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  • Revenued, Llc v. K.N.D. Pest Management, Llc, Kenneth Johnson-BeyCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Revenued, Llc v. K.N.D. Pest Management, Llc, Kenneth Johnson-BeyCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Revenued, Llc v. K.N.D. Pest Management, Llc, Kenneth Johnson-BeyCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Revenued, Llc v. K.N.D. Pest Management, Llc, Kenneth Johnson-BeyCommercial - Contract document preview


D: NA AU OUN Kk WV INDEX NO. 615570/2023 09:00 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/13/2023 REF [Fill in the spaces next to the instructions. Other spaces are for Court use.} At alan) |AS/Spacial Lac Part Y lo of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, held in and for the ns County of Nassau at the ane Courthouse thereo!, located at Cow. 190 Supreme Court Mineola, New York on the B'day betwee Drive of 202% PRESENT: HON. O ow - Achnglustice of the Supreme Court note nee tent ennetnanmennes 0 Lorne n aw: [1. Index No. & Year] Revenued 460 ’ index No. [2. Fill in name(s)} > Plaintiff(s} GSS: > ORDER TO SHOW -against- CAUSE INA Mts fest Wen ngeren, CoQ mand CIVIL ACTION Keonedh: Solnmson: Toy {3. Fill in name(s)} efendant(s) ane! svenemnaneuinsunaestaceinantensimenenenencnennnvnX Upon the reading and filing the affidavit(s) af [4. Your name(s)}] Kennedy SonwSua- iy sworn to on [5, Date the Affidavit was sworn to before a notary public] Necemben ‘Ny 20,273and upon the exhibits attached to the affidavit, and [6. Identify other supporting papers, such as, additional affidavits} — Let the plaintlff/defendant(s) show cause at |AS PART. Ye Raom . of this Court, to be held at the Courthouse, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, New York, on Sauna (Daca ood att SY cloakrtii the WAY noon or as soon as the parties to this proceeding may be heard wh) an order should not be made, providing the following relief: hoe ¥ AREAS Cao cA ey Or mt ee 1 of 2 D: NA AU OUN Kk nM INDEX NO. 615570/2023 09:00 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/13/2023 {?. Describe what you are asking the Court to do} mM. Posing “Phe. Cows. bo. Veceke syne. De Gawd ~maasee rans ee for the reasons that (8.Describe the reasons your request should be granted) of My Kequest shawl “he hs Nese ives {enc \ns paachsens Nyy xiot Sslos my, ‘. cual mieaen]aakes. oes. DEW Haus. thls As why eBheoss Tata te ay Hae Achinkinss Tees eats 1 . my SOS ee ae a OFhek. ins she 'S owed showld only be fond As gved Fond Hrs Deen Pale ftoe sy Accor l osa Ab. kyon afess4.. fime. Sufficient cause appearing therefor, let service of a copy of this order and the other papers upon which this order is granted, upon ne Plain iff(SBefendant(hy, by —e DS een sesame pen at a on or before the | day of WS , 206 “Spe deemed good and sufficient. An affidavit or . other proof oof service shail be presented ta this Court on or before the return date directed in the second paragraph of this order, SDSO Heed] Ov Ov laeher’ FRG O° eS VY pawerS YYiWtak “SCANN, se uA, u ENTER , —_ Ki gran Ed ORL o RHONDA HER AJS.C. * ENTERED Dec 13 2023 NASSAU COUNTY COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE 2 of 2