaintiff, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Tenants, Occupants, Persons Or Corporations, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Premises, described in the complaint,Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • U.S. Bank Trust National Association, Not In Its Individual Capacity, But Solely As Trustee Of Lsf9 Master Participation Trust v. Frieda Hollender, Nathan Steinmetz, Ns194, Llc, New York City Environmental Control Board, New York City Department Of Finance Parking Violations Bureau, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #12, The Last Twelve Names Being Fictitious And Unknown To Plaintiff, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Tenants, Occupants, Persons Or Corporations, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Premises, described in the complaint,Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/22/2024 12:40 PM INDEX NO. 516807/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 43 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/22/2024 EX‰lB T B FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/22/2024 12:40 PM INDEX NO. 516807/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 43 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/22/2024 NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OFFICE OF THE CITY REGISTER E 1 is page is parl of the instrument. The City Register will rely on the information provided by you on this pnge for purposes of indexing this insinunent. The information on this page will control for indexing purposes in the event oranyconnict with the rest of the document. RECQEDIN AND ENDQRSEMENT COVER PA g PAGE I OF Docurnent ID: 2006122101634002 nocument Date: 12-12-2006 Preparation Date: 12-21-2006 Document Type: MORTGAGE Document Page Count: 21 JUDICIAL TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY, LLC HSBC MORTGAGE CORPORATION ( USA ) PICKUP 2929 WALDEN AVENUE 800 WESTCHESTER AVENUE STE S340 DEPEW, NY 14043 AGENT FOR FIDELITY TITLE INSURANCE RYE BROOK, NY 10573 914-381-6700 PROPERTY DATA Rorough Block Lot Unit Ad dress BROOKLYN 1941 28 Entire Lot 254 SKILLMAN STREET Property Type: DWELLING ONLY - 2 FAMILY _ CROSS REFERENCE DATA CRFN or Document ID or _____ Year_ Reel __ Page or File Number MORTGAGER/BORROWER: MORTGAGEE/LENDER: FRIEDA HOLLENDER MERS 254 SKILLMAN STREET 100 MAIN STREET BROOKLYN, NY 1]205 FLINT, MI 48501 x Additional Parties Listed on Continuation Page. FEES AND TAXES Mortgage Filing Fee] Mortgage Amount: 645,000.00 5 _.. 0.00 Taxable Mortgage Amount: $ 645,000.00 NYC Real Property Transfer Tax: Exemptiom S 0.00 TAXES: C9unty (Sasic)1__ S 3 225.00 NYS Real Estate Transfer Tax; City (Additional): S 7,256.25 S 0.00 Spec (Addldonal): S 0.00 RECORDED OR FILED IN THE OFFICE TASF: 3 I.,612.50 OF THE CITY RECISTER OF THE MTA: S 1,905,00 CITY OF NEW YORK NY CTA5 & 0.00 Recorded/Filed 12-28-200610:25 Additional MRT: S 0.00 City RegisterFile No¬RFN): TOTAL: S 11998,75 2006000705159 Recording Fee: |S 142.00 . Affidavit Fee: |S 0.00 City Re gister Official Sign antre FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/22/2024 12:40 PM INDEX NO. 516807/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 43 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/22/2024 NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OFFICE OF THE CITY REGISTER FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/22/2024 12:40 PM INDEX NO. 516807/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 43 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/22/2024 T Return To; .A Q(OF P A HSBC MORTGAGE CORPORATION Sec BE: l 2 2 WALDEN AVENCE, DEPEW, NY 14043 0WN County c s Prepared By: DABOIN, SUSAN, é-- - .---:[SpaceAboveThisLineForRecordingDals MORTGAGE WORDS USED OFTEN IN THIS DOCUMENT insttinnent." This December 12 , 200 6 (A) "SechrRó docanen; which is dated "SecuritjfInstrument." together wl)k al) Riders to this document,.ivill be called the (B) ShifjBilw F." liOLLENDER and NATHAN STEINtSTZ STREET, BROOKLYN, NY 11205 whose addressis 254 SKILLMAN "i" or "me." sometimes will be callcif "Berrower andsòmetimes simply "MERS" is Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, inc. MERS is a separate corporation that is (C) Lender' alccessets and s ind assigns. MERS is organized and acting soltity as a nominee for Leader existinpunder the laws ÿf Delaware, andhas5arl inktress and telep))ode:tmintip of tk Flint M1 48j501-2016, tel "$876 WERS.. FOT UnPOSES OF RECORDING . 1 MOR GAGE, MERS IS THE MORTGAGEE OF RECORD. "Lender." HSBC Mortgage Corporation (USA) (D) laws of will be called "Lenden" Lender is a corporation or association which exists under the DELAWARE . Lender's addressis 2929 WALDEN AVENUE, DEPEW, NY 14043 Section: 7 Block: 1941 Lot: 28 Unit: NY 3115 WITH MERs Form3033 1f01 NEWYORK- SingleFamily- FannieMae/FreddleMac UNIFORMINSTRUMENT -6A(NY)(osoat 5cauncr:5 VMPMortgage 1 ire.1800)521-729 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/22/2024 12:40 PM INDEX NO. 516807/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 43 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/22/2024 , will be called " Borrower and dated December 12 , 2006 (E) "Note The note signed by "Note." The Note shows that I owe Lender SIX HUNDRED FORTY FIVE THOUSAND and the NO/100 ) Dollars (U.S. 5 645,000 00 promisestto thisdebt in Periodic Payments payabledhave pay plus interest and other amoums that may be and to pay the debt in full by January 01 203'7 Property," (F) 'Ttpperty The h is described below ik 114 secthnititled "Description of the will be called e Troperty. charges and a The "Loan" meant the debt evi encEdby the Note. plus interest at y prepaythent (C) "/gan Instrument, plus interest. lathchitrges due under-theNot4andall sums due under this Security "Retypwgs Transfer to Leader of Seented."The.antounts described befotin the inetronetitled (H) "Sums the"Sums Secured Rightsin the Ptdisrty7dindifÑdiwinbe entled Borrower will be eatled "Riders," AIL5id7ttattached to thissSigÈIty InstrumenMint arelifpéit by (6 Borrowir (check:boxiiiapplicablek "Ridgrs *The followingjRiders are to be dgned by Condoininiute Rider Second I·lome Rider Adjustable Rate Rider Rider 14YamlifRider Balloon Rider Planned Unit0evelopment I B)weekly liayment Rider Other(s) [specify] ! V A Rider Law." All state and local statutes. regulations, ordinances (J) "Applicable controlling applicable federal, and orders (that have the effect of law) as well as all applicable final, and administrative rules Law." called "Applicable non-appealable, judicial opinions will be Assessments." All dues, fees. assessmentsand other Association Dues, Fees, and (K) "Community condominium association, homeowners charges that are imposed on Borrower or the Prepery by a Assessm-ents." Association Dues. Fees, and association or similar organization will be called "Commimity Transfer." "Electronic Funds Transfer" means any transfer of money, other than (L) "Electronic Fonds electronic terminal, telephonic paper instrument. which is initiated through an by check. drall, or similar or authorize a financial institution to debit instrument. computer. or magnetic tape so as to order. instruct, account. Some common examples of an Electronic Funds Transfer are point-of-sale transfers or credit an automated teller machine (or ATM) (where a card such as an asset or debit card is used at a merchant). and automated clearinghouse transfers. transactions. transfers initiated by telephone, wire transfers, items." Items." Those items that are described in Section 3 will be called "Escrow (M) "Escrow Proceeds." "Miscellaneous Proceeds" means any compensation, settlement. award of (N) "Miscellaneous Insurance Proceeds, as defined in, and paid under damages, or proceeds paid by any third party (other than Section for· damage to. or destruction of, the Property; (ii) Condemnation the coverage described in 5) (i) Property; conveyance in lieu of Condemnation or sale to avoid or other taking of all or any part of the (iii) as to. the value and/or condition of the Condemnation: or (iv) misrepresentations of. or omissions governmental authority by eminent domain is known as Properh. A taking of the Property by any " Condemnation." insurance." "Mortgage Insurance" means insurance protecting Lender against the (0) "Mortgage nonpayment of. or default on. the Loan. Payment." The regularly scheduled amount duePayment." for (i) principal and interest under the Note. (P) "Periodic amounts under Section 3 will be called "Periodic and (ii) any "RESPA." "RESPA" means the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et (Q) C.F.R. Part 3500). as they might be amended seq. ) and its implementing regulation. Regulation X (24 or additional or successor tegislation or regulation that governs the same subject from time 10 lime. any "RESPA" refers to all requirements and restrictions that are matter As used in this Security Instrument. loan" even if the Loan does not qualify as a "federaNy " imposed in regard to a federally related mortgage loan" under RESPA- related mortgage NY 3115 Pago 2o117 Form3033 1/01 "6A(NY)iosoe: FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/22/2024 12:40 PM INDEX NO. 516807/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 43 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/22/2024 . . . BORROWER'S TRANSFER TO LENDER OF RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY I mortgage. grant and convey the Property io MERS. (solely as nominee for Lender and Leader's successors in interesl) and its successorsin, interest subject to the tertns of this Security instrument. This means that, iby signing this Security instrurnent, 1 am g7ing Iteöder thostt ri is that are suited In this Security Instrumet¼and-also therre:rights.that Applicable LatWgives to lenders … .hold mortijageson real .property, I am giving Lender these rights to protect Lehder frets possible losses that might result if I fail to: (A) Pay all the amounts that I owe Lender as stated in the Note including, but not limited lo, all renewals, extensinns and modifications of the Note: (B) Pay, with interest, any amounts that Lender spends under this Security Instrument to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property; and (C) Keep all of my other promises and agreementsunder this Security Instrument and the Note- I understand and agree that MERS holds only legal title to the rights granted by me in this Security Instrument bul, if necessaryto with law or custom, MERS (as nominee for Lender and Lender's successorsand assigns) has the right: (A) to exercise any or all of those rights, including, but not limited to. the right to foreclose and sell the Property: and (B) to take any action required of Lender including, but not limited to, releasing and canceling this Security Instrument. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY I give MERS (solely as nominee for Lender and Lender's successorsin interest) rights in the Property described in (A) through (G) below: (A) The Property which is located at 254 SKIIJRAN STREET |5ireet] BROORLYN [City. Townor Village).New York 11205 Izip codek This Property is in KINGS County. 11haSthe following legal description: SEE SCREDULE A ATTACHED HERETO dÆptitfP a4 Or dwsnlon ® (B) All buildings and other improvements that are located on the Property described in subsection (A) of this section: (C) All rights in other property that I have as owner of the Property described in subsection (A) of this section. These rights are known as "easementsand.appurtenancesattached to the Property:" (D) All rig his that I have in the land which lies in the streets or roads in front oC or next to. the Property described m subsection (A) of this section: NY 3115 "6A(NY}so5ces 3 al 17 Page . Form3033 1/o1 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/22/2024 12:40 PM INDEX NO. 516807/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 43 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/22/2024 subsections (A) and (B) future will be on the Property described in (E) All fixtures that are now or in the of this section: section that74quirefn descpiked iri subsi"ctidns (B) through (E) of this (F) All of the rights and properry thefuture:-and thissect)pji described in subsectiøía (B) throíi)F)·of (0).All replacementsof or additions to the Property Miscellaneous?roceeds of tlfefrbgierry descriBetl dantag6to. and-all and all titsurance Proceeds for loss or in subsections(A) through (F) of this sectidn. AND BORROWER'S OBL1GATION BORROWER!S RIGHT TO MORTUAGE THE PROPERTY PTOPERTY TO DEFEND OWNERSH1P Oir-THE frant L haveube ri 4 t promise that: (A) F lapibj)ý owh tlie Property (Sj Atato3sor cháry against t é Property, wtc prf9r the Propertyto Lender: and (C) there areen;outstab ng thosé ƒhich.%re of public reÆrd,. will tre f r esses b$ye-a generä0wârranty of dttido Ideadii Tifts inearls-than tý 4 Wysettt#f6(pt Bf U Pr(ng whjeff 1senpsuffer.s BeniuseÆmeone other thhn owrtershiproF#ie P 1)romisethat 1 have. I promWe that i wilt d fend my rights. Pt.AIN LANGUAGE SECURITY INSTRUMENT .. security agreetijefits that are used in real prop This Security Instrwnent contains prohilses and parts instruments oll over the country. It also c9ntains other prontiaes and agreements that vary in di erent fanguage." country. promises and agreementsare stated in 'plain bf the My COVENANTS I proshisearid 1.¾gishwith.Lendtr as follows: the lerder on time principal and interest due under l. Borrower's Promise to Pay. I will ay to prepuýmcht..late charges and ot er.8mogots due under the Notei I wiH also pay all amounts Note and any for Escrow items under.Section 3 of tids Securitý thstruin of shall be tirade In U.S. currency. it Paymentsdue under the Note and this Security instrument check orither eIt instrdMent inetwind to 4ergier erits bw I 6t>niadesby: (a) cash; money brdh4 (c) Eertififti checit, utiW…he depostrWare nsured bra 1 s diecK4wn.upon an i or entity: or (d) Electronic Funds Transfer. received at the loêation required i. lie blote, or St Payments are deemed received by Leader when location designated by Lender under Section 15 of this Security instrument. Lep er may return or another partial payment if it is for an amount that is less than the amount that is then due. If nec any payment or Leader refuse fo accept a tesser payment thoff indy ninke irrthe er accepts a lesser payment, may It waive of lis rights. tender 1snöt obligâted td. aliply such lesser payments:whett it. future and does not any interest on-prin secruests if all Periodic Paynients had bteo paid')vKen du4. accepthsuch pajmentsi If unappliedTunds untl nfälts then Lender nted not pay.intergst on un led funds. Lender inay hold suc(t nát do sc¼ithio a.reasonable e-riøi·.0f:time, Leader will aftlier payments to bring the Loan current. If 1 o imapplieffliniiEƒillWáppli d to me. In the event gf forecipsure, any apply such funds or return them to foreclosure. He offset.or. claim.which. ( might have the outstanding principal balance immediately prior to. payments due under the Note and .this now or in the future against Lender will relieve me from making of ather promises and agreements secured by this Security Security instrument or keeping all my Instrument. Proceeds. Unless Applicable Law or this 2. Application of Borrower's Payments and Insurance each of payments that Lender accÆfs in the following Section 2 requires otherwise. Lender will apply my order: I"trst. (opay interest due under the N6tit: Next sp pay principal due under the Noic: and instrument. hexts to pay the amounts due Leader.under Sectich'3 of this Security Payment in the order in which it becamedue. Such payments will be applied to each Periodic applied as foRows: A.ny reinaining amoums will be First to pay any late charges: and Next. to pay any othtr amounts due under this Security lastrurnent: Next. to reducc the principal balance of the Note, NY 3115 Paosci ·7 Form3033 1/01 6A(NY)(o508; FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/22/2024 12:40 PM INDEX NO. 516807/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 43 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/22/2024 . Payment which includes a sufficient amount if Lender receives a payment from me for a late Periodic Periodic Payment and the late charge. if to pay any late charge due, the payment may be applied to the late Periodic Payment is due, Lender apply any payment received from me: First, to the more than one may are due if. and to the extent that, each payment can be paid in repayment of the Periodic Payments that applied to the full payment of one or full: Next, to the extent that any excess exists after the payment is more Periodic Payments. such excess may be applied to any late chargesdue. follows: First, to any prepayment charges; and Next, as Voluntary prepayments will be applied as described in the Note. or Miscellaneous Proceeds to principal due under Any application of payments, insurance Proceeds, change the amount of those the Note will not extend or postpone the due date of the Periodic Payments or payments. 3. Monthly Payments For Taxes And insurance. (a) Borrower's Obligations. water charges, sewer rents I will pay to Lender all amounts necessary to pay for taxes, assessments, or rents (if hazard or property insurance and other similar charges, ground leasehold payments any), flood insurance (if any), and any required Mortgage insurance, or a Loss Reserve covering the Property. Mortgage insurance. Each Periodic Payment wiff include an as described in Section 10 in the place of Items:" called "Escrow amount to be applied toward payment of the following items which are sewer rents and other similar charges, on the Property ( l) The taxes. assessments.water charges, Instrument as a Lien on the Property. which under Applicable Law may be superior to this Security been claim. demand or charge that is made against property hecause an obligation has not Any "Lien:" fulfilled is known as a (if any); (2) The leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property The premium for and all insurance required by Lender under Section 5 of this Security (3) any Instrument: (4) The premium for Mortgage insurance (if any): this Security Instrument instead 45) The amount I may be required to pay Leader under Section 10 of of the payment of the premium for Mortgage insurance (if any): and Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments. (6) if required by Leader. the amouni for any Community Escrow After signing the Note, or at any time during its term. Lender may include these amounts as make for Escrow items will be based on Lender's estimate of the Items. The monthly payment I will annual amount required. not have to do I will pay all of these amounts to Lender unless Lender tells me, in writing, that 1do so. or unless Applicable Law requires otherwise. I will make these payments on the same day that my Periodic Payments of principal and interest are due under the Note. called "Escrow The amounts that I pay to Lender for Escrow Items under this Section 3 will be Funds." Escrow Funds for Escrow items unless Lander waives my obligation to pay I will pay Lender the Lender Escrow the Escrow Funds for any or all Escrow Items. Lender may waive my obligation to pay to the event of such Funds for any or all Escrow hems at any time. Any such waiver must be in writing. in which waiver. 1 will pay directly. when and where payable, the amounts due for any Escrow items for send to payment of Escrow Funds has been waived by Lender and. if Leader requires, will promptly to Lender receipts showing such payment within such time period as Lender may require. My obligation contained in make such pay ments and to provide receipts will be considered to be a promise and agreement agreements" is used in Section 9 of this Security this Security instrument. as the phrase "promises and fail to pay the instrument. If I am obligated to pay Escrow Items directly, pursuant to a waiver, and I Section 9 amount due for an Escrow Item. Lender may pay that amount and I will then be obligated under instrument to to Lender. Lender may revoke the waiver as to any or all Escrow Items of this Security repay upon the at any time by a notice given in accordance wish Section 15 of this Security instrument and. under this revocation. I will pay to Lender all Escrow Funds. and in amounts. that are then required Sectinn A NY 3115 sd 0 Page Form3033 U01 .6Â(NY) 10s08 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/22/2024 12:40 PM INDEX NO. 516807/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 43 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/22/2024 I promise to promptly send to Lender any notices that I receive of Escrow Ilem amounts to be paid. Lender will estimate from time to time the amount of Escrow Funds I will have to pay by using existing assessmentsand bills and reasonable estimates of the amount I will have to pay for Escrow Items in the future. unless Applicable Law requires Lender to use another method for determining the amount I am to Pay. Lender may. at any time. collect and hold Escrow Funds in an amount sufficient to permit Lender to apply the Escrow Funds at the time specified under RESPA. Applicable Law puts limits on the total amount of Escrow Funds Lender can at any time collect and hold. This total amount cannot be more than the maximum amount a lender could require under RESPA. if there is another Applicable Law that imposes a lower limit on the total arnount of Escrow Funds Lender can collect and hold, Lender wlil be limited to the lower amount. (b) Lender's Obligations. Lender will keep the Escrow Funds in a savings or banking institution which has its deposits insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity, or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. If Lender is such a savings or banking institution, Lender may hold the Escrow Funds. Lender will use the Escrow Funds to pay the Escrow Items no later than the time allowed under RESPA or other Applicable Law. Lender will give to rne, without charge. an annual accouming of the Escrow Funds. That accounting will show all additions to and deductions from the Escrow Funds and the reasonfor each deduction. Lender may not charge me for holding or keeping the Escrow Funds, for using the Escrow Funds to pay Escrow (tems. for making a yearly analysis of my payment of Escrow Funds or for receiving, or for verifying and totaling assessmentsand bills. However, Lender may charge me for theseservices if Lender pays me interesi on the Escrow Funds and if Applicable Law permits Lender to make such a charge. Lender will not be required to pay me any interest or carnings on the Escrow Funds unless either (1) Lender and 1 agree in writing that Lender will pay interest on the Escrow Funds. or (2) Applicable Law requires Lender to pay interest on the Escrow Funds. (c) Adjustments to the Escrew Funds. Under Applicable Law. there is a limit on the amount of Escrow Funds Lender may hold. If the amount of Escrow Funds held by Lender exceeds this limit, then there will be an excess amount and RESPA requires Lender to account to me in a special manner for the excessamount of Escrow Funds. If. at any time, Lender has not received enough Escrow Funds to make the payments of Escrow Items when the payments are due. Lender may tell me in writing that an additional amount is necessary. I will pay to Lender whatever additional amounI is necessary to pay the Escrow hems when the payments are due. but the number of paymems will not be more than 12. When I have paid all of the Sums Secured. Lender will promptly refund to me any Escrow Funds that are then being held by Lender. 4. Borrower's Obligation to Pay Charges, Assessments And Claims. I will pay all taxes. assessments.water charges. sewer rents and other similar charges, and any other charges and fines that may be imposed on the Property and that may be superior to this Security Instrument. I will also make ground rents or payments due under my leaseif I am a tenant on the Property and Community Association Dues. Fees. and Assessments(if any) due on the Property. If these items are Escrow Items, I will do this by making the payments as described in Section 3 of this Security Instrumem. in this Security Instrumes. the word "Person" means any individual. organization. governmental authority or other party. I will promptly pay or satisfy all Liens against the Property that may be superior to this Security Instrument. However, this Security instrument does not require me to satisfy a superior Lien if: (a) f agree. in writing. to pay the obligation which gave rise to the superior Lien and Lender approves the way in which I agree to pay that obligation, bm only so long as I am performing such agreement: (b) in good faith. I argue or defend against the superior Lien in a lawsuit so that in Lender's opinion. during the lawsuiL the superior Lien may not be enforced. but only until the lawsuit ends: or (c) I secure from the holder of thai other Lien an agreement. approved in writing by Lender. that the Lien of this Security NY 3115 __ "6A{NY)iosoe1 Page 6of Form3033 1/o1 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/22/2024 12:40 PM