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  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview


I ORIGIN L 1 Gina Bazaz SBN 195313 James N Kahn SBN 231062 2 MURCHISON CUMMING LLP B g 801 South Grand Avenue Ninth Floor s rrF io ca mT rrc uF r in couN v o sn ra ee ran oi o 3 Los An 9 eles Callfornia 90017 4613 SAN BERN FtUINO UfSTRiCT Telephone 213 623 7400 4 Facsimile 213 623 6336 SEP 2 i 2017 E Mail gbazaz@murchisonlaw com 5 jkahn@murchisonlaw com Bv i Y r JES CAGAisC EZ EPUTY 6 Attorneys for DefendanUCross Complainant DORMAN PRODUCTS INC and Defendant 7 AUTOZONE PARTS INC erroneously sued and served as DOE 2 identified as AutoZone 8 Inc 9 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO MAIN 11 12 DYLAN DONNELLY CASE NO CIVDS1702333 J 13 Plaintiff ANSWER OF DEFENDANT AUTOZONE PARTS INC TO IV 14 vs PLAINTIFF S COMPLAINT 15 EASTWOOD GARAGE INC MOUNTAIN Assigned to Hon Michael A Sachs VIEW TIRE SERVICE INC Dept S 28 16 PLEASURE WAY INDUSTRIES LTD MCMAHON S RV SUPERSTORE INC Action Filed 02 08 2017 17 TREY MITCHELL and DOES 1 through Trial Date None Set 100 Inclusive 78 Defendants c 20 AND RELATED CROSS ACTIONS u rJ 21 ZZ COMES NOW defendant AU fOZONE PARTS INC erroneously sued and served 23 as DOE 2 identified as AutoZone Inc hereafter answering defendanY for itself alone i 24 and in answer to Plaintiffs unverified Complaint for Damages admits denies and alleges as 25 follows 26 GENERAL DENIAL 27 1 By irtue of and pursuant to the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure I 28 Section 431 30 his answering defendant generally and specifically denies each and every ANSWER F DEFENDANT AUTOZONE PARTS INC TO PLAINTIFF S COMPLAINT i 1 all and singular conjunctively and disjunctively the allegations contained in said Complaint 2 and each and every part thereof and each and every cause of action thereof and further 3 specifically denies that plaintiff has been injured or damaged in the sum alleged or in any 4 other sum or at all by reason of any carelessness negligence act or omission of this 5 answering defendant 6 AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES 7 FIRST AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE 8 2 As a first and separate affirmative defense to each cause of action asseited 9 against it this answering defendant alleges that all of the causes of action contained in the 10 Complaint herein fail to state facts sufficient to constitute a cause or causes of action 11 against this answering defendant 12 SECOND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE 13 3 As a second and separate affirmative defense to each cause of action 14 asserted againsYit this answering defendant alleges that Plaintiff was careless and 15 negligent in and about the matters alleged in the complaint and that said carelessness and 16 negligence on the part of Plaintiff proximately contributed to the happening of the accident 17 and to Plaintiffs injuries loss and or damage if any allegedly sustained Therefore ny 18 damages awarded to Plaintiff shall be diminished in proportion to the amount of fault 19 attributed to Plaintiff 20 THIRD AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE 21 4 As a third and separate affirmative defense to each cause of action asserted 22 against it this answering defendant alleges that third parties were careless and negligent in 23 and about the m tters alleged in the complaint and that said carelessness and negligence 24 on the part of sai third parties proximately caused or contributed to the happening of the 25 accident and to laintiffs injuries loss and or damage if any allegedly sustained 26 Therefore any d mages awarded to Plaintiff shall be precluded or diminished in proportion 27 to the amount of fault attributed to said third parties 28 ANSWER F DEFENDANT AUTOZONE PARTS INC TO PLAINTIFF S COMPLAINT