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  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview


APP-O13 ATTORNEY OR FAR'Y WITHOUT ATTORNEY snug BAR No 47582 FOR COURT USE ONLY NAME Jan T. Chilton nRM NAME Sevelson & Werson, A Professional Corporatlon STREEI ADDRESS 595 Market St, Suite 2600 CITY San FranCI'sco erE CA ZIP cooe 94105 FIL "Wremoa cg TELEPHONE No (41 5) 398-3344 FAX No (415) 956-0439 E-MAuADDRESS N ATTORNH romnameu Defendant AutoZone Parts. Inc. "Wafcfinou £0699! NHo A 8T SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF San Bernardino STREET ADDRESS 247 West Third Street AUG 2 8 2023 MAILING ADDRESS 247 West Third Street cm AND zip com San Bernardino. CA 92415 W W BRANCH NAML San Bernardlno District Plaintiff: Dylan Donnelly Defendant: Eastwood Garage, Inc, AutoZone Pans, |nc.. et al. CASE NUMBER MEMORANDUM OF COSTS ON APPEAL C(VDSI7DZ% NOTE: You must file a proof of service of this document. For this purpose, Judicial Council proof of service forms are available. (See|ter=P0$.) An appropriate form may be completed and filed to show proof of service. Prevalling party (name); AutoZone Parts‘ Inc. claims from (name); lwm Cities Hre Insurance Company the following costs on appeal: TOTALS 1‘ Filing fees 1. $ $1 165.00 $ $70383 5:: 2- 2. Preparation of the original and copies of clerk's transcript or appendix 3. 4. Preparation of reporter‘s transcript Printing and copying of briefs 3- 4- 5: 3: 5‘ Production of additional evidence 5- 3:: 5: E 6- 6. Transmitting, filing, and sewing of record. briefs, and other papers 7. 8. 9. Premium on any surety bond on appeal Other expenses reasonably necessary to secure surety bond O‘her: (specify authority): 7- 8- 9- 5: 5 TOTAL COSTS: $ $1,868.83 I am [j the party E counsel for the party E agent for the party who claims the costs listed above‘ W To the best of my knowledge, the items of cost are correct and were necessarily incurred in this case on appeal. | declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is ‘rue and correct. Date: Jan August 28, 2023 T. Chilton (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) } J4L4f / _ (SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT) ?.g. 1 o“ Code OVCMI Procedure 103mm Fovm Anuweu for Mandalory Use MEMORANDUM OF COSTS ON APPEAL § Cal Rules 0V Court rule 8 278 Judml Comm} o! Calwoma APPVUU [Rev January (UIUI 1 www courts ca gov For your protection and pdvncy. plan pron tho Clear Thls Form button after you have printed tho form. Print this form I rSave this fomfl PROOF OF SERVICE Donnelly v. Eastwood C'I‘VDSI 702333 At the time of service. was over 18 years ot‘agc and not a pany to this action. l am l employed in the County 0f San Francisco. State ofCalifomia. My business address is 595 Market Street, Suite 2600. San Francisco, CA 94105. On August 28, 2023, l served true copies ofthe following document(s): MEMORANDUM OF COSTS ON APPEAL on thc interested parties in this action as follows: SEE ATTACHED SERVICE LIST BY E-MAIL: By agreement 0f the parties or by court order, I caused a copy ofthe document(s) t0be sent from c-mail address kda(uscverson.c0m 10 the persons at the e-mail addresses listed in the Service List. Thc document(s) wcrc transmitted, and did not receive, l within a reasonable timc after the transmission. any electronic message 0r other indication that thc transmission was unsuccessful. I declare under penalty ofpcrjury under thc laws ()fthc State ofCalifornia that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed 0n August 28. 2023. at San Francisco, Califomia. /s/ Katrina D. Adkins Katrina D. Adkins l9 20 N L) k)