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  • M&T Equipment Funding Llc F/K/A M&T Livery Funding Llc v. Jaswinder Singh, Balwinder Singh, Bqb Car Services, Inc., Bqb Auto Group, Inc., Seven C Corp.Commercial - Contract document preview
  • M&T Equipment Funding Llc F/K/A M&T Livery Funding Llc v. Jaswinder Singh, Balwinder Singh, Bqb Car Services, Inc., Bqb Auto Group, Inc., Seven C Corp.Commercial - Contract document preview


FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 10/09/2023 11:50 AM INDEX NO. 719448/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 26 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/09/2023 Form 62 - SUITABLE WITH MILITARY, MAILING P10055905 MILLER, LEIBY & ASSOCIATES P.C KRISTIN WARGIN SUPREME COURT QUEENS COUNTY STATE OF NEW YORK M&T EQUIPMENT FUNDING LLC F/K/A M&T LIVERY FUNDING LLC Index No. 719448/2023 PLAINTIFF Date Filed - vs - Office No. JASWINDER SINGH, ET AL., Court Date. 10/20/2023 DEFENDANT STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NASSAU :SS: STEVE KEMP being duly sworn, deposes and says; I am over 18 years of age, not a party to this action, and reside in the State of New York. That on the 28th day of September, 2023 at 12:21PM at 8235 242ND STREET BELLEROSE NY 11426 I served the AFFIRMATION, MEMORANDUM OF LAW, NOTICE OF MOTION, SUMMONS, NOTICE OF ELECTRONIC FILING, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PURSUANT TO 22 NYCRR 202.8, AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT, REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION AND EXHIBITS Upon JASWINDER SINGH the DEFENDANT therein named by delivering and leaving a true copy or copies of the aforementioned documents with JOHN DOE (REFUSED FULL NAME) CURRENT TENANT a person of suitable age and discretion. Deponent describes the person served as aforesaid to the best of deponent's ability at the time and circumstances of the service as follows: SEX: MALE COLOR: TAN HAIR: BLACK AGE: 26 HEIGHT: 5''10WEIGHT: 160 OTHER IDENTIFYING FEATURES: That at the time of service as aforesaid, I asked person spoken to whether DEFENDANT was in the military service of the State of New York or United States and received a negative reply. Upon information and belief based upon the conversation and observation as aforesaid I aver that the DEFENDANT is not in the military service, and is not dependent on anyone in the military service of the State of New York or the, United States as that term is defined in the statutes of the State of New York,or t Federal Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act. \HIH1 TH S orn to before me this STATE ay of g.,2023 1!T KEMP DCA LIC #1278468 NOTARYPUB itas ROADWAY 2ND FLOOR certwinwassac n 01TH6368449 40RK, NY 10001 ence No: 9-JMA-F-10055905 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY RALPH RAYMUNDO being duly af es and says; I am over 18 years of age, not a party to this action, and reside e State of New York. That on 29th day of September, 2023 I deposited in the United States mail a true copy of aforementioned documents properly enclosed and sealed in a post-paid wrapper addressed to the said DEFENDANT(s) at the above address AS EVIDENCED BY CERTIFICATE OF MAILING HEREWITH ATTACHED. That address being upon information and belief, the usual place of abode, last known residence of the DEFENDANT (s ) . Copy mailed 1st class mail marked personal & confidential not indicating on the outside thereof by return address or otherwise that said notice is from an attorney or concerns action against the person to be served. Hliti \¼ES4 Affirmed before me thi . . O 2099171-DCA day o ,2023 3 . O.01AD6365042 aRAYMUN F ED E y 235i BROADWAY 2ND FLOOR TEWEYORK, NY 10001 . COMM. EXP. 09-25-2025 . f rence No: 9-JMA-F-10055905 1 of 1