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  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview


y 1 D ni l R Friedenthal Esq S ate Bar Nc 136847 Kevin N Heffernar Esq St e Sar No I 39128 OR C 2 FR1E ENTHAL HEFFERNAN BRt7WN E LF S COU OSq BERNAF J SAM1I E p IAR I dO DISTf2fCT 215 North Mar ngca P venue Suite 6 5 3 2019 Pasadena Californ ra s a7 JU Og 4 1 e ephc ete 626 628 800 Facsimile 626 628 282 BY LAURA BRUCK DEPUN 6 Attcrrneys for Defendant Cross E efendant and Cross Complainant DORMAN PRODUCTS iNC and Crflss Compl ir it and Crass Defendant RB 7 DISTRIBUTIt N IN L g SUPE I4R Ct7URT t3F THE STATE 4F CAL Ft RNlA i C 3UNTY iJF SAN BERNAF2DIN0 1 l 12 DYLAlV DC7Nt ELLY CASE NO CIV DS 1762333 3 Flainfiff REPLY TCl t3PPO StTIOM TO IV10T10N 14 NTESTING APPLICATE4N F R ETERMfNATtON OF Ot7a FAlTH 15 ETTLEMENT OF CRC S C EFENDANT Mt UNTAIN VIE1N TtRE SERUICE 6 INC MEMORANQUM QF PfltNTS AND 17 vs AUTHORlTIES 1 19 20 2 EAST1i1lOC D GARAGE fNC MOUNTAIN VIEW TIRE S RVICE 1NC P EASUR VIIAY 1NDUSTRIES LTD McM HON S RV SUPER TORE INC TREY MITC HELL and DOES 1 throu h Q0 inclusive 4 Qate July 11 2019 Oefendants Time 8 30 a m 2 Dept S 33 26 AND RELATEQ CRCISS ACTIC NS 27 on Filed February 8 2Q17 Trial Dafe Ju v 15 2f119 28 1 REPLY Tt3 OFPL SII I TCl MOTl4N CdJNTESTING AF PLtCAT10N OR L7ETERNtINAT1UN F G4QC1 Fi41TH 5ET T MEN OF Ci2pSS NDANT MC3UNTAIN VI W 1 iRE SER ICE ING MEMC R INDUM aF Pt1INTS AND AUTHpRtT1ES 2 3 1 NIDUNTAIN VIEW FAILS TO SUBMlT ANY EVI DENCE TfJ SUPPORT THE 4 APPLICATI N F4R aETERM NATIt N pF GpC C1 FAlTH SETT EMENT 5 Mountain ew Tire Servic Inc I IQuntain View chose not td file a motion 6 with aceompa r ying evidence and dec rati ns suppor ing its claim that the purparted 7 settlernent was in good faith lnste d M untain View simply ed an pplication tha 8 merely recited the terms of the a leged settlement As the court in ify of G and 9 Terrac Superior Court v 1987 19 Cal App 3d 1 1 9261 noted such a 10 bareb nes appiicatian is permitt d When how ver as here anather party contes s 11 the goc d faith of t e settlement it is up to the settling party to present admissible 12 e ridence l at settlement was in goad faith 13 Tt ese contes ting parties have submitted evidence thr u h the deposition 14 Veew testimony af Mountain s c un person mast knov ledgeabl indicatin g hat 15 Mc untair View performed work on he sub ect vehicle plaintiff was trav ling in ju st a 16 fe v wre ks prior fio the inci fent giuirrg rise ta the litigation The witness testified that 17 Mountain View a professional vehic e repair shop relied entirely upc n wh t they were 18 tQlct by a ay vehicle owner regarel ng any problern with the ve icle and rtever 19 aerforrr er any in p ctiori hernselves Adtl itional y Mountain View wa s supposed to 20 test drive vehicles both befare a nd after service ta insure that there was na issue with 21 the v hie e but failed fo do so in fihe case of plaintiff s vehicle Finally Ilountain 22 View s witness admitted that the lug nuts on the r ar tir and anrheel were 23 overtightened at the time of senrice by Mounfairi View 24 Ctnce a party provides evidence regarding the settlor s liabilify it is up to the 25 se flor to submit evidence that fihe settlemen was in fact in good f ith ity of Grand 26 Terrac supra 192 CaI App 3d at 62 27 Here Mauntain View does neit submi any evidence whatsaever Instead 28 Maunt in Vi w s attarn ys simply ma e argurnents in fhe memprandum of painfis and 2 REPLYTO flPPQSlT10N TO NC 1TIt N Cd1UTE TlNG APR ICATIQN FCOR DETERM 1NATICIN QF GC7QD tITH SETTLEM NT OF CRO S DE EN ANT Mt Utdl Alt VI W TiRE SERVIGE lNC