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  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview


f ti j 21 7721 2L 7y 1otld IuI Sorrell 175I43 tsorrell afrct coin Matthew Pero 130746 m ero@afrct com Ro ez t A Bailey 214688 4 t rbai3ey u afrct com AI GLIN FLEWELLING RASMUSSEN sa Y t rvt CAMPBELL TRYTT N LL G z i 301 Narth Lake Avenu Suit 110Q SUPERIO FpURto CGq 6 asat Telephone ena C li 626 oitii I 535 1900 1S COUNTY SAN OF SAIV B RNA BERNARDINO pORNIA N DIST ICT 7 Facsimiie 626 57 7764 O g Attorneys for Cross Defendant Pleasur Way Industries Ltd W 9 gY a Canadian Limited Liability Con pany Y F 10 Pleasure ay j SABRINA JA ISOFV D PUTy 1 SUPERIOR G UURT O TI E STf TE OF CALIFORNiA 1 4 v C4t11 TY OF S N T3ERNAt2I7IN0 13 4 ED I AIv I30i T T LI Y Case I n CIVDS1702aa3 5 Plaintiff Assigrzed or Ail Yw poses to the H n John z Toinberlin Dept S33 6 V J IDGME T IN A OR E7F 7 EAST 40D GARAGE INC PLEASi7RE WAY 1NllUS FItI S I TD t N MOUNTAIN VIE1 J TIRE SERVIC L N TI F S Cf MP E Aii T L i ING PLEA URE WAY INllUSTRIES LTD MCMAHON S RV SUPFRST RE 1 INC TREY MITCTTCLL and DO S 1 Tria1 Date Jul 23 2t 19 thraugh 100 Inclusive Actioil i9ed ebruarv 8 2017 za Defendants 21 22 AND RELATED CRQSS CTI4NS T 23 24 S On Ct ne 19 2U19 the Gc urt in tt e a oave entitled aetioil cnterecl its Order Grantin g Pleasure Way Inciustries Ttd s Motiori fc i Su nrriary Judgment filed pursz2a11t to Caiifornia Code 2 of Civil Pracedure section 437c 28 40528 OOOU61l01 iR8753 1 T P1Zt Pt SF 1 3LJ13CiMENT iN I AVOti t F t x l ASIJR V fAY C N 1 LAIivT1FI S COi 1PLAINT 1 Accordingly IT IS iEREIIY ORDERED ADJUDGED AND DECKFED that judgment 2 is entered in favor of defendant Pleasure Way Tndustries Ltd and against plaintiff Dylan 3 Donnelly on plaintiff s complaint in this action Plaintiff Dylan Donnelly sl all takc nothing 4 from defendant T leasure Way Industries Ltd as to piaintiff s complaint in this action 5 g DATED t0 3 tq Judge of the Superior Court Lynn M Poncin 2 g z 9 r 10 11 5 12 a U z 3 s 14 a IS z l6 w 17 w Ig z a 19 p 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 aohzai00000 ioi as ss 2 J 8R9SE9 JUDGMENT IN FAVOR OF PLEASURE WAY ON PLAIN I IFH S COMPLAINT