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  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview


L CIV 120 ATTORNEY OR PARTV WIIHOUT ATTORNEY Name Sfale Bar numbeq antlatlEmss FOR COUR USE ONLY Richard W Miiler Esq SBN 161784 WADE LOWE P C 15615 Alton Parkway Suite 270 Irvine CA 92618 TELEPHONENO 9Q9 7j3 OOD racNo 949 753 1039 t E e r v nooaess rmiller@wllegal com SUPERIOP COUNT OF CAUFORNIA COUNT F SAN BEHNARDINO nrroRr evFOR Nam Defendants TREY MITCHELL SAN BFRNArD1N0 CIVIL DIVISION SUPERIOR COURT OP CALIFORNIA COUNN OF SAN BERNARDINO UG O ZO sTre ernnoaess 2q W Third Slreet MNILINC AODRE55 crrvnNoziPcooe San Bernardino CA 92415 O ersarucHNnme CENTRAL o J Ci au wriFFiPeriTioNeR DYLAN DONNELLY DEFENDANT RESPONDENT EASTWOOD GARAGE INC et al NOTICE OF ENTRY OF DISMISSAL AND PROOF OF SERVICE cns NunnoeR Personal Injury Property Damage or Wrongful Death CIVDS 1702333 Motor Vehicle Olher Family Law i Eminont Domain I Other s ec I TO AT70RNEY5 AND PARTIES WITHOUT AITORNEYS A dismissal was entered in this aclion by the clerk as shown on the Request for Dismissal Attach a copy complotod by the olerk Date August 3 2017 RICHARD W MILLER ESQ 1 W I SIGN4TUH IYPE OR PRINT NAME OF ATTORNEY PARIV WITHOUT PTfORNEY i PROOF OF SERVICE 1 I am over the age of 18 and not a party to this cause My residence or business address is 1 15615 Alton Parkway Suite 270 Irvine CA 92618 2 Iam a resident of or employed in the counly wherethe mailing occurred I served a copy of ihe Notice o Entry of a Dismissal and Roqucst orDismissal by mailing them in a sealed envelope wilh pos age tully prepaid as follows a I deposiled the envelope with the United Stales Postal Service b I placed the envelope for colleclion and processing for mailing following Ihis business s ordinary practice with N which I am readily tamiliar On the same day correspondence is placed tor collection and mailing it is deposiled in the ordinary course of business with tha United States Poslal Service W w c Date of deposit August 3 2017 d Place of deposit city ond stotoJ I vine CA e Addressed as follows name and addressJ See Service List attached 3 I served a copy of the Notico of Entry o Dismissal and Request or Dismissal by personalty dellvering copies as shown below i a Name of person served b Address at which person served c On date d At time 4 I served a Notico Entry oI Dismissal and Request forDismissal by elecironically serving oT the of copies as shown below copy j complete if electronic servico is used based on a court order or agreement oftho parties a Name of person served b Electronic service address of person served c On date d At time e Electronic service address from which I served ihe documents Proof ot electronic service is attached 5 Proof of service on additional parties is attached I doclare under penalry of perjury under the laws of the Stale of Californie lhat the foregoing is true and correct Date August 3 2D17 I TAMMY ADAMS SIGNNUXL OF UECIAMNT TVPE Oft PRINT NAME Vaqelofl CoOoefCfvilPmceOure 5B1o1 aq NOTICE OF ENTRY OF DISMISSAL FoimAtlopleClorManESlayUse icial Council M Calilornie Cal flulos ol Covl rulo 3 1390 Ju civ zoiao o ryi zo z AND PROOF OF SERVICE s aflo 1 DONNELLY v EASTWOOD CARfIGE INC et nl SERVICE LTST Attorne or Plaintiff DYI ANDONNELI Y Daniel W Dunbar Esq PANISH SHEA BOYLE LLP 11111 Santa Monica Boulevard Suitc 700 Los Angeles CA 90025 Tel 310 477 1700 Fax 310 477 1699 EmaiL dunbar u psblaw com I Attornevs f r Defendunt MOUNT97N VIEW TIRE S sRl ICE INC Anthony J Ellrod Esq I Orchid Barzin Esq Mf1NNING KASS ELLROD RAMIREZ TRESTER LI P 801 S Figueroa Street 15 Floor Los Angeles CA 90017 3012 Tel 213 624 6900 Fax 213 624 6999 Email aj a manningllp com oxb mannint llo com I I Attornevs for Defendant PLEASURE WAYS INDUSTRIES LTD Matthew J Pero Esq i ANGLIN FLEWELLlNG RASMUSS N CAMPBFl L TRYTlEN LLP I 301 N Lake Avenue Suite 1100 Pasadana CA 91 1 01 415 8 Tel 626 535 1900 j Fax 626 577 7764 E Email mnero a afrct coin j Attornevs for Defendrrnt EASTWOOD GARAGF INC John T Griffin Esq j Jonathan M Slipp Esq GREEN HALL l lf 1851 East First Strcct 0 h Floor x Santa Ana CA 92705 4052 3f TeL 714 918 7000 Fax 714 918 6996 a EmaiL jgrifrin r reenhall com f i 1 9 i i