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  • M&T Equipment Funding Llc F/K/A M&T Livery Funding Llc v. Jaswinder Singh, Balwinder Singh, Bqb Car Services, Inc., Bqb Auto Group, Inc., Seven C Corp.Commercial - Contract document preview
  • M&T Equipment Funding Llc F/K/A M&T Livery Funding Llc v. Jaswinder Singh, Balwinder Singh, Bqb Car Services, Inc., Bqb Auto Group, Inc., Seven C Corp.Commercial - Contract document preview


FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 11/10/2023 10:18 AM INDEX NO. 719448/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 28 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/10/2023 Supreme/Queens Index No: 719448/2023 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS: COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) PAISLEY SPENCE, being duly sworn. deposes and says: That I am not a party to this action. that I am over 18 years of age. and that I maintain an office in the County ofNew York. 10th That on the day ofNovember. 2023, I served: NOTICE OF ADJOURNMENT OF PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT dated November 10, 2023, upon: Jaswinder Singh 8235 242nd Street Bellerose, New York 11426 Balwinder Singh 8235 242nd Street Bellerose, New York 11426 BQB Car Services Inc. 100-01 97th Avenue Ozone Park, New York 11416 BQB Auto Group Inc. 100-01 97th Avenue Ozone Park, New York 11416 Seven C Corp. 100-01 97th Avenue Ozone Park, New York 11416 By depositing true copies of same enclosed in a properly addressed, postpaid envelope, in an official depository of the United States Post Office, within the State of New York. addressed to each of the persons above listed at the last known address set forth after each name by REGULAR MAIL. PAIS Y SPEN Sworn before me this 10th day ofNovember, 2023 NOT PU 0n Le,Ly NOT Y PUBLIC, State of New York No. 02LE6203534 ounseainKingscounty Commission Expires 04/06/ 1 of 1