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  • The Lcf Group, Inc., v. Angela Patterson D/B/A ANGELA PATTERSON D/B/A FAIRES CLEANING CREW, Angela PattersonSpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 75 document preview
  • The Lcf Group, Inc., v. Angela Patterson D/B/A ANGELA PATTERSON D/B/A FAIRES CLEANING CREW, Angela PattersonSpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 75 document preview
  • The Lcf Group, Inc., v. Angela Patterson D/B/A ANGELA PATTERSON D/B/A FAIRES CLEANING CREW, Angela PattersonSpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 75 document preview
  • The Lcf Group, Inc., v. Angela Patterson D/B/A ANGELA PATTERSON D/B/A FAIRES CLEANING CREW, Angela PattersonSpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 75 document preview
  • The Lcf Group, Inc., v. Angela Patterson D/B/A ANGELA PATTERSON D/B/A FAIRES CLEANING CREW, Angela PattersonSpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 75 document preview
  • The Lcf Group, Inc., v. Angela Patterson D/B/A ANGELA PATTERSON D/B/A FAIRES CLEANING CREW, Angela PattersonSpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 75 document preview


FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 11/09/2023 03:46 PM INDEX NO. 614358/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 21 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/09/2023 Page 1 of 3 September 15, 2021 Non-Attorneys Representing themselves (Unrepresented Litigants) / Filing Ag nt / Pro Hac Vice "NYSCEF" Ac unt Registration Form for E isting Cases Expedited Processing: An E-Filing account wi$ normally be issued in 24-48 hours. If you are "Expedite" operating under time constraints, type in the field at the top of the page. Gagan Kamboj I, , am: (print full name) 1. Choose option a, b, or c below: a. not an attorney and I am a party to the case set forth below. b. a member in good stan ing of the Bar in a jurisdiction outside the State of New York, and I have bDen admitted pro hac vice in the case set forth below and I have attachød the order of admission to this application. __________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ If you have selected option (a) or (b) above, you MUST enter the case information into the fields below. Index/File/Claim Number: Court: Caption Plaintiff/Petitioner against - Defendant/Respondent a person seeking to ust NYSCEF as an authorized agent ("filing agent") for attorney(s) cf record in a case or cases. notarized.* NOTE: Non-attomey applicants l!UST have their signature on Page 3 2. I understand and agree that: a. The Primary E-Mail Address b low is the address at which service of documents after commenceme t may be made through NYSCEF uponthe Account Holder or parties reprepented by the Account Holder. b. If I am not an attomey and a representing myself, I understand the NYSCEF Resource Center must irst verify with the court that I am a party to the action before an ID will be issjed. All pages of this signed application must b 3returned to the E-filing Resource Center at nyscef@nycourts gov or (212) 401-9146 (frx) in order to complete the registration process. 1 of 3 FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 11/09/2023 03:46 PM INDEX NO. 614358/2023 Page 2 of 3 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 21 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/09/2023 3. I am providing the following information as required to register as a NYSCEF AccounÆHolder and to obtain my User ID and Password. NameGagan First Ml: _ _ Last Name: Kamboj Firm Name (if applicable):The Feldrian law firm, P.C. Email Primary Additional Email Addresses (Option I, up to three addresses): 2, 3. 4. I understand and agree to thd following: a. I will adhere to the rules governin Electronic Filing in the Uniform Rules for New York State Trial C urts and any protocols issued by participating courts. Non-Attorneys Representing TI emselves (Unrepresented Litigants) or Attorneys Admitted Pro Hac ice I understand that each of my Account for filing documents usp with NYSCEF my signature constitutes on the document being submitted for meeting the requirements of Part 130 of the Rules of the Chief Administrator and all rules governing NYSCEF. Filing Agents I will file documents only on behalf of attorneys who have authorized me to file the dMcuments pursuant to a Statement of Authorization form as pernitted in the e-filing rules. b. I understand that providing any følse information on this form may result in a revocation of my Account Holderstatus. c. I will protect and secure the co®fidentiality of my password. If I have reason to believe that my pas¶word has been compromised, I will notify the NYSCEF Center immediately by e-mail at Resource| If I am an attorney, I will also inform the court and the Resource Center immediatÆly of any change in my employment affiliation. d. If I need to modify my Primary E-lÈail Address, I shall immediately email the Resource Center a completÆd Change of Primary email address form to All pages of this signed application must be yeturned to the E-filing Resource Center at nyscef@nycourts-gov or (212) 401-9146 (fax) in order to complete the registration process. 2 of 3 FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 11/09/2023 03:46 PM INDEX NO. 614358/2023 Page 3 of 3 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 21 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/09/2023 I acknowledge that I have read, understand and a ree to the terms as stated on this registration form and have provided accurate information: (Pleases print name, sign and date) !iotarized.* Note: Non-attorney applicants must have signature Name: Gagan Kamboj Print Signature Date: O Î ( / 2n2 ( 3000 Marcup Ave Suite 2W15, New Hyde Park, NY 11042 Address (Street, City, State, Zip Code): Telephone Number: 212-244-4422 Fax Number (optional): ¶G" *(For non-attorneys only) 6YKirp to before e this SwgWp 0·01HA634505 ay of , 20 . S -- : QUAtlFlED IN ž i QUEENS COUNTY COMM. EXP. : 5 . 10-02-2024 ary Public Please return completed registration form (3 pages) to: E-Mail: (Preferred Method of Submission) Fax:(212) 401-9146 All pages of this signed application must be retui ned to the E-filing Resource Center at or (212) 401-9146 (fax) i5 order to complete the registration process. 3 of 3