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  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview


A 4 SUt Er IOR Cc U1 1 J al C IJN Y C7F t A V R lA g tJ 71N0 tV E E f NAP t NCD CJISrf CT 1 PANISH SHEA BOYLE LLP MAY 1 3 2 19 BRIAN J PANISH State Bar No 116060 2 BY panish@psblaw com t tr r Il r nt DANIEL W DUNBAR State Bar No 100607 aANI Lq Vqr G s p 3 dunbar@psblaw com ALEXANDER J BEHAR State Bar No 271799 4 behar@psblaw com Q 11111 Santa Monica Boulevard Suite 700 5 Los Angeles California 90025 c Telephone 310 477 1700 6 Facsimile 310 477 1699 c 7 Attorneys for Plaintiff 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 9 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO SAN BERNARDINO DISTRICT 10 11 DYLAN DONNELLY Case No CIVDS1702333 x w a 12 Plaintiff RESERVED a N o o 13 v DATE June 6 2019 a TIME 8 30 a m mo 14 EASTWOOD GARAGE INC et aL Dept S28 U W L x 15 Defendants PLAINTIFF DYLAN DONNELLY S o Q NO TICE OF MO TION AN D MOTIO N TO 16 COMPEL DEFENDANT DORMAN o AND RELATED CROSS ACTIONS PRODUCTS INC S FURTHER c 17 RESPONSE TO PLATNTIFF S SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES SET TWO 18 Filed Concurrently with Plaintiffs 19 Memorandum of Points and Authorities Plaintiffs Separate Statement of 20 Interrogatories and Responses in Dispute Declaration of Alexander J Behar Proposed 21 Order 22 Assigned for All Purposes to Hon Michael A Sachs Dept S28 23 Action Filed 02 08 2017 i 24 e x Trial Date 07 15 2019 25 TO ALL PARTIES AND TO THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD 26 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on June 6 2019 at 8 30 a rn in Department S28 of the above 27 referenced Court PlaintiffDYLAN DONNELLY will and hereby does move this Court for an Order 28 compelling Defendant DORMAN PRODUCTS iNC DORMAN to provide a Further verified PLAINTIFF DYLAN DONNELLY S NOTICE OF n40TION AND MOTION TO COMPEL DEFENDANT DORMAN PRODUCTS INC S FL RTHER RESPONSE TO PLr INTIFF S SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES SET TWO 1 Response to Plaintiffs Special Interrogatories Set 2 without objections 2 This Motion is made on the grounds that these interrogatories are relevant to subject matter of 3 the action are not privileged are necessary to prepare for expert discovery are necessary to narrow 4 the issues of the case and prepare for trial and further Defendant s failure to respond is without 5 substantial justification 6 This Motion will be based upon this notice the attached memorandum in support Plaintiffs 7 Separate Statement of Interrogatories and Responses in Dispute the Declaration of Alexander J 8 Behar aua llie recurds and files in this action 9 10 DATED May 9 20i9 PANISH SHEA BOYLE LLP 11 a g a 12 a N BY a8 O o 13 Alexander Behar a O M Attorneys for Plaintiff y W m o 14 U w r 15 m v oQ o o J 16 0 17 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 PLAINT FF DYLAN DONNELLY S NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION TO COMPEL DEFENDANT DORMAN PRODUCTS INC S FURTHER RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFF S SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES SET TWO