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  • Strathmore Insurance Company As Subrogee Of Harlington Realty Co., Llc v. Mr. & Mrs. Uniforms, L.L.C. (Crossclaim Plaintiff), Harlington Realty Co., Llc. (Crossclaim Defendant)Torts - Other Negligence (Property Damage) document preview
  • Strathmore Insurance Company As Subrogee Of Harlington Realty Co., Llc v. Mr. & Mrs. Uniforms, L.L.C. (Crossclaim Plaintiff), Harlington Realty Co., Llc. (Crossclaim Defendant)Torts - Other Negligence (Property Damage) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 12/19/2023 05:18 PM INDEX NO. 152814/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/19/2023 From: Max Travis To: Bob Finn Subject: Strathmore Insurance Co v. Mr. & Mrs. Uniforms, L.L.C. Index No. 152814/2023; Notice of Order to Show Cause with TRO Date: Tuesday, December 19, 2023 5:09:00 PM Attachments: 12.19 Order to Show Cause_Mr. & Mrs. Uniforms.pdf Affirmation of Maximilian Travis.pdf Bob: Our firm is about to file the attached Order to Show Cause to Withdraw as Counsel for Mr. & Mrs. Uniforms, L.L.C. It does contain a request for a stay of the proceedings. My understanding of how this works now is that the Ex Parte Office informs us if it wants to discuss the matter as opposed to myself providing a time herein where I plan to show up at the Ex Parte Office. Sincerely, Max Travis