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  • The Lcf Group, Inc., v. Angela Patterson D/B/A ANGELA PATTERSON D/B/A FAIRES CLEANING CREW, Angela PattersonSpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 75 document preview
  • The Lcf Group, Inc., v. Angela Patterson D/B/A ANGELA PATTERSON D/B/A FAIRES CLEANING CREW, Angela PattersonSpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 75 document preview


FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 10/10/2023 09:37 PM INDEX NO. 614358/2023 NYSCEF Attomey: DOC. NO. 13 THE LCF RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/10/2023 GROUP Y Court Date: 10/16/2023 Address: 3000 MARCUS STE AVE, 2W15 NEW HYDE PARK, NY 11042 Job No:163461 Index No:: 614358/2023 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Date Filed: 09/05/2023 COUNTY OF NASSAU Client's File No.: . Judge THE LCF GROUP INC. vs Petitioner ANGEIA PATTERSON D/B/A ANGEIA ____---- PATTERSON D/B/A FAIRES CLEANING, ET ANO Respondent O sTArs oF _ , COUNTY OF h /* SS.: AFFIDAVIT OF O 4141 . n b½ SERVICE being dul üworn deposes and says: Deponent is not arty herein and a over 18 years of age On . . 2 6 2g a 2 (do Sh u¾ f C^ 27 at 2 f AM / M NOTICE OF PETlf•ONNERIFIED h (2 T deponent served the within PETITION/EXHIBITS/RJl/NOTICE OF ELECTRONIC FILING/lNDEX# & DATE FILED ANGELA PATTERSON therein named Respondent NDMDUAL By delivering a true copy of above-named documents to said respondent surrABLE By delivering a true copy of ½ SON above-named documents to a person of Suitablo age and discretion. Said premises is recipients [ ] home address [ } last known address per DMV records [ ) actual place of business AF FlXING By affixing a true copy of above-named TO DOOR documents to the door of said premises, which is recipients: me address [ ] last known address per DMV records Place of employment [ ] actual place of business could not be ascertained through public records search nor through Deponent had previously conversation with neighbors. attempted to serve the above named recipient on: on the day of 2 at on the day of at 7 on the MAIL COPY day of . 2 2 On , deponent complet SerV CS under the last tWO above-named documents to the above address in 80Ctions by depoS t a First Class postpaid ng 8 copy Of the "Personal and Confidentiar in an official properly addressed envelope marked depository Under the exclusive care and Post Office, custody of the United States DESCRIPTION Adescription of person served is as follows: Sex: ____ Color of skin: Color of hair: Age: Height: Weight: _____ Other Features: . ... . . W E-MtUTARY MAWEW Deponent asked person spoken to whether the recipient was and was informed that presently in military service of the United States recipient was not. Recipient wore ordinary civilian Government clothes, not a military uniform. om b OUSICrs Bvom b /c Print Process Servers name below signature 1 of 1